National Free Flight Society



new library collection cleveland free flight society

Thanks to the digital efforts of Chris Stoddart, we've just added 87 issues of the Cleveland Free Flight Society's Crosswinds newsletter, from 1980–2017. You can read them here. Thank-you Chris!

one design events discontinued

2024 will be the final year for the One-Design Gas and Rubber events. The list of One-Design Gas models will be archived at and accessible from the Nostalgia page The One-Design Combo event will continue to be scheduled at the NATS as long as there is interest.

sen 3303

California Fire Information Watch Duty AMA Associate membership   California Fire Information. One international visitor just told us that their travel agent told them they might not be able to get to Bakersfield because of the fires.  The official source for road information is Caltrans  and their web site is at  On this site you type in the highway number. To drive from LAX...

sen 3302

Some altimeter experience with F1E Los Angeles Area Fires   Some altimeter experience with F1E From:Ian Kaynes Roger Altimeters in F1E Obviously Allard thinks it is too difficult to add a start signal to altimeters for F1E. I had understood that the altimeter starts recording from when switched on so it could collect data continuously and then the flight start and finished located manually but...

sen 3301

In Search of Classic Airfoil or Hybrid F1As at Fab Feb. On F1E and altimetry.   In Search of Classic Airfoil or Hybrid F1As at Fab Feb.  From:GTS With manufacturers not being able to supply models due to the war I would like to purchase good condition Classic Airfoil F1As for juniors. If you can deliver to Fab Feb please reach out with pictures and prices. Thank...

sen 3300

Altimeter start condition Get your Order in Get your Entry in This is what is in   Altimeter start condition From: Klaus Salzer Hello all, with much interest I read about the timing issues / proposals and read the manuals of the all-tee and the mini-neuron. Both devices start recording on a sudden increase in height (5m resp. 10 m). for most free flight classes...

sen 3299

Icarex at Fab Feb 2024 FAI Arizona FF Champs Report (including the 12  min. F1A fly-off) America Cup results - with individual placings   Icarex at Fab Feb From Eitan Habba Hi Roger, Hopefully I will participate in Feb-Feb W.C. Please publish that I will bring with me Japanese icarex. Available colors are: Black Dark blue Light blue Green Yellow Red White PINK Orange It...

sen 3298

AM Cup finals   AmCup Final Report, Dec. 30, 2024, The last 2024 contest, Az Champs, is complete. The question from the Nov. AmCup report was how F1B was going to shake out, would Alex Andriukov travel to the Arizona Champs for his 3rd site and 4th score in F1B? Would Blake Jensen would go to try to protect the lead he held for half...

sen 3296

IKE Info   ISAACSON WINTER CLASSIC February 8–10,  Lost Hills CA. AMA and NFFS Events  – Part of Fab Feb!! In  Conjunction with the Kiwi Cup  World and America's Cup  Events AMA and NFFS EVENTS   Fly any of the three days, unless otherwise stated. May continue if clean on a later day National Cup  Events AMA 1/2 A GAS, Golden Age 1/2 A gas (only)...

sen 3295

Looking Up F1B - the BIG picture   Looking Up From: gilbert morris I went out flying this morning and as I was looking up there appeared a little airplane in the sky ---- and it was mine! F1B - the BIG picture From: Aram Schlosberg . B-flyers are spaced 10 meters apart and can easily figure out whether an adjacent launched model is climbing...

sen 3294

2025 KOI Clarification/AmCup NFFS Videos   2025 AmCup Schedule From: Jim Parker I just finished the finally scoring for the 2024 Am Cup season and will be getting out the scores and report soon. I needed to get this message out to correct and avoid any misunderstanding of the 2025 King Orange Invitation (KOI) January 7-9, 2025. The recent Sept- Oct NFFS Digest has a full...

sen 3293

I'm with Ismet NFFS Symposium Call for Papers   I'm with Ismet From: David Ackery Beautiful F1B flyoff I have to agree with Ismet Yurtseven, in SEN 3292. "Flyoff is the most beautiful part of the competitions, watching the flying models in flyoff or participating in flyoff round is the most exciting part." " ,,,, should not ,,,  deteriorate the beauty of flying of F1B models." There has been...

sen 3292

World Cup Calendar Quick Analysis of 2024 FAI F1B World Cup Results   World Cup Calendar  From Jeremy Fitch Looking at the 2025 World Cup calendar just out in Free Flight News. The practice of grouping WC contests in twos and threes continues.  I count 17 "two-fers", 5 three-fers, and only 10 singletons.  Having multiple contests on a weekend at the same venue seems like a good...

sen 3291

2025 Champs F1C - flash Sometimes it is  just a clerical error In producing the combined schedule for the World Senior and Junior Euro the Senior F1C got left out. It is with the Junior F1P  on the same day, 21 July, the first flying day of the Events. The preliminary schedule is: July 18-19 International competition F1ABCQ, non World Cup. July 20 Model processing,...

sen 3290

FAI Stuff from FFn Bureau meeting ABCQ Champs Re: SEN 3289 How great is your Gummi Credit to Clapp and Jones   FAI Stuff from FFn From: Ian Kaynes CIAM BUREAU MEETING The CIAM Bureau meeting was held in Lausanne on December 6 and 7. The preparations for 2025 Championships were reviewed, with particular reference to the draft bulletins. More work is required on all...

sen 3289

2025 SYMPO Model of the Year / Achievements of the Year Invention is the Mother of Necessity The question is where does chance end. Livno 1985 had beautiful weather, gentle  wind and nice afternoon thermals.   2025 SYMPO Model of the Year / Achievements of the Year From: Walt Ghio I have been selected to be the Model of the Year chairman for the 2025...

sen 3288

Elephant from the corner in the Can eating the Worms* Proud Luditte  For Sale Pyxis GPS Looking for RDT Arm Band Rubber and More at Fab Feb 40 grams Pirelli Rubber versus 23 grams Tan Super Sport Rubber -   Elephant from the corner in the Can eating the Worms In the last SEN we needed to get the issue out because of the Fab...

sen 3287

Fab Feb Links SEN 3286 Correction Keep it Interesting Line of sight timing (LoST) and altimeter timing (AT) Elephant from the corner in the Can eating the Worms*   Fab Feb  Links The Online Feb Feb Sign up.  Sign up now for World Cup and FAI Mini event NOW! (you can update your information later if your plans change) You don't pay any entry...

sen 3286

About rules: It is in the words - and the Sporting Code   About rules: From: Pierre Chaussebourg I still don't understand how it is possible to time free flight models with altimeters! As it has been said: altimeters are instruments to measure height or altitude, depending how they are set, and times are measured with stopwatches which are used by timekeepers with very special...

sen 3285

Back to the good old days ? Reducing F1B Rubber Weight to 25 Grams – My Personal Perspective Rules again   Back to the good old days ? From: Alex Andriukov Here are some figures. The energy of 40 grams of the best Pirelli is equal to 23 grams of the current rubber. What was wrong with the 40-gram Pirelli motors? Alex Andriukov Reducing F1B...

sen 3284

Fab Feb Summary Fab Feb 3 Important information items. Max Men Flyer Results from all classes in one competition On Fixing B   Fab Feb Summary Fab Feb 2025 Summary This is a summary of the flying and social events. We are a little late in getting this out and these are all the dates but there may be some more details added later. There are...

sen 3283

Rules Kiwi Cup North American Cup California Cup The Rest   Rules From:  Mike Woodhouse We must have rules to govern our pastime. These changes reflect everything that happens across the total spectrum of what we do. The changes can affect the model specification or the organisation of the events. We will see a change in the UK free flight competition classes in 2025 that...

sen 3281

Patterson Memorial Report and Results Vasily F1As for sale Squark   Patterson Memorial Report and Results From: Tiffaney O'Dell The 6-minute flyoff rounds at the Patterson Memorial in Lost Hills on Saturday, Nov. 9, were an interesting lesson in air picking. The F1A field included Shlomi Rosenzwig, Brian VanNest, Andrew Barron and Johnny Mah-Gersting (Jr.). They lined up ready to tow up and there was...

sen 3280

Champs dates   2025 Champs There has been some discussion on the FaceBook around this subject The most important was probably the following.   Dear Friends, In 2025 the WCH Seniors and ECH Juniors will be in Romania , Salonta . Today I sent out to the FAI our proposal regarding the date. (18-28 July 2025 ) The official date will be published after CIAM...

sen 3279

Sidus G2 F1C e-timer gets new enhanced safety firmware invisible CONTEST RESULTS What date ?   Sidus G2 F1C e-timer gets new enhanced safety firmware Hi Roger, please publish the following note on SEN newsletter. In order to comply with the new safety regulations that will come into force in 2025, the SidusG2 F1C e-timer has been equipped with new firmware. Full details can...

sen 3278

Fab Feb vendor, supplier, organization list Looking for electric motor for Fusiev machine   Fab Feb vendor, supplier, organization List Every year at the Fab feb contests we post notices from suppliers and other supporting organizations who will be the Fab Feb contests at LosT Hills  and want to let possible attendees know .  If you are one of these people send your notice now...

sen 3277

Correction to SEN 3277   Correction to  SEN 3276 In SEN 3276 there was an error in the report on F1A at the USA Team Selection. Guy Goldstein's third place  time in the flyoff of the first event was not reported correctly.  This did not affect the Team Selection as it was only in reporting of the score in SEN.  This is to set the...

sen 3276

USA Team Selection Details   We have been asked to include in SEN more information about the recent Team Selection event including the times.  It is important to remember that the object of the event was to select the Team to represent the USA at the 2025 World Free Flight champs in Romania. So, the first  thing to note is the Team that was chosen,...

sen 3275

America's Cup Update   America's Cup Corrections In the SEN 3272, Nov 1, 2024 AmCup report I wrote in error: "Charlie Jones' 30 points at Sierria cup puts him and Alex Andruikov (Team USA) in a similar position needing a third site score which Wellington or Eloy would provide." I got Jones right, but it was Charlies' stellar son Ryan who won Sierra Cup F1B...

sen 3274

Out by factor of 10 OOS and altimetry  - the glass is half fill One interpretation Why would you not want to have  a RDT? Aeromodeller encore   Out by factor of 10 From Colin Sharman Just a small correction to the Biff ma and AeroModeller piece in SEN 3273. The weight limit for the proposed mandatory RDT rule in the U.K. is 250 gms, not...

sen 3273

Re the OOS fly off Answers From BiFF Ma and Aeromodeller Fab Feb Question Champs date ?   Re the OOS fly off  From: John Carter Re the OOS fly off Well UK CAA article 16i is clear the pilot must be able to see model when flying it's also unaided line of sight (of course if pilot goes down wind during flight line of...

sen 3272

More On Fo Even More on seeing is believing Arizona Championships and SWR at Eloy America's Cup Missing items   More On Fo From Jurgen Maassen Response to Frederic's message: Fly off in French championship F1A So cool! We followed a similar approach in a national contest in the Netherlands on September 21st of this year. The situation was that there were only 6 participants in...


Important electronic event in France and USA Fly off in French chamionship  F1A Important electronic event in France and USA Neuron helps Alex Finals and the FB reveal secret   Fly off in french chamionship  F1A From Frederic Aberlenc Last Sunday, October 27, the F1A fly off of the French championship took place. The fog was very thick and did not want to disappear. The...

sen 3270

US Team Selection Finals for FAI Free Flight 2025 World Champs October F1E Happenings on Holloway Hill SEN   US Team Selection Finals for FAI Free Flight 2025 World Champs   The results of the US Team Selection Finals for FAI Free Flight are as follows: F1A Sholmi Rosenzweig Ken Bauer Jim Parker F1B Alex Andriukov Greg Simon Bernard Guest Tia Zheng F1C Guy Menanno Todd...

sen 3269

Kotuku Cup Results   Kotuku Cup Results World Cup       Kotuku Cup        OCT     13          Brian Van Nest CD F1A                   Rnd1 Rnd2 Rnd3 Rnd4 Rnd5 Rnd6 Rnd7 FO1  TOTAL 1  Jim Parker          240  240  180  180  180  180  180      ...

sen 3267 2

Sierra Cup Results   Sierra Cup Results   F1A Name        R1   R2   R3   R4   R5   F6   F7   Total Place Rosenzweig,   240  240  180  180  180  180  180 1380    1 Pecenkovic,   240  240  180  180  160  180  180 1360    2 Brocks,P      229  240  134  180  180  180  170 1313  ...

sen 3267

Sierra Cup Mini Events Lost in General   Sierra Cup Mini Events F1G Name       R1      R2      R3      R4      R5      FO1     FO2     Total   Place Richardson,     120     120     120     120     120     240     238    1078...

sen 3266

Kotuku  Cup F1E   Kotuku Cup - Lost Hills Kotuku Cup  F1E              9-Oct-24 R1   R2   R3   R4  R5  Percentage max=               180  180  178  180  107 Total 1    Mike McKeever  USA     129584     155  180  178   98   98 432.14 2    Mike Richardso USA...

sen 3265

Sierra Cup F1E Flash   Sierra Cup F1E Flash Weather Hot Sierra Cup F1E   Lost Hills R1   R2   R3   R4   R5  Percentage F1E                           121  180  180  132  177   total 1    Mike    McKeever  USA   106  180  180   82  177   449.72 2    Robert...

sen 3264

Steve Spence   Steve Spence We received notification below from Andrew Barron and Mike Fedor that well known Texas Free Flighter Steve Spence was killed in a light plane accident.  Steve was an all-round modeller and had represented the USA in the F1A Class in World Championships.  Some Terrible News for the Free Flight Community From: Mike Fedor Fellow Free Flighters, I just received some really...

sen 3263

Am Cup to date   Oct 3, 2024 AmCup Scores and Abbreviated Report 3 Lost Hills CA, Wellington KS and an Eloy AZ contests are left in this season. 1st places are still in contingent in most events. Jama Danier looks to have all but a mathematical lock in F1A with three of us tied for second place 7 points behind.  Blake Jensen only has a...

sen 3262

WANTED: DVD set called "vacuum bagging made easy" A word from the Magic Timer Factory Red Carpet in October   WANTED: DVD set called "vacuum bagging made easy" From: Ted Hidinger WANTED: DVD set called "vacuum bagging made easy"by Phil Barnes.  If you have the DVD set and would like to sell it I'm interested in purchasing them.  Please contact me at: with details on what you are asking...

sen 3261

Open or close your Loop   Open or close your Loop From Peter Martin Hello SEN, Just a comment on the matter of closed-loop control (following my comment in SEN 2682), speaking as a control systems engineer of 20+ years. The 2024 CIAM General Rules state "Closed loop control systems with active sensors and operating aerodynamic flight controls or moving mass are not allowed, unless...

sen 3260

Lost Hills Field Conditions Outrageous October CONTEST Summary   Lost Hills Field Conditions From: Mike McKeever I spent a few days at Lost Hills at the USFFC and have a couple of observations for those attending the Kotuku and Sierra Cups as well as the US Team Selection Finals: Gators are necessary unless you have an unlimited supply of sox and have a chance...

sen 3259

In search of a F1Q models for a Junior competitor. Energy-based early functions in Q. Harvest Classic Report and results   In search of a F1Q models for a Junior competitor. From: Sevak Malkhasyan Please reach out with suggestions, pictures and $$$. With F1Q becoming an official World Champs event, all suppliers are backed up with orders for months. Sevak Malkhasyan 323 - 394 -3424...

sen 3258

USFFC Update Harvest Classic   USFFC Update From:  Terry Kerger on FB Latest News The 2024 US Free flight Champs will be run on schedule Sept 13-14. If you have not heard, Dan Heinrich has some medical issues. I will take over the Contest CD management. Hope to see all you competitive sportsmen at this contest. Full details at (except for the change in CD)...

sen 3256

Patterson Flier J and H size tail booms PATTERSON MEMORIAL Nov 9th & 10th Reserve Nov 11th, 2024 at Lost Hills Field Sanction No. 17175 Americas Cup Contest Saturday, Nov 9th: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q, F1P Seven [7] one-hour rounds start @ 7:30 AM with extended max times F1A, F1B, F1C, and F1Q: 240 sec F1P 180 sec Remaining round maxes are 180 sec. Fly...

sen 3255

Kotuku Cup Sierra Cup USA Team Selection F1ABCQ   KOTUKU CUP WORLD CUP OF NEW ZEALAND            Oct 9th  - 13th, 2024 at Lost Hills Field, CA. reserve Monday Oct 14th Sponsored by Southern California Aero Team AMERICA'S CUP Wednesday, Oct 9th  KOTUKU CUP F1E 5-50minute rounds-10 minute break  starts at 10:00 am.  These F1E events are also a part of the US Team Selection for...

sen 3254

USA Team Report from Junior World Champs SEN #@%$  or 3253 Re: Q in SEN 3253   USA Team Report from Junior World Champs The 2024 FAI Free Flight Jr. World Championships Report By Cathryn Mah Flash: US F1B Team takes gold, Reema Bharadwaj places second, Tia Zheng places third, and Emrick Smith places third! We arrived in Krusevo, a very small town in the...

sen 3253

Looking for a cheap Coupe for my grandson Regular rounds with 3 Joules/gram? Denver RMFFC at Labor Day is not your average contest!   Looking for a cheap Coupe for my grandson From George Voss I'm looking for a cheap Coupe for my grandson to fly.  Doesn't need to be state of the art and cheap is really good.  Any help is greatly appreciated.  George Voss

sen 3252

Timers for Finals Outrageous October at Lost Hills   Timers for Finals From: Mike McKeever I'd like to make a request for timers for the US Team Selection Contest in October.  Specifically the Team Finals are scheduled from Tuesday October 15 through October 19.  Flying will take place on Wednesday with F1B and F1A  flying.  The critical day I need timers is Thursday Oct 17...

sen 3251

Blog about the European F1E-Championship in Czech Republic The 45th Annual MMM 14-Round Contest   Blog about the European F1E-Championship in Czech Republic From  Thermiksense The F1E European Championship for Juniors and Seniors will start on August 19 in Rana (Czech Republic). The flying days are Tuesday (20.08.) for Juniors and Wednesday (21.08.) for Seniors. The German Free Flight Magazine Thermiksense reports about the competitions...

sen 3250

Junior World Champs Summary   Junior World Champs Summary Excellent summary on the FAI/CIAM site At the event they used the which give a very good layout.  The Wings site does need an upgrade to indicate in this case the female contestants because there are special awards for them and in the case of World Cup events the junior contestants too. There is...

sen 3249

Junior World Champs Results AMA Affiliate membership   Junior World Champs Results The results are on the Wings.RS website at F1A is there now. AMA Affiliate membership The cost of the AMA Affiliate membership went up on 1 August  to $125 for one year. The is required for non-USA residents to take part in AMA events, including World Cup events.  This includes insurance for...

sen 3248a

Corrected results for the America's Cup at 1 August   America Cup results - with individual placings - the right ones  🙂 Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen: SWR  16  1 Kiw  20  2 NAC  12  3 MM   18  4 SCA   8  5 SAN   3  6 NCA   2  7 Srn   2  8 Lac   4  9 Hat   3  10 Spe   2  11 Act   2 ...

sen 3248

August 2024 AmCup Scores and Report   Am Cup at 1 Aug after Nats With about 1/3 of the 32 AmCup contests now complete, we have some great competitions shaping up. Interestingly, only 8 flyers have broken the 100 point mark. Generally, a score of 103 to 107 wins most of the events but F1A and B often require 110 to 115 points. There are...

sen 3247

Blog about the Junior World Championship in North-Macedonia Junior World Champs Web site Re: SEN 3246 Re: SEN 3246 Hot Summer 3 Flyers, 3 emails and one more   Blog about the Junior World Championship in North-Macedonia From Thermikense The F1ABP Junior-Word Championship will start on August 5 in Prilep (North-Macedonia). The flying days are Wednesday F1A, Thursday F1B and Friday F1P. Thermiksense reports about the...

sen 3246

About Time FAI Congratulates the Winners   about time From Gil Hagay on 2024-07-30 12:14 Dear Roger, According to the current FAI code, a competitor may use an altimeter during a flyoff, but is in no way obligated to present the result obtained with it. This means that the result registered through an altimeter is used only to challenge the result recorded by the timekeeper and only for...

sen 3245

Identification marks and 21st Century What's coming up ? A Comment on Q Rules   Identification marks and 21st Century From Urs Schaller As I am struggling from time to time about the same argument, I took some time off from model building to put together the details. First thing, to get the tech details you have to give a look at the General CIAM Rules...

sen 3244

F1ABC European Championship – Results etc F1ABC European Championship - Thermiksense Blog F1ABCQ Asian-Oceanic Championships for Free Flight Model Aircraft - results ?   F1ABC European Championship – Results etc There does not appear to be an official results source on the organizer's web site. There are quite a number of different versions with different degrees of age and correctness.  But the results have made...

sen 3243

Sporting Code 21 st Century Allard was right   Sporting Code There is a fairly recent release of the sporting code and I noticed a question on the FB from someone looking for the F1Q rules and not being able to find them.  I must admit that I did look for them using my phone, I found them but the display did not display the...

sen 3242

F1ABC European Championship - Thermiksense Blog America's Cup at July 20, 2024   F1ABC European Championship - Thermiksense Blog From  Thermiksense The F1ABC European Championship starts on 22 July in Simeria/Deva (Romania). The flying days are Tuesday F1A, Wednesday F1B, Thursday F1C. Thermiksense reports on the competitions in a blog. The blog has already been launched: Bernhard editor's note "Only" 39C as we go...

sen 3241

Plug for the Plugs It's the Chickens On the interweb Hobby Club feed back All the best to   Plug for the Plugs From Ron Young Hi Roger, I have had TCA plugs for 6 months and have tested them in current FIC engines and everything from 1/2A to 40. These plugs are a direct replacement for Nelson and have 10mm hex instead of 3/8...

sen 3240

  TCA Plugs, Fora and Profi Bits A comment Certified EL   TCA Plugs, Fora and Profi Bits From Hobby Club Hello Roger: If appropriate, please include the following message on the next SEN: TCA Italian Glow Plus, replacing the Nelson plugs can be obtain from: Also available from us, Fora & Profi competition engines, spares  and propellers, Best regards, Alberto Dona Hobby Club  ...

sen 3234

Hold the Date- Rescheduled Spence Memorial May contest results in Wawayanda Acton Annual Free Flight Meet June 22-23   Hold the Date- Rescheduled Spence Memorial From:Jim Parker Hold the date, June 15 & 16 with the 17th for reserve for the re-scheduled Henry Spence Memorial FF Contest and FAC Melee 2024.  Mike Fedor is in process getting the Contest Sanction date updated. Should not be...

sen 3233

Good practices in Q Canada Cup Huron Cup Outrageous October Kotuku Cup   Good practices in Q By Aram Schlosberg . In Q we rarely check anything. But some might doubt whether everyone else is strictly kosher (following the rules). . It is suggested that the model's weight in grams be posted clearly on the model's pod left side. . Before a model's first flight...

sen 3231

About Post Flight AMA Motor Run Verifications Rant Non-Rant Wings FF Blog   About Post Flight AMA Motor Run Verifications From Roy E. Smith Hi Roger, re: Post Flight AMA Motor Run Verifications I only fly E36 occasionally, preferring the old-fashioned combustion engine form of motive power, and not in the FAI format, so my thoughts on this subject are probably irrelevant.  However, the idea...

sen 3030 2

Our Leaders Understanding Post Flight AMA Motor Run Verifications   Our Leaders Understanding From Richard Blackam Hi Roger In regards to the report on the CIAM meeting, one wonders whether our leaders have any real understanding of how the EDIC approved altimeters actually work in practice. The new rule as reported says: On 10 May 2024, at 9:01 am, SEN <> wrote: The altimeter must...

sen 3229

First 2024 Am Cup Scores and Message The CIAM Meeetings are over   First 2024 Am Cup Scores and Message From: Jim Parker The Ca, Az and Tx early contests are in the books. I'm looking forward to more great FF to come. I won't do a detail commentary other than to note it is great to see several of our new Junior flyers placing...

sen 3228

Arizona F1E Champs on April 15, 2024 at Lost Hills May 18-19 FF Meets, Lacey-Kerr Memorial and Hatcheck Challenge MMM 14-Round FF Contest, July 13-14, in Denver SEN   Arizona F1E Champs on April 15, 2024 at Lost Hills It had rained the Saturday and Sunday of the San Valeers Annual. On Monday (4/15) for the Arizona F1E Champs the main field entrance to the...

sen 3227

FAI Champs allocation Southwest F1E Challenge Sidus F1C Question SCAMPS free flight club 60th Anniversary Fun Fly.     FAI Champs allocation Championships were awarded as follows: F1D 2025 European F1D to Romania probably in December 2025 F1D 2026 World F1D to USA F1E 2026 European F1E to Romania F1ABCQ 2027 World to Mongolia   Southwest F1E Challenge From Mike Richardson Hello Roger, The Southwest F1E...

sen 3226

USA Youth program special. NFFS Scholarship Information USA Junior Team Sponsorship.   NFFS Scholarship Information The National Free Flight Society awards college scholarships to high school students who are active in free flight. In awarding scholarships, the Scholarship Committee considers the applicants' involvement and achievements in free flight model aviation, academic achievement, involvement in school and community activities, and other achievements. To initiate the scholarship...

sen 3225

Bernard BOUTILLIER USA Junior Team Supporters   Bernard BOUTILLIER Dear Roger Very bad news I regret to announce the death this morning of the very well known French flyer Bernard BOUTILLIER. I'm informing you because I think you knew him well. He was in very poor health and we no longer saw him on the flying field. He was in a retirement home near his...

sen 3224

SCAT Annual Report   SCAT Annual From: William Booth   Weather was very nice albeit a bit tricky. Alex described it as light and really variable It was really nice to see some club members who had not been out for quite a while. Bob was a little rusty at first , but more comfortable as the day wore on. Very nice to see Shlomi...

sen 3223

  SCAT Annual Flash SCAT Annual Flash F1A Shlomi Rosenzweig. F1A Jr John Kim. F1A Female Anat Goldstein F1B. Ittai. Kohavi + Jr High Time. F1Q. Mike Pykelny. Great weather, good to see Shlomi back on his feet and  on the field.

sen 3222

On About Time Oh and one last thing   On About Time From Terry Kerger Good information re "About Time Project" I see you mentioned noncertified on board electronic timer flight recording capabilities. Basically, implying since they are not certified, their data should be discredited. Possibly upsetting Russian glider flyers and F1C flyers using Sidus timers. Delicate situation now that Russian is banned from FAI community,...

sen 3219

About Time Report Accelerometer Notes   About Time Report The object of the About Time project is to investigate automated flight timing using an onboard flight recorder.  The current certified flight recorders were originally intended to be altimeters but they accurately record altitude and time. The reason for doing this is because it is becoming increasingly difficult to run a major FAI Free Flight event...

sen 3218

Bear and Moose cup About Time   Bear and Moose cup From Per Findahl Hi ! If you like to follow Moose cup and Bear cup this Friday and Saturday you can follow the links. Scores and live-streaming. Per Findahl NFFS SCAT E News - About Time From Richard Wegener Hi - I'm not sure if this is the place to post a question/comment for...

sen 3217

Isaacson Winter Classic Results Upcoming CIAM Meeting On Regimenting Q - Mark 2 Time and Time Again   Isaacson Winter Classic Results From:  Glenn Schneider Isaacson Winter Classic  February 10 11 12    Lost Hills CA last Fab Feb Results Our numbers were limited probably out of fear of mud from the recent rains and competition from the Super Bowl and the Kiwi World Cup. ...

sen 3216

USA Jr FAI FF Team Selection Standings. Time after Time   USA Jr FAI FF Team Selection Standings From: Jim Parker Feb Feb had a great junior flyer turn out, 18 in total with 7 from the USA. There is one more contest to complete the USA Jr FF team selection contest calendar (SCAT Annual, March 16-17). In addition to the score system represented below,...

sen 3215

Certifying Altimeter ? Where it is at   Certifying Altimeter ? From PAUL CROWLEY Roger, Where can I find the official information on the steps that are required to have an Altimeter certified by the CIAM as a Free Flight timing device?  By the way I understand the Altimeter in question has already been certified by the CIAM for use in RC soaring competitions. Thanks, Paul...

sen 3214

SCAT Annual Flier   SCAT ANNUAL March 16 & 17, 2024 Reserve Day Monday March 18, 2024 Bissonette Mirage Field,  Lost Hills, CA           AMERICAS CUP & NATIONAL CUP CONTEST   AMA Sanctioned FAI Events: *Saturday, March 16: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q and F1P Seven, one-hour rounds beginning at 8:00 AM Rounds One and Two will be extended maxes of 240 seconds for every event....

sen 3213

WANTED - Spinner to suit Geared 2 Blade Fora F1C Nelson Alternative Plugs Audi Adventure On Regimenting Q   WANTED - Spinner to suit Geared 2 Blade Fora F1C From: Gary Pope WANTED - Spinner mounting disc and matching spinner to suit Geared 2 Blade Fora F1C engine. (Yes, I have the geared 2 blade prop assembly but not the matching mounting disc & spinner). Please...

sen 3212

The Dudes Plus Another Fab  Feb Record and new Tradition   The Dudes Plus Terry Thorkildsen pointed out that we had omitted F1P, thanks Terry and we had intended to award the F1A Jnr jointly to both   John Mah-Gersting and John Kim as their totals were virtually identical. The revised list is below. Everything else is the same. Thanks to those who have already sent...

sen 3211

All Tee Cee* Re: Francois Photos Nelson Glow Plugs The Dudes   All Tee Cee* From: Mike Roberts I am looking for ideas to mount an All Tee device in a Babenko folder.  I would appreciate any suggestions, details and pictures if possible.  No real rush. Thank You All Mike Editor's comment * Sorree could not resist Re: Francois Photos From Pierre Brun Mercie François tres...

sen 3210

About Time Update My Lost Hills Photos   About Time Update As most of you know we had the "About Time" project at Fab Feb at Lost Hills. This project was to investigate issues in doing automatic, more accurate timing of our flights based on the use of certified Altimeters. There are 2 certified altimeters for Free Flight, the All-Tee and the Neuron. Both of...

sen 3209

Looking at Fab Feb Results Maxmen takeaways I need help with Sidus F1B Programming   Looking at Fab Feb Results The results for the Fab Feb events is displayed Links to Google Sheets.  I got a call from a flyer who was not sure what to do with what ever is shown in the link. Sorry that we should have realized that this might have...

sen 3208

  MaxMen Formatting Error in F1B Results Corrected MaxMen Results Update There was a formatting error in the F1B results with a couple of extra columns - Thanks to Tony Mathews for pointing it out. It was corrected at about 9 PM Pacific Time on the 19 Feb. The online results at have been updated to reflect all events

sen 3207

MaxMen Rest of the Results   MaxMen Results Flash Fly offs flown Mini events 4 rounds flown and tie breaker used. Rain Arrived MaxMen Detailed Results Update The online results at has been updated to reflect all evets Blake and Tiff on the way home.

sen 3206

Fab Feb MaxMen F1B  Flash Looking for F1J     Fab Feb Finished ! Great events, we beat the weather Delay in getting the last full results out Message from Blake and Tiffaney who did such a great job in getting the MaxMen done in changing weather " We ran into car trouble when our CV axle gave out as we were pulling out of...

sen 3405

MaxMen – F1A 10 minute AM Flyoff MaxMen – F1B , F1C and F1P MaxMen Detailed Results Update MaxMen Tomorrow   MaxMen – F1A 10 minute AM Flyoff Held at 7 AM on the Western flight line. Windy, challenging conditions. Results 1 Jes    Nyhegn 2 Per    Findahl 3 Jama    Danier   MaxMen – F1B , F1C and F1P Also flown from the Western Flight Line. ...

sen 3204

Links to Online spread sheets with Fab Feb Results     Links to online Spread sheets with Fab Feb Results Link to MaxMen Link to California Cup

sen 3203

MaxMen Flash Neurons At Fab Feb MaxMen Q and A     MaxMen Flash F1Q After 7 rounds plus 3 fly off to 10 minutes. Perfect  dead calm 1, Dieter Paff 2 Jack Murphy 3 Bob Sifleet (2 FO) F1A,   the dead calm made it challenging 3 left after 8 minutes FO Per Findahl Jess Nyhegn Jama Danier !0 minutes at 7 AM or there...

sen 3202

California Cup F1E Results   Cal Cup Results   California Cup F1E              R1 seR2 seR3 seR4 seR5 se% total max:      150  150  150  180  180 1    Geralyn Jones   USA        90549  150  150  150  180  168  493.33 2    Dominik Andrist SUI        11279  116  150  150  180  180  477.33 3    Evgeny  Gorban  UKR       119201  150  150  107  180  180  471.33 4    Mike    McKeeverUSA       129584  150  150   86  180 ...

sen 3201

About Time News F1B for Sale   About Time News At the North American F1B Fly Off, former World Champ Jerry Fitch sportingly used his Altimeter to prove that he did NOT win the F1B.  Jerry was given a winning time that sounded a bit too good for him so gave the organizer what the altimeter said putting him down in 14 th place The...

sen 3200

North American Flash For Sale For the F1B competitors   North American Flash Some overnight showers but dead calm morning.  A little slippery getting on to the field but  no big issues. Weather back to Lost Hills at its best. F1A Jama    Danier Lauri    Malila Peter     Barron F1B Blake    Jensen Oleg    Kulakovsky Etan     Habba F1C Yuan    Gao Artem    Babenko Ken    Faux F1P Zihang  ...

sen 3199 2

North American Cup Update Shok for sale   North American Cup Update North American Cup Flyoff info: 7:00 am meet at the same morning location from today. 7:30 am flyoffs start. Sequence: F1B first, 23 competitors,  F1A 2nd, 3 competitors,  F1C 3rd, 5 competitors,  F1Q 4th, 4 competitors.  We need time keepers please! Prize giving will be after the flyoffs near the tent by the...

sen 3199

North America Cup Help wanted   North America Cup Help Wanted Roger, Could you post a request in SEN to see if anyone would be interested to help with scorekeeping for the North American cup? I had someone lined up but they couldn't make it as of last night. Late notice and we will manage but it doesn't hurt to ask. Regards, Tony Mathews Cell:...

sen 3198

Kiwi F1E Flash   Kiwi F1E Flash The Kiwi F1E was held on Holloway Hill today in too perfect conditions. Very light wind  and sluggish air. The site is over a disused gypsum quarry pit .  Gypsum does not absorb water and while the rest of the Lost Hills site has dried out and there is normal thermal activity to create some active air. Some...

sen 3197

Kiwi Cup results Tom Follow up About Time Events   Kiwi Cup results Fly off for remaining World Cup events were held in perfect conditions between 7:30 and 7:55 AM F1C 1 Yuan  Gao               CHN 2 Guy   Menanno        USA 3 Taron Malkhasyan    USA   F1P 1 Randy  Secor             USA 2 Zihang Zhang    Jnr    CHN 3 Terry     Kerger      ...

sen 3196

Kiwi Results Link Correction   Link to Kiwi Cup real time Results in SEN 3195 had a typo The Kiwi Results are online at

sen 3195

Fab Feb Update Kiwi Cup Progress   FabFeb update Overall improvement in conditions.  Everyone very busy.  Flyers testing. Organizers organizing.  Etc. Some people were held up by weather related travel issues.  Others changed plans for other reasons, some notified the organizers some not, a few people entered without pre-entry. Generally very good to see many old friends not seen for years. The significant work on...

sen 3194

  Kiwi Cup Results Link   Link to Kiwi Cup Results The Kiwi Results will posted  online in real time tomorrow  at Note that initially there will just be the names of the participants as it is dark outside

sen 3193

IF YOU HAVE NOT REGISTERED DO IT NOW Fab Feb – Rubber Icarex covering at Feb Feb Lost Hills main gate Kiwi Flight Line   Fab Feb – Rubber At the registration until  it closes Fri PM   Icarex covering at Feb Feb Eitan Habba has it at the contest Lost Hills main gate Main gate is being used. Drive on the beaten path Kiwi...

sen 3192

Last Minute MaxMen Notes Lost Hills Entrance – Wed AM About Time Project   Last Minute MaxMen Notes From: The Contest Director Thank you to everyone who responded to my plea to complete on-line registration, it really helps the organizers. For those who haven't yet heard we will be putting together a MaxMen WhatsApp group. We will use this forum to send important messages concerning...

sen 3191

Lost Hills Flash Lost Hills Flash We have had a report from Lost Hills.  A few people got on to the field with their RV on Saturday before any rain started.  This includes some event organizers and Lost Hills committee members. They report some very heavy rain on Sunday evening. The rain in the Lost Hills area was significantly less than other parts of California...

sen 3190

All-Tee Tech Information About Time Project Update All-Tees Altimeters for Sale   All-Tee Tech Information From: all-tee Here is the link for the revised manual : Access to the new versions was in a previous SEN at As you can see, the cloud upload is not yet operational. Should this become available, we will post a link to an update for the app....

sen 3185

Cap Strips Available Rubber Reminder Lost Hills a Week later   Cap Strips Available  From: Alex Andriukov I have variety of Carbon Rib Cap Strips Alex Andriukov 805 4042050   Rubber Reminder FAI Model Supply will be providing rubber and supplies to all those who pre-order for delivery at the FAB February Contests in Lost Hills, CA. If you are interested in ordering items, we...

sen 3189

Fab Feb Update USA FAI ID Processing   Fab Feb Update There are weather forecasts that predict rain starting on Sunday for the beginning of the week. The forecasts for the Lost Hills area are less than some of the more populated areas of California. But it will still probably rain quite a lot. The status on Saturday  afternoon is that the best way on...

sen 3188

All-Tee and About Time Update Fab Feb Update FAI ID   All-Tee and About Time Update From:Allard Van Wallene Hi Roger, Below is a download link for the revised app with flight timing functionality. Uploading to the Cloud is not yet functional, however the app provides the automated flight time. I will provide an annex to the currently used app manual coming weekend. You can...

sen 3187

Re: Free Flight Aeromodelling Group SEN 3186 Looking for Webra Speed 6X New F1E-electronic device   Re: Free Flight Aeromodelling Group SEN 3186 From: Ross Jahnke May I suggest that members of the Free Flight Aeromodelling group join or migrate their dialog to the Free Flight group, which is well moderated and has several well known admins?   Looking for Webra Speed 6X From:Tom Stalick...

sen 3186

The 2024 FAI Southwest Regionals Model Airplane Championships Free Flight Aeromodelling Facebook Group   The 2024 FAI Southwest Regionals Model Airplane Championships From: Peter Brocks The first America's Cup contest of 2024, the FAI SWR, was held on January 13 and 14 at Eloy, Arizona. The weather was nearly perfect, just a few clouds but also all blue skies. The temperature at the 8:30am competition...

sen 3184

The F1B Book by Masaru Koike Thanks to Colleen, Alyson, Liz and Ian Looking for Cap Strips   The F1B Book by Masaru Koike  From: Chris Stoddard Hi Roger, Here is a short review of the F1B book by Masaru Koike After seeing the notice in SEN 3179 I contacted Masaru Koike by email and arranged to purchase a copy of The F1B Book (Free Flight F1B - Technology and Science...

sen 3183

Lost Hills flash F1B Models for sale   Lost Hills Flash NFFS West Coast VP Ken Bauer stopped off at the Lost Hills  field to stretch his arms and legs on the way to the SW Regionals in Arizona and reports "Field is turning green from recent rains and last year's weeds are getting softer."   F1B Models for sale From: Michael Davis A Storm...

sen 3182

2024 NFFS SYMPO 2024 Fab Feb 2024 Pre-Entry Is the an App for the About Time that we can download?   2024 Oh, I just realized that it is 2024. Best wishes to all and looking forward to a better year, starting with more  friendship and the weather. And Mail Chimp, the service we use to composed and distribute SEN , just offered to help...

sen 3181

2023 AmCup Final Scores and Report with First 2024 Jr Team Selection Scores and Report Details USA FF Team Selection Program Delay:   2023 AmCup Final Scores and Report with First 2024 Jr Team Selection Scores and Report Starting from: Jim Parker   A fantastic year of USA FAI Free Flight is complete. The score sheet population looks close to the pre-covid levels of participation....

sen 3180

USA FF Team Selection program ? MiniNeurone  for LH Fab Feb entries About Time down under   USA FF Team Selection program ? From : Paul Crowley A question, Maybe I missed it, but I haven't seen a program for the 2025 Team selection yet. It would be helpful with the upcoming Fab Feb and other contests. Just asking. Thanks, Paul Crowley   MiniNeurone  for...

sen 3179

The F1B Book MaxMen 2024   The F1B Book We got a question from a reader asking how to get Masaru Koike's book, we tried to reply but there was some email issue with reader's email. In was in the posting . If you are interested, please contact me. Masaru Koike, eMail: And while 9000 yen sounds like a big number it is just...

sen 3178

Book on F1B Pre-order Rubber NOW for delivery at Fab Feb Lost Hills About Time Update   Book on F1B From: Masaru Koike Now a book : "Free Flight F1B Technology and Science for Extending Duration" is available. The cost is 9,000 yen The  book  is written in Japanese, with a supplementary English text translation (without figures) and shipping. PayPal can be used. If you...

sen 3177

National Cup Scoring 2023 FAI Arizona FF Champs Report National Cup Scoring By Bob Hanford After a previous phone conversation with Aram, I saw his description of the NC scoring system in the last SEN and felt that a response was necessary, as his description was not entirely correct.  The NC system is modeled after the original America's Cup system, awarding points to top five...

sen 3176

The FAI Arizona Southwest Regionals at Eloy Fab Feb Update About Timing NFFS Sympo National Cup – Recalibration, Incentives and Penalties The FAI Arizona Southwest Regionals at Eloy From: Peter Brocks In 4 weeks the first America's Cup and National Cup contest of 2024 will again be the Southwest Regionals on January 13-15. For more info on the SWR, all the events flown and how...

sen 3175

Lookin for D47 Servo? Transparency Ike Winter Classic 2024 Lookin for D47 Servo? From: Jean Luc Bodin Hi Roger Can you tell me which servo to replace thé D70 on your Timer for F1b Thank you BR Jean Luc Jean Luc I assume that you mean D47.   Here is a reprint of several previous SENs on that D47 replacement The Dymond D47 was a very...

sen 3174

In the Press Thermal Sniffer 3173 In the Press Just got my Dec 2023 Aeromodeller with the second parts of the World Champs Reports.  It's in the plural because there is the "real" report by editor Colin Sharman and colour report by Chris Edge and Stuart Darmon.   Both very good. Interesting comment in Colin's report, 2 of the UK team's F1B guys made the Flyoff...

sen 3173

Automatic Timing and out of sight Flying Fab Feb / About Time Clarifications and correction AUTOMATIC TIMING AND OUT OF SIGHT FLYING From:Urs Schaller Hello all, every time I read a new addition to the timing argument, I wonder that everybody assumes the CIAM rulebook is the one and only rule existing and to be considered. Nobody seems to take into account that CIAM rules...

sen 3172

Fab Feb Signup Link About Time – Part 2 Fab Feb Sign up link The online entry link for Fab feb is at This is for all the FAI events.  World Cup, including F1e and the Mini Events.  But not the AMA events in the Ike.  You must sign up got the FAI Events but you do not pay until you get to Lost...

sen 3171

Timing Flights About Time Project   Timing Flights From:Gauthier Brière Hello SEN readers, An altimeter is an altitude measuring instrument and not a time measuring instrument! Our free flight competitions are duration competitions, not altitude competitions. Apart from the altimeter flyoff, which is, I think, a good solution to close a competition when the weather conditions or the terrain do not allow otherwise, but it...

sen 3170

Question and Answer The Web Site The Summary Question and Answer We have got some questions because the Entries on the FAI Events Calendar for some of the Fab Feb events have changed or disappeared.  This is because some work, unfinished at the writing this SEN is making changes. All will be OK in due course.  We do confirm that Lost Hills still does have...

sen 3169

2023 Patterson Results F1E California Cup 2024 F1E Kiwi Cup 2024 North American Cup 2024 2023 Patterson Results From: Brian Vannest Another fabulous Patterson contest this past weekend. Weather was great around 35 degrees in the morning but warming up fast and in the mid 70's by afternoon. Very calm conditions in 3rd to 4th rounds, Thanks to Janna and Linda for helping with the...

sen 3168

Arizona FAI FF Champs in December Fab Feb Summary Kiwi Cup Arizona FAI FF Champs in December From: Peter Brocks On Dec. 2 and 3, the Arizona FAI Free Flight Championships will be held at Eloy, AZ. This is the last America's Cup contest to collect points for the year 2023. There are also plenty of AMA, NFFS, FAC and SAM events. On the desert...

sen 3167

Question 1 Electronic Timing Sharpening Altimeter Timing Protests Question 1 From:Michael Achterberg Hello all. Guess I'm missing something. Seems like most people are switching to Mini Neuron because it's a certified altimeter and GPs. It is also a timing device even though no one calls it a Timer. Reads out start in tenths of seconds then seconds thru flight and when it stops by hitting...

sen 3166

Re: The Code , the Sporting One About time America's Cup status In the Press-  Model Aviation  Event 6 In the Press -  World Champs – from the GB Eye Detailled Am Cup Placings Re: The Code, the Sporting One   From: Pierre Chaussebourg As an answer to Aram and to the editorial, I should like to say that in the free flight rules, we...

sen 3164

Found at LH Altimeter Challenges Right Tool for the Job Found at LH From:PAUL CROWLEY All, I found what looks like either a tracker or an RDT. This was at Lost Hills during the 2023 endless October at the middle of field site. Describe it in a private e-mail and we can make arrangements on how best to return it to you. Paul  Crowley E-mail: ...

sen 3163

Patterson Dual Clubs - Up coming at Lost Hills Looking for F1A Case PATTERSON MEMORIAL Nov 11th & 12th Reserve Nov 13th, 2023 at Lost Hills Field Americas Cup Contest Saturday, Nov 11th: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q, F1P Seven [7] one hour rounds start @ 7:30 AM with extended max times F1A, F1B, F1C, and F1Q: 240 sec F1P 180 sec Remaining round maxes are...

sen 3162

Event Report Harvest Classic – John Clapp's Memorial Looking for Sidus F1C Timer face plates Event Report Harvest Classic – John Clapp's Memorial October 15, 21, 2023 Wawaywanda NY From: Aram Schlosberg F1A Andrew Barron 91 180 150 150 571 Peter Barron 210 154 150  18 532 Gene Ulm     193             193 F1G Don Rousseau 120 80 64 91 35 355 E36     Drake Hooke 61...

sen 3161

Comments on Model Flying only Confirming F1S Harvest Class Oct 21 and Acton Annual November 4-5 Comments on Model Flying only Very recently we got some comments on the conflict in Israel and not so long ago about the ongoing one in Ukraine. Both of these are terrible humanitarian tragedies that are affecting many of our personal friends as well as many other innocent people. ...

sen 3160

F1S Change Am Cup Dates and Contest Postponements Know The rules of the game F1S Change From:Urs Schaller See at: ciam_2023_eplenary_meeting_-_proposals_final_v1.pdf ( The 10 second motor runs of F1S are excessively long. Tapio Linkosello has published flight performance on FB, reaching around 100 meter in 5 seconds. Good fliers can reach 60-70 meters with a 5 second motor run. Shortening the motor run to 7...

sen 3159

Re: SEN 3158 and the October Contests Sierra Cup Results Kotuku Cup Results F1S Change ? Updated Announcement of the Harvest Classic/John Clapp Memorial Re: SEN 3158 and the October Contests From: Jeremy Fitch A sporting result, surely. .... Of Course!  Thanks to the Contest directors and those who helped run some great events Sierra Cup From: Mike McKeever EVENT                         Sierra Cup 2023 F1A NAME              COUNTRY       1   ...

sen 3158

Kotuku Cup Flash F1E Event, Full results Kotuku Cup Flash From: Janna VanNest Report from Kotuku Cup Flyoffs on Sunday afternoon.  We only got in 6 minute flyoffs  when the wind picked up. F1C and F1A were decided but F1B was decided Monday morning. F1A 1st             Enis Pecenkovic 2nd             Jim Parker 3rd             Risto Puhakka F1B 1st             Walt Ghio 2nd             Bill Booth 3rd             Charlie Jones F1C...

sen 3157

Sierra Flash Sierra Flash From: Mike  McKeever The 2013 Sierra Cup is in the books with the following flash results.  Details to follow. F1E 1- Mike Richardson 2- Fred Terzian 3- Mike McKeever F1G 1- Jerry Fitch 2- Tiffany O'Dell 3- Peter Brock's F1H 1- Blake Jensen 2- Brian Van Nest 3- Jim Parker F1J 1- Daryl Perkins 2- Guy Menanno 3- Mike McKeever F1S...

sen 3156

About UnZapping Fliers Harvest Classic - John Clapp Memorial About UnZapping Fliers We got some correspondence following on from the piece from Aram in the last SEN. We have grouped that at the beginning of This  SEN. All the sections ? From: Ian Kaynes Roger The rule that Aram fails to quote is C.19.1.1 (d) All competitors making use of a model, equipment, or fuel...

sen 3155

Lost Hills detour UnZapping Fliers Lost Hills detour From: Mike   McKeever Heads up...there is a road closure at the aqueduct West of Lost Hills on 46...those coming from the North should take Twisselman offf I-5...those from the South can take the right at the Community Center in Lost Hills (Lost Hills Road) and get to the field on the back road (GP Road) to avoid the closure. . Mike CD Sierra Cup...

sen 3154

Looking for F1As, F1B's, and equipment for New Junior FAI Flyers!! Bonanza Deals AmCup Correction Looking for F1As, F1B's, and equipment for New Junior FAI Flyers!! From: Sevak F1B: * F1B models * Rubber handling and winding gear *  (stooges, winders, half tubes, boobins, pitch gauges) * Model Boxes F1A: * F1As models * Towlines, Reels, * Model Boxes Electronics: GPS Units RDT Units As...

sen 3153

Americas Cup so far Re: SEN 3152 Reply to Bob....Regarding thermal detectors Another Wandering Elephant America's Cup So far Here's a quick update so all can strategize their end of the year contest plans. America Cup results - with individual placings Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen: SWR  11  1 Kiw  12  2 NAC  10  3 MM   16  4 SCA   8  5 SAN  ...

sen 3152

Fly Off Procedures. Reply to Bob Fly Off Procedures I can assure Stepan that the jury were equally concerned about the time it took to issue the flyoff start positions. On F1A day the draw for flyoff positions was inefficient, on F1B they used a more  efficient method on my suggestion and they then produced the list of positions – job done, but it was...

sen 3151

Detroit Balsa Bug contests at Muncie 2023 Flyoff Procedures Limiting Thermal Detection Detroit Balsa Bug contests at Muncie 2023 From: SkyKing aka Greg Simon Roger, Hi, I have attached the results of the three Balsa Bug America Cup contests flown this summer at Muncie. Please Post on SEN..  I also provided a summary of each.  Thank you again for all the work you do managing...

sen 3150

World Champs Flickr Album by FAI Why buy a SR71 and make it into a Piper Cub Thermal Sniffer pricing change Choose this or that Champs Flickr Album by FAI Find it here .. lots of good pictures Why buy a SR71 and make it into a Piper Cub From: Gil Hagay Dear roger, The annual debate on restricting models' performance never fails to...

sen 3149

Kinetic Energy and Shifts Stretching or Shrinking New model blog Kinetic Energy and Shifts From: Tapio Linkosalo Two comments on messages in SEN 3148. One, about reducing model performance. Many authors have suggested adding weight, but I have my doubts on this. First, there is a nice simulation paper in Free Flight Quarterly, where Sergio Montes studied the impact of glider weight onto performance. Taking...

sen 3148

I don't like making it worser but if you must... Huge First Flyoffs I don't like making it worser but if you must... From: Gary Pope Hi Roger, re Making it fly worse I'd prefer to leave things as they are for F1, but if there is an unquenchable need to reduce performance then there are two very simple (and cheap) strands available ; 1....

sen 3147

Making it fly worse Reducing the Lotto Fly Off Results Making it fly worse From: JEFF ELLINGTON Good day everyone, Every year, it seems the same, after the finals and after the world champs they always try to change the airplanes to make them fly worse. The advanced performance of our models is outstanding, evolution, and looking for perfection  to make our airplanes GREAT  is...

sen 3146

One Way to Reduce F1C Performance less perfomance for F1B The Sniffer Update One Way to Reduce F1C Performance From: Harry Grogan The previous SEN mentioned an idea that David Ackery had about reducing F1C performance. He suggested reducing motor venturi diameters to 4 mm (or less). I think this is a great idea. It is easily implemented and easily checked with a no-go gauge. He stated...

sen 4145

D47 Servo Replacements – More choices and a deal It is absolutely forbidden We need to reduce performance! Dino on ideas Another performance viewpoint FF Timeline - Approximately D47 Servo Replacements – More choices From: Hobby Club ChaServo (Made by KST) Our options: BLUE ARROW SERVOS (several options) 1) 2) 3) On this last one above, there are 3 different mounting options. Widely used on F3K (HLG)...

sen 3144

Organizer's Altimeters? We need to reduce performance! Sierra Cup Kotuku Cup D47 Replacement Organizer's Altimeters? By Aram Schlosberg SEN 3141 had a proposal by Laurent DUPRIEZ that the organizers should supply two blank altimeters to each flyer in a flyoff. . Requiring the organizers to supply two altimeters per contestant is problematic. If the altimeter miss-functions what remedy can be offered to the flyer? And...

sen 3143

Thoughts after the World Champs. Not there yet – only 20 Thermal Sniffer Thoughts after the World Champs. From: Vegar Nereng How do we run world Cups and championships? We start early in the morning about 06:00, Start first round 08:00 and last round 16:00. We wait for flyoff calm weather later in the evening, my bee at 19:00. We have been in contest about...

sen 3142

Not Donkey Kong driving a Drone RF Chokes KRKA Cup Not Donkey Kong driving a Drone From: John Carter Data logging , I agree the technology is hear to stay, but we should and not encourage flights to continue beyond line os sight. In fact its against drone rules in UK and assume the same applies world wide ! We do need to address the...

sen 3141

What a World Cup organizer needs Filter off the RF What a World Cup organizer needs From Laurent DUPRIEZ Hello As the organiser of two WC competitions, I have carefully read the latest EDIC and FREE FLIGHT articles. I've noticed that everything that has been mentioned doesn't take into account the organisers' constraints. How does a day's organisation work : - 6.00 am we set...

sen 3140

Apology from the printer Using Neurones in a Fly-Off Who wrote it Filters also known as Chokes Follow it Electronic data recording Almost 90% Apology from the printer Sorry that the formatting of the last SEN got a little garfed up. Hope it did not get spam blocked for you Using Neurone in a Fly-Off From: Frederic Aberlenc We have had a lot of questions...


Recall – EDIC and Free Flight EF3 FLIGHT TIME RECORDING SYSTEM Operational Issues Onboard electronic timing system for Free Flight Model Aircraft. And if you didn't Recall – EDIC and Free Flight EDIC is the organization for the FAI/CIAM that certifies specialized electronic devices that are used in the running of FAI/CIAM international model aircraft event. There is a section in the online version of...

sen 3138

Reflection About Altimeters Reflection about altimeters From:Per Findahl A few reflections after the discussions about the altimeters. As most things, in the beginning we will face initial problems and also problems with competitors that dont read the rules. But if we give it some time I'm sure electronic timekeeping based on altimeters is the way forward, possibly together with reduction of model performances. During the...

sen 3137

VLOS One father to another Objective ? What Next VLOS From:Bernd Hoenig Hi Roger About Editors comment. –  note in the following piece by Peter Barron the mention of how LEDs increase the unaided line of sight. So is one a Can, May or Must for the Eifel Cup ? Not only Eifel Cup! Al European Competition. This rule applies to all UAVs. (Include Freeflight...

sen 3136

Just went out for coffee Timing the flights, model performance issues. A different perspective. Lets Not pull another F1P Dad speaks out Can do, May do, Must do A (last? ??) word from Ian On Elephants Limiting is Expanding Just went out for coffee And look what was in SEN's Mail box Timing the flights, model performance issues. A different perspective. FromTapio Linkosalo The recent...

sen 3133

About Altimeters Now Tweaking the Maxes? Moncontour Encore About Altimeters Now Some important aspects of On Board timing NORTHWEST FREE FLIGHT CHAMPS Tangent About Altimeters Now From Pierre Chaussebourg Answer to Allard The problem to use the altimeters at these last championships is that altimeters rules have been used together with the existing rules concerning timing. These rules are in conflict ! The traditional rules...

sen 3135

Timing better the right model, cutting performance and transition What performance to give up? How Timing better the right model, cutting performance and transition From: John Carter A lot of talk following the champs . 1 We have altimeters and hence we will see greater use to validate flights 2 We also need gps to verify the flight path and make certain it was the...

sen 3134

Thank You All! Answer to Pierre Chaussebourg Bino Contest  from Dino My Precious Summary ? Thank You All! From: Mike Roberts I would like to thank all the wonderful people that posted photos from the World Champs in France on FB.  Great to see everyone and kind of feel their success. Thanks Again Mike Answer to Pierre Chaussebourg From: Can Tezcan Answer to Pierre Chaussebourg The claim that...

sen 3132

World Senior and Euro Junior Champs 2023 Allard and Elephant 2 I gave Sevak a Model when he was nine. World Senior and Euro Junior Champs 2023 The Champs are over and we left 3 elephants wandering the pastures of Nouvelle Aquitaine Great contest, 41 countries, 400 participants, good weather, huge challenges for the organizer who stepped up to meet them, some elephants in the...

sen 3131

International Cooperation Works, so does being Polite International Cooperation Works, so does being Polite From Tiffaney O'Dell  on FB The mayor of Orion, France, where the Poitou World Cup was flown went to extraordinary lengths to help get Blake's F1B model out of a tree, where it was nestled 22 meters high. The family who were staying in the home on vacation were understandably upset...

sen 3130

Sporting Result Blog about the F1ABC-W/C and Junior F1ABP-E/C Where next time Q at US Free Flight Championship, Lost Hills Sporting Result Our  Sporting Code uses a Term "Sporting Result".  We have spoken of this before that one of the "Elephants in the corner" for us, FAI Free Flight Sportsmen is how to obtain a Sporting Result when the performance of our models can out...

sen 3129

Q rules proposal clarification Champs real soon now Q rules proposal clarification From: Andreas Lindner More about F1Q rules In response of the posting from Urs Schaller in SEN 3126 I will clarify that the proposed rule change is NOT a German proposal, it comes from Italy. I was in contact with Urs before and have only gave a comment to these proposal which he...

sen 3128

Blog of the F1E W/C Blog of the F1E W/C From:  Bernhard Schwendemann The F1E W/C is currently running in Romania. On the webpage of Thermiksense you will find a blog: Bernhard Schwendemann We missed getting this out last night in time for the event. This is an excellent detailed report on the Event and supporting World Cups.

sen 3127

Rule changes F1Q For SEN on Q at 2 Joules Rule changes F1Q From: Dieter Paff Hello Roger, it is interesting to note that even though this beautiful class is so new, there`s already a talk of rule changes for F1Q. Some say the models are too big, others say they come too high, other have the opinion that the performance are to high, etc,...

sen 3126

Adjusting the F1Q rules Tangent contests USA Team Gear Adjusting the F1Q rules From Urs Schaller In two years' time we will have a F1Q FF World Championship for the first time. In order to avoid the pre-contest discussions we live at each World Cup contest, we should adequate today's rules. We all know the exorbitant potential of a well-trimmed F1Q model. It can reach,...

sen 3125

Euro Drone Sticker Four Days in Denver World or Guinness Record Euro Drone Sticker From World Champs Organizer: UAS Number in France for Non-European competitors: Due to the number of questions on this issue and following Tony Matthews memo on SEN 3124, The world Champ organization decided to have stickers available for non-European competitors to be affixed during the World Champs registration process. Sorry for...

sen 3124

CIAM Legends Euro  Drone Sticker NFFS HOF Clarification Jim O'Reilly The CIAM Legends Medal: Honouring the Best of the Best in Aeromodelling and Spacemodelling Lausanne, Switzerland - The CIAM Legends Medal has been introduced to honour the remarkable pilots who have won the title of FAI World Champion in any Aeromodelling or Spacemodelling Competition at least three times. Public recognition to inspire future generations The CIAM Legends Medal,...

sen 3123

USA Nats USA Nats Results The FF Nats is now over.... We should have posted this link earlier as it has the USA FF Nats results in semi-real time And this one to the AMA site has reports and photos*1uubet2*_gcl_au*NTc1NDQxNTQwLjE2OTAxMzA5ODI.&_ga=2.67420625.1720830669.1690130982-1977707080.1690130982 Have not seen the overall awards like Grand Champ, Junior Champ, etc officially and the NFFS HOF inductees yet, although if you follow...

sen 3122

Contest Report: 44th Annual MMM 14-Round UAS Number in France Dave Rounsaville Contest Report: 44th Annual MMM 14-Round Contest Denver, July 8-9, 2023 From:  CDs: Pete McQuade, John McGrath, and Jace Pivonka This year, the 14-Rounder kicked off on Saturday rather than the traditional Friday, because F1E Slope Soaring was postponed until the Rocky Mountain Champs in September. The F1E World Championships in Romania (August...

sen 3121

Dave Rounsaville October Dates at LH Dave Rounsaville From: Randy Secor on FB It is with great sadness that I share with you that one of my best friends Dave Rounsaville passed away today. Those who know me well know that Dave and I had a lifelong friendship. I first met Dave in 1972 at Dick Mathis house when I was with Tom Hutchson to...

sen 3120

Neuron Upgrade and more Altimeter Flyoffs, Dialing Back and DTing Canada Cup Results Neuron Upgrade Looking back we see that we did not publish update information that we got from Flying Neurons that we intended to. So here it is : The brand new software release for the MiniNeurone is available: -NeuroTrack 1.1.0 App for IOS and Android -MiniNeuron 1.2.0 -Neuron 3.3.0 Load the new...

sen 3119

Huron Cup report and results NFFS is looking for rubber for the USA Junior Indoor Team! Huron Cup report and results From Tony Mathews Hello Free Flighters, Attached you will find the results of the 2023 Huron Cup. I want to congratulate the winners and extend a thank you to everyone who came and enjoyed the perfect weather. I especially want to thank our Estonian...

sen 3118

Electronic devices pre-order for World Champs Electronic devices pre-order for World Champs from: All-Tee The World Champs will be held in little over a month. I will prepare a batch of All-Tee altimeters and 'Clino' angle measurement devices (for accurately measuring wing and stab angles, decalage, warping etc). Should you be interested, you can place a pre-order by sending an email to or contact me through...

sen 3117

Nelson Glow Plugs for Sale at France World Champs MMM 14-Round Contest in Denver--Don't miss the Discount for early registration The Acton-Annual contest Nelson Glow Plugs for Sale at France World Champs I will have Nelson glow plugs for sale at the World Champs.  The cost is $9 each.  In stock, I have 200 glow plugs at this time.  Please send me an e-mail if you...

sen 3115

Tracked ! Tracked down the Walstons From: Daniel Berry, Don Bartick, Harry Grogan, Norm Furutani, Bob Dunham2, Mike Kirda Some information ... Walston trackers were made by Wildlife Materials and were the size used for falcons. Their web site states that they repair their products. Contact them at: They also sell the tracker bugs. Wildlife Materials 1202 Walnut St. Murphysboro, IL 62966 Ph: 618-687-3505 Believe one asks for Mark....

sen 3114

Fix my Walston ? Huron Cup Canada Cup Fix my Walston ? From Craig Hollier Looking for information who now repairs Watson trackers..I am in need of having the transmitter repaired..any info would be helpful.. Thank You...Craig The Toronto Free Flight Group Presents the 23rd Annual Huron Cup An Americas and World Cup FF Competition Dates:             Sunday, July 2nd.  2023 Place:             Zander Sod...

sen 3113

SEN 3112 Dick Wood thermal detector info provided An approach to find the right thermistor if not known THERMAL detector if you can't fix your Wood meter Another possible source SEN 2112 Dick Wood thermal detector info provided From Peter Brocks Roger and Dick Ivers, The Thermistor for the Woodmeter is from Digi-Key KC012G-ND, Glass Encapsulated, 50k Ohm, made by Amphenol Thermometrics The Thermistor Cable...

sen 3112

Champs Flyoff timing. Dick Wood thermal detector info needed Champs Flyoff timing From: Richard Nouvian As every sportwomen/men involved in the FAI free flight know, we have a world championship, a European junior championship and three World Cup competitions coming in the first fortnight of August in France. As off today 42 countries will be represented and we are actively working for these competitions to...

sen 3111

Jack Emery Muncie in the Summer Detroit Balsa Bugs - Hoosier Daddy Wild Bill Shailor Memorial Cup Detroit Balsa Bugs -75th Annual Inter-City Meet Diamond Anniversary Detroit Balsa Bugs - 11th Annual Brodersen FAI Challenge Jack Emery From Kyle Emery Mr. Morrell please pass on to my father's friends that he peacefully passed away last night asleep. I think the best time that he had...

sen 3110

Hatschek-Annual Challenge + Lacey-Kerr Casino Cup Chatting with ... Hatschek-Annual Challenge + Lacey-Kerr Wawaywanda NY  May 20-21 2023 By: Aram Schlosberg Saturday was drizzily and rainy the whole day except early in the morning. Sunday was supposed to be windy but it was calm until about 10 am. and then the wind across the field picked up in vengeance. We added the Lacey-Kerr contest on Saturday...

sen 3109

John Clapp MMM14 R John Clapp John Clapp passed away on the 14 of this month.  For us modellers,  John is most remembered as being the owner of FAI Model Supply that provided us with the rubber for our models and other modeling supplies.  John stabilized the rubber supply by improving the working relations with "the Rubber Factory" and used his scientific and engineering background...

sen 3108

Special USA NATS YOUTH ACTIVITIES! Nats are at Special USA NATS YOUTH ACTIVITIES! From: GTS Sunday 3pm (July 16) -  "Cadet" Catapult Glider build at the outdoor Pavilion Monday after awards (July 17) - Catapult Glider Contest at Hines Hill Tuesday after awards (July 18) -  FUN FLY at the outdoor Pavilion All activities are FREE and sponsored by GTS. Please invite friends and relatives....

sen 3107

Hatschek International Challenge and More Give  Credit Hatschek International Challenge May 20-21 From Andrew Barron Dear Free Flight Friends, See below the schedule of flying for the Hatschek International Challenge May 20-21. For the hardcore F1A and F1B flyers note that we have created a back-to-back opportunity for you, with the Kerr Lacey America's Cup starting at 8am Saturday, in advance of the Hatschek International...

sen 3106

Public Clearance Viktor Pisanny Looking for white Mica film Public Clearance From gilbert morris Aram's observation that right turning power models, on their first turn, generally swoop down toward ground level within about 180 degrees of the oncoming wind. Everyone within striking distance needs to be aware of this characteristic. This is especially true of under powered models in strong wind. Safety first. P.S. Anyone know where I can get...

sen 3105

Launching Right F1E WCup in Denver Launching Right By Aram Schlosberg Q models can take a while to reach their terminal climb speed and climb pitch, maybe as long as 10 seconds. . Some Q fliers run forward and fling their banked models into the wind. Others, launch their banked models at 30-60 degrees right of the wind. The incoming wind propels their models while...

sen 3104

May's Double American Cup in New York F1E WCup in Denver San Valeers Annual Results May's Double American Cup in New York From: Aram Schlosberg The Skyscrapers are holding two back to back American Cup contests over May 20,21 at Wawaywanda NY. The traditional Hatschek-Challenger is held over a weekend in May. B and J on Saturday, A and Q on Sunday. We have overlapped...

sen 3103

NFFS Update SCAT MINI Makeup San Valeers FAI Winners flash NFFS Update Complete update of the NFFS Website at Looks great ,be sure to check it out. SCAT MINI MAKEUP From Mike McKeever here are the results of the SCAT MINI MAKEUP at San Valeers Friday April 14. A very good day of weather on a still green if not now too tall grass field....


Nelson Glow Plugs - Salonta Cup / Miklos Memorial Contest in Romania Screws or solder What are Top Dudes Nelson Glow Plugs - Salonta Cup / Miklos Memorial Contest in Romania I will have Nelson glow plugs for sale in Romania for the two World Cup contest on May 13th and 14th.  The cost is $9 each.  Please send me an e-mail if you wish...

sen 3101

Days Inn Modellers rate Update CIAM Meetings Dudes 2023 Days Inn Modellers rate Update From: Mike Pykelny Days Inn, 14684 Aloma Street, Lost Hills, California  93249 New rates effective March 2023 to July 1, 2023 with Harry the property owner at the Days Inn, Lost Hills, Ca. Single Rate  (1 Bed)  Second Floor      $89.99 Single Rate  (1 Bed)  First Floor            $99.99 Double Rate (2 Beds)...

sen 3100

Q Flash F1G Winder Q Flash From Ian Kaynes on FB The CIAM Plenary results have been released today. The F1 subcommittee proposal for F1Q as a World Championships was passed 27 in favour, no votes against. The change will be included in the Sporting Code from January 2024. This probably indicates first event at the 2025 World Championship (the venue for which will be...

sen 3099

SCAT Annual Report Rescheduled 2023 SCAT Annual FAI Mini Events San Valeers Annual 2023 SCAT Annual Report As a young modeler, I learned that 1/2 of an A is better than no A at all. So went the 2023 SCAT Annual. I had been watching the weather report carefully for 2 weeks prior and it looked that the Mar 19-19 weekend would be dry. The...

sen 3098

Upcoming in the Mid-West Intercity Hoosier Brodersen Upcoming in the Mid-West From: Greg Simon Can you post these contest flyers on the Sen web site. Thank you for all your help and support. One item to note:  For flyers coming to the Nats this summer, I was able to resurrect the Hoosier cup and we are approved for the Sunday before the Nats week.  A...

sen 3097

Lost Hills Flash Fab Feb 1 2 3 go Lost Hills Flash From: Jim Parker LH road update for SCAT Annual Currently still best to use the North entrance and the "Williams" road, signs are up, white board with red spray paint and a standing tire. Work truck made it thru the normal north road that wraps around the base of the hill but it's...

sen 3096

Lost Hills Field report  Thursday late morning Foremost Request Lost Hills Field report  Thursday late morning From: Jim Parker For SCAT Annual Holloway Bulldozer moving mud to improve access to both Flying field and Gypsum work area, take until 3 or 4 hrs. I plan to move Loaf to field late afternoon. Field RV area itself is dry. Currently I think the road will be...

sen 3095

Foremost Timer help SCAT Annual Next Week- Mar. 18, 19 Foremost Timer help From:John Lorbiecki I got a few  5 function E-timers by Fourmost Products- anyone have any info on them? Tnx John Lorbiecki SCAT Annual Next Week- Mar. 18, 19 From:  Jim Parker It was that California was to disappear via an earthquake. Now listening to the news from afar you'd think the state...

sen 3094

Fantham's Feb Feb Fotos STEM Classs 101 ? F1S & F1Q vs. Class A Gas Fantham's Feb Feb Fotos We just a new set of photos from Mike Fantham.  For those who were notborn then or don't remember  Mike was F1A World Champs in 1993, the first Lost Hills World Championship.  This year we missed some of our regular photographers: Malcom Campbell, Tom Faith and...

sen 3093

How many Ps ? Looking for Carbon Spread Tow Where to with Junior Power How many Ps ? From: Sasha and Artem Babenko We have a request for you to post information about the F1P models, father starts to produce a new line of F1P models and is trying to understand how many customers approximately there will be for this model. since the war continues in...

sen 3092

2023 AmCup- First Report and Scores Any word on Vasi from the Ukraine? Thanks Vikings 2023 AmCup- First Report and Scores Two weeks ago, we wrapped up the 2022 AmCup Season with award ceremony at Fab Feb, Lost Hills.  A bit cold and dark to my liking this year so I'm re-thinking the timing and location.  Two options being considered: 1) Awards at the field like the...

sen 3091

Sevak's Junior F1S versus F1Q discussion from Facebook Q to replace P for Juniors ? This is the piece Sevak is talking about The talking F1P and E-36 what have we learned? More Q Mystery Sevak's Junior F1S versus F1Q discussion from Facebook From:Andrew Barron Roger, I very much suggest that you copy Sevak's thoughtful discussion of Junior F1S versus F1Q for the junior world...

sen 3090

SCAT Annual SCAT Annual What's next for Scatters and our friends , the SCAT Annual Contest at Lost Hills.  Just enough time for this current bit of weather to settle down and get into March proper.  The month where lots of records are set at Lost Hills. The all info further down the page.  Besides the FAI events we have some AMA events too. The...

sen 3089

Fly away analysis. About F1Q flyaway without timer function Ike added to online Results F1N at FabFeb Fly away analysis. From: Benjamin Tarcher Hi Roger, One more comment on Dieter's fly away and a small comment on the New Sidus limiters and Joule Allocation for a fly off. Dieter's fly away may have been prevented by a non sticky start button. That aside, he would...

sen 3088

Q Fly Away Magic On Q and RDT One more thing Q Fly Away From: Dieter Paff Hello Roger, you may remember of the lost of my F1Q modell in the 7. round of the Max Men contest. I could find the reason for that when I back home and informed Massimo immediately. Please below my statement and his answer. This may be of interest...

sen 3087

Correction AMA Results – Ike Winter Classic Correction In our Fab Feb summary in the last SEN we got the young Glider guy from So Cal wrong.  His name is Daniel Guo. Sorry about that Daniel. AMA Results – Ike Winter Classic AMA Half A Justin Martin 518 David Martin 335 AMA  A-B   David Martin 817 Justin Martin 421 NOS A    Pete Pfarr 1023 Buck...

sen 3086

  Fab Feb Results online Fab Feb Finished Fab Feb Results online We have put the results of the Fab Feb events online on the SEN website and it is currently set up so you see them when you first logon.  There is also a menu choice down the left-hand side. The Ike AMA events will be added shortly.  If you spot an error,...

sen 3085

Cal Cup F1E Results MaxMen score corrections or questions Cal Cup F1E Results                                                   150 150 150 150 180 1 Mike McKeever   USA   150 115 149 150 180 476.00% 2 Evengy Gorban   UKR   126 150 150 150  87 432.33% 3 Fred...

sen 3084

MaxMen F1B FO MM Minis A Rare Bird - Official Flights Under 20 Seconds! MaxMen F1B FO Continue for 1 and 2 1 Mykola Kovalenko 2 Sevak Malkhasyan for 3 and 4 3 Jes Nyhegn 4 Bernard Guest MaxMen Minis F1G 120120  120120120180  240 GivenName    Family Name 3 LeR1 R2  R3  R4 R5 FO FO 4 TieBTotal 1  Tiffaney  Odell       USA 120 120 120 120...

sen 3083

F1A Fo Day 2 Tomorrow F1A Fo 1 Per Findahl    458 2 Brian Van Nest 320 Today F1B 240  240  180  180  180  180  180  360  480 R1   R2   R3   R4   R5   R6   R7  FO 6 FO 8 T0t 1  Mykola    Kovalenko UKR  240  240  180  180  180  180  180  360  480 2220 1  Sevak     MalkhasyanUSA  240  240  180  180  180  180  180  360  480...

sen 3082

Visitors and More MaxMeN A and Q Lost my cooler Ongoing USFFT fund raising Auction Visitors and More This year we have a couple of distinguished visitors.  Both of them are office holders for model flying in the USA and are relatively new to their positions. The first was Greg Stone, the AVP for AMA District X. For visitors, the AMA has divided the USA...

sen 3081

2023 USFFT Raffle This came in just as SEN 30380 was going out Here is the Thursday update of current high bids, as of 02-16-23, for the 2023 USFFT fund raising Auction: Lot #1 Wake-Up kit $125 Lot #2 Wilder 10:1 indoor winder $300 Lot #3 Al Vela oil painting $500 Lot #4 Galbreath tuned 1.0cc Cyclon engine $300 Lot #5 Nelson .36 FF/CL engine...

sen 3080

Max Men F1A poles North American results Found winding stooge on field @ North American Max Men F1A Poles F1A Pole Assignments (Move 2 poles each round) Pole 1 Bachmann, C Malila, L Jensen, S Nyhegn, J Pole 2 Fradkin, I MacKenzie, P Danier, J Allnutt, P Pole 3 Persson, A Findahl, P McKeever, M Grushkovskiy, Y Pole 4 Puhakka, R Abad, J Banos, A...

sen 3079

North American Cup – News Flash Gabby's Thurs PM North American Cup News Flash! F1A 1 Per Findahl 480 2 Yuval Bichet 448 3 Lauri Malila 447 F1Q 3  made the 8 minute flyoff Dieter Paff Samuel Cohen Michael Richardson F1B 15 made the 8 minute flyoff! Alex Andriukov George Batiuk Dag Edvard Larsen Tuvia Fibish Michael Seifert Yoni Segev Marty Schroedter Patrick Mackenzie Jerry...

sen 3078

Auction Action 2023 USFFT Auction Announcement: During the time that auction was conceived, and then announced, I was made aware of more than one definition of "silent auction". One, where people would turn in sealed bids, basically the highest number they would be happy to pay for an item, and then those bids would all be opened on the final night. And another, where the...

sen 3077

NA Flash The start time is  10 am  and the location will be North of Saturday's  Kiwi cup start line.  Forecast to be 30F at 8AM

sen 3076

Fab Feb Food Fab Feb Flash Question on Jouletest Fab Feb Food Social Evening at Gabby's is on.    Gabby's in the local restaurant  , rather than a chain, in the town of Lost Hills. Normally they close early evening, too early for us. . On Thursday starting at 6pm they are open especially for us. There is Tri-Tip and a Mexican special  as featured items...

sen 3075

Fab Feb Food Fab Feb Flash Question on Jouletest Fab Feb Food Social Evening at Gabby's is on.    Gabby's in the local restaurant  , rather than a chain, in the town of Lost Hills. Normally they close early evening, too early for us. . On Thursday starting at 6pm they are open especially for us. There is Tri-Tip and a Mexican special  as featured items...

sen 3074

Who Entered? Who entered ? This is the Link to the Kiwi Cup results Now seeing the events have not been flown yet there are no scores, a few last minute entries are still dribbling in but . This is a list of who has entered, so  may answer some of your questions.  There is still some cleanup required but you should be able...

sen 3073

Jouletest F1A/B/C Team Raffle. Please Go Now and Purchase Tickets Online SCAT Annual   Jouletest Hello Roger, please inform the competition CO that I bring the test device for the Jouletest,  which we used on the EUROFLY end of October in Switzerland with me. All who wants to know there correct Joule amount can have a test. Importend to do that is, that the models...

sen 3072

Books for sale at Fab Feb Lost Hills Food Lost  Hills Field Books for sale at Fab Feb From: Fred Terizian I'll have about 20 copies of James Dunkin's Reference Book of International .15ci/2.5cc Model Airplane Engines to sell at Fab Feb and they go for $65 each. Over 400 pages of almost every 2.5cc engine produced. No Babenko's etc. as this was published before...

sen 3071

Fora and Profi in CA Too Much ? Eifel Pokal Fora and Profi in CA From:Hobby Club Roger: Will appreciate if you can post the following message on SEN: Coming soon FORA F1C engines, w/o gerbox. Also available: PROFI .8cc & ; 1.0cc front and side venturi intake Alberto   Too Much ? From:Steve Helmick Just saw the AmCup final report and wondered about...

sen 3070

Latest Sporting code and more Latest Sporting code and more The note below was sent by the CIAM President Antonis Papadopoulos to the NACs  so many of you will have seen it already, but for those who have not.... Dear All, I would like to inform you that the 2023 Edition of the CIAM Sporting Code is now on the web.  You can find all...

sen 3069

2022 AmCup Final Report 2023 Am Cup The detailed results 2022 AmCup Final Report Wow, 2022 behind us, the first 2023 AmCup contest is complete so time for me to wrap up 2022. The last Am Cup contest of 2022 was rained out except the tough F1A flyers managed to get their rounds in before the down pour. This had no impact to the top...

sen 3068

Fab Feb Updates All of that Hank Cole Videos Helping Len Surtees Ike HLG update Fab Feb Updates We now have 111 entries. But in a recent discussion with some local flyers they said that they had not entered yet because there was still question if their work schedule would let them come and people have told us that a very well known East European...

sen 3067

Hank Cole World cup Trophée Belge and Poitou The 2023 FAI Southwest Regionals Model Airplane Championships Wanted to buy:MTK9xx timer. Hank Cole A few days ago the well known flyer Hank Cole passed away. Hank was not only a fabulous model flyer but worked as NASA in the Apollo and other programs. We have information on this but it is not in form that can...

sen 3066

Bulletin 1 Looking for Rohacell? Bulletin 1 Now available at Looking for Rohacell? From:Michael Achterberg Hello.  Looking for a sheet of 1mm 31IGF. All the companies have  minimum order of Big bucks.  If you have a sheet you would to sell please contact me.. Because shipping one 2'x4' is crazy to package just need it cut up in pieces so can fit in box. Maybe...

sen 3065

Fab Feb F1C Fuel. Super Magic 6 Update Fab Feb F1C Fuel Of the 3 Fab Feb World Cup events, only the MaxMen provides official fuel for that event.  This fuel is 16% synthetic + 4% castor as it has been previous years. Some visiting F1C sportsmen have made arrangements with American F1C sportsmen to get some fuel for testing and the earlier events. Bill...

sen 3064

MiniNeurone in Lost Hills Help Support the 2023 United States Free Flight Team! Fab Feb Pre-observations MiniNeurone in Lost Hills From :Frederic Aberlenc Jes Nyhegn from Denmark will have some MiniNeurone available at Lost Hills in Feb Best regards Frederic Help Support the 2023 United States Free Flight Team! $5 gets you a chance to win an heirloom quilt! Thanks to the efforts of Randy...

sen 3063

NFFSU Needs You! Super Magic 6 Update NFFSU Needs You! From:Ross Jahnke The National Free Flight Society just completed its second AE24 competition for college age students. We've been working with Dr. Gary Fogel at San Diego State University since early 2021 to create and implement this event. In spite of efforts to reach college students from other institutions, all of the entries have come...

sen 3062

For sale a used  winder with electronic counter Question on Bulletin 0 For sale a used  winder with electronic counter From: Tuvia Fibish For sale a used  winder with electronic counter  made by Blazevich  --1/4  for 250$ Can be delivered  in Feb Feb week in Lost Hills. Tuvia Fibish Question on Bulletin 0 Hi Roger, sorry to bother you. Do you have news if they have already...

sen 3061

Nelson Glow Plugs /  F1J Carbon Tailbooms for Sale Moose and Bear Cup Nelson Glow Plugs /  F1J Carbon Tailbooms for Sale I will have Nelson glow plugs for sale at the Fab Feb week of events.  The cost is $9 each.  In stock, I have 200 glow plugs at this time.  Please send me an e-mail if you wish to purchase glow plugs so...

sen 3060

Registration for Eagle and Danish Cup For Sale MK Timer MTK9xx MiniNeurone Lost Hills Update Registration for Eagle and Danish Cup From:Vegar Nereng Registration for Eagle Cup and Danish Cup is open. You can send your participation to mail: Name- Nation- FAI ID nr.- class and which world cup. (jun./sen) You can see who is registered at: Best regards Vegar Nereng. For Sale...

sen 3059

Fab Feb Update Alternative for Dymond D47 Another Small Servo Choice and survey Feb Update We have over 65 entries so far,  with about 2/3 from outside the USA.  There are in 20s in both A and B.  The country with next most after the USA is Israel. It is important to pre-entry as we make sure that your entry and paperwork, including FAI...

sen 3058

Len Surtees at the Ike Dead 47? Dipping into the past Len Surtees at the Ike Australian HLG champion Len Surtees is bringing several updated aluminium wing 32" TLG ARF kits to Fab Feb.  These will be sold for USD $150, including an electronic band burner timer DT.  He'll also be conducting a lucky drawer for all HLG entrants after their event.  The lucky winner...

sen 3057

Icarex at Fab Feb Fab Feb Update Norcal Champs Icarex at Fab Feb From: Eitan Habba I will bring with me to Fab Feb Japanese Icarex. Available colors are: Black Dark blue Light blue Green Yellow Red White Gray Orange Pink It is 32 g/m2 Lots of flyers use it... the shape is triangle. Please  Orders  by email: Eitan Habba- Israel Fab Feb Update...

sen 3056

Rubber at Fab Feb Other Stuff at Fab Feb Winding - does it matter ? MiniNeurone news Rubber Kerfuffle Rubber at Fab Feb FAI Model Supply will be providing rubber and supplies to all those who pre-order for delivery at the FAB February Contests in Lost Hills, CA.  We have already received a number of orders at this time. If you are interested in ordering items, we...

sen 3055

Splitting hairs or when someone else winds matters Are we having fun yet? First Fab Feb award ... Fab Feb Info Kiwi F1E Cup at Fab feb , Detailed info. Splitting hairs or when someone else winds matters Aram Schlosberg The basic argument to wind your motors is that one knows their motors better than anyone else. It conforms with the requirement that the flier...

sen 3054

NFFS F1D Stressed Winding ? Which rule ? NFFS F1D The excellent NFFS blog on F1D World Champs and more F1D  is at Stressed Winding  ? From:NICK BOSDET Dear Alex, The whole point of the motor winding rule is to add stress to competitors, so that the best prepared competitor with the best prepared highest performing model wins. The time restriction replaces the demand for...

sen 3053

Fab Feb 2023 Sign up North American California F1E Ike Winter Classic Fab Feb Online Sign up As in 3052 Is available at Additional Information is below  for the remaining  events And online at The Toronto Free Flight Group Presents the 2023 North American Cup An FAI World & America's Cup & Team Championship Dates: Wednesday, February 15th 2023 with Thursday February 16th as reserve day Place:  Bissonette...

sen 3052

Fab Feb 2023 Sign up Kiwi Cup MaxMen Fab Feb Online Sign up Is available at Additional Information is below  for some of the events and more will follow shortly And online at Lost Hills, California, USA 11-13 February 2023 Kiwi Cup FAI events World Cup America's Cup   Kiwi - F1A, B, C, P & Q New Zealand World Cup 7 round...

sen 3051

Can anyone explain? F1D W/C in Romania Can anyone explain? From : Alex Andriukov Can anyone explain what is the purpose of the motor winding rule. I can understand the reason for 30 gram motor or wing area limit. But I do not see what good does the rule which creates many problems and is not enforced anyway. Alex Andriukov F1D W/C in Romania From:...

sen 3050

Managing who winds The 2022 FAI Arizona FF Championships Fab Feb Managing who winds From: Teppo Hallo! It is Team managers job to show timekeepers that contestant winds the rubber self. He takes one of them and points to timer where the winding happens. Teppo. TM in WC 1971, 1979, 2003 and 2005 in FIN- team Editor's Comment And in a non-Champs event it is...

sen 3049

My Connections Sporting Code section ? My Connections From Glider Boohmer Dear Mr Magic, I think I have a bad connection between my brain and the World. Can you work on fixing that? Dear Glider This is not my area of focus but at least you know there is a "rest of the world" and maybe some of them even know about you too? A...

sen 3048

F1B and more stuff for sale UNWIND THAT MOTOR! Q-Man talks with Mr Magic F1B and more stuff for sale From: Sevak M F1B For Sale: -Mechanical F1B (Gorban fuselage and hub) $550 ( set up for Immediate prop release, and covered in icarex) -Andriukov 30mm Variable Pitch Hub (used) $300 (serviced and cleaned) - Pim Ruyter Tracker with 7 Batteries $120 For pictures, inquiries,...

sen 3045 2

Pim Ruyter Patterson F1E and Correction? Pim Ruyter Amsterdam, 29 September 1938-Hoevelaken, 10 November 2022 We received notification from our Dutch friends that the well known Dutch flyer Pim Puyter has passed away.  Pim was successful sportsman for many years taking part in F1B events, World Champs, Euro Champs and World Cups all around the World.  Pim will be especially remembered by many as he...

sen 3047

Arizona FAI FF Champs in December Patterson F1E Nov 2022 AmCup Update Arizona FAI FF Champs in December From:Peter Brocks On Dec. 3 and 4, the Arizona FAI Free Flight Championships will be held at Eloy, AZ. This is the last America's Cup contest to collect points for the year 2022. There are also plenty AMA, NFFS, FAC and SAM events. On the desert flying...

sen 3045

Patterson Report and Results Patterson Contest From: Janna VanNest Patterson shared the field with Dual Club under chilly mornings. Winds were variable thru out the contest.  Lower turnout for Patterson than in previous years. Probably due to team finals and of course fuel prices. Hot dog lunch was served both days with Dual Club ice cream social and Hamburger dinner. A memorial was held for...

sen 3044

Lacey -Kerr Memorial Report WarmLift at Fab Feb Lacey -Kerr Memorial Report From: Aram Schlosberg Lacey -Kerr Memorial Report The weather over November 5-6 in Wawayanda NY was worse than predicted. The corn along the west side is still standing and was the elephant in the room. Saturday had gusts up to 12 mph but the wind dropped before sunset. Sunday was windy again. Andrew...

sen 3034 2

57th Rocky Mountain Free Flight Championship FAI report Len Surtees' Aluminum Gliders at Fab Feb 57th Rocky Mountain Free Flight Championship FAI report Denver, Colorado 3 - 5 September 22 Twenty contestants plus numerous supporters were in attendance from six states. For all three days the weather was beautiful (as is typical for fall in Colorado) and we grilled lunch on the field each day....

sen 3042

Euro Fly Q Patterson Real Soon Now Patterson F1E Patterson Flyer 2022 Oct 22. AmCup Report--- Addition F1Q Eurofly 2022 - Alpencup 2022 From: Urs Schaller We have flown 2 World Cup competition for F1Q on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th October in Switzerland near Bern at the traditional EUROFLY airfield of Mühlethurnen. Perfect weather with sunshine and winds in the 0-1m/sec range. I think...

sen 3041

Oct 2022 AmCup Results and Report Finals Typo Correction Official Results Another Nelson Plug Source Finals Question Oct 2022 AmCup Results and Report Only 3 contests left in this 2022 AmCup contest season, Simpson Cup (Wellington, Kansas), Patterson (Lost Hills, CA) and Az Champs (Eloy AZ). The End Is Near! The scores may look a bit closer than in earlier years due to the new...

sen 3040

CD's Report Results Jury Report 2022 United States FAI Free Flight Team Selection Contest   Contest Directors Report The US Team selection contest was held October 10th through October 14th on schedule with no reserve days required. First let me take a moment to thank the considerable help I received in managing this event. David Lindley, NFFS President, arrived the day before processing and was...

sen 3039

Nelson Glow Plugs Sierra Cup Report and Results Lacey-Kerr Memorial - 2022 Dusty Finals Nelson Glow Plugs Last year the price for the Nelson glow plugs was increased due to the increased cost for the helical filament wire that is used in the glow plug.  The manufacture has again raised the cost for the glow plugs.  The new price is $9.50 for each plug.  I...

sen 3038

F1B For Sale Keys Found Want it now F1B FOR SALE: From: Sevak -Electronic Stefanchuk 1720 F1B (VP hub) -Electronic Vivchar F1B (VP hub) -Mechanical F1B - NEW Vivchar Variable Pitch Hub - AA 30mm Variable Pitch Hub with blades Will being taking pictures and coming up with prices shortly. Also have some support gear and spare parts 323-394-3424 Sevak Keys found From: Janna...

sen 3037

F1Q fly-off with 1 (one) Joule SEN stuff F1Q fly-off with 1 (one) Joule From:Urs Schaller On a recent competition we had one of these days everything seems to go up, that somebody forgot to unleash the downdrafts and winds. At the end, we had 3 competitors in the fly-off. Despite being only 2 o'clock we decided to hold the fly-off immediately to allow competitors...

sen 3036

Finals Flash 4 Ooops Finals Flash 4 Finals Update The third place fly offs are complete In F1A Brian Van Nest won a team spot over Jim Farmer and Guy Goldstein. In F1C Jeff Ellington took a team spot with a win over Guy Menanno So final team placing are as follows: F1A Ken Bauer Andrew Barron Brian Van Nest Anat Goldstein F1B Walt Ghio...

sen 3035

USA Finals Flash #3 Team So far USA Finals Flash #3 Flash for third day...Walt Ghio is on the team in both F1B and F1C....Jeff Ellington and Guy Menanno fly off tomorrow morning for the third spot. In F1A Andrew Barron won the second spot and Jim Farmer, Brian Van Nest and Guy Goldstein fly off for third tomorrow morning in F1A. Final team should get...

sen 3034

Finals Flash 2.5 Sierra Cup F1E Finals Flash 2.5 Brief report...the final team spot in F1B goes to..... Sevak Malkhasyan who topped Aram Achlosberg and Charlie Jones in a 10 minute morning fly off. F1A and F1C are currently flying their second day of competition Mike   Sierra Cup F1E Full results F1E 12 flew                       round 1    round 2    round 3    round 4    round...

sen 3033

Finals Flash #2 US Team so far USA Finals Flash #2 From Lost Hills The latest results have Alex Andriukov a team spot with a fly off win against Charlie Jones and Sevak Malkhasyan in the eight minute fly off Sevak, Charlie and Aram Schlosberg will fly off for the final team spot in the morning Joining Walt Ghio and Alex Andruikov is Aimee Raymond...

sen 3032

Finals Flash 1 CD Mike McKeever reported We have our first two Team Members: In F1A only Ken Bauer maxed out in a field of 10.  Qualifying for a third Team slot fly off were Guy Goldstein and Brian Van Nest. In F1B Walt Ghio won the 8 minute evening fly off against Aram Schlosberg  and Sevak Malkhasyan who now qualify for a fly off for...

sen 3031

Kotuku F1S Next Year's Sympo Kotuku F1S Missing from yesterday's report F1S                 Rnd1 Rnd2 Rnd3 Rnd4 Rnd5    FO1        TOTAL 1  David Sechrist     120  120  120  120  120    600  130     730 2  Jack Murphy        120  120  120  120  120    600   88     688 3  Larry Norvall      120  120  120  120  120    600   63     663 4  Janna VanNest      120  120  102  120  120    582          582 5  Ben Tarcher        ...

sen 3030

Kotuku Cup Results Kotuku Cup Lost Hills Brian Van Nest CD Weather – Hot (Very Hot) World Cup Events Kotuku Cup F1A                  Rnd1  Rnd2  Rnd3  Rnd4  Rnd5  Rnd6  Rnd7               TOTAL 1  Javier Abad       240   180   180   180   180   180   180                1320 2  Ken Bauer         240   180   156   180   180   180   180                1296 3  Andrew Barron     240   180   146   180   180   180   174                1280 4  Enes...

sen 3029

Sierra Flash Sierra Cup Flash Lost Hills Podium places, full results and report to follow probably after USA Team Selection Finals Good weather meant a good contest. F1E 1st:  Mike McKeever 2nd: Peter Brocks 3rd: Fred Terzian (Same result as Kotuku Cup) F1A 1st:  Jim Parker 2nd: Guy Goldstein 3rd:  Ken Bauer F1B 1st:  Sevak Malkhasyan 2nd: Ladi Horak 3rd:  Bill Booth F1C 1st:  Guy...

sen 3028

Kotuku World Cup F1E – Lost Hills Day's Inn  at Lost Hills. Fab Feb Advance Info Kotuku World Cup F1E – Lost Hills Kotuku F1E            2022 Actual seconds score for  each round Accumulative Percentage round score R1         R2         R3         R4         R5 Max                         180        180        180        180        180 1  Mike McKeever    USA      180        180        180        180        180 100.00%    200.00%    300.00%  400.00%      500.00% 2  Peter Brooks     USA     ...

2023 nffs symposium team announced

2023 NFFS Symposium Team Announced

sen 3027

New  F1C s  For Sale In Search Of a Winder Golf (Carts) at Lost Hills in October New  F1C s  For Sale From: Roy Summersby Artyem Babenko has sent me the models he had left in his workshop. Due to the situation in Ukraine and having bombs dropping just (300 meters) away he wanted them out of the country. He thinks that they are safer...

contest results

USFFC Contest Results

sen 3026

'22 Harvest Classic Upcoming at Wawaywanda 2022 Harvest Classic Harvest Classic 2022 Sep 17,18 Wawaywanda NY This is our post-Nats contest. The corn was a solid wall along the north-south road along the field's west side. We had a successful corn retrieval for a model flown by Ben Schultz on Saturday without a transmitter after the contest on Sunday. Kudos to Yuda Avla and Maria...

great grape gathering contest report

Great Grape Gathering Contest Report

sen 3025

Harvest Classic this weekend AE-24 2022 - A Model Aircraft Competition Just for College Students Harvest Classic this weekend From: Andrew Barron Dear Free flight friends, For those of us coming to the Harvest Classic Free Flight Meet this weekend in New York, I wish to update us on the conditions.  The weather forecast looks great.  Light wind from the South West both days. I...

sen 3024

Lost Hills Association Annual membership meeting Patterson 2022 - Correction Lost Hills Association Annual membership meeting. The Annual membership meeting for the Lost Hills Association will be held this Saturday, September 17 on the field immediately after the USFFC awards.   That will be approximately 6:00.  We are required to hold a membership meeting once a year at the USFFC. That being said, attendance has...

sen 3023

USFFC Patterson Kotuku and Sierra USA Team Selection Finals USFFC 52nd ANNUAL UNITED STATES FREE FLIGHT CHAMPIONSHIPS September 16 - 18, 2022 at Lost Hills, CA - Category II - AMA Sanction (AAA) - America's & National Cups The flyer format is hard to fit in SEN but you can find it here: PATTERSON MEMORIAL Nov 12th & 13th Reserve Nov 14th, 2021 at...

sen 3022

USA Team Selection Update USA Team Selection Status Update The Finals to select a team for the 2023 World Championships, to be held in France, are fast approaching. The Finals will be held from October 10 through October 15, 2022 in Lost Hills, CA. The deadline to enter the Finals is Tuesday September 20, 2022. Please contact Colleen Pierce at AMA (1-765-287-1256 OR 1-800-I-FLY-AMA, ext...

sen 3021

USA Team Selection Help USA Team Selection Timers From: Mike McKeever The Team Selection Finals are fast approaching.  As Contest Director I want to make sure participants understand the deadline for entry is September 20.  Colleen Pierce at AMA needs your entry to be received by that date.   There will be no entries accepted on the field in Lost Hills.  So make sure you...

sen 3020

Eifel Pokal Results Winning By Extrapolation Eifel Pokal Results Here   Winning By Extrapolation From aram Schlosberg In SEN 3019 Gauthier Briere argues that altitude flyoffs (the altitude at 120 seconds) could be improved by calculating the theoretical flight time based on the (1) climb max altitude and the average sink rate between attaining the (2) maximum attitude and (3) the altitude at 120 seconds....

sen 3019

Altitude flyoff would have given me second place F1Bs available Bike for sale Altitude flyoff would have given me second place From:Gauthier Brière Hello, Free flight competitions are flight duration competitions and not height competitions. A model that climbs lower but has better glide is disadvantaged by the current altimeter flyoff rule. I would never have won the European Championships flyoff with a 2 minute...

sen 3018

AmCup  Progress Q Correction Missing Photos in A Century of British Free Flight Contest Report: 43rd Annual MMM 14-Round Contest A better link to the organizer's Euro results USA Team Selection – Nag #1   AmCup  Progress Q Correction I normally don't send out SEN AmCup score corrections mid-season but think a quick note is helpful here. I had the NAT's F1Q scores for Julie...

sen 3017

More on the Euros All-Tee News Plus Plus, Plus More on the Euros From the FaceBook, Per Findahl points us to the FAI report on the Euro Champs  At this place It includes reference to a very good set of photos at : Pity Flickr does not facilitate captions ? The link to the detailed results is still not as good as the...

sen 3016

Looking to buy competitive F1B models - not at FFM Euros Looking to buy competitive F1B models From:Ittai Kohavi Hello, This is Ittai Kohavi, as some of you may know, my F1B model box was lost in Frankfurt by Lufthansa Airlines on the way to the Jr. World Championships this summer in Bulgaria. Despite our best efforts and the help of Lufthansa pilot Dirk Paff,...

sen 3014

America's Cup so far Euro Champs so far AmCup scores and report, Aug 18,2022 Great competition flying in the first 60% of this 2022 AmCup season—18 of 30 contests complete. Overall, there are more entrants, but five events have zero or only one bonus point contest. This even with the new 2022-point allocation scheme that starts bonus points at 5 flyers (was 6 flyers). The...

sen 3013

SEN European Championship F1ABC E/C F1ABC in Prilep (North-Macedonia) From: Bernhard Schwendemann This week the European Championship in F1ABC will be held in Prilep (North-Macedonia). F1A will fly on Wednesday (17.8.), F1B  on Thursday (18.8.) and F1C in Friday (19.8.). The blog on the webpage of Thermiksense was already started: Bernhard More on B From:Mike Pettigrew Hi Roger About the B fly-off window. As...

sen 3012

F1B Fly Off Window (beating a dead horse) No Problem ... As many as you like whenever you like Links to Euro Champs F1E Results F1B Fly Off Window (beating a dead horse) From:Ross Jahnke I fly F1B, but don't make the fly-off too often. But as a frequent fly off timer, watching the chaos in F1B when the horn blows compared to the A...

lots of new old symposiums added to the shop also 1993 wc plans books quantities very limited

LOTS of new old Symposiums added to the Shop, also 1993 WC Plans books. Quantities very limited. 

sen 3011

B Flyoff Window Where to find the Euro Champs But I'm flying the remaining days B Flyoff Window plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose There is a posting on the F1B group on FB by Can Tezcan about a possible change to the F1B fly off rule.  I was considering putting sthis in SEN.  It got 88 comments and then Can closed it...

sen 3010

FAI Report on Junior World Champs Euro F1E on You  Tube FAI Report on Junior World Champs Euro F1E on You  Tube Ian Kaynes has posted some You Tube videos at the F1E Euro Champs . This is a link to Ian's You Tube videos. At the time we wrote this there were 2 videos , probably more to follow.

sen 3009

F1C for sale E/C F1E in Turda (Romania) F1C for sale From Vladmir Linardic 2 models avalilable Brand new perfect and un flown Babenko raptors come with transport box  that fits in the included sports tube  for airline travel all consumable  and spare spare parts. Also included Babenko tachometer, spare props and spare details.  Please send email for more info E/C F1E in Turda (Romania)...

sen 3008

Junior World Champs – comments from a distance For Sale 2004 Yamaha 125 TTR FAI Events at the USA Nats Quote of the Junior World Champs (from the FaceBook) Junior WCH Bulgaria ! Very challenging weather during all three days. Per Findahl,  Head of Jury   Junior World Champs – comments from a distance The Champs are over, and hopefully everyone and their model boxes...

us junior free flight team wins first in f1a and f1b at junior world championships

US Junior Free Flight Team Wins First in F1A and F1B at Junior World Championships

sen 3007

Full Junior World Champs Scores The detailed scores are now posted on the FFn Web sited maintained by Ian Kaynes. Here is the link - We were a little disappointed that the organizer did not make this information online available during the event. Thanks to Ian for getting it online. There is much interest in events at this level with people wanting to see quickly...

sen 3006

SEN 3005 Correction 2022 FAI F1ABP Junior World Championships for Free Flight Model Aircraft Generosity SEN 3005 Correction Apologies for spelling Ruslan's name incorrectly It is RUSLAN Novak! 2022 FAI F1ABP Junior World Championships for Free Flight Model Aircraft Final Results : F1A - Gliders 1st:  Noa Goldstein   USA 2nd: Capucin Ragot  FRA 3rd:  Levente Halasz-Szabo  HUN F1A, Female - Gliders 1st :  Noa Goldstein   USA...

sen 3005

F1P No Pressure then Thanks all round F1P We just saw that no one was clean in F1P  But a fly off for first between Andrii Pshenychnyi and Oleksii Kosylo both from Ukraine. Third place is Rusian Novak also from Ukraine Could not be better Estonia and Hungary took the other team places No Pressure then From:Mike Fantham So nice to hear of the USA...

sen 3004

F1B Flash F1B Flash From Charlie Jones Ittai Kohavi USA F1B Jr World Champion! Skylar Donnelly USA F1B 8th Place Top Female Champion We are all tried but incredibly happy. More later ( I think he meant to say tired) And Tiff reports Congratulations Ittai and US team! Such a fabulous accomplishment.   Robert Donnelly said the winds were "super gnarly" at "18 to 20 on...

sen 3003

F1A News flash from Bulgaria Online ? News flash from Bulgaria Noa Goldstein USA wins F1A in Junior World Championship! Capucin Ragot France second Levente Halasz-Zabo, Hungry third. Decided in 8 minute flyoff Top woman in Junior 1 Noa Goldstein USA 2 Anat Goldstein USA More details later.  Very hot day crazy air. Charlie Jones, USA Team manager online ? From: Terry Kerger Roger Does...

sen 3002

Today is opening ceremony for Junior F1ABP World Championship! From: Charlie Jones Today is opening ceremonies for Junior F1ABP World Championship!  The past four days have been spent getting the USA team ready.  Morning practice sessions starting at 7 am and lasting until 11:30 when the heat would reach over 100 degrees.  Then back out in the evening to fly well past sunset only to...

sen 3001

USA Jnr F1B  Needs urgent help Looking for F1G wings Setting up an electric model USA Jnr F1B Needs urgent help From Sevak Hi Roger, Can you please post the following on SEN as soon as possible? We have arrived but no F1B flyers have any models. We are kinda in panic mode and trying all our options. Thank you in Advance In Search of...

sen 3000

2022 USA Junior FAI F1ABP Team October at Lost Hills 3000 2022 USA Junior FAI F1ABP  The time has come for us to depart for Bulgaria to participate in the 2022 FAI F1ABP Junior World Championships.  It has been a long four years since the last championships.  We have a small but skilled team of competitors this year.  Noa and Anat Goldstein will be our...

clarification on engines for vintage fai periods 6 and 7

Clarification on Engines for Vintage FAI Periods 6 and 7

sen 2999

Canada Cup Huron Cup Canada Cup CANADA CUP 2022        AMERICA and WORLD CUP COMPETITION      August 13th. 2022                Zander Sod farm, New Tecumseth, Ontario,   Categories:    F1A – F1B – F1C Contest schedule: F1A – F1B – F1C August 13th. Round 1.   8.00 AM  -  9.00 AM Round 2.   9.00 AM  -  10.00 AM Round 3.  10.00 AM  - 11.00 PM...

sen 2998

Watch the Vikings and friends 3000 Scandinavian free flight week From: Per Findahl Here you can find live scores from the Scandinavian Free Flight Week. Skickat från min iPhone 3000! From: Aram Schlosberg Roger, Congratulations for reaching the 3000 mile stone with endless dedication and commitment! SEN is the echo chamber of the US free flight fliers and their friends around the globe. Well done! Aram...

sen 2997

Nelson Glow Plugs Dave Acton – Annual Nelson Glow Plugs From: Walt Ghio Doug Galbreath has retired from selling Nelson glow plugs and also fuel / bladder tubing.  I have taken over the selling of the Nelson glow plugs and Glenn Schneider has taken over the selling of the fuel / bladder tubing. The Nelson glow plugs come in two heat ranges.  The hotter plug...

sen 2996

Detroit Balsa Bugs 10th Annual Brodersen FAI Challenge Help Requests F1E Swiss Championship 2022 Detroit Balsa Bugs 10th Annual Brodersen FAI Challenge August 27th &  August 28th , 2022 AMA Field – Muncie, Indiana America's Cup Saturday, August 27th, 2022 F1A, F1B, F1C/F1P, F1Q – (JSO Combined) 7 – 1 ½ hour rounds, ½ hr. overlap starting at 8:00 a.m. 3 min. max., weather permitting...

sen 2995

Announcement for MMM 14-Round Contest. Dave Acton Annual Burning Dandelion Announcement for MMM 14-Round Contest. From: Pete McQuade Fellow FAI, AMA, NFFS, and SAM Fliers: Just a reminder that the annual MMM 14-Rounder contest is just over 3 weeks away: July 8-10, in Denver, CO. We have a full slate of FAI, AMA, NFFS, and SAM events.  And we'll be hosting the F1E Team Selection! We'll...

sen 2994

New Flower Power ? Raptor's for sale MiniNeurone New Flower Power ? In listening to a business radio program on NPR talking about up coming events and business in Formula One the tech export reported that in addition to natural rubber and the other traditional additives Pirelli are now using a new natural "rubber" made from the  sap in dandelion stems in some of the...

sen 2993

Remembering my Coach Bob VanNest 4th ANNUAL CASINO CUP Remembering my Coach Bob VanNest From: Pierre Brun Janna,  Brian and the VanNest family please accept my deepest condolences.  Bob was a dearest friend and my coach when I first join the SCAT. He  will greatly be missed. Big hugs to you all Pierre   4th ANNUAL CASINO CUP From:Jack Murphy 4th ANNUAL WENDOVER CASINO CUP...

sen 2992

Bob Van Nest Swiss F1E Championship Bob VanNest From: Janna VanNest With great sadness we share the passing of our dad, Bob VanNest this morning, June 5 th. Dad was a expert builder, great flyer and in his time he flew three events for US team selection. He was a power flyer and also flew in 1967 US World Championship, in  Czechoslovakia,  A2 Glider. He...

sen 2991

2022 NFFS Symposium CIAM For Sale 2022 NFFS Symposium From:  William Booth 2022 NFFS Symposium The editorial process for the 2022 NFFS Symposium is coming to an end, but we still have a week or two if you have something you were thinking about and would like to have it included, please contact me as soon as possible.   The strength & value of the...


Whoops - wrong link Whoops mistake in the link The Indoor Nats is at not whatever was in 2989

sen 2989

Hot Hills Indoor Nats Online Lost Hills in the summer From:Dave Mayer Hi Roger: I am a very old, old free flight flyer. 83. My flying Guru is Toshi Hatazawa  I was at Lost Hills many years ago with my son Steve Mayer who is a ...Master Falconer. Question:  When is  the next free flight contest at Lost Hills?  Schedule? In the meantime: I made...

sen 2988

Scandinavian Free Flight Week Bob HATSCHEK – Correction -SEN 2987 Scandinavian Free Flight Week From: Per Findahl Tue, May 24 at 11:48 PM Registration for the Scandinavian Free Flight Week is open ! Join us on Öland for three World Cup events. New Tubes as "Givaways" are on the way, more info will come. Arrival 6 July Swedish Cup 7 July Norwegian Cup 8 July...

sen 2987

NFFS Activities Hatcheck - International Challenge NFFS Activities From: David Lindley As Gene Ulm noted in the recent SEN, NFFS membership has continued to RISE even through COVID. Those NFFS memberships mean everything to the community and the hobby. This year alone (2022), NFFS will donate in excess of $20k to junior programs and scholarships, ensuring we hand down the love of this hobby to...

sen 2986

USA NATs UPDATE Lee at The Nats NFFS Rising Photos of Leeper Viktor Pisanny got sick USA NATs UPDATE Planning on attending the NATs? please get registered... Lee at The Nats From:Charles Markos More Lee The stories go on and on.  One that has not yet been mentioned is the 2001 Nats in Muncie at which Lee won F1A in one of the more spectator-entertaining...

sen 2985

32nd Annual Nor Cal--America's Cup Events April 29-May 1, 2022 Hatschek International Challenge NFFS and USA Teams Lifting Vortex Use your Vortex Lee unwarped me) Lee Hines 32nd Annual Nor Cal--America's Cup Events April 29-May 1, 2022 From:Fred Terzian FAI Events Held April 30th, 2022--Excellent Flying Conditions! F1A--Ken Bauer    161  180  132 146 180  Total 799 F1B--Mike Davis   180 180  180  180  180     ...

sen 2984

CIAM Lee Hines - Mr. Baseball LEE HINES Where is your Vortex Waegell  Wind CIAM From: FFn The Plenary remote voting on the technical proposals has just been completed. The meeting has confirmed all but one of the items which were recommended by the Free Flight Technical Meeting reported in the April FFn. The exception is the F1Q flyoff change which was missed from the...

sen 2983

Coach I only knew him for 11 years Leaper First met him at the Taft  Champs Coach From: Jim  Parker Lee Hines Memory "Coach" At a not so past contest, a flyer overheard me call Lee Hines "Coach" and asked why. Here's the details of the answer. I arrived at the So Cal F1A scene in the early 1980's. I was now flying with the...

sen 2982

Lee Hines Four beloved skyscrapers have now passed in this last month Dave Acton Wind blew Dual Club event to November Lee Hines It is with much sadness that we report the passing of Lee Hines, the Southern California glider man, National Champ, World Champs Team Member,....  Lee was one of the Icons of Free Flight.  He had many classic glider  designs  including the Sweepette...

sen 2981

Fundamentals Auto Appreciating others ... Bill Bogart and more Fundamentals From:Gilbert Morris Things a bit slow right now? Now might be a good time to brush up on fundamentals. Check this out: Airfoil Design - YouTube Editor's comment : when checking out there above item , You Tube came  up with other suggestions on to further broaden my understanding in aerodynamics.   Auto We have...

sen 2980

Results of Arizona F1E Champs at Lost Hills Autonomous Models ? Norcal FF Champs Results of Arizona F1E Champs at Lost Hills This F1E contest was scheduled for April 12 a day after the San Valeers F1E contest. Unfortunately on that Tuesday the wind was blowing at 25mph so the decision was made to postpone it to the Reserve Day, April 13. Half of the...

sen 2979

Workday and flying season start at Barron Field SEN Stuff – Questions and Answers Workday and flying season start at Barron Field From: Andrew Barron Dear Free flight friends, It is a pleasure to keep you posted about activity at our field in Wawayanda, New York.   As you can see at or at the contest season is getting started for many of us.  In...

sen 2978

New F1As For Sale First 2022 AmCup Results F1As For Sale From: Randy Secor For Sale new F1A's purchased from Yuri Grushkovskiy at Lost Hills this past Feb My dream was to go back and start flying F1A again and possibly trying for a Team Spot in the near future. Due to a medical issue I will not be able to fly these models... I...

sen 2977

Hmmmm, that's not quite right Bob Gutai Dude Shirts Hmmmm, that's not quite right From: Stepan Hi Roger, I looked at the results of the F1C World Cup. Some strange situation. Several F1C participants flew at the (Dutch) competitions in Poland. But they made only one start. But the winner received 578 points. The weather was normal, pilots in other classes flew 5 starts plus...

sen 2976

SCAT Annual Report and Results SCAT Annual Results and Report 2022 SCAT Annual, Lost Hills, CA    March 12-14, 2022 CD: Jim Parker Saturday F1A 1 Enes Pecenkovic   240 180 180 180 180 180 180 1320 2 Ken Bauer         240 180 180 180 148 180 180 1288 3 Randy Secor       231 145 180 180 180 180 180 1276 4 Shlomi Rosenzweig 240 180 180 125...

sen 2975

Upcoming at Lost Hills 8, 9,and 10 F1E Right After Square Peg Why - Because Upcoming at Lost Hills 8, 9,and 10 San Valeers SCAMPS and SCIFs Texaco (and lots of other stuff too) Right  After Right after the LH flatland San Valleers Annual on April 8-10 there will be two F1E contests on Holloway Hill: The San Valeers Annual F1E run by...

sen 2974

SCAT Annual Flash Update from AMA on USA  National records for FAI Classes SCAT Annual Flash Lost Hills - Weather = great Saturday F1A  Enes Penenkovic 1320 only max out, Ken Bauer 1288, Randy Secor 1279 F1B FLYOFF F1B FO, 240+ 7x180+300+ 1st Ron Felix 359sec 2nd Walt Ghio 308 sec Walt rdt to keep out of trees. He had to get home. Ron is...

sen 2973

Fab Feb Top Dudes FOR SALE   Add-A Bike motor bike car carrier Fab Feb Top Dude These are based on modified World Cup scoring over the 3 Fab Feb contests. Not all events have 3 events. No F1P award because not sufficient participants over all events.  Winners should send their T-Shirt size to SEN. We think this the only time that one person has one...

sen 2972

USA F1E team selection Result from Eagle Cup or Norway and Danish Winter Cup USA F1E team selection. From: Robert Sifleet Roger, Please put this notice in the next SEN USA F1E team selection for the 2023 World championship.   This will be to select both the Junior and Senior teams. The team selection will be held July 8 2022 at the MMM F1E site ...

sen 2971

Russian invasion of Ukraine Russian invasion of Ukraine Several issues back on 1 March we published the statement from the FAI condemning the action of Russia and Belarus and suspending their membership of the FAI which excludes them from all events. We published this announcement so anyone involved in an upcoming event could take immediate action. Since that time we have been heartbroken seeing the...

sen 2970

SCAT Annual Details Here are the details for the Rescheduled SCAT Annual SCAT ANNUAL- rescheduled March 12 & 13, Reserve March 14, 2022 at Lost Hills Field, CA AMERICAS CUP & NATIONAL CUP Contest FAI Events: *Saturday, March 12: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q and F1P Seven one hour rounds start @ 8AM, extended max times for F1ABCQ are 240 sec. F1P 180 sec. Rounds 2...

sen 2969

SCAT Annual Contest Postponed Change to SCAT Annual: Due to possible snow closure of I5 over the Grapevine on Friday and Saturday nights of March 4 and 5 and high wind forecast at Lost Hills on March 5 (Sat) and 6 (Sun) the SCAT Annual has moved to the following weekend. The SCAT Annual  is now on March 12,13 with Monday the 14th as reserve....

sen 2968

Current situation in Ukraine Fab Feb,  More thanks and comments Current situation in Ukraine Many international sporting organizations are concerned about the Military conflict taking place in the Ukraine and following other organizations they have made the following statement. Lausanne, 28 February 2022 FAI position on the conflict taking place in the Ukraine The military conflict taking place in Ukraine is of grave international concern....

sen 2967

Ukraine - You are in our thoughts Fab Feb Thanks Ukraine The invasion of Ukraine has heart breaking for all of us who have friends there and many of us of have taken part in events there. We see that many have added the Ukrainian flag to our FaceBook profile.  There have been numerous messages of support on Facebook and some reports from Kyiv and...

sen 2966

Tom Faith's second Kiwi Cup Album Merry Smith's Photo - Trying again Tom Faith's second Kiwi Cup Album at Merry Smith's Photos Trying again People reported not being able to  see Merry's photos, this link should work but does not stop at the 2022. it gives you some of previous years but if you stop that Lost Hills pillars at the end of the second...

sen 2965

Quote and Correction Ton Faith's Ike Photos Merry Smith  views Fab Feb Congratulations F1B Re: MaxMen F1B Your SEN Subscription Quote and Correction From the FaceBook by Derek McGuckin Insane day Week at Lost Hills! Tom Faith's Ike Photos Are at Merry Smith  views Fab Feb with her photos at Here Congratulations F1B From:Daryl Perkins Congratulations to Ittai Kohavi on a great F1B...

sen 2964

MaxMen F1B Result MaxMen World Cup F1B Result Hi guys, We have a result! We ran a 10 minute fly off at 9:30 in the morning after caravaning all over the field with rotating drift and ended up at the west end of the white line. Of the seven who made it to the fly off Michael Seifert and Bob Piserchio opted not to fly...

sen 2963

MaxMen Update With a little help from my friends ... MaxMen Update In case you are wondering why no F1B Results yet .. F1B flyoff this morning, but wind has delayed the start. Seven flyers maxed a 10-minute flyoff at 5:30 Sunday night. Amazing air. Sevak Malkhasyan Ittai Shichman Michael Seifert Nikolay Kovalenko Robert Piserchio Jes Nyhegen, and Vegar Nereng wait for better weather today,...

sen 2962

MaxMen Sunday MaxMen F1B MaxMen F1C MaxMen F1B Tom Faith's Kiwi Cup Photos MaxMen F1A result corrected MaxMen International World Cup F1B F1P and F1C F1C Finished  F1P Finished  F1B another FO at 7AM tomorrow Finished F1C & F1P contests.  Still 7 in the morning fly-off for F1B.  Had 19 flyers in the final 10 minute fly-off at 5:10.  Still had 7 flyers make the...

sen 2961

MaxMen F1A Results MaxMen F1Q Results The Printer reports on the Journalist.  MaxMen International World Cup  F1A and F1Q Final Results CD Marty Schroedter F1A Max->     240 240  180  180  180  180  180  360  480 Name                         R1   R2   R3   R4   R5   R6   R7   FO1  FO2 Total Place Junior Jama        Danier     CAN   240  240  180  180  180  180  180  360  397  2137   1 Andrew      Barron     USA  ...

sen 2960

Maxmen FAI Mini Events Maxmen International Mini Events Lost Hills Feb 2022                                             F1H Max->   120 120  120 120 120   180  240 Name             Country R1  R2  R3   R4  R5    FO3  FO4 Total 1  Per    Findahl   SWE     120 120  120 120 120   180  240  1020 2  Blake  Jensen    USA     120 120  120 120 120   180  215   995 3  Mike   Fedor     USA      72  90  120 120 120             ...

sen 2959

Cal Cup F1E Results CALIFORNIA CUP F1E Lost Hills 17 Feb 2022                          150     99     150     150     150      Total Percentage 1  Per Findahl     SWE   124     86      99     150     150 82.67%  86.87%  66.00% 100.00% 100.00%  435.54% 2  Tom Ioeger      USA   150     87      43     150     150 100.00% 87.88%  28.67% 100.00% 100.00%  416.55% 3  Dave Parsons    USA   78      99      57     150     150 52.00% 100.00%  38.00% 100.00% 100.00%  390.00%...

sen 2958

North American Cup - Results North American Cup Final Results Drift from the West and a little cold.  Flew by trees on our land.         F1A         CountryRD 1 RD 2 RD 3 RD 4 RD 5 FO 1 Total Per Findahl           SWE   240  180  180  180  180  527 1487   1 Jama Danier           CAN   240  180  180  180  180  489 1449   2 Jes Nyhegn            DEN   240 ...

sen 2957

North American Q result North American ABC after regular ronds Kiwi F1A small adjustment North American World Cup of Canada F1Q Final Result         F1Q        CountryRD 1 RD 2 RD 3 RD 4 RD 5 Total Dieter Paff          GER   240  180  180  180  180  960   1 Julie Parker         USA   201  180  180  180  180  921   2 Ben Tarcher          USA   194  180  180  180  180  914  ...

sen 2956

North American Flash Q decided Rest on going full info to follow North American Flash  Wolrd Cup at Lost Hills Results for Q (no Fly off) F1Q - results 1. Dieter Paff 2. Julie Parker 3. Ben Tarcher 4. Jack Murphy 5. Ian Kaynes 6. Tom Ioerger Perfect weather 8 Min FO starts soon F1A Jama Danier Enes Pecenkovic Slobodan Djandara Jes Nyhegn Per Findahl...

sen 2955

Kiwi World Cup F1E Thanks to Doc Try the Oranges Kiwi World Cup F1E Kiwi World Cup F1E         Feb-14 1    Tom Ioerger  USA   100.00%  49.44%  92.09%  78.33%  88.31% 408.17% 2    Evgeny Gorban UKR   100.00%  45.56% 100.00%  73.33%  28.57% 348.02% 3    Brian VanNest USA    63.33% 100.00%  79.86%  30.56%  70.78% 344.53% 4    Ian Kaynes   GBR    50.00%  87.22%  32.37% 100.00%  68.18% 337.77% 5    Per Findahl  SWE    45.56%  63.33% ...

sen 2954

Kiwi Cup Mini Events Kiwi Cup Mini Events From Janna Van Nest     KIWI                  Mini Events            Brian Van Nest CD F1G                      Rnd1  Rnd2 Rnd3 Rnd4 Rnd5 FO1  FO2  FO3   TOTAL 1  Geralyn  JonesUSA       120  120  120  120  120  180  221          1001 2  Ladislav HorakCAN       120  120  120  120  120  180  172   155    1107 3  Eugeny Gorban UKR       120  120  120  120  120  180  172   152   ...

sen 2953

Kiwi F1A Kiwi Cup World Cup Events - F1A All in SEN 2952 except for F1A dawn Flyoff for first and second Per       1st  473 sec Jama   2nd  460 sec The fly off in F1A this morning was done in great weather and fair outcome. The drift was towards the south east. Both flyers launched more or less together. With Per Findahl coming out on...

sen 2952

Kiwi World Cup Results Food and Whine Off the Menu Kiwi World Cup Results - almost All Classes except F1A , Fly off tomorrow (Jama and Per) KIWI                           12 & 13        Brian Van Nest CD     F1A                      Rnd1  Rnd2 Rnd3 Rnd4 Rnd5 Rnd6 Rnd7 FO1  TOTAL 1  Jama Danier       CAN       240  180  180  180  180  180  180  480    1800 1  Per Findahl       SWE       240  180 ...

sen 2951

F1Q & Electric Free Flight – counting it Lost Hills Flash Other devices  do ATS (Altimeter-Time-Signature) too F1Q & Electric Free Flight – counting it. from Andreas Lindner  - from FaceBook Hello all, the new season starts in a few weeks. As announced end of last year I will try to help to coordinate to fulfil the requirements for F1Q to the World Championship status....

sen 2950

2022 North American Cup Additional Information «EAGLE CUP» + «Danish Cup» - email address corrected SCAT Annual Info on SEN 2022 North American Cup Additional Information As stated in the 2022 North American Cup contest notice the competitors MUST provide their own timekeepers.  This applies to the fly-offs also.  As the F1A and F1B events have the most entries please use flyers from F1A to...

sen 2949

F1A for Sale at Max Men CIAM PLENARY MEETING PROPOSALS Checking Yours F1A for Sale at Max Men From: Ross Jahnke I am selling a "*Baby Al*" F1A short wing bunter, originally owned by Lee Hines. It comes with two Palm Pilots and cables, and its own wooden box. It has some repairs made by Lee back in the day, but has only been flown...

sen 2948

Fab Feb – America's Cup Banquet Update B and E For Sale at Lost Hills Fab Feb Rubber Reminder Eagle Cup and Danish Cup The Bear and the Moose Fab Feb – America's Cup Banquet Update The Lost Hills Community has some restriction on the number of people that can attend functions so we will not be holding the America's Cup Banquet in 2022. The...

sen 2947

Ike Correction Fab Feb so far Ike Correction Whoops we put the wrong flyer in SEN 2946– there should be 3 small glider events National Cup HLG National Cup CLG 5 X 5  HLG   Isaacson Winter Classic AMA Events At Lost Hills, California 12 and 13 February 2022 National Cup events In conjunction with Kiwi Cup  World and America's Cup Events Saturday  February 12,...

sen 2946

Another look at Lost Hills Weather The 2022 FAI Southwest Regionals Model Airplane Championships The Ike F1N Outdoor, not exactly Another look at Lost Hills Weather From: Terry Kerger Here is a better weather forecast....,-119.660,8 -- Terry Kerger The 2022 FAI Southwest Regionals Model Airplane Championships The first America's Cup contest of 2022, the FAI SWR, was held on January 15 and 16 at...

sen 2945

Kiwi Cup F1E Icarex at Fab Feb Fab Feb pre-entries Please Sign Up Soon! Lost Hills Weather KIWI F1E WORLD CUP FEBRUARY 13, 2022 (MONDAY) THE 21st F1E ISAACSON WINTER CLASSIC LOST HILLS, CALIFORNIA PLACE: Holloway Hill, 1.5 miles SE of Bissonette Mirage Field parking GPS coordinates 35.655°N, 119.787°W. SCHEDULE: Five (5) 50-minute rounds with 10 minute breaks 9:00 am Arrival on Holloway Hill 1st...

sen 2944

EDIC-WG approved Sidus EL energy limiter for the FAI F1Q class Nelson Glow Plugs /  F1J Carbon Tailbooms for Sale Where is Lost Hills Isaacson Winter Classic EDIC-WG approved Sidus EL energy limiter for the FAI F1Q class I am pleased to inform all interested modelers that the Sidus EL energy limiter for the FAI F1Q class has finally been approved by the EDIC working...

sen 2943

Answers on altimeters Answers on altimeters From: Allard The suffix  behind the user's FAI ID number on each All-Tee is described in the manual (yes I know, it is hard to read as I also prefer to skip manuals). For altimeter fly offs no signature is required as per sporting code. For normal fly offs a signature is not required provided you show your memory-flushed...

sen 2942

Must have a Unique ID – it does More Altimeter stuff A Further Lost Hills Update Must have a Unique ID – it does From: Allard Hi, To Alex question: The EDIC rule says that each altimeter must have an unique number, nothing more. So: Yes, they can be sold 2nd hand as they will remain unique, Yes, they can be borrowed but it is...

sen 2941

All-Tee Question Lost Hills Article in Bakersfield Website All-Tee Question From:Alex Andriukov All-Tee Altimeter question. How about second hand altimeters? Say I buy one from somebody, but it has his name and FAI number on it. Can I use it as is? Can it be re-programmed with a new name and FAI number? Alex Andriukov Adding to Alex's Question , can I borrow one if...

sen 2940

Fab Feb Sign Up FAI Model Supply Super Sport Rubber at Fab Feb Upcoming Flying Neuron Roger Barron passing Fab Feb Sign Up For the FAI events you sign up on line at But when get to Lost Hills you need pay your entry fees, sign the safety sheet and have your license checked.  This will be at the Van Nest's trailer. There will...

sen 2939

America's Cup 2022 USA Sportsmen wanting to buy All-Tee America's Cup 2022 2022 AmCup Competition Rule changes Up front for those that don't read long messages. The 2022 AmCup sanction fees are now due. Still just $30! Thanks to those that have already sent in payment. The AmCup rules have not changed substantially since Al Hotard conceived the idea in 1989. We've added 7 events...


World Cup 2021 – Results World Cup 2021 – Thanks Last and First World Cup 2021 - Results Here are top 6 in each class F1A 1     Per Findahl             SWE  2093 2     Miroslav Mandichev      BUL  2086 3     Dusan Fric              CZE  2019 4     Rudolf Holzleitner      AUT  1968 5     Ivan Bezak              SVK  1948 6     Kosma Huber             SWE  1942 F1A-Junior 1     Patrik Klobusicky       SVK  2024 2     Anastasija Pozharska   ...

sen 2937

Fab Feb Entries USA Team Selection Bulletin Travel from Israel Thanks Fab Feb Entries The global travel situation  is changing all the time, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.  If  you are planning on coming and taking part in a FAI event at Lost Hills in Feb, please enter online, this includes flyers in the USA, even those in Southern California ?? ....

sen 2936

North American Cup 2927-2929 North American Cup 2022 North American Cup World Cup Sanction AMA Sanction American Cup Event Date: Wednesday, February 16th,  2022 Place:  Bissonette Mirage Field, Lost Hills, CA USA Events: Individual F1A, F1B, F1C, F1P &  F1Q Entry Fees:  $30.00 for all events, junior's $5.00 Organizer: Walt Ghio: Co-Organizer: Peter Allnutt: 527 Philippine St, Taft CA USA +1(661) 763-5039 Schedule: Round 1 9:00 am –...

sen 2935

2021 AmCup Final Results and Report 2021 AmCup Final Results and Report Some numbers on the 2021 FAI FF AmCup season. 20 flyers of the top 50 flyers in the 10 events were not in the top 5 last year. Therefore 30 flyers returned to the top 5.  The best I can tell 3 of the flyers are in the top 5 for the first...

sen 2934

2022 SYMPOSIUM CALL FOR PAPERS 2022 Fab Feb Update 2022 SYMPOSIUM CALL FOR PAPERS From: Bill Booth The doors of the 2022 NFFS Symposium are open for business and everyone is welcome to join the process. I have been a very active Free Flighter for 60 years and just this past year I learned things about the hobby that I didn't know existed. There is...

sen 2933

The 2021 FAI Arizona FF Championships Number Overload The 2021 FAI Arizona FF Championships The last America's Cup contest of 2021, the FAI AZ Champs, was held on December 4 and 5 at Eloy, Arizona. The COVID-19 pandemic caused the number of contestants to be smaller. Pre-entries by mail had been requested, which helped with getting the registration and fee payments out of the way....

sen 2932

2022 Finals for 2023 United States Team Last 2022 US  F1E contest 2022 Finals for 2023 United States Team From: William Booth The United States Team Finals are scheduled for October 10-16, 2022 in Lost Hills, CA The Sierra Cup and the Kotuku Cup, both World Cup contests, are scheduled for Saturday October 8 and Sunday October 9 respectively. Registration and Model Processing will be...

sen 2931

Fab Feb Update. Fab Feb 2022 sign up link. Some mixes are mix ups Fab Feb Update. In the news item below is the link to the online sign up for the FAI event in Fab Feb 2022 at Lost Hills. This is a summary of the events that comprise Fab Feb.  There are a number of different types of events. * World Cup Events...

sen 2930

LOST HILLS Update Let Q spread its wings Reminder for LOST HILLS Members LOST HILLS FREE FLIGHT MODEL AIRFIELD ASSOCIATION It's time to renew your membership to the LHFFMAA. Dues will remain the same for 2022.  Cost is $20 per year to be paid by January 15 th, 2022. Dues received after that date will be charged $25.  The two year discount is still $35....

sen 2926

Patterson Results 2021 Little Clarification There are deals The Clubs are a good source (and our readers too) Patterson Results 2021 From:Brian Vannest Usual weather as we had a fog advisory and couldn't start Saturday until 10:00am. Flyoff on Saturday for F1B. Just before sunset Walt and Sevak went for a 10 min max with low wind and perfect for the timekeeping. Great weather for...

sen 2925

MaxMen 2022 flyer Now Where are they ? MaxMen 2022 flyer Note that this does not yet have details on how to submit your entry as that is being worked of all the events and it is still subject to CIAM calendar approval. 2022 Bob White Memorial Max Men International An FAI World Cup and Americas Cup Event February 17 - 21, 2022 AMA SANCTION...

sen 2924

Patterson F1E FAI Sporting License – Finding the ID Patterson F1E From:Thomas G Ioerger Hi Roger Please remind the F1E flyers that the last F1E contest of the season will be held in conjunction with the Patterson contest on November 15th at Lost Hills. We will fly five rounds on Monday starting nominally at ten o'clock. Thermals Tom Ioerger FAI Sporting License – Finding the...

sen 2923

Arizona Champs in Eloy PATTERSON MEMORIAL Fab Feb 2022 Update Arizona Champs in Eloy From:Peter Brocks On Dec. 4 and 5, the Arizona FAI Free Flight Championships will be held in Eloy, AZ. This is the last America's Cup contest to collect points for the year 2021. There are also AMA, NFFS, FAC and SAM events. On the desert flying field in Eloy it will...

sen 2922

No Rule Book AMA Associate membership No Rule Book From:Peter Becker Sad but true: The FAI web site reveals nothing about "Marking" When Queried or even the existence of a "Rule Book".... Please give IT a swift Kick and have them include it in the search responses. Rule book in French is: livre de règles Thank you! Peter Becker AMA 12203 FAI Navigation The FAI does...

sen 2921

Fab Feb Questions and Answers Fab Feb World Cup Updates. We have received more questions about the Fab Feb contests in 2022. Firstly, the details for 2022 have not been confirmed yet and there are some outstanding issues we are working on. But here is some information. In particular the exact dates of the events have not been confirmed and the sanctions have not been...

sen 2920

What are D changes ? Jnr P back to J 2021 San Valeer's 33rd All Nostalgia Annual results What are D changes ? What are the proposals for the rule changes in F1D? Editor's Comment No one saying there are changes, there might be, it is just changing they are possible Jnr P back to J From:Michael Achterberg F1p proposal.  Since it's long history has...

sen 2919

CIAM Submissions CIAM Submission - everyone Rule changes for F1D, F1P, F1Q, F1N and provisional classes eligible for change at the up coming CIAM 2022 Plenary  you need to get them you local NAC (National Aero Club) right away as time is short.  Each country has a different process before the CIAM meetings. In recent SEN we have noticed people complaining about the sporting code...

sen 2918

20- 20 Hindsight 2021 FAI FF AmCup Report--- 3 contest to go Back Off 20- 20 Hindsight Part of the recent confusion around altimeters is due to people not being up to date on the Sporting Code and part is due to the current global supply chain issues combined with a single source supplier. Perhaps when there is a change proposed for the sporting code...

sen 2917

3 All-Tee or rather Certified Altimeter  Items Skyscrapers apparel 3 All-Tee or rather Certified Altimeter  Items These Items are from the All-Tee group on Face Book. On this group there is quite a lot of discussion. This include three items that the SEN editor considers to be of the most importance. They are 1. Current availability of the All-Tee and possible mitigation 2. Description of...

sen 2916

Kiwi Bs at Dawn Top Dudes Kiwi F1B Dawn Flyoff – Photos from Tom Faith Results reminder 1     Sevak Malkhasyan 1867 2     Charlie Jones 1781 3     Tony Mathews 1767 4     Jerry Fitch 1749 5     Ittai Kohavi 1735 6     Alex Andriukov 1380 Who leant back the most ? who jumped the highest .... .. and junior Ittai in good company Top Dudes Traditionally in the...

sen 2915

North American Cup On Keeping up the tech help... North American Cup America's Cup Lost Hills – Last FAI Outstanding and Endless October Event CD Report We had a little wind at Lost Hills yesterday.  First round had high drift from the South.  Lowered the max time for two rounds then had a good calm period for the middle of round three to the middle...

sen 2914

MaxMen International World Cup Keep up the tech help MaxMen Mini Events MaxMen International World Cup Lost Hills, CA F1A                1    2    3    4    5    6    7               Total  Place Ken Bauer        240  180  180  180  180  180  180  300  404        2024  1 Enes Penckovic   240  180  180  180  180  180  180  300  371        1991  2 Jim Parker       240  180  180  180  180  180  180  300 ...

sen 2912

Sierra Cup Mini Events Fora engine for sale Altimeter use confusion Sierra Cup Mini Events F1G Jerry Fitch         120  120  120  120  120  180  240  291 1311   1 Evgeny Gorban       120  120  120  120  120  180  240  263 1283   2 Tony Mathews        120  120  120  120  120  180  240  250 1270   3 Tom Ioerger         120  120  120  120  120  180  240  164 1184   4 Ladai...

sen 2911

Altimeters, how we got here Reminder Kotuku World Cup F1E Thanks to Allard Read the Sporting Code Altimeters, how we got here From:Ian Kaynes Roger A contribution to the altimeter discussion: Organisers usually have flyoffs to handle at the end of World Cup competitions. Particularly in Europe there can be problems completing the standard progressive flyoffs within the limits of daylight time and the available...

sen 2910

The Swiss F1E Team Elimination Final Just some remarks on the ongoing altimeter discussion Editorial Disclaimer Plus The Swiss F1E Team Elimination Final From:William Damerell Hallo Roger, Greetings frpm a rather cold and foggy Autumnal Alps. Could you kindly publish the following- Many Thanks! The Swiss F1E Team Elimination Final will be held this coming Sunday ( 17.10.21 ) in Wikartswil, Bern Oberland, Switzerland. Wish...

sen 2909

Sierra Cup F1E Oh my goodness the rules have changed Sierra Cup F1E Name              Round 1     Round 2     Round 3     Round 4     Round 5    Total %Place Gorban  Evgeny    150 100.00  150 100.00  150 100.00  150 100.00  150 100.00 500.00  1 Ioerger Tom        84  56.00  150 100.00  150 100.00  150 100.00  150 100.00 456.00  2 Brocks  Peter     130  86.67  118  78.67  150 100.00  134  89.33  150...

sen 2908

Kotuku Korrection and Komment New FAI project Juniors at LH in October so far Problems with the Free Flight Quarterly website Kotuku Korrection and Komment Roger I hate to make corrections but times on the last F1C round were switched . In other news  the day after the Kotuku Blake clocked the winds at 44 miles per hour. It's really dusty and the tumbleweeds are...

sen 2907

Kotuku Cup Results Kotuku World and America's  Cup The day started up with early am fly off for Sierra Cup with great weather 0-1 mph. The weather thru out the day low winds with big thermals. The flyoff in the 5 min flight was giant thermals. Final flight 8 min with very low winds near sunset with great results. Brian VanNest CD   Kotuku Cup...

sen 2906

Sierra Cup Sierra Cup  Results World and America's Cup Lost Hills, Ca Great Weather F1A                1    2    3    4    5    6    7               Total  Place Jama Danier      240  180  180  180  180  180  180  300  420  430   2470  1 Jim Parker       240  180  180  180  180  180  180  300  420  418   2458  2 Andrew Barron    240  180  180  180  180  180  180  300  420  299   2339 ...

sen 2905

Kotuku Mini Events Results Kotuku Mini Events Started late because of wind F1G Ladi Horak           120 120 120 120 120 240     840 1 Jerry Fitch          120 120 120 120 120 152     752 2 Geralyn Jones        120 120 120 107 120         587 3 Bernard Guest        120 120 120 106 120         586 4 Tiffant O'Dell        80 120  72 120 120         512 5 Evgeny Gorban         58 120  80...

sen 2904

E Correction Sierra Cup Mini Events E Correction The results reported yesterday were the California Cup , Kotuku F1E is flown next week. Sierra Cup Mini Events F1G Peter Brocks        102  120  120  112            454   7 Evgeny Gorban       120  120  120  120            480   1 Ladai Horak         120  120  120  120            480   1 Tom Ioerger         120  120  120  120            480   1 Geralyn Jones       117  120  120 ...

sen 2903

Kiwi Cup F1E Kotuku Cup F1E Kiwi Cup F1E Name               R1 T  %     R2 T  %     R3 T  %     R4 T  %     R5 T  %   Total  Place Ioerger Tom        140 84.34   130 89.04   109 60.56   180100.00   118 95.16 429.10  1 Sifleet Bob        147 88.55   124 84.93   161 89.44   134 74.44    88 70.97 408.33  2 Parsons David      141 84.94   146100.00   114 63.33   118 65.56    90 72.58...

sen 2902

2021 North American Cup – revised, only a little Kiwi F1A corrected 2021 North American Cup Revised – read the small red print AMA Sanction 10858 American Cup Event Date: Sunday, October 17th 2021 Place:  Bissonette Mirage Field, Lost Hills, CA USA Events: Individual F1A, F1B, F1C, F1P &  F1Q Entry Fees:  $30.00 for all events, junior's $5.00 Organizer: Walt Ghio: Co-Organizer: Peter Allnutt: 527 Philippine St, Taft...

sen 2901

Kiwi Cup Mini Events Texas has hills too Kiwi Cup Mini Events CD, Brian Van Nest  reports: Flyoff for mini's this morning.  Weather has been beautiful, light breeze until evening, so to avoid trees we finished this morning.  Last evening the smoke filtered in and this morning very smoky. 11 major wildfires in California currently burning.  Off to F1E hill this morning. F1G                                Rnd1 Rnd2 ...

sen 2900

Noise Solved ? Re: Am Cup Report Kiwi Cup Results Right Engine Noise Solved ? From:Hiding in the desert Roger, problem solved, at least for groovy sounding engine noise.........there must be an app you can play for that! Editor's comment: to play the App you need a smart phone, now I Know F1C World Champ, Taron  has one but the others ? Re: Am Cup...

sen 2899

About the engine run AmCup Score and Jr Team Scores Corrected Harvest Classic Sunday Score Sheet Revised Ike Flyer About the engine run From:Gene Ulm Roger This f1c issue is an interesting one: engine runs that can not be accurately timed on the objective end and advancing performance on the subjective.   All seems to draw a fair amount of banter energy. Idea: how about forgoing...

sen 2898

Remembering .... Thanking F1C Timing RESULTS OF HARVEST CLASSIC   Remembering .... From: Jörgen Korsgaard Hi Roger. Perhaps you might bring my humble points concerning Joe H. Maxwell and Pim Ruyter. Hi all FF fans. First I would like to thank you Martin Gregorie for his article about Joe Maxwell. A few years ago I tried to initiate getting him into the NFFS Hall of...

sen 2897

My  Perfect planks from FB; though this is a nice thank you to Pim Ruyter Patterson My  Perfect planks From:Martin Gregorie The best building boards I've ever had were made by Joe Maxwell and are no longer available : you simply told him wing and tail panel sizes, sections and dihedral. The building boards you got back were very nice indeed, to the extent that the matching ends of...

sen 2893

NFFS + Science Olympics Building Board Maintenance and Care? Reaching out and More Reaching out further NFFS + Science Olympics See link to this activity we mentioned in a previous SEN Building Board Maintenance and Care? From:Gregory Stewart One of the best investments I ever made for model-building was buying a home-built building board at one of my then-local hobby shops back in the...

sen 2892

RC return to flight line Our biggest challenge NATS 2022 DATES ANNOUNCED RC return to flight line ( we actually said Automated) From: Dave Edmonson I tried it with an F1A model.  With full RC control of the whole flight in a moderate wind, you are barely able to maintain field position.  What this means is that instead of DTing, if you think your model...

sen 2891

Rebutal – No rules is ideal? Lesson from the past I want Mr Findahl as my school teacher Rebutal – No rules is ideal? From:Gil  Morris Roger, thank you for your viewpoint although I'm not fully clear about your direction. Question: What is a STEM event? [STEM = Science Technology, Engineering  and Mathematics- See Below] My position is: no rules is ideal. Free Flight is...

sen 2890

20 Years ago, part 2 - non-Drone UAS About It's There Already Unintended Consequences Going back is seldom the answer. Please put your flamethrowers away 20 Years ago, part 2 - Free Flight UAS For Gil Morris ... When closed loops were banned, we were at a much different place in the use of electronics with Free Flight and in what we might call hobby...

sen 2889

One clarification, One Example It's there already Carl Bogart's thoughts About 20 years ago One Clarification, One Example In the Tipping, Crossing article with it's business references I should have included a third, a book on sales.  But being a simple techie, I did think of that or have one. The point was there but maybe not obvious enough.  The principle from  the head of...

sen 2888

An approach Link to FFTSC White paper Cool it An approach From:Carl Bogart Dear Roger, As an ex F1C flyer I've been following the discussions of what to do about performance .I think I have a solution but it's probably not cheap. Basically the idea is to fit a transmitter/receiver to the model. The timer also has a transmitter/receiver that is preset to send a...

sen 2887

20-20 Hind sight Altimer section All locked up – in the past? Fun meter pegged What the other guys do In The Press Finally 20-20 Hind sight In reading the reports of a couple important F1Q event on FB it seems they were able to avoid the dreaded altimer flyoff  by tweaking of the energy allocation to reduce performance to suit the field  and conditions. ...

sen 2886

Great You need to leap Lock it all up Alt Action Flying Electrons North American Cup Kiwi Cup Isaacson Winter in October Classic Kiwi Cup F1E Altimter section Great From:gary pope Great editorial Rog, you left me wanting more. Cheers You need to leap From: gliderbohm Roger, As usual, the thinking in your editorial is clear, smart, and wise. I think you are spot on. ...

sen 2885

We have reached tipping point, when we will cross the chasm? Rocky Mountain FF Champs 2021 Altitude not everything Addressing the Dilemma Home by noon Good News We have reached tipping point, when we will cross the chasm? Editorial  (with acknowledgements to Malcolm Gladwell and Geoffrey Moore, authors of two classic business and beyond books). With FAI Free Flight we have reached a Tipping...

sen 2884

All the best Pre-Flyoff Flight to the ground Duration is the Target Altimeter Flyoffs Leonard "Len" Kendy All the best From:Michael Achterberg Congratulations Hank! Happy Bday. Thermals, Michael   Pre-Flyoff From:Charles Markos The longest flight wins! Ackery's wish is already in place at some FAI competitions.   It is simple.  No max for the first round...timed to OOS or to the ground.  First round flight time...

sen 2883

Hall of Fame Member Henry "Hank" Cole Turns the Century Mark! 50 km  and missed the water Altitude, or duration and ... Hall of Fame Member Henry "Hank" Cole Turns the Century Mark! From:Fred Terzian Legendary Oakland Cloud Duster member Hank Cole turns 100 today (August 19th)! We have had the honor of seeing Hank at regular Cloud Duster lunch meetings in Redwood City along...

sen 2882

One Detail I forgot and point I should clarify Good Example of All-Tee in real life USFFC US Air settings Good Example of All-Tee in real life From: Allard Van Wallene Altimeters have been used for years in model rocketry and radio controlled electric powered gliders. Has there been controversy about inaccuracy or wrong settings? Not that I know of. Altimeters are used to determine...

sen 2881

All-Tee Doc Settings is Key Lost Hills Motels  F1E Meisterschaft The All-Tee Achievement All-Tee Doc We forgot to post the link to the manual   Settings is Key From: PierreChaussebourg About altimeters. In aviation altimeters are used according three différent setting : QFE: altimeters set on pressure on the ground at a given place (airport) gives the elevation over that point. QNH: altimeter is...

sen 2880

Operation of the All-Tee altimeter The Pathway AMA Nats FF intro http://www.modelaircraft.orgOperation of the All-Tee altimeter From: Allard van Wallene Operation of the All-Tee altimeter Principle: Most if not all altimeters used for aeromodeling are based on measuring the air pressure the sensor is exposed to. This pressure drops when the height of the model increases. A processor in the altimeter converts this pressure to...

sen 2879

Two faces of All-Tee From the All-Tee Altimeter group on FB Altimeter Q for Allard Two faces of All-Tee The reason All-Tee was designed was provide a a certified, accurate and effective altimeter to satisfy the maximum altitude measuring requirement for a FAI Free Flight "Altimeter flyoff".  It has procedures so it can be used without ambiguity in competition conditions.  It is not intended to...

sen 2860

What is F5J category ? Swiss Alps  About Altis Even more About Altis New Ideas and help come from everywhere = Innovation What is F5J category ?   Thanks,  Bill From:Bill Schmidt From the Sporting code Class F5J –Electric Powered Thermal Duration Gliders SC4_Vol_F5_Electric_21 Effective 1st January 2021 Page 25 5.5.11. CLASS F5J–RC ELECTRIC POWERED THERMAL DURATION GLIDERS THERMAL DURATION GLIDERS WITH ELECTRIC MOTOR AND...

sen 2859

“Altimeter” part of the Sporting Code Not happy with this – this is a different game October Forecast Altimeter part of the Sporting Code Seeing there is discussion around this , here is the section of the Sporting Code. General Regulations for Free Flight Contests SC4_Vol_F1_FreeFlight_21 Effective 1st January 2021 Page 12 F1.1.4 Additional Flights in Open Internationals In the specification of each outdoor free...

sen 2858

CIAM Update Is this it CIAM Update From Antonis Papadopoulos, CIAM President Via FFN and other sources CIAM Bureau met on Saturday 5 of June and please find below the decisions for the following matters: World / Continental Championships events. for FFn the F1 events are listed here 2021 F1E World Championships rescheduled to 2023 2021 F1D World Championship December 2021, decision Sept 1` 2022...

sen 2857

All-Tee Altimeters in fly offs All-Tee From: Tom Stalick Roger, Can you confirm the contact email for the All-Tee altimeter? I tried  , a few days ago but haven’t received a response yet. Thanks, Tom Stalick Editor’s Comment Tom, the article was cut and paste from FaceBook so I think the email is OK.  See Below. Probably super busy working with/on EDIC   Altimeters in fly...

sen 2856

F1E World Championships F1E World Championships From:  Peter Brocks The 2021 F1E World Championships in Turda, Romania have been canceled. This is due to the willingness of only 6 countries to participate and the still lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The next F1E World Championships are scheduled for 2023, also in Turda, Romania. See email from the Romanian Modeling Federation. From: Romanian Modeling Federation...

sen 2855

Charging ahead, or not at the moment EDIC certified altimeter for Free Flight Announcement for SEN:  MMM 14-Round Contest Charging ahead, or not at the moment From: PAUL CROWLEY Roger, Would you please publish this? Does any one know if some one took over Bob Selman Designs RC LLC ? If so who? Next question, I'm looking for a US source for a Didel Bicha...

sen 2854

Hatcheck International Challenge Looking for Vivchar F1B prop hub Hatcheck International Challenge By Aram Schlosberg The weather that was calm and warm in the earlier week turned windy over the weekend blowing across the field from the west. On Sunday gusts peeked at 19 MPH, interspersed with calm periods. The contest coincided with a large Flying Aces meet with periodic mass launces and a few...

sen 2853

USA Junior Team Info Wanted: Mothballed F1C The Junior FAI F1ABP Team Selection Committee has made the decision to start the selection process beginning on June 1, 2021 and ending with the SCAT Annual Contest March of 2022. The program will be the same format as in the past. Performance ranking in your three best America's Cup contests will determine the team selection. Additionally the...

sen 2852

Warmlift for sale Hatschek - International Warmlift for sale From :Pete Reinhart Warmlift thermal detector w/ android display, & hi cap. Batteries $500 Call or write Pete Reinhart, 512-345-5936 or Apology to Pete – he sent us this notice a few days back and it included some F1Gs as well – they got sold and we did not send out a SEN right away for a...

sen 2851

Casino Cup F1 E -  Question? PULSAR, F1S BY URS SCHALLER CIAM Plenary meeting Casino Cup F1 E -  Question? From:Jack Murphy Roger, The F1E portion of the Casino Cup will be held on Monday, June 21st, depending on the level of interest of prospective F1E participants. This is in keeping with the tradition of the area, which has a history of top-secret missions. The...

sen 2850

World Champs Schedule Flash MMM’s 42nd Annual 14-Rounder World Champs Schedule Flash The CIAM has made a series of announcements with respect to various World Champs. Covid-19 uncertainties continue to upset most events of any kind  that involve any form of international travel. This includes a revised FF Champs schedule. This table gives the current plan for events following the indication from France that the F1ABC...

sen 2849

Al Ulm DT rounds ? Wind Power A Falling Al Ulm From:Adelaide Machado Ulm “Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you will have been, and there you will always long to return” (Leonardo da Vinci) Anthony “Allen” Ulm, husband of Pat, father of Jeff and Gene, grandfather of Karl, Kurt, and Adelaide, and...

sen 2848

Timer for no BEC ESC Towed Power San Valeers Annual Results Timer for no BEC ESC From:Tapio Linkosalo *Keep in mind that the drone ESC does not have a brake enabled for a folder prop. And a special wiring harness is needed. Actually, many (most) drone ESCs are based on Arm32 chip, and use BlHeli firmware. the BlHeli version for Arm has an option to...

sen 2847

Results Arizona F1E Champs at Lost Hills Re: What’s Ahead Timer for no BEC ESC Phantom Polish cash Results Arizona F1E Champs at Lost Hills From:Peter Brocks Results of Arizona F1E Champs at Lost Hills It was good being on Holloway Hill again on April 12 to fly F1E after an absence of 6 months. We had 8 fliers competing in the Arizona F1E Champs....

sen 2846

FAI on COVID Follow Golf ? USA National Champs = The Nats What’s Ahead FAI on COVID FAI Guidance Protocol for Covid-19 affected events | World Air Sports Federation Prepared by FAI MEDICO-PHYSIOLOGICAL COMMISSION (CIMP)   Follow Golf ? From:Michael Achterberg Hello.  Hope all are safe and well thru this troubling time.. Had an idea the other day watching the Masters. They allow all former...

sen 2845

Where we are Seen On FB (and in the Sympo?) Where we are We got a suggestion from a long time SEN subscriber that we publish the extract below from Free Flight News, written by Ian Kaynes.  FAI Free Flighters are all trying to figure out the next step.  On one hand with vaccines and public health measures we are getting the  pandemic under control....

sen 2844

Nelson Glow Plugs Free Flight Quarterly #79 has appeared Thermiksense 1/2021 2021 FREE FLIGHT FORUM REPORT Nelson Glow Plugs From: Walt Ghio I will have Nelson glow plugs for sale at the San Valeer’s contest this coming weekend at Lost Hills.  Due to an increase in the helical filament wire that is used in the Nelson glow plug the cost for each glow plug is...

sen 2843

San Valeers Correction San Valeers Correction From: Terry Thorkildsen Roger, Your San Valeers flyer in SEN is not correct. We are not flying all modern events on either day. The correct flyer is on the Lost Hills web site. Sat Events are 1/2 a gas B gas C gas 1/2a Nostalgia E-36 Sunday events A gas D gas ABC Nostalgia Both days P-30 HL...

sen 2842

Where is SEN ? 2021 FAI Free Flight USA Team Selection Finals SAN VALEERS 72st ANNUAL & 38th ANNUAL 7 ROUNDER Where is SEN ? Roger...It struck me that I haven't been getting my weekly + dose of SEN. Vaguely recall some sort of notice that there was a change coming, but I did nothing (as usual). Please sign me up for future issues. Thermally,...

sen 2841

Leutkirch 1961 CLASSIC A1 EMAIL INTERNATIONAL-- IMPORTANT NEWS Connie Piserchio and the U.S. Wakefield Gang Leutkirch 1961 From:Martin Dilly Thanks to both Russell Hartill and Peter Brocks for details of the US team management at Leutkirch. My picture of Frank Zaic there shows him using what appears to be a brick-sized walkie-talkie so I wonder who he was talking to; maybe he was just a...

sen 2840

  61, I was there From:Peter Brocks Re SEN 2839, Martin Dilly: I was a time keeper for the British Team and the US Power Team at the 1961 World Champs at Leutkirch, Germany. I know that Herb Kothe was the Team Manager for the US Team and I believe that Pete Sotich was the Assistant Team Manager.   Two April F1E competitions at Lost...

sen 2839

1961 World Championships Connie Piserchio 1961 World Championships From:Martin Dilly Does any SEN reader know whether Frank Zaic was US team manager at the 1961 World Championships at Leutkirch? I've been looking through some of the slides I took there and there's one of him using a pretty chunky-looking walkie-talkie.  That was the year George Reich won Wakefield. Anyone else still around who was there?...

sen 2838

 2021 SCAT Annual Report Famous names on the [ebay] photos 2021 SCAT Annual Report Wow! A year has gone by since cancelling the 2020 SCAT Annual, first aeromodel contest Covid victim. The modeling world has learned more and has adaptive to this cotangent and we are now enjoying our outdoor sport. Travel is still limited so attendance is down. The weather reports looked wonderful for...

sen 2837

Looking for Rocket City Clamps Found – Classic FAI FF Fotos SCAT Annual Flash Looking for Rocket City Clamps From: Don DeLoach Anyone have any Rocket City pin clamps they'd be willing to sell me? They were the little black plastic discs sold at hobby shops back the eighties. TIA and Thrmx DD -- Found – Classic FAI FF Fotos 54 Wakefield and other...

sen 2836

Two Tone Tatone? Check the Weather Two Tone Tatone? From: Martin Dilly Tatone Timers Does anyone recall a multi-function Tatone timer? John Tatone's original patent from 1961 shows a timer with dual outputs, one fast for engine cut-off and another slow one for DT. Was that version ever marketed? I certainly don't recall ever seeing one in Britain. Check the Weather From: Daryl Perkins Good...

sen 2835

SCAT ANNUAL- Weather Looks to be Wonderful SEN Advertisement and Questions SCAT ANNUAL- Weather Looks to be Wonderful  SCAT ANNUAL March 13 & 14, Reserve March 15, 2021 at Lost Hills Field, CA AMERICAS CUP & NATIONAL CUP Contest Covid Protocol Will Be Used FAI Events: **Saturday, March 13: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q and F1P Seven one hour rounds start @ 8AM, extended max times...

sen 2834

help from sen readers Need some Help USA Nats Info help from sen readers From: John Clapp What is the smart way to use a pager motor to release a DT ;line? Thanks for any help. John Clapp Need some Help From: Graham Selick I am in need of a good cylinder and piston plus the clip to retain the wrist pin for a  ...

sen 2833

2021 U. S. Free Flight Team Selection Finals Don Zink Jim Walston 2021 U. S. Free Flight Team Selection Finals From : William Booth The French World Championships Organizing Committee has committed to the CIAM that they will make a go/no go decision by Saturday May 15.  Should they decide to proceed, the World Championships are scheduled to run from August 14 to August 21,...

sen 2832

Walston system for sale Looking for 4:1 or 5:1 winder AMA Rule Change Schedule Walston system for sale From:Alan Abriss I’m selling my Walston tracking system included are the TRX-3S receiver, yagi antenna, 2 transmitters and the carrying bag. All in excellent condition. $550 + shipping or it can be picked up from me in the Ft. Lauderdale area Please email me if interested. Thermals...

sen 2831

LOST HILLS CONTEST SCHEDULE FOR FALL 2021 Radio/Scanner for sale More BOM LOST HILLS CONTEST SCHEDULE FOR FALL 2021 (+ ADJACENT MEETS ) September 4 – 6:              Rocky Mountain Free Flight Championships (Denver) September 17 – 19:          United States Free Flight Championships Saturday October 2:          Kiwi Cup F1ABCPQ World Cup Isaacson for AMA Sunday October 3:      ...

sen 2830

World First for BoM Super Magic 6 World First for BoM WARNING  This has a link to You Tube Video.  This video is by a Scottish standup comic who is parodying a well known Scottish politician, probably The first Minister.  This video contains a number of 4 letter words that some might object to. In addition the person has a “slight” Scots accent that some...

sen 2829

FAI News CIAM Bureau message News from AMA Molex Pico Blade EAD  and us FAI News From: Ian Kaynes To organisers of F1 World Cup competitions The message below has been issued following the decisions at a CIAM Bureau meeting. The World Cup has been suspended until May 10 and will be reviewed again in April. For all the F1 events within the period up to...

sen 2828

Swedish Moose Cup -21 World Cup Start Delayed Swedish Moose Cup -21 From:Per Findahl I'm sorry to announce that we will not be able to run Swedish Moose cup (In march) this year. CIAM has delayed the start of the world cup to may, and also it is still very difficult to travel with all restrictions. I hope we can be back in 2022. Per...

sen 2827

Fast Q Confusion FAST Q or SLOW Q I like the Kv rating Latest CIAM Flyer is out Fast Q Confusion We must apologize if we have inadvertently created any confusion around Fast Q.  We used this term because it kind of described what some people wanted.  It was not necessarily saying that the current F1Q rules should be replaced.  From much of the correspondence ...

sen 2826

Fast Q and R/C and FF Compared Volunteers for the 2021 US Outdoor Free Flight Nationals (July 25-29, 2021) Q for the World Champs World Q vs Fast Q Fast Q and R/C and FF Compared Volunteers for the 2021 US Outdoor Free Flight Nationals (July 25-29, 2021) Q for the World Champs View this email in your browser Fast Q and R/C and FF...

sen 2825

Champion Q,S and whaterever on the FB Fast Q   Championship  Q,S and whaterever on the FB Recently there have been a few streams of discussion on the FaceBook about various aspect of electric. And with the exception of one challenge for E-36/F1S duel at dawn the conversation has been polite and constructive and I hope educational for some new comer.  One was about getting...

sen 2824

Not Fab Feb Reminder Others have them too. Haggis timer? Searching for a Tracker ( does that sound right ?) Not Fab Feb Reminder The Fab Feb – contests – Isaccson Winter Classic, Kiwi Cup, North American and MaxMen International are NOT being held in February  this year.  It appears that there may have been some confusion if  the Ike was included in this postponement.  ...

sen 2823

International Travel aka  SEN 2822 F1S (and F1Q) ESC News Time in the Engineering Lab International Travel aka  SEN 2822 From: Michael J Woodhouse A weekend flying in Norway equals a month of lock down! = 1day travel 10 days isolation 2 days contest 1 day coming home and another 10 days locked up. I managed to get to all the holiday on Ice contests...

sen 2822

ICS-Files with all events Danish Winter Cup and Eagle Cup postponed ICS-Files with all events From:Bernhard Schwendemann ICS-Files including all events for your calendar On the web-page of Thermiksense there is now an ICS-file available which includes all World and Continental Championships and all Word Cup Competitions in free flight 2021. This ICS-file can be imported just by clicking to many types of calendars on...

sen 2821

SCAT Annual Out of this world SCAT ANNUAL March 13 & 14, Reserve March 15, 2021 at Lost Hills Field, CA AMERICAS CUP & NATIONAL CUP Contest Covid Protocol Will Be Used FAI Events: **Saturday, March 13: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q and F1P Seven one hour rounds start @ 8AM, extended max times for F1ABCQ are 240 sec. F1P 180 sec. Remaining round maxes are 180...

sen 2820

Indoor Nats San Valeers Annual NFFS You Tube Channel 2021 Indoor Nats From:William  Shailor The Detroit Balsa Bugs and the Cloudbusters Model Airplane Club are honored to host the 2021 Indoor Nats at The UWM Sports Complex in Pontiac, Michigan. The contest will run from Tuesday, July 20, to Friday, July 23, 2021. It is hoped that holding it close in time to the Outdoor...

sen 2819

The 2021 FAI Southwest Regionals Model Airplane Championships Flyoffs. Back in the good old days Fab Feb FollowUp Heads up for SoCal  locals San Valeers Annual The 2021 FAI Southwest Regionals Model Airplane Championships The first America’s Cup contest of 2021, the FAI SWR, was held on January 16 and 17 in Eloy, Arizona. The weather was perfect, mostly all blue skies. The temperature in...

sen 2818

5  for one ? When launching you must get your feet off the ground Helped ? Reinventing the Wheel 5  for one ? From:Alex Andriukov Good catch, Gil. I did not think about this situation. Yes, we cannot allow 5 friends to simultaneously wind 5 motors for one guy in fly off. Alex Andriukov Editor’s Comment … I must admit that with say 7 people...

sen 2817

Alex has wound it up. F1B winder……… no need for radical changes Never understood Alex has wound it up. From:Peter Brown Hi All Enough said. I will go with Alex. Peter Brown UK F1B flyer.   F1B winder……… From : kuflik Shmuel For my opinion lets compromise. make the fly off to 9 minutes winding in the old roll (in the working time) It is...

sen 2816

Whoops Jama drop, Jama flop and the Kamikaze launch. Some Musings on the Past and the Future of Competitive Model Flying Whoops We thought that SEN 2815 has been sent but just as we were putting this issue togther we not noticed that we had not pushed the final button I sad Whoops   Jama drop, Jama flop and the Kamikaze launch. Leslie Farkas...

sen 2815

Do we really need to watch the winder? 7 is tight Fly-off in shifts - no need to re-invent the wheel Do we really need to watch the winder? From: Alex Andriukov Was it a problem lately that the competitor does not wind the motor him/herself? I do not know any serious flier who would allow somebody else to wind his motor. The only problem...

sen 2814

Prewinding and flyoff in shifts? F1B answer is simple Thank you Charlie Don't get into a panic Agree with Dino Prewinding and flyoff in shifts? From: Aram Schlosberg If B fliers are confined to winding in their 7-minute flyoff window, then consistency requires that A fliers stretch out their lines during their 7-minute window and C-fliers fully refuel their models during their 7-minute window. An...

sen 2813

F1A Proposed proposal Falling down. I’m starting F1B but F1Aa break too I did read the rules Where is it written  ? (in the rule book ??) Simple is Better Why Editor’s Observations F1A Proposed proposal Falling down. From:Peter Tribe To me this whole theme gets more bizarre day by day. How did 'fitness' get into this matter; well I know where it came from,...

sen 2812

Wind and Fly ? Legal Wind It’s how fast you wind Free for all observation Looking for an Orca ? Wind and Fly ? From:Jerry Fitch I have always thought the "wind" part of the "wind and fly" language was just a regrettably unedited and unintentional figure or habit of speech, like "pack up and go" in the morning.  Who cares if you pack up...

sen 2811

Fab February Postponed F1A proposal falling down OK with 7 Pro banning of "falling down” Fab February Postponed From :William Booth Covid & Fabulous February Health statistics published by the Kern County Health Department in the last couple days indicates that of the 216 cases of Covid reported in Lost Hills since March 2020, 48 have been reported in the last two weeks.  That is...

sen 2810

Reject the 7-minute rule! Towing Safety Info from the NFFS Dino equipment F1B Rocks Reject the 7-minute rule! From: Aram Schlosberg A new rule proposed by the technical committee confines winding B-motors to their 7- minute flyoff window. They are a bit apologetic, saying that the other events – A and C can fully utilize their 7-minutes flyoff windows. . Previously, the flyoff window as...

sen 2809

Perspective Unintended consequences Perspective From : Per Findahl Hi ! As I saw my name in the comments for the "Falling down launches" I just want to give my opinion on this matter and some more. What we often see in proposals is that often all background is based on OPINIONS, not FACTS. I really don’t like this approach, this is the way why we end...

sen 2808

Canadian Extras Jama drop, Jama flop and the Kamikaze launch. Free Flight Quarterly #78 has appeared Fall or Stand Flopping, Dropping or Not Canadian Extras From:Gene Ulm Dear Canadian Team:  I want in on this! Gene Ulm Editor’s comment: Gene’s one liner was in response to the article written by “the Canadian Team member” who described all additional support that they were planning on giving...

sen 2807

SEN Who or What Puzzled on FAI Rule proposal Southwest Regionals in Eloy, Arizona Maxmen 2021 F1A:  large catapult launched gliders F1A – Last Man Standing SEN Who or What Normally at this time of the year we publish a reminder or confirmation of who we are or … But this year we  will leave that to a later issue and talk about more about...

sen 2806

2021 North American Cup 2021 To Fall or Stand Did you call ? or fall ? Timing the F1A Rule proposal Head Banging 2021 This is the first SEN for 2021.  Great and better New Year to all. North American Cup Date: Sunday, February 14th 2021 Place:  Bissonette Mirage Field, Lost Hills, CA USA Events: Individual F1A, F1B, F1C, F1P &  F1Q Entry Fees:  $30.00 for all...

sen 2805

F1A safety On F1A proposal The Jama Flop What is a Launching Device Lorbiecki Roll F1A safety by Jama Danier Spectacular  altitudes attained by high energy launching are amazing and exciting to watch! Models and tow lines have become much stronger and extra height is achieved by a combination of athletic ability and the launching techniques utilizing the launcher’s body weight at the instant of releasing the line. The  fliers using it end up tumbling/rolling  forwards,...

sen 2803

F1A proposal Accidentally From the inventor It hurts me less & who said this ? F1A proposal editor This is SEN has some comments on the proposed no falling over F1A rule change. We have input from a regular SEN contributor and saw some items on FB that I wanted to include but could not find them anymore. But there is a FB comment from...

sen 2802

FAA and AMA news FAI News FAA and AMA news The FAA just published their plans for the management of UAVs and that includes all forms of unmanned aircraft in the USA airspace.  This report is 470 pages long and there are still many unanswered questions.  On the good news side most of the restrictions that we would have found very constraining have been removed. ...

sen 2801

Honda Trail 90 for sale A note of thanks For Sale 1972 Honda Trail 90.  Recent tune-up includes new battery, carb cleaned and tuned, new air box.  Runs great, starts easily and looks good.  Color is Red.  A great chase bike. Can deliver in the greater Los Angeles area, or bring it to Lost Hills at Fab Feb of one of the Spring Contests; or...

sen 2800

No Panic Lost Juniors ? USA Finals – when, where, who, how Positive personal progress The Issues No Panic From: Sergey Makarov I absolute agree with Ismet, no panic: "we need to give a chance for vaccination against Covid-19. We have some more time for final decision. If the organizator accepts, the final decision can be given in April 2021 by CIAM."   Lost Juniors...

sen 2799

Redirecting the Titanic COVID-19 AND 2021 FREE FLIGHT WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS, LET’S KEEP THE HOPE Unofficially ... Redirecting the Titanic Aram Schlosberg . Selecting a free flight team is the easiest part. If one can drive there, sleep in the car and survive on canned tuna for a few days your risk is minimal, as our outdoors sport is perfectly safe. . But once flying/car rental/lodging...

sen 2798

Mauricio Zito Lucid Reluctant Contrary Mauricio Zito From: hobbyclub QEPD...Mauricio Zito, F1C Argentina Alberto Dona QEPD Spanish abbreviation for. ( que en paz descanse) Rest in Peace. Lucid From:gary pope To Ed Carroll, Thank you for your lucid and coherent summary re COVID19 & WC's. Cheers Reluctant From:Stuart Darmon Roger, I have to say I reluctantly agree with the guys calling for the 2021 Champs...

sen 2797

Kirda not Korda Bad dad joke ? Comments on Ed's letter Mutating Ed’s Comments More Microbes Instant B prop start – lost proof ? Kirda not Korda Found on the FaceBook There is a mainly  Indoor flyer Mike Kirda who has published on You Tube a number of how to Videos.  Most of these cover indoor free flight related items.  But Mike is clearly going over...

sen 2796

Open letter to F1 sportspeople USA Team Selection Issue 4/2020 of Thermiksense Open letter to F1 sportspeople From: Ed Carroll December 20, 2020 Dear F1 Sportspeople, I have decided to speak out about the COVID 19 situation and planning for our Team Selection Finals and the next Free Flight World Championships. First of all, if the COVID 19 issues were under control (as they are...

sen 2795

2020 FAI FF AmCup Bill Hannan The 2020 FAI Arizona FF Championships 2020 America’s Cup Full Results 2020 FAI FF AmCup The 2020 FAI FF AmCup season is complete.  The last contest of the year, AZ Champs, resulted in only one fifth place change. Please congratulate our first place winners: F1A       Mike McKeever F1B       Blake Jensen F1C       Faust Parker F1P       Bob Hanford...

sen 2794

February at Lost Hills CIAM news FAI News February at Lost Hills This is an update on the February contests at Lost Hills. The CIAM as announced that World Cup events do not begin until March at the earliest so these will not be World Cup contests. Last October the Sierra and Kotuku Cups plus the San Valeers Annual (a Large AMA event) were run...

sen 2793

Classic Contest A CONTEST THAT WON’T GET CANCELLED- HOPEFULLY Classic Contest In the recent FFn there is the announcement of Stuart Darmon’s Classic A1 (F1H) contest.  This is described below. This is particularly suited to pandemic time. At this time we are not traveling as much as in normal times and are flying at smaller sites. This is a low cost event that is easy...

sen 2792

World Cups Update More of Malcolm’s Photos _ Omarama World Cups Update An update from the FAI/CIAM, no  World Cups in any modelling class before March 2021 Quoting the announcement Dear friends, CIAM Bureau met via zoom last Sunday and discussed about the future of CAT2 events for 2021. Our main priority is the public health and the COVID-19 pandemic is still causing a lot...

sen 2791

America's Cup 2020 Am Cup update From: Jim Parker Second to Last 2020 AmCup Results and Report. 2020 started off great with a fabulous Fab Feb at Lost Hills California.  Next thing I knew I was the CD for the next Lost Hills contest, SCAT Annual, when Covid-19 hit. Try as I may, I cancelled the contest based on the information at the time. At...

sen 2790

Patterson Results Walston Tracker For sale Walston Tracker For sale From: tony mathews For sale, Walston 3 channel receiver with 3 transmitters (2x large with 3 batteries, 1x small with 3 batteries). With Yagi antenna, assorted batteries and carrying case. Also included long range signal booster. $500 OBO incl shipping in North America. Contact Ladi Horak +1-416-939-0136 Patterson Results PATTERSON   2020      NOV  14TH & 15TH   ...

sen 2789

First Annual United States NFFS Outdoor Youth Postal Contest!!! - Reminder Fab Feb Update First Annual United States NFFS Outdoor Youth Postal Contest!!! Reminder – The date for scores to be submitted is SOON 16 Nov. You do NOT need to be a NFFS member to participate. (Ages up to 18 years old) Competition Rules: ->Any catapult launch glider design and size. -> 6 flights...

sen 2788

Patterson 2020 Arizona FF Championships PATTERSON MEMORIAL Nov 14th  & 15th Reserve Nov 16th, 2020 at Lost Hills Field Americas Cup Contest Saturday, Nov 14th: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q, F1P Seven [7] one hour rounds start @ 7:30 AM with extended max times F1A, F1B, F1C, and F1Q: 240 sec F1P 240 sec Remaining round maxes are 180 sec. Fly off schedule 30 min after...

sen 2787

Altimeter Contests Abram Van Dover Altimeter Contests From: Aram Schlosberg . In the north east, we have very few fliers and a tight flying field encase by corn and tall trees. Maxes are typically reduced and the challenge boils down to a flyoff flight for the clean flyers. The standard FAI formal is one flight per hour with a max set at 4 or 3...

sen 2786

FREE FLIGHT FORUM SIGN-UP PAGE NOW GLITCH-FREE Found, more or less FREE FLIGHT FORUM SIGN-UP PAGE NOW GLITCH-FREE From: Martin Dilly The link has been fixed and is still at : For full details of how to register to attend the online 2020 Free Flight Forum and the program of speakers please visit   Found, more or less From Terry Thorkildsen Part 1 Hi...

sen 2785

Announcement from NFFS – Nats Info FREE FLIGHT FORUM ON ZOOM - updated Whoops on FFF Announcement from NFFS – Nats Info From:Don DeLoach PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 10/24/2020 It is with great pleasure, that AMA and NFFS today announce that, after a fully vetted proposal process, we have chosen sites to host both the 2021 & 2022 Indoor Free Flight NATs: 2021 Ultimate...

sen 2784

FREE FLIGHT FORUM ON ZOOM LOOKING for Favionics Fx12b timers FREE FLIGHT FORUM ON ZOOM From: Martin Dilly Instead of this year's BMFA Free Flight Forum being face-to-face it will be held on Zoom, with anyone, anywhere in the world, being able to take part. It will start at 10:00 GMT on Nov. 15th and full joining details will be here on SEN  by Nov....

sen 2783

First Annual United States NFFS Outdoor Youth Postal Contest!!! (date extended and rules clarified) Kotuku F1E Corrected Looking for Stamov Relatch Hook First Annual United States NFFS Outdoor Youth Postal Contest!!! ( date and minor rules change PLUS special offer) You do NOT need to be a NFFS member to participate. (Ages up to 18 years old) Competition Rules: ->Any catapult launch glider design and...

sen 2782

Sierra Cup 44th Annual Sierra Cup From: Mike McKeever The 44th Annual Sierra Cup was flown last weekend in Lost Hills, California. We continued to use infrastructure set up during the 2019 World Champs and the site was largely the same as a year ago with a little more vegetation growth. Some of the line markers for the World Champs were gone and there were...

sen 2781

Kool Kid and Koach Kached Klaus on Weight of covering No FAI Events at San Valeers this year -Konfusion Korn Kool Kid and Koach Kached It was pointed out to me that I missed on mentioning Henry’s F1P performance at the Sierra Cup (because I wasn’t there). This his  first season in F1P, only dropped one round and almost maxed out.  Henry is being coached...

sen 2780

Kotuku Korrection Koach Kredit Not forgetting where to start Kotuku Korrection In alert reader in Denmark noticed that we had left out some scores on the F1A results (as part of our effort to fit them on a page ) So here they are again. Kotuku Cup                2020 OCT  10&11          Brian Van Nest CD F1A                   FAI Number  r1   r2   r3   r4   r5   r6   r7   FO1 ...

sen 2779

Kotuku Results Covering 1 and 2 Kotuku Results     Kotuku Cup                2020 OCT  10&11          Brian Van Nest CD F1A                   FAI Number  ID NUMBER   Rnd1 Rnd2 Rnd3 Rnd4 Rnd5 Rnd6 Rnd7 FO1  FO2    FO3 FO4     TOTAL 1  Jim Parker        USA N89015         10152  240  180  180  180  180  180  180  300  420 426   2466 2  Enes Pecenkovic   BIHF120           100847  240  180  180  180  180  180  180  300 ...

sen 2778

Lacey-Kerr Memorial Covering Help Lacey-Kerr Memorial This is a late contest, held at Wawaywanda which is in the grip of large dried out corn fields on three sides and a row of large trees along both sides of the Wallkill river to the east. Saturday it was blowing hard up the field from the south and all flying was rolled to Sunday. On Sunday the...

sen 2777

This weekend at Lost Hills Message from Mike 44th Annual Sierra Cup Kotuku CUP 2021 Sympo This weekend at Lost Hills Starting with  F1E tomorrow Temp and Wind forecasts look good   Message from Mike Hi Sportsman, Just thought I'd discuss the upcoming Sierra Cup generally with some thoughts on Covid protocol. I will be getting to Lost Hills Wednesday morning prior to our first...

sen 2776

First Annual United States NFFS Youth Postal Contest!!! Dave Lacey/Tom Kerr Memorial First Annual United States NFFS Youth Postal Contest!!! You do NOT need to be a NFFS member to participate. (Ages up to 18 years old) Competition Rules: Any catapult launch glider design and size. 6 flights with 60 second maxes. In the case of 6 maxes the competitor must continue until they drop...

sen 2775

California Contest Clarification 50 plus at 50th USFFC California Contest Clarification There has been a little confusion about FAI Free Flight contests in California. Traditionally there are 2 major FAI Free Flight World Cup events in California, The Sierra Cup in October and the MaxMen International in February.  Here is the status October There are no  World Cup contests this year …and travelling to Lost...

sen 2774

Recruiting is more important ? Harvest Classic 2020, Wawaywanda NY Huron Cup Recruiting is more important ? From:Ross Jahnke Gil's Request and Mike's Response, Who really knows precisely when the ring slides free of the tow-hook, or when a finger last grazes the motor tube? Who really sees when the model first touches a blade of grass? Let's find 5 more F1C flyers before the...

sen 2773

Gil’s request Buying, Selling, Asking Zooming to South America Gil’s request From:Michael Achterberg Hello all. Seems like we already have that in F1c. Be nice if we just had a flat 4 sec motor run the electronic timer can be checked on the ground. Not sure what we would need more than what we have.. Michael Editor’s comment : While I hesitate to make an...

sen 2772

More on USFFC More on the Late Peter King Automatic engine run timer More on USFFC From: Ed Carroll Additional COVID 19 Mediation Information for the US Free Flight Championships September 18-20 at Lost Hills, California * To assist with staying healthy, there are hand washing stations on the porta potties. * Masks will be available if you forget yours or it blows away. *...

sen 2771

Estate sale of model engines Back in Business USFFC – Update and reminder Estate sale of model engines From:Brian Eggleston Hello Roger (Mr. Sen), Could you please include this request for help in the next SEN issue. Mike Thomas was a well known Canadian competitor in F1B and F1D events that frequently represented Canada at World Championships. Very sad to say he passed away earlier...

sen 2770

Swiss F1E Champs Don’t forget –flying is going on so    talk about – report it Doug’s Stuff at the USFFC – LH America’s Cup CDs Harvest Classic 2020 MODIFIED SCHEDULE Swiss F1E Champs The F1E Swiss Meisterschaft was flown last Sunday (06.09.20) at Wikartswil, in the Bern Oberland . Winner was Andreas Tschanz, second Michael Bleuer , third William Damerell. Results at: Kind Regards,...

sen 2769

Fab Feb 2021 How about this ? Looking for older gen AA Hubs Fab Feb 2021 We have had some enquiries and received some input about Fab Feb in 2021. The Fab Feb in its current form is a week of contests anchored by the Maxmen International.  Originally the Winter Classic (Ike and Kiwi) was an additional event for those, mainly from outside the USA,...

sen 2768

44th Annual Sierra Cup KOTUKU CUP In the press - NFFS Sympo 2020 44th Annual Sierra Cup An FAI Free Flight America’s Cup Event October 8-12, 2020 Sponsored by the Southern California Aero Team Lost Hills, California, USA Schedule of Events: Thursday, October 8 F1E On the hill starting at 10 AM Peter Brocks is the Contest Director. Saturday, October 10 F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q,...

sen 2767

Broken or rather twisted link in SEN 2766 USA Junior team support 2020-MMM-RMFFC-Ruckus Looking for Broken or rather twisted link in SEN 2766 A reader reported that the link to the FAI COVID survey did not work when you clicked on but did if you cut and pasted the link, it looks like we messed up a bit when creating that SEN. So for those...

sen 2766

Peter King Covid and Free Flight - FAI Survey Harvest Classic Peter King From: Chris Edge · Sorry to report the passing of Peter King, well known to us here as an F1B flyer and theoretician, but professionally as a world-renowned jazz saxophone player. CHE   Covid and Free Flight The good news is that ours, well outdoor FF at least,  is an activity...

sen 2765

55th Rocky Mountain Free Flight Championships 50th ANNUAL UNITED STATES FREE FLIGHT CHAMPIONSHIPS Teen Torque Update 55th Rocky Mountain Free Flight Championships September 5–7, 2020 Cat. III  Class AAA • Three days of flying on America's largest flying site--22,000 acres • 40+ events in AMA/NFFS/FAI/FAC/SAM Free Flight • $600 in prize money • America's Cup and National Cup "Exempt" • Covid guidelines in effect--your safety...

sen 2764

Looking for Teeny Torque GTS = George, Taron and Sevak SAN VALEERS 71st ANNUAL & 32th NOSTALGIA ANNUAL Looking for Teeny Torque From: Mike Kirda Looking for a complete Coupe-sized SimpleTorque unit. Used or new is OK. Responses to: Mike Kirda at Editor’s Comment,  I think it is called the TeenyTorque GTS = George, Taron and Sevak Some recent postings on FB have shown some...

sen 2763

For Sale: 2016 Babenko Folder Don Zink’s Model and flying support equipment and USA Jr Team Fund Raiser Status For Sale: 2016 Babenko Folder From: Mike Roberts 2016 Babenko Folder.  Rarely flown as I live in Seattle with no nearby field.  Low time B2 engine, Sidus G2 control board, tail boom modified for stand alone Pixis GPS and battery, trimmed.  $2000.00 delivered to Lost Hills...

sen 2762

S.W. FAI Challenge 2020 SEN Whoops S.W. FAI Challenge 2020 From : Mike Richardson In your next SEN would you put the word out the S.W. FAI Challenge contest in Boulder City is cancelled. This has nothing to do with the Coronavirus, it’s due to the solar company taking another 1.4 miles of the north end. This area was mainly light brush but it was...

sen 2761

F1J For Sale USA 2021 Clarification Sympo Update F1J For Sale From: Shayne McDonald Standard 4 piece wing design , Fora motor , 2 x folding propellors , Sidus electronic timer included. For more details and photos Contact: Shayne McDonald Email: USA 2021 Clarification We got some questions from people in Europe if the Announcement that the USA was postponing their October 2020 selection contest...

sen 2760

Contest Report: 41st Annual MMM 14-Round Contest Don Zink’s Model and flying support equipment and USA Jr Team Fund Raiser Free Flight Quarterly #76 has appeared Contest Report: 41st Annual MMM 14-Round Contest July 11-12, 2020 By John McGrath, Jace Pivonka, and Pete McQuade, CDs This is the year that COVID-19 hangs over everything like a thunderhead stalled above your house. For weeks, the MMM...

sen 2759

F1A wing for sale Magic Marketing Bending the curve - SEN 2758 F1A wing for sale From : Ittai Shichman Brand new, never used latest generation Gorskiy full molded long flapper wing set. - Wing was meant to use in project I didn't finish.. - Rugged upper surface spray coat turbulator - Latest generation carbon wing joiner - 235 grams - 1200 Euro or 1400...

sen 2758

USA 2020 Finals are Postponed - comments Magic, Mysteries and Android Kudos to ken In the press USA 2020 Finals are Postponed - comments Following the announcement in the last SEN about postponing the USA Team Selection we got some comments.  We will summarize them here. People thanked the TSC for making this decision now. People suggested that they could be move to the Fab...

sen 2757

USA Team Selection Update USA 2020 Finals are Postponed From: William Booth Good Evening Everyone, It probably does not come as a great surprise that the Free Flight Team Selection Committee has decided to postpone the 2020 Finals.  Free Flight by its very nature is pretty well geared to social distancing and the logistics of running the meet were not a big factor.  Certainly some...

sen 2755

Tip Launch Glider Experiments So how many milli-amp hours you really have? Tip Launch Glider Experiments From:Ken Bauer Recently Paul Love started studying his TLG launches by making slow motion videos.  This started an email discussion between Paul, Stan Buddenbohm, Kurt Krempetz and myself.  I have also done many TLG experiments over the years and I jumped back into it and started making more videos...

sen 2754

Tanget Contest Flash Tangent contest flash: Our AMA and double FAI contests are scheduled for August 21-23 in beautiful Tangent Oregon . The WMC has a list of Covid guidelines for the field and we ask all who attend to follow these protocols. The NW FAI Challenge will be run the same as is has been in the past while the Tangent Classic will be...

sen 2753

More on the Summer Contest FAI Contests  - Detroit at Muncie More on the Summer Contest From:Fred Terzian Additional Comments on Walt's Summer Contest + Henry Feistal's 27 minute-plus Flight! Walt ran a great contest considering the high temperatures that may have changed the outcome of a larger turnout. Flying was very low key and social distancing was practiced with no significant issues. Bud Romak...

sen 2752

Skyscraper’s Annual 2020 Summer Contest – Lost Hills Skyscraper’s Annual 2020 From: Aram The Skyscraper’s Annual was originally scheduled for June 27-28 and the consensus on Saturday June 27th was to postpone it by two weeks due to the wind that weekend. Almost two weeks later, tropical storm Fay marched through the region raining buckets on July 10th and it was decided to fly everything...

sen 2751

Thermiksense 2/2020 Rescheduled* Skyscraper’s Annual Thermiksense 2/2020 From:Bernhard Schwendemann Issue 2/2020 of the German Free Flight Magazine is just coming from the printers shop. For the content please see here: We have e.g.: The Flapper FA31 of Frank Adametz Two F1A of Yuri Grushkovskiy A contribution by Per Findahl „What to be done to be successful“ The Lindner-Trim – explained in detail by...

sen 2750

MMM 14-Round Contest: Update and COVID-Prevention Guidelines Help ! MMM 14-Round Contest: Update and COVID-Prevention Guidelines From:Don DeLoach Fellow FAI, AMA, NFFS, and SAM Fliers: The annual MMM 14-Rounder contest is now just over one week away--July 11-12, in Denver, CO. As the nation continues to grapple with the COVID pandemic, we're taking strong precautions to ensure a safe contest.  If you're planning to attend,...

sen 2749

Variable or Mixed pitch? Lost Talent 2020 Am Cup Cup Scores Variable or Mixed pitch? From: Dave Edmonson Gil Morris has used variable pitch in the past.  A 6" propeller turning at 33,000 rpm, and a larger geared prop turning at whatever.  I am sure the two were not of the same pitch. I was just looking at some old pictures of me at the...

sen 2748

CIAM FF News Walt’s Summer Contest SEN Email CIAM FF News Via Ian Kaynes and FFn CIAM CHAMPIONSHIPS The two Championships scheduled for 2022 with single bids from Romania have now been confirmed by the CIAM Bureau as awarded to Romania. The current list of confirmed Free Flight Championships is: March 22-25 2021 F1D World Championships Slanic Prahova, Romania July 17-20 2021 F1E World Championships...

sen 2747

Variable Pitch Props Move your energy in the right direction Cylinders Variable Pitch Props From:DAVID BRAWN "I am surprised that the FFTSC/CIAM have not banned VP props for this class." Surely if you think VP props should be banned on F1C then you should also support a ban on F1B/G? To have something allowed in one class but not another is just not logical. Just...

sen 2746

Engine vibration A Dozen ? Balance One, six, twelve, … or the real elephant in the corner Engine vibration From:Klaus Salzer Low vibrations do not need 6 cylinders (though I agree, the sound would be great!) 2 Cylinders are enough for a nearly vibration free 2-cycle motor... if they are opposed, fire simultaneously, and they are on the same axis. This is NOT the standard...

sen 2745

Need 6 cylinders to balance ? Wanted older F1A Electronic fuselages Updated Skyscraper Annual Schedule for June 27-28 Need 6 cylinders to balance ? From:Peter Martin I did wonder what Gil was angling at with his question on piston reversal.  Now I see that he's talking about "engine balancing".  So the answer to "Do these reversals lessen engine efficiency?" is No at the isolated instant...

sen 2744

COVID and FF NFFS  on Nats and COVID What’s Happening now and Suggestions to CDs Spinning Newton Partying Newton Latest on MMM 14-Round Contest in Denver, July 11-12 COVID and FF Here is a comment from  Norm Furutani on FB that is starting point on what we are all trying to figure out. In flying FF, social distancing, is not difficult to maintain. But when running contests,...

sen 2743

Newton 1, 2, 3, and 4 Bike and more for sale Newton 1 From:Tony Robertson In answer to Gil Morris's question, the answer is yes it takes energy to reverse the direction of the piston and connecting rod. If a body is moving in a straight line, an outside force is needed to change its direction and/or speed. The piston has to stop movement in...

sen 2742

Directions to Casino Cup Flying Field Newtonian Trivia for F1C Dad Directions to Casino Cup Flying Field From : Jack  Murphy Brian has asked for directions to the flying field as he is maybe arriving before I get there. I am writing this for general distribution through SEN. Nine miles south of the Wendover Strip (the main drag through the towns where the casinos are...

sen 2741

The NFFS Sympo Link MMM 14 Round Contest The NFFS Sympo The NFFS Symposium is published during the summer.  You can be become a patron or order advancd copies – go to this link details. BECOME A SYMPOSIUM PATRON! MMM 14 Round Contest in Denver, July 11-12, 2020 From: Pete McQuade Fellow FAI, AMA, NFFS, and SAM Fliers, Come join us for the MMM’s...

sen 2740

Casino Cup Update CIAM Update Robert Guilloteau TLGs for sale Casino Cup Update From: Murphy, Jack Roger, The big three Wendover Casinos have announced their re-opening on June 4-5. I hereby commit to holding the Casino Cup contest as planned on June 20-21. I realize many do not want to venture out due to COVID-19. We will miss you and hope to see you next...

sen 2739

Don Zink WTB; Czech Plastic Circle-tow/Zoom towhooks... Don Zink From: Vasily Beschasny With big sadness I have to inform FF community and RC people that we lost few hours ago another modeler, great man, friend, teacher, musician, successful businessman, father and grandpa Don Zink, F1A ,CA ,USA. Don had been in hospital for a short period  and had just returned home to be with his...

sen 2738

Lost Hills Update Days Inn Oct 2020 Reservations Hatscheck International Challenge MMM 14-Round Contest, July 10-12 Lost Hills Update Positive news – Highway construction finished and new El Toro Loco open Special Congrats to Randy Secor who appears to be "THE" F1P Junior coach for the USA.  At a recent "power" session at Lost Hills he got new junior Henry past his first F1P launch...

sen 2737

I’m in the Q Good Wishes to all from the North Maybe Later (very) Local News I’m in the Q From:Teppo Sarpila Hallo Roger! I agree 100%, what Per and Chris are writing. Only point if Somebody likes to change F1Q rules is to limit the size of model. We Finns have always run after 34 2dm size. See You on field. Teppo Sarpila Good...

sen 2736

About the F1Q-rules - an answer to Dino Whizzzz if you want it Qualification for US Team Finals About the F1Q-rules - an answer to Dino From:Per Grunnet When the energy-multiplier in F1Q was changed from 4 joules/gram til 3 joules/gram there had been a vivid discussion about how to reduce the performance in the class. If the energy was reduced, and the max. motor...

sen 2735

Not enough Whizzzz? I Like it - Besides....air is still air!! Stability and Familarity Casino Cupdate – moving ahead 28th Annual Spring Cup – Texas weather update Not enough Whizzzz? From: The Dino or should it be the Dyno? F1q. Just have a question. When the rules allowed 4 joules and a 40 sec motor run it was very obvious that the model performance was...

sen 2734

Hatschek Memorial Contest May 17 Summer Contest Development of F1Q – thoughts from Dietrich Sauter  on FB Hatschek Memorial Contest May 17 From:Andrew Barron Dear Free flight friends, Some of you have already received notice of the upcoming contest at Barron Field in Wawayanda from Tom Juel, Alan Abris or Aram Schlosberg.  This note is to expand the distribution somewhat, in case we have missed...

sen 2733

More from Guido Fea Is this one ? THERMIKSENSE 1/2020 as download More from Guido Fea From:Simon Dixon Montreal stop I have just built an Italian vintage coupe from 1952 called Lo Zigolo by Guido Fea which shows a reverse Montreal stop on the plan which works treat. Simon Dixon   Is this one ? From:hermann andresen Roger, Don’t know if it qualifies as Montreal,...

sen 2732

In Canada In Italy In Canada From:Michael Woodhouse Back in the late 50’s and early 60’s I was in correspondence with the Montreal Club. We used to run an annual postal contest. I have copies of the Montreal  bulletin and the prop stop appears in the March 1960 edition. I also have copies of the internationalist. Michael J Woodhouse In Italy From: sergio montes Christian,...

sen 2731

Montreal Stop 72nd Annual Inter City Meet Moved Montreal Stop From: Christian Schwartzbach Hello Roger, I hope you can find space in SEN for this: My old friend and fellow Wakefielder Jorgen Korsgaard recently started a thread on FaceBook about the Montreal Stop: Who invented it and when? He got a good number of responses, most of them pointing at Mike Segrave, who at the...

sen 2730

8th Annual Brodersen FAI Challenge 72th Annual Inter-City Meet SEN Detroit Balsa Bugs 8th Annual Brodersen FAI Challenge August 29th &  August 30th , 2020 AMA Field – Muncie, Indiana America’s Cup Saturday, August 29th, 2020 F1A, F1B, F1C/F1P, F1Q – (JSO Combined) 7 – 1 ½ hour rounds, ½ hr. overlap starting at 8:00 a.m. 3 min. max., weather permitting Sunday, August 30th, 2020...

sen 2729

Free Flight Quarterly #75 has appeared Comments on AMA Electric Rule Change Proposals Free Flight Quarterly #75 has appeared From:sergio montes As in many similar occasions, I have the pleasure of announcing our latest edition. It contains a wide range of articles which, in this time of forced isolation could be a most   suitable and informative read. The cover of the new issue with its...

sen 2728

USA Indoor Nats Cancelled Kudos to Ken A view on the USA FF proposals Top Dude Update USA Indoor Nats Cancelled It is with great regret, that AMA and National Free Flight Society (NFFS) today announce that the current COVID-19 pandemic has forced the cancellation of the Indoor Nats scheduled for May 27-31, 2020 in Eagar, Arizona. We do not anticipate that there will be...

sen 2727

Fab Feb F1A Video AMA FF Rules potential changes Fab Feb F1A Video From:Ken Bauer Here's a video I created to learn some new software tools for video editing and music creation.  Malcolm Campbell gave me permission to use photos from his Fab Feb collection he recently shared.  I focused just on F1A (had to limit is somehow) and came up with some original music....

sen 2726

US Nats Schedule Update from NFFS US Nats Schedule Update from NFFS The current COVID-19 pandemic has thrown everything in the world topsy-turvy, and that impacts our hobby as well. We have gotten some question about the Free Flight NATs, both Indoor and Outdoor. NFFS is working closely with AMA to evaluate the situation daily. Obviously, the health and safety of contestants is our primary...

sen 2725

More musings on the World FF Schedule STATUS OF AMA OUTDOOR FREE FLIGHT NATIONALS Jahnke's Story USA AMA District 10 Electric Flyers More musings on the World FF Schedule From:Dino Was really hoping for a push back of Euros to 2021 and WC in 2022. But that didn’t happen as I heard rumors of this possibility.  I agree with Mike Schwartz. And we can do...

sen 2724

Thermiksense special offer and issue 1/2020 My Almost Missed Max aka Hines Hanging USA Electric Flyer – take note Thermiksense special offer and issue 1/2020 From: Bernhard Schwendemann When you have to stay at home, why not to read the German freeflight magazine Thermiksense? We have a special offer: 4 copies from our stock (selected by us) for 8 Euro/Dollar incl. shipment. For details see...

sen 2723

SEN Tradition COVID-19 Jim Parker's team selection article: The Dinosaur Speaks Kansas Contest cancelled SEN Tradition We have been publishing SEN for over 20 years.  Contributions come from all of readers over the World.  Some time back we got the first April Fools day piece from the well known F1B sportsman Anselmo Zeri who charmed and amused us with his wit and wisdom.  After his...

sen 2722

Casino Cup Progress Report Seen in the press Revised USA Team Selection Timing Casino Cup Progress Report From: Jack Murphy Hello Roger, I received an email from the BLM that the SRP (Special Recreation Permit) for the Casino Cup will be put in the mail to me tomorrow for my review and signature. Whether or not we will have the contest this year hinges on...

sen 2721

USA FF Calendar Double bad stuff Remembering … Cancellation of the Dual-clubs FF Bonanza Contest USA FF Calendar This is a reminder that the NFFS maintains an online Calendar of USA Free Flight Events and World Champs.  It is at On that page is the information on how to get events included, be sure to send corrections too. Here are the upcoming events from...

sen 2720

MISTAKE Indoor Nats NOT Cancelled New  Tech – New things to fail Dr. Dave Sugden In Case you missed it above -Indoor Nats NOT Cancelled   MISTAKE Indoor Nats NOT Cancelled From:Roger Willis AMA INDOOR NATIONS..NOT CANCELLED Very sorry for previous announcement. The contest that was cancelled was an event scheduled prior to the May Indoor Nats. The AMA INDOOR NATS is STILL SCHEDULED...My bad........

sen 2719

Missing a max Way back mess up Knocked on the Head Out of the Woods Messing a max From: Allard van Wallene Missing a max I think I also have a nice one. It happened in Sezimovo Usti World Cup. Must have been some 10 years ago. Also here, tall grass was in play and when reeling out my towline I normally do a RDT...

sen 2718

Planning for Outdoor Free Flight Nationals Ways to miss a round More thoughts on the International Schedule Planning for Outdoor Free Flight Nationals From: Ed Carroll March 26, 2020 All: I hope all of you are taking care and staying well.  I want to let everyone who is planning to attend the Outdoor Free Flight Nationals July 27-31, that I will continue planning for having...

sen 2717

SCAT Annual Comments and More Casino Cup SCAT Annual Comments and More We received a number of emails about the SCAT Annual, with input both personal and quoting various civil and medical authorities. These emails were passed on the event organizer who appreciated the input and took notice. They won’t be published in SEN.  Some gave various opinions about COVID-19, what people should be doing...

sen 2716

2020 SCAT Annual CANCELLED Indoor Free Flight 2020 SCAT Annual CANCELLED From: Jim Parker Summary: The 2020 SCAT Annual scheduled for March 28, 29 has been cancelled. Yesterday, Mar 23, 2020 I was informed that I may have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus.  From Mar, 4-6, 2020 I did volunteer work for a conference at my church. There were 3500 men from 49 states...

sen 2715

2020 SCAT Annual 2020 SCAT Annual From: James Parker For SEN, 2020 SCAT Annual This is a long message but most of us have plenty of time to read. Summary: A modified SCAT Annual will be held March 28, 29. No reserve day. We have gotten a new AMA Sanction. I do take the C-19 seriously. I spoke to a friend who just recently retired...

sen 2714

Further message from the CIAM Team USA Photos from World Champs Kartel/SPZG Pieter de Boer/Antoon van Eldik Memorial World Cups Further message from the CIAM Forwarded by Ian Kaynes The following announcement is from CIAM President Antonis Papadopoulos to the organisers of all CIAM World Cup events Considering the COVID-19 situation, CIAM Bureau decided to suspend all events which were included on the calendar and...

sen 2713

USA Team Selection Program ANNOUNCMENT from the CIAM Workshop Envy USA Team Selection Program Recently we got questions from  2 people asking  about the USA Team Selection program.  These were people that had not been part of the program before but were motivated by attending the 2019 World Champs at Lost Hills. All the people already involve in the program had got a copy of...

sen 2712

COPPA VOLO LIBERO - WC 2020 - CAPANNORI, ITALY, 28-29 MARCH 2020 A NEW FREE FLIGHT FORUM REPORT USA F1E team selection Real and pseudo News on FB COPPA VOLO LIBERO - WC 2020 - CAPANNORI, ITALY, 28-29 MARCH 2020 From:Fabrizio Ceccarini For information: Due to the rapid epidemiological outbreak of virus Covip-19 and in compliance with the Government Decrees on March 9,2020 to contain...

sen 2711

SCAT Annual Postponed 2020 SCAT Annual is being postponed From :James Parker, Contest Director 2020 SCAT Annual at Lost Hills is being postponed from this weekend (Mar. 14-15) to Mar 28-29. 3/4 inch of rain this week has made the Lost Hills site a slick mud area as reported by our Holloway friends. Forecast is more rain  and winds Sat and Sun 8 mph with...

sen 2710

Pictures F1D and more Pictures From:Merry Smith Thank you Malcolm for the great pictorial history of the Fabulous February contests. It shows kids growing up and the rest of us growing a little older also. Great action shots! I greatly appreciate your talent. Merry Editor’s Comment.  Merry, I liked seeing the young people growing too, we see some of them moving through life on the...

sen 2709

COVID-19 and our schedules Polish World Cup in Kietrz, March 21, 22 canceled Czech F1E World Cup Fab Feb photographic Retrospective COVID-19 and our schedules The recent corona virus outbreak is upsetting our lives in many ways. The various civil authorities around  the world are doing the best to resolve it for their particular environment. Because this is a ‘new’ virus there are many unknowns,...

sen 2708

Reminder, SCAT Annual Looking for Rubber Reminder, SCAT Annual From: James Parker Reminder---- We had a good Nostalgia Power attendance last year so this year we have trophies for 1/2 A, A and BC combined. SCAT ANNUAL March 14 & 15, Lost Hills Field, CA *Saturday, March 14: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q and F1P Seven one hour rounds start @ 8AM, **Sunday, March 15: F1G,...

sen 2707

Looking for F1J stuff Southern Cross Cup – Australian World Cup Reminder Looking for F1J stuff from Michael Achterberg Hello all.  F1j is making a rebirth finally. A bunch of people have asked me about parts, which I dont have or no where to get them. 20+ years ago I sold around 200 of these models all over the world. There have to be some in...

sen 2706

New Fab Feb Photos AMA Results from the Ike AMA Reverse Records ? Fab Feb Photos From:Julie Parker Hi Roger, I just started using Flickr, so this is my first time to upload photos.  I hope this works.  Here's some of my photos from Fab Feb including the Ladies Tea Party and the America's Cup banquet. Thanks, Julie Parker Editor's Comment - they look...

sen 2705

Feb Thanks Fab Feb Thanks Top Dudes World Q Ted Burfein Feb Thanks From: Mike Roberts A Big Thank You to Merry Smith and Brian Furutani for their wonderful photos and memories of this past Fab Feb.  In particular, I would like to thank Merry for the fabulous picture of the Kiwi Cup J Boys.  We sure had a great time and look forward to...

sen 2704

2019 AmCup Correction Photo from Fab Feb 2019 AmCup Correction. We had another wonderful Am Cup banquet and award ceremony at the Wonderful Park in Lost Hills California, Feb 15, 2020--- it was MaxMen F1A day-- a bit crazy for me post Fly Off rush to get to the park. Thanks to the SCAT people  and Julie and Faust Parker for the room set-up and...

sen 2703

Hello F1Q community A Q innovation Confessions of a Lurker or how I watched fab feb from afar. More on the Fab Feb Results Hello F1Q community,  from Andreas Lindner Some friends and me have think about... F1Q is an official FAI class since 2 years now and most of F1Q flyers wish they can participate at World or Continental Championships equal to F1ABC. Before...

sen 2702

2700, or is it ? 2701 Re: SEN 2700 & roadwork2700, or is it ? MaxMen Minis Cal Cup F1E Fab Feb Finished for 2020 2700, or is it ? From: chris.edge Well done on reaching 2700, Roger. However, may I be the 94th person who noticed that there were two issue 2699s, so which one are we really celebrating ? EoB   SEN 2701...

sen 2700

Missing Fab Feb 2700 MaxMen Flash Missing Fab Feb From:Malcolm Campbell Hi Roger Having missed Fab Feb this year (the first time in 10 years), I have looked forward to every one of your SEN emails.  It’s almost like being there, I could almost feel the thermals.  The progressive results online have been excellent and it’s great to check the successes of the many friends...

sen 2699

MM Poles Magic people wanted F1A (MOVE 2 POLES EACH ROUND) POLE 1                                   POLE 2                                 POLE 3 Baruch,A                               Gerber, E                               Rosenzweig, S Balassiano, A                        Bichet, Y                               Obligenarz, T Studnik, A                              Zak, Y                                    Pecenkovic, J Sitton, S                                                                                Pecenkovic, EPOLE 4                                    POLE 5                                  POLE 6 Bachmann, C                         Arigos, A E                            Frad kin, I Malila, L                                  Arigos, L                               Barron, A Jensen,  A                              Arigos,...

sen 2698

Q 4 sale MaxMen Online Links I lost NA F1Q model for sale From: Omri Sirkis Reisenaur gearbox,Scorpion motor, my own prop ,Sidus timer, wing by Varady. Available  at Lost Hills after the Maxmen. Omri Sirkis Maxmen online results links F1A F1B F1C F1P F1Q F1H F1G F1J F1S I lost  NA From:gary pope Hi Rog, I found the link for the first comp but...

sen 2697

F1B North American Fly Off Spotted Cal Cup F1E F1B North American Fly Off Andriukov Stefanchuk Kovalenko Schlosberg Booth Hagay Ghio Initially it appeared that Gil Hagay from Israel had won, but Gil notified the organizer that his time was incorrect and the real time not as good. The official timekeeper had timed the wrong model and Gil’s correct time used. Full results on line...

sen 2695

North American Flash North American Cup Fly Off Ladies Gabby’s Mexican Dinner. North American Flash Great weather again, tricky but easier than the Kiwi Cup F1A  -final top places after FO Grushkovskiy Arigos Arigos Danier Gerber Malila Parker Bichet Persson Findahl Van Nest Studnik Sitton Pecenkovic F1C -final top places after FO Summersby Shvedenkov Chesson Shapiro Parker Roberts F1Q -final top places after FO Sitton...

sen 2694

Kiwi F1E Result Ladies Tea party Kiwi F1E Result F1E Results Link Ladies Tea party 11:30 AM Wed at RV Camp

sen 2693

North American Operational Info Ladies Tea Party Flash - Gumbander wins F1E North American Operational InfoRoger Can you put in SEN that the NA Cup will have the flight line in the same location as the Kiwi Cup. Sportsmen can pick up scorecards starting at 7:00 am at the tent located at the back of the RV parking area. Lindy Murrell will be in the...

sen 2692

North America Cup Links North American Links For contest starting Tues 11 Feb i.e. tomorrow as I write this. F1A F1B F1C F1P F1Q

sen 2691

North American Cup Kiwi Cup Comments North American Cup Firstly – this year the contest is on Tuesday – NOT on Wednesday and Tuesday is tomorrow Secondly – if you want enter your team go to the tent by the RV park with the score board Thirdly - if you have not paid or entered at do go to the tnt but goes to Lindy...

sen 2690

Kiwi Flash Kiwi Cup Operational Info Links to on line results again Kiwi Flash Omri Sirikis of Israel wins F1Q in 7 min FO Nice weather, challenging air some rounds.  F1A guys had to work hard towing in almost dead calm conditions. F1ABC fly off starting7 AM Great turn out for the Ike AMA events, probably close to 200 flyers over  Ike and Kiwi Kiwi...

sen 2689

Verbitsky Models Links to Kiwi Cup Results Kiwi Cup Operational Info for 8 Feb 2020 Verbitsky Models Evgeny Verbitsky’s family  asked Artem Babenko to bring some of his models to the USA for collectors or people who want to fly them.   They are available for sale at Lost Hills see Artem or his daughter Sasha. Links to Kiwi Cup Results Note that when you get...

sen 2688

More Kits at Ike/Kiwi More Kits etc at the Ike/Kiwi From: Don Deloach As always I am very much looking forward to reuniting with friends at Fab Feb. I'll be there all day on Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the Ike. I will be bring a limited supply of short kits. I did want to take orders in advance as I only have limited space in...

sen 2687

Fab Feb Friday sign up Stamov tailbooms for sale The FAI ID Check login   Fab Feb Friday sign up The Fab Feb sign up (and pay up) will be at the Lost Hills Community Center from 9:30 on Friday 7 Feb.  The sign up will close at 4 PM . If you have are arriving later in the week you can sign up at...

sen 2686

World Cup, FAI ID not FAI License and AMA membership Lindy’s Letter World Cup, FAI ID not FAI License and AMA membership Firstly Ian Kaynes in the latest FFn has a review of the  2019 World Cup season.  One notable item is that the number of entrants overall is not falling off, probably because even though there are maybe less people flying, those who are...

sen 2685

Looking for Photos of Tom Hutchinson Straight from the North Pole Tracker system for sale LH Weather Looking for Photos of Tom Hutchinson From:Jim Lueken Hello everybody, I’m looking for pictures of American modeler Tom Hutchinson. If any one can help it would be much appreciated. Please contact me at Thanks, Jim   Straight from the North Pole From: tony mathews Canadians are 1st on...

sen 2684

2019 Am Cup Awards, 2020 Banquet – at the Fab Feb MaxMen Pole positions Fab Feb update In the press 2019 Am Cup Awards, 2020 Banquet – at the Fab Feb Saturday, Jan 15, 2020 Lost Hill Recreation  North Center at Wonderful Park, Lost Hills CA Doors open for drinks (included in banquet) at 6:30. Eat at 7:30. Awards at 8:30 Sign up via Fab...

sen 2683

SWR LH The 2020 FAI Southwest Regionals Model Airplane Championships The first America’s Cup contest of 2020, the FAI SWR, was held on January 18 and 19 in Eloy, Arizona. The weather was nearly perfect, just a few clouds but also all blue skies. The temperature in the mornings was 33°F (1°C) but then warmed up to about 72°F (22°C) both days. The wind started...

sen 2682

Why not Closed Loop Restricted and Controlled Free Flight Classes Why not Closed Loop From:Peter Martin Hi, I noticed that there was no response to Martin Gregorie's fascinating links discussing the ALOFT project.   I don't know if you can include pics in a SEN newsletter, but I attached the main figure from that research, which shows the archetypal aims of a contest Free Flighter -...

sen 2680

Argentine World cups invitation FAI and Argentina Another worm hole ? Motel 6 at Lost Hills Looping E ? Free Flight Quarterly #74 has appeared Argentine World cups invitation From:ramiro gonzalez Hi Roger,Here I send you the invitations for the freeflight family to the Argentina World Cups that will be held in the month of April, two world cups in the same field, F1A, B,...

sen 2679

Fab Feb Day’s Inn Special Lost Hills Wheels Closed loop control More Looping F1A for sale Fab Feb Day’s Inn Special From: Days Inn at Lost Hills Hello, Hope all is well. We are offering a 69.99 + tax for 1 bed and 89.99 + tax for a 2 bedroom. Use code FEBMACOMP2020 for this discount when calling to book over the phone WITH HOTEL...

sen 2678

In the Press Closed Loop Control FB Fab Feb Heads Up North American Cup In the Press Over the Edge of Beyond with Fantham and 91 cups of coffee. = Excellent report on the 2019 World Champs by CHE in the January 2020 Aeromodeller. Good description, photos, inside stories with CHE wisdom. Closed Loop Control From: FB Can Tezcan: Just my curiosity! In the 70ies...

sen 2677

USA Jr Team Selection Standings J for sale Fab Feb Entries Flash USA Jr Team Selection Standings Good News: We have seen some outstanding good flying from the juniors that have entered the Jr program. Hayden leads in F1P and won F1P AmCup! Bad news: No F1B flyers. Charlie Jones and I are working a couple of potential Jr flyers. The Jr World Champs will...

sen 2676

Weighed, weighed, numbered and divided Into the Lion’s Den with a crumpet and spruce spar Ballast and performance Polyspan at Lost Hills Weighed, weighed, numbered and divided* From: Gavin Manion Replying to Tapio's reply to me. With great respect there is a difference between a 50 gram P30 and a 40g model with 10g of ballast. 40g is light, by the time you have a...

sen 2675

FAI news Woe, not this year for me P-30 minimum weight FAI news From: Ian Kaynes Roger The January 7th  announcement below from the FAI concerns suspended members. Unless they pay their fees these countries will not be able to organise FAI Internationals and their Sporting Licences will not be valid. Regards Ian The following NACs are suspended for non-payment of FAI membership fee 2019...

sen 2674

Best Sellers/ Top Hits on SEN web site Fab Feb Bazar Kiwi F1E Lost Hills bike and storage for sale Re: SEN 2673, etc... Best Sellers/ Top Hits on SEN web site SEN categories 12738 -  2019WC-F1A 10184 -  2019WC-F1B 9877 -  2019WC-F1C 8260 -  World Champs 2019 Where to find results etc 3129 -  Get an email subscription to SEN Fab Feb Bazar There...

sen 2673

2020 #1 Looking for beacons Rubber at Fab Feb Nelson Glow Plugs at Fab Feb Wow ! picking air ! Fab Feb 2020 2020 WCUP#1 Flash - Carterton F1A Rob Wallace Antony Koerbin Richard Dalziel F1B David Ackery Paul Squires Roger Morrell Great Weather ... Looking for beacons From: Leonardo Peretti Dear Roger : I want add my mail to SCAT list for receiver mails...

sen 2672

World Cup 2019 World Cup 2020 More weighty Stuff World Cup 2019     F1A 1            Per Findahl                       SWE 2            Mikhail Kosonozhkin      RUS 3            Anton Gorsky                   RUS 4            Ivan Bezak                        SVK 5            Miroslav Mandichev       BUL 6            Valeriy Polyaev                RUS   F1A-Junior 1            Vitek Rossler                    CZE 2            Filip Klobusicky                SVK 3            Capucin Ragot                  FRA 4            Viacheslav Sankin            RUS 5            Patrik Klobusicky              SVK 6            Dominik...

sen 2671

More World Champs Photos Hummingbird Model Products will be at Fab Feb 2019 Final American Cup Scores and Report The First West Wyalong National Championships Weighty matters More World Champs Photos Photo Album from the Slovenian team Društvo Modelarjev Pomurja Hummingbird Model Products will be at Fab Feb From: Bernard Guest Hi Sen Master, I Bernard Guest (hummingbird Model Products) will be at Fab...

sen 2670

Reminder 1- Fab Feb 2020 Reminder 2 – FAI Licenses for USA sportsmen Where is the weight located Reminder 1- Fab Feb 2020 The Sign Up for the FAI events  is at Because of the number of participants and the organization required you must enter for the FAI events in advance.  You do NOT pay until you arrive at Lost Hills. Fab Feb 2020 -...

sen 2669

Weather observation - Windy and Wunderground Weight no Flag yes Eloy Southwest Regionals 2020 Weather observation - Windy and Wunderground For many years we used the Wunderground web site for flying weather, particularly at Lost Hills. It had the sites at Blackwells Corner and Paramount Farming aka The Wonderful Company airstrip.  They disappeared for some unknown reason. For a year or so before the World...

sen 2668

Circumstances Apology FAI 2020 model of the year. Circumstances From:William Shailor With respect to the notion that simply adding weight to the existing air frames for F1A, B and C models is a simple solution, I suggest the opposite would occur. Given increased weight, there’s no question but that added features or functions would be likely, thus increasing the cost and complexity and obsoleting many...

sen 2667

THE 2019 FAI ARIZONA CHAMPIONSHIPS AT ELOY, DEC. 7-8 Dreaming ? Interesting Ideas ? Try Simple attempt THE 2019 FAI ARIZONA CHAMPIONSHIPS AT ELOY, DEC. 7-8 The weather forecast for our contest had not looked good which resulted in only 3 flyers from other states making the trip to Eloy this year. When I arrived at the Webster West field Friday morning the ground was...

sen 2666

F1As’ energy reduction ideas Watching Attempts *Don`t Discourage people** 20s rule and more F1As’ energy reduction ideas By Aram Schlosberg . Allard van Wallene has raised two interesting ideas to reduce the energy transferred by the flyer to an A model. . A 400 square cm flag is has a 20 cm side (7.87”) which rather small. But, large icarex-like flags on the line flutter...

sen 2665

Arizona FF Championships Don’t Discourage people 20 seconds of History Chill be happy Some (not discouraging)  lateral thinking Arizona FF Championships From: Peter Brocks Next weekend, Dec. 7 and 8, the Arizona FAI Free Flight Championships will be held in Eloy, AZ. This is the last America’s Cup contest to collect points for the year 2019. There are also AMA, NFFS and SAM events. On...

sen 2664

Chris not the only one over the edge on this one -1 Chris not the only one over the edge on this one -2 Second to last 2019 AmCup Scores Chris not the only one over the Edge on this one - 1 From: Leo Reynders Dear SEN readers, About the large fly-offs and the 20 sec rule, I strongly support dropping the 20 sec rule...

sen 2663

200 second maxes ? TImekeeping and binoculars Talking Timekeeping F1P(s) Wanted 200 second maxes ? By Aram Schlosberg . It seems that many are concerned that flyoff are too large, with at least 50% of the flyers. . A simple tweak would be to increase the 3:00 minute maxes to 3:20 maxes. My experience is that over two or three contests, there was at least...

sen 2662

“It is the most difficult job I have ever done” Clarifying - Yes use the tech Just try another site motorcycle for sale “It is the most difficult job I have ever done” This is part of a conversation on FB - names abbreviated M  what I think is that the F/O timekeepers have to use all of them, the same model of binoculars and...

sen 2661

No Super Max No Years of talk 2020 Bob White Memorial Max Men International Kiwi Cup FAI events No Super Max No From: Michael J Woodhouse No a thousand times no! How to kill the contest in one hit. The old super max idea. Again NO!!!! Michael J Woodhouse Editor’s comment : this refers to the suggestion to have a very long ( i.e. not readily...

sen 2660

NFFS 2020 Call for Papers Two Ideas Online Entries for Fab Feb 2020 Travel with Evgeny Some anti-performance ideas … and Weighty matters NFFS 2020 Call for Papers Authors are needed for the 53th edition of the NFFS Symposium. Papers on all aspects of free flight are welcome. Many years ago the old Model Airplane News published an article entitled “After You, Alphonse.” It was...

sen 2659

Eugene Verbitsky Remembering Verbitsky Verbitskiy Evgeny died today Old Friend Both sides are right Should have Clipped the wings performance question The Hammer and the Feather Patterson Results Calm at Old Blighty F1B models and parts for sale Eugene Verbitsky From: gilbert morris The passing of Eugene Verbitsky marks the end of an era of extraordinary model airplane advancement.  During the golden years of his dominance he chased others...

sen 2658

Evgeny Verbytsky Nats 2020 dates set Every Country is different Restrict flights to size of field Skill or Skin The view from an allegedly wet and windy place Pan Am in February 2020 Evgeny Verbytsky Free Flight of Ukraine group published a sad news. --- It is with great sadness that we announce that today in the 83rd year of life died the outstanding, world-famous...

sen 2657

Performance question Performance conversation performance question from Bernard Guest Dear SEN readers, I would like to broach the topic of performance once again …. we in the FAI world do seem to have a performance problem. Our models get high and the best of them can do over 7 minutes in fly-off conditions. The results is huge fly offs (huge in terms of numbers of...

sen 2656

Lost Hills – Valley Fever Follow up Photo Thanks Fab Feb Info Lost Hills – Valley Fever Follow up All, I have been notified of at least one individual who has been diagnosed with Valley Fever from their time at the World Championships and Lost Hills. I recommend that anyone in your group who has returned home and has flu like symptoms to seek medical...

sen 2655

Electric Thanks Merry’s Photos Electric Thanks From: clint brooks Speaking of found stuff at Lost Hills, I really appreciate the people who found and returned the parts of my large Super J (Joulebox) electric model during the World Champs and the Sierra Cup period.  I have everything back except the rubber bands that were holding the wing on,  Great job and many thanks to all...

sen 2654

Merry’s Photos F1A for sale FaJoulous FebJuary Found at Kotuku Cup Merry’s October Photos From: Merry Smith Roger, Here is my contribution to the fabulous photography of the Endless October 2019. Norm and I enjoyed being a part of this wonderful flying family. F1A for sale From: Joni Segev  for Koby Cohen For Sale: Short M&K LDA wing Molded D-Box Great condition barely flown. Reasonable price...

sen 2653

CIAM submission deadline (for USA Sportsmen) Patterson   CIAM submission deadline (for USA Sportsmen)  From Chuck Etherington November 15 is the deadline for a couple of CIAM submissions. First are the applications for 2020 World Cup sanctions. The US is entitled to three and so far bids have been submitted for the Bob White Memorial Max Men International, Sierra Cup and US Free Flight Nationals....

sen 2652

December Arizona Champs and 2020 SWR The Last , then the First ? Lost Hills Bike Repairs F1A models for sale December Arizona Champs and 2020 SWR From:Peter Brocks On December 7 and 8 the Arizona Free Flight Championships will be held in Eloy, Arizona. This is the last America’s Cup and National Cup contest West of the Mississippi for the year 2019. There are...

sen 2651

Sierra Cup and Kotuku Cups photos “How to win a fly-off? Re: SEN 2650 Fab Feb 2020 Sierra Cup and Kotuku Cups photos From: Malcolm Campbell Hi Roger Here are my photos from the Sierra Cup and the Kotuku Cup.  The Sierra Cup photos also include some AMA action.  I love the sight and sound of the big gas birds! SIERRA CUP and AMA events ...

sen 2650

Malcolm’s Photo’s The Spread Sheet Links Fairness  - you don’t understand Malcolm’s Photo’s From: Malcolm Campbell Hi Roger Brian’s photos were superb.  It  was a hard act to follow but here is my effort – 556 photos and two videos and yes, one is the Hokey Pokey;  I cannot get that song and its delivery out of my mind! Photos from the Sierra Cup and...

sen 2649

The Blob World Championships from two perspectives Champs Bits and Pieces The Blob In cleaning the various electronic devices – and my backpack after serious dust immersion at Lost Hills I found a product called ColorCoral on Amazon (you can buy it other places and there are other similar products). It looks like a blob of green slime. You roll it over the dust covered...

sen 2648

Sierra Mini Events Kotuku Mini- Events Pole Time Management and spot checks Just Practice More fly in more contests for starters Binos Found Sierra Mini Events -  These events were not fully reported earlier F1H 1. Kyle Jones 2. Yehuda Zak 3. Saar Issakov Full Details at F1H F1G 1. Walt Ghio 2. Tony Mathews 3. Or Shabat Full Details at F1G F1S 1. Clint Brooks 2....

sen 2647

Thermalling at the Champs and everywhere Practice but who’s perfect ? I agree Magic Timer Repairs Champs Stats from Ian Pair Waiting to Fly at a Pole Thermalling at the Champs and everywhere From:Michael Achterberg Hello all. Tom’s comments are not on point. There are always thermals. Morning, noon and night. When I was a kid, 100 years ago, i did 10 min with a...

sen 2646

Great Photos, Great Champs Champs Photos On Objectives Objectives Encore Comment from Texas And the editor Great Photos, Great Champs From:gary pope Hi Roger, Thanks for the Photos. They are great. I have to say it one more time - the team that ran the 2019 World Champs did a great job. I've only been to the 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017 WC's so my...

sen 2645

World Champs Photo Link Champs Photo Link Brian Furitani's Flickr Link - 625  great photos Click here aka 

sen 2644

Kotuku Flash What’s a Kotuku Maui’s Fish hook Now to go home Kotuku Flash Another great day of flying to finish off Outrageous October.  Varied conditions through out the day with light to no breeze.  Tough round seven with a 15 minute hot period with no air movement and a lot of people waiting.  First fly off had a few mega holes. Final flyoff like...

sen 2643

Kotuku Flash More Younger ? Kotuku Flash F1Q - No FO 1. Robert Sifleet 2. Jack Murphy 3. Tom Ioerger F1A - 6 and 10 Min FO 1. Per Findahl    429 2. Emmanuel Ragot    388 3. Frank Adametz    386 There were 11 in the 10 min flyoff at about 6PM – no wind , perfect conditions. Winner Per Findahl made just 2 circles, each of...

sen 2642

Re: Youngest World Champs 2019 - F1B Final Flyoff Round - Video Link for Kotuku Results for Tomorrow 23 Oct Re: Youngest From: Pierre Chaussebourg Evgueny Verbitsky has been 3rd at Kauhava Finland for his first participation in a World Championship, he was 17 years old! Then he has been three times World Champion: Thouars 1987 he was 49 years old Sazena CZE 1997 59...

sen 2641

Youngest? Challenge France Great SCAT Oktoberfest – after party Next up Youngest ? We have some input on the youngest World Champ and F1C Champ from Martin Dilly Mike Fantham Sergio Montes Gary Madelin They all have Thomas Koster winning F1B in 1965 at 18 years old , they also have him winning F1C at about 28 years.  Charles Rushing’s book has more F1B info...

sen 2640

Youngest  ? Don’t miss out on your medal or food or friends Closing, Medals, and banquet schedule Congratulations to the Malkhasyan family Lost: Wallet Youngest  ? This year‘s World Champ Taron is 22 years old.  We were wondering if there were any younger F1C  Champ or other the classes.  I know back in the “good old days” there were some “Young Turks” who were very...

sen 2639

F1C F1C Podium 1 Taron MALKHASYAN – USA – 594 2 Yury SHVEDENKOV – CAN – 490 3 Nikolay REKHIN – RUS -478 Absolutely prefect conditions. Just enough drift to ensure the models did not go into the orchard. Most landed in east walking distance. Drift took them away from the rising sun.  No issues for timekeepers.  As Taron almost made 10 minutes, it was...

sen 2638

SCAT Oktoberfest Kotuku Cup Registration F1C Dawn FO SCAT Oktoberfest The SCAT – Southern California Aero Team – Oktoberfest will be held on October 21 , that is the day after F1C day, the official Reserve day of the Champs.  It will be at the White Awnings/tents at the North West corner of the RV/Car parking lot.  That’s where they direct you or you decide...

sen 2637

F1B Flash C under way F1A MODELS FOR SALE AT LOST HILLS F1B Flash Winners after morning flyoff 1. Mickael RIGAULT France - 341 2. Andreas GEY Germany – 313 3. Marian POPESCU Romania - 240 First France Wakefield win since Emmanuel Fillon in 1936! First two models were identical Stepan Stefanchuk models beating the “factory”, the 2017 World Champ who finished 7 th Unexpected...

sen 2636

F1B status F1B Teams F1B Details F1B status Day with nice weather and  varied conditions After 2 flyoff rounds 3 flyers remain for the 7:20 AM flyoff tomorrow. Mickael RIGAULT France Andreas GEY Germany Marian POPESCU Romania F1B Teams 4 Teams were clean today and after the 2 fly off rounds the f1B team Championship was resolved 1 Israel 2 Russia 3 Poland 4 Ukraine...

sen 2635

F1A Flyoff Lost/Left behind/? Binos Found Lost Hills Weather Link F1B  Underway F1A Flyoff Cool perfect conditions, very very light breeze. 1 Constantin BRINZOI ROU 397 2 Dusan FRI? CZE 374 3 Christian  ANDRIST SUI 364 F1A comments Just over 20% of the model random checked – no issues. One team given warning – yellow card – for Moto flapping with a golf cart, next...

sen 2634

A Team Re: SEN 2633 From:Pierre Chaussebourg And what about team results ? Answer Pierre - Good catch – Added to the results under the F1A link in previous SEN Note that NO team were 100% clean and hard luck story was Turkey who were the only Team clean after 6 rounds but dropped a couple in 7. We will add it to B and...

sen 2633

F1A 3 left Links to get online scores F1A Great day of flying 33 in first FO, 21 in second, then it got dark 3 out of 103 remain for the last Flyoff at zero dark 15 tomorrow AM Dusan FRIC Constantin BRINZOI Christian ANDRIST Follow the link below to get full details Links to World Champs scores F1A F1B F1C SEN Editor Is very...

sen 2632

World Champs Bakersfield Bike Guy All of the preliminaries are over. Processing and Registration have been completed.  People are meeting and catching up with old friends.  The Ladies Tea Party was successful and resulted in renewing old friendships and making new ones. The opening ceremony was done in the Wonderful Park in Lost Hills and conducted by CD, Charlie Jones. Music from the Wasco High...

sen 2631

Market Place Lost on Sierra Cup F1B Flight Line Found at Sierra Cup Links for each World Champs class Results Lost Hills Motor Bike Doctor   Market Place The World Champs Market place – on non-competition days will be at the 2 large tents/awings at the North Western Corner of the parking lot On Competition days at the far or near end of the flight...

sen 2630

Sierra and Kotuku Mini Results Objective ? Champs (& Kotuku)  Courtesy Hogging the Bandwidth – never Sierra and Kotuku Mini Results There was a delay in getting the results up.  Should be OK now for the “country” results. I understand that Or Shabat from Israel won the Bob White Coupe. Objective ? From:Tom Vaccaro Hi Roger, I just took a look at the Sierra Cup...

sen 2629

Sierra Cup Awards F1A, F1B and F1C For  George Voss C for sale Where to find … etc … Sierra Cup Awards F1A, F1B and F1C The Awards for these Sierra Cup events will be at the World Champs opening ceremony. For other Sierra Classes in the evening of 14 October 2019 For  George Voss George Voss, you can get your GPS delivery from Jim...

sen 2628

Lost on Field Sierra BCP Sierra Prize Giving Sierra and Kotuku Minis under way Lost on field At the Sierra Cup F1B Flyoff Sunday PM . Bundle of metal and fiber glass poles painted black. Give to Alex Andruikov Sierra BCP Online results updated Flyoff F1B 1. George Batiuk 2. Gilad Mark Both models stalled … George stalled Better Flyoff F1C 1. Shannon Tolmie 2....

sen 2627

Sierra Cup Flyoff Notice Sierra Cup Results BCP On Accurately Verifying Electric Motor Runs Sierra Cup Flyoff Notice For the 2 F1B and 2 F1C sportsmen in the 10 minute early AM flyoff, you should be at the CD’s trailer on the field at 6:45 AM and the CD will direct you to the flight line Sierra Cup Results BCP The Sierra Cup F1B, F1C and...

sen 2626

Sierra BCP Links Sierra BCP Links Live links for today , same as before but easier to click. By country F1B F1C F1P Ranked F1B F1C F1P

sen 2625

Sierra F1A and F1Q Sierra F1E Results FF liquidation FFQ #73 Sierra F1A and F1Q F1A CTRY    Surname      Given Name    Round 1Round Round Round 4Round Round Round FlyoffFlyofFlyoffTotal   Place SWE     Findahl      Per               240   240   180    180   180   180   180   360  480   513    2733   1 ISR     Shichman     Ittai             240   240   180    180   180   180   180   360  480   463    2683   2 SWE     Hellgren     Robert            240   240   180   ...

sen 2624

Sierra Cup F1A and F1Q results links Sierra Cup F1A and F1Q Web links The first pair of links below will have the Sierra Cup F1A and F1Q results tomorrow. They will be update through out the day. There will be an on field electronic score board showing the same information. The second pair of links will show the same information sorted to a different...

sen 2623

Kotuku F1E Kotuku 2019  F1E PLACE  NAME         CTRY Actual seconds score for each roundPercentage score for each round R1   R2  R3  R4  R5 150 150 150 150 150         R1      R2      R3      R4      R5    SUMPT 1    Fred Terzian USA      142 117 119 150 150       94.67%  78.00%  79.33% 100.00% 100.00% 452.00% 2    Ian Kaynes   GBR       97 150 100 146 150       64.67% 100.00%  66.67%  97.33% 100.00% 428.67% 3   ...

sen 2622

Outrageous October Flash – First Winner Encore for sale at Lost Hills What are you buying at Lost Hills Outrageous October Flash First Winner Fred Terzian in Kotuku Cup F1E More later …. Encore for sale at Lost Hills From:Terry Kerger Roger Maybe it is not too late to get this message in SEN. I to will have a Van Load of vintage and old...

sen 2621

For USA AMA members Lost Hills weather Info For Sale at Outrageous October @ Lost Hills To buy at Outrageous October @Lost Hills For USA AMA members You will have received an email from the AMA about changes in the FAA regulations that is currently under discussion.  This is a drastic change that could affect all aspects of model aviation in the USA except for...

sen 2620

Finding Champs Results Thermiksense Blog about the F1ABC World Championship World Cup attendee list encore Finding Champs Results The organizers and others will be putting the results on line. All the links are not ready yet. But check back later  at the link below to find where they are. Thermiksense Blog about the F1ABC World Championship From:Bernhard Schwendemann Thermiksense Blog about the F1ABC World...

sen 2619

World Cup Entrant Listing F1B Kit for sale Room Available at Motel 6 World Cup Entrant Listing Since publishing the World Cup entrant listings a couple of Days ago there has been a number of corrections. If you have friends who are attending and either don’t get SEN or might not have read it ask them to check the listings or do it for them....

sen 2618

Days Inn Lost Hills - Rooms available for Model Airplane October Entries for Sierra and Kotuku Cups Days Inn Lost Hills - Rooms available for Model Airplane October From: Days inn Date: October 3, 2019 at 1:11:14 PM PDT Subject: Days Inn Lost Hills - Rooms available for Model Airplane October Good afternoon Janna VanNest! This is the front desk coordinator at Days Inn over in Lost Hills,...

sen 2617

FAI IDs B 4 sale World Champs F1A TimeKeepers FAI IDs In the setting up of the score sheets for the upcoming Sierra and Kotuku World Cups the scorekeeper noticed a number of errors in FAI ID number, particularly from USA sportsmen.  This is probably because the link to your FAI license (when issued in the USA) show only the front page of the license...

sen 2616

Magic 4/5 Servo VR Special World Champs F1A TimeKeepers The wandering Harvest reaper Champs Plugs Lost Hills World Cup Numbers Magic 4/5 Servo VR Special From Magic Timers At the request of a customer we have done a limited run of a timer we are calling the 4/5 Servo VR Special.  With the standard VR (yellow)  timer the voltage from a 2 cell LiPo is...

sen 2615

World Champs F1A TimeKeepers You learn something every day … HARVEST CLASSIC RESULTS World Champs F1A TimeKeepers From: Brian VanNest Wanted We are in need of timekeepers for World Champs on F1A day October 18th Friday! Pays $80 per day.  Lunch and water included. Contact Brian VanNest 760-937-0177 Editor’s Comment  We have been asked to run this for a few issues of SEN.  The...

sen 2614

Welcome to Lost Hills It's not about the Bike SEN Formatting Guidelines Whoops – FF 2020 typo Welcome to Lost Hills There are several things you should be aware of if you have never visited the Lost Hills area and flying field. A. Sunburn: One of the problems with a desert climate such as Lost Hills is sunburn.  This can occur quite easily, even when...

sen 2613

Champs Results Early Bird FabFeb 2020 Logistics Found Champs Results We have received a number of questions about the results for the World Champs, an event that has not even been run yet! As at other recent World Champs electronic score boards are planned. One set will be near the flight line and the other near the on field HQ.  The results will also be...

sen 2612

Dan on the Fin PATTERSON MEMORIAL NFFS News F1J Transportation Help wanted Dan on the Fin From:Daniel Berry The white fin doesn't improve visibility, it enables visibility. As an addendum- painting the tops of the wingtips is another helpful hint. All of this is to aid the timekeeper when timing to the ground. The last 50 feet and lower in front of ground clutter are...

sen 2611

Help us timers F1B for sale Lost Hills Look 1 Lost Hills Look 2. Help us timers.. From:John Lorbiecki From all of us timers going to the WC to all of you fliers...Since many of the models are the same design ( or at least the same shape) as well as (in regards to F1C) all carbon, please put some cosmetic design features on them...

sen 2610

Golf Cart Rental for World Champs/World Cups Sierra Cup Reminder On my radar More J stuff Golf Cart Rental for World Champs/World Cups Note from Mike McKeever (on the World Champs organizing committee) I'm a little surprised that we have not had more teams requesting a golf cart.  The easily haul equipment for those times a line change is required and are useful chase vehicles...

sen 2609

Who at the champs Lost Hills weather Read my Lips or rather the advertisements words F1J guys M6 Who at the champs F1A NID            SURNAME              GIVEN NAME ARG      GONZALES LOPEZ       Ramiro Andres NEYRA                Federico Nicolas YSASI                Pablo Miguel AUS      CAMPBELL             Malcolm FATHERS              Albert MITCHELL             Phil AUT      ARINGER              Gerhard ARINGER              Luca FUSS                 Helmut BIH      Pecenkovic           Enes Pecenkovic           Jasminka BLR      BERNATOVICH          Siarhei TANANKA              Pavel TANANKO              Siarhei BUL     ...

sen 2608

Sign ups for the Lost Hills World Cup Events Rubber Ordering for October Further comment on the Las Vegas World Cup Schedule Sign ups for the Lost Hills World Cup Events  From: Charlie Jones We have been informed that some individuals are having issues registering for the World Cup Events, the Sierra Cup and the Kotuku Cup,  in October at Lost Hills.  This is most...

sen 2607

Looking for a Chase Bike for World Champs and more … J for sale Las Vegas World Cup read the small [not!] LARGE print Looking for a Chase Bike for World Champs and more … Looking for a Chase Bike for World Champs??? 2000 XR 70 automatic Comes with storage at Lost Hills In excellent condition $1,395 Contact Brian VanNest for pictures Sent from...

sen 2606

Las Vegas FAI World Cup: Wawayanda field status B and G stuff for sale Las Vegas FAI World Cup:  October 26 & 27. If you are thinking of attending our event after the World Champs please let us know in advance. Knowing the head count and what events you might fly would be very helpful. There is a link to the flyer on both the...

sen 2605

F1G Champion for Kotuku Cup and Sierra Cup Contest September is before us Notice #2 for Nelson Glow Plugs at Lost Hills F1G Champion for Kotuku Cup and Sierra Cup Contest From Walt Ghio I have a Bob White built F1G that was donated to me by Norm Smith. After Bob passed away several of his models were given to local flyers. Norm had acquired...

sen 2604

Message from Day’s Inn at Lost Hills September Free Flight Contest at Barron Field, Wawayanda, NY SEN 2603 and the Motels First of 2020 ? Message from Day’s Inn at Lost Hills Good afternoon Janna VanNest! This is the front desk coordinator at Days Inn over in Lost Hills, CA. I am reaching out to give you an exclusive rate for the people participating in...

sen 2603

Lost Hills Hotels World Cup Entry Fees Special USA T-Shirts Hollywood At Lost Hills Lost Hills - Hotels Note from the organizer - "It has come to our attention that some hotels in the Lost Hills area may have had issues with reservations made on-line.  We advise you to contact the hotel you are staying to confirm your reservation as soon as possible.  It will...

sen 2602

Blog:  F1E Senior and Junior World Championship HARVEST CLASSIC Blog:  F1E Senior and Junior World Championship From: Bernhard Schwendemann Blog:  F1E Senior and Junior World Championship 34 seniors and 24 juniors from 13 nations will participate at the FAI World Championships F1E from 25. to 28. Aug. in Martin/Slovakia. Nick Finke  has already started the blog at Thermiksense: Bernhard Schwendemann, Thermiksense `HARVEST CLASSIC  Sat...

sen 2601

Results for three summer contests at Wawayanda Walston Receiver case question and some retrieval gear for sale... RMFFC in less than two weeks! Results for three summer contests at Wawayanda From:Andrew Barron Dear Free Flight Friends, Three America's Cup, National Cup contests were held at Barron Field in recent months:  The Hatschek International Challenge May 18-19, 2019, the Skyscraper Annual June 15-16, 2019 and the...

sen 2600

USA Nationals Links FF EDIC Nelson Glow Plugs at the World Champs National Championship results and Report USA Nationals Links To the daily blogs with extra photo links.  There is also a full report fron Andrew Barron, the CD and the FAI event results later in this SEN The scores by event (one or two missing when I last looked but they are no...

sen 2599

2019 Free Flight Oktoberfest. Nats ’19 Brief 2019 Free Flight Oktoberfest. We are about 10 weeks from the WCh! Southern California Aero Team (SCAT and home of SEN) will be hosting a 2019 Free Flight Oktoberfest. We will be supplying free beer, soda and munchies. This will start after all the WCh flying is complete on the reserve day, Monday,Oct 21, likely starting at noon. We will locate in...

sen 2598

U.S. National Championship WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TIMEKEEPERS Submissions to SEN U.S. National Championship From: Andrew Barron Many free flight flyers are travelling this weekend to attend the National Aeromodeling Championship in Muncie, Indiana, Monday August 5 through Friday August 9. As the contest director I extend a warm welcome. It is the premiere free flight competition for many of the over 60 free flight events of...

sen 2597

Rubber for Delivery in October Oregon in August Rubber for Delivery in October FAI Model Supply will once again be providing rubber and supplies to all those who *pre-order* for delivery at the Endless October Contests that include the World Championships in Lost Hills, CA.  We have already received a number of orders at this time. If you are interested in ordering items, we ask...

sen 2596

Blog:  European Junior Championship F1ABP Tan 2 for sale Blog:  European Junior Championship F1ABP From: Bernhard Schwendemann Blog:  European Junior Championship F1ABP With 94 juniors from 19 nations participating the  European Junior Championships F1ABP will be held from 30.7. to 3.8.19 in Macedonia. Thomas Wiesiolek has already started the blog at Thermiksense: Bernhard Schwendemann, Thermiksense Tan 2 for sale From: ittai shichman Hello Roger,...

sen 2594

Free Flight Digest on Instagram September in Lost Hills – revised Fragile 1/8” rubber Free Flight Digest on Instagram From:Adelaide Machado-Ulm To expand our Free Flight presence on the social media “interwebs,” we now have a Free Flight Digest Instagram account! To do: 1.) Download the Instagram app or go to the website 2.) Sign up (follow the instructions on screen) 3.) Search for Free...

sen 2593

Golf Cart Rental for World Champs/World Cups NFFS News for Canada FLYING ACES CONTEST AT TAIBI FIELD..WEDNESDAY THE 24TH September in lost hills Golf Cart Rental for World Champs/World Cups Golf cart rentals from All Cart in Bakersfield will be available for rental at the field prior to the Sierra Cup beginning October 10 including the World Championships and finally Kotuku Cup ending on October...

sen 2592

October Lost Hills World Cup Contests Entries (includes Mini Events) October Lost Hills World Cup Contests Entries (includes Mini Events) We have been informed that some individuals are having issues registering for the World Cup Events, the Sierra Cup and the Kotuku Cup,  in October at Lost Hills.  This is most likely individuals not affiliated with a team attending the World Championships.  For those of...

sen 2591

Entries for the World Cup  Events in the USA in October 2019 Lost Hills Road Construction Lost Hills Retrieval Vehicles The climb is no flop F1S / E-36 transition Other Lost Hills  Events - USFFC This Vidas, that Vidas then the Dino Entries for the World Cup  Events in the USA in October 2019 SEN had received some questions about these events. On the AMA...

sen 2590

Schedule for the Lacey-Kerr Memorial (July 13-14) Plop off the top Red vs Black Huron Cup CANADA CUP 2019 Schedule for the Lacey-Kerr Memorial (July 13-14) From:Andrew Barron Dear Free Flight Friends, Here forwarded is a reminder of the previously announced Dave Lacey, Tom Kerr Memorial free flight meet July 13-14 for America's Cup FAI, AMA, NFFS events. It is at Barron Field in Wawayanda,...

sen 2589

World Cup Results Source Dual Clubs Results Italian F1E Results World Cup Results Source From: Ian Kaynes Roger, Re results William, you can find these and any other World Cup results on the F1ABCQ and F1E contest links in Regards Ian Dual Clubs Results From Bill Booth. 2019 Dual Clubs Free Flight Bonanza F1A Parker,      240     180     116     180     180     180     180            1256 F1B Booth,      ...

sen 2588

Flying with Lost Hills Bees - Re: SEN 2587 aka Bee Ranching and Rustling Scandinavien Free Flight Week – Results the Press is beyond the edge Monti Lessini Competition Results - Not Flying with Lost Hills Bees - Re: SEN 2587 aka Bee Ranching and Rustling From: Jim Lueken From personal experience... White clothing can make bees think you’re a man made bee hive. Some...

sen 2587

World Champs Bulletin 2 Skyscraper’s Annual, June 15-16 World Champs Bulletin 2 Bulletin2 for the 2019 World Champs just out at Skyscraper’s Annual, June 15-16 By Aram Schlosberg Saturday, June 15, was a blowout, which deterred a number of flyers from attending. However, the extended Ulm family drove up from Virginia as well as the Andriukoves and Dave Rounsville. B flew a single round...

sen 2586

Competitors for whom valid FAI Licences have not been found and have been eliminated from the original results Schedules for the SkyScraper Annual (June 15-16), and Lacey-Kerr Memorial (July 13-14) Competitors for whom valid FAI Licences have not been found and have been eliminated from the original results The above note is under some events on the FAI 2019 World Cup Results -at So...

sen 2585

Looking for Al Vela’s FAI Lipstick plans Have it Casino Cup Euro F1D Podiums Looking for Al Vela’s FAI Lipstick plans From: George Voss * I’m looking for a set of Al Vela’s FAI Lipstick plans.  If you have a set and could copy them for me I’ll gladly pay for the copy and shipping. Have it From:Michael J Woodhouse Roger Regarding timers as requested...

sen 2584

Looking for Texas Timer Micro Stick it to me   Looking for Texas Timer Micro From: gilbert morris Hi Roger, If any one has a subject timer (it's a small nylon clock timer with snap fuel cut-off and costs about $50 new but now discontinued) and willing to sell, please let me know .      Gil Morris Stick it to me See on Face...

sen 2583

Aussie Nats Euro Indoor Aussie Nats From:Steve Helmick Enjoyed Malcolm's photos of the Australian NATS and FF Champs very much. Recognized a half-dozen or so, but missed seeing photos of a bunch more great friends. Thermals to all of you! Indoor E/C Blog on the website of Thermiksense From:Bernhard Schwendemann Indoor E/C 2.-9. June 2019 in Czech Republic Uwe Bundesen, member of the German team,...

sen 2582

Australian Photos More wet weather Australian Photos Hi Roger I’ve finally finished my review.  Please spend some time looking at my photos from two of Australia’s premier model aircraft competitions: 71st Australian Model Aircraft Nationals from West Wyalong, NSW and the 42nd Australian Free Flight Society Championships from Narrandera, NSW I hope you enjoy them. Regards Malcolm Campbell More wet weather From FB 55th Mostar...

sen 2581

FFn is 50 Salonta Thanks Srem Cup FFn is 50 The June 2019 issue off celebrated 50 years of publication. The first issue in May of 1969, that is 600 issues!. This issue recounts some major FF events over the years.  Great credit to Ian Kaynes for sticking at for all that time and providing a valuable resource and service.  Ian has been helped other...

sen 2580

Tangent Classic Did you notice Romanian Junket Texas 27th Annual Spring Cup - Sanction #7966 – date Change The perils of flying in high grass 2019 TANGENT CLASSIC FAI MEET August 16th, 2019 F1 ABC& P August 17th, 2019 F1 GHJQ&S THE SAME WEEKEND AS THE WMC  NW Champs FOLLOW THE SIGNS TO THIS YEAR’S FIELD SOUTH OF ALBANY, OR. AMERICA’S CUP POINTS Wayne Drake...

sen 2579

AFFS CHAMPIONSHIPS & WIDGIEWA CUP 2019 RESULTS for SEN Mike = Dino Address Correction AFFS CHAMPIONSHIPS & WIDGIEWA CUP 2019 RESULTS for SEN From: Phil Mitchell G’Day Roger, Please find attached results from the Antipodes for our 2019 Events the “WIDGIEWA CUP” & “AFFS CHAMPIONSHIPS”. The weather was fine and sunny after a dump of approx. 50mm (That’s 2 inches for US readers…lol) of rain...

sen 2578

Barron Field Schedule Perris Work Schedules for Hatschek (May 18-19), Sky Annual (June 15-16), and Lacey-Kerr Memorial (July 13-14) From:Andrew Barron Dear Free Flight Friends, Here is the schedule for the FAI, AMA and Nostalgia events at the upcoming contests at Barron Field.  These are the Hatschek International Challenge next week, May 18-19 and the Skyscraper Annual June 15-16 and the Dave Lacey & Tom...

sen 2577

Rubber for sale Dual Clubs Bonanza Rubber for sale From:Michael Achterberg Hello. I have an extra box of April 16 rubber for sale. Think it has 9.5lbs in box. Have way too much rubber. Very good batch, but have another 5lbs of this plus June16, Sept 16 and July 13 and Mar.17. Anyone interested contact me Thermals, Michael DUAL-CLUBS FREE FLIGHT BONANZA *A National Cup & America’s Cup...

sen 2576

Al Hotard America’s Cup so far + USA Jnr Team program Casino Cup – get booking Al Hotard Randy Secor, Al’s stepson advised us of Al’s passing.  Al Hotard was the creator of the America’s Cup, a competition similar to the Free Flight World Cup that is for FAI Free Flight competition in North America.  The America’s Cup has been key in promoting FAI Flight...

sen 2575

Seeing an old Friend and F1C innovator ? USA Indoor Nationals in Arizona Seeing an old Friend and F1C innovator ? From: Mike Fantham In the F1C video from SM, did I spot Leonid Fuseev doing a piece to camera and flying a (Babenko?) folder? USA Indoor Nationals in Arizona From:Don DeLoach Don't forget to pre-enter for the Indoor Nationals! Contest is May-June 2.

sen 2574

70th Annual Inter-City Meet Brodersen FAI Challenge Old Friends from Russia Editor’s Comments on Russian Reports Detroit Balsa Bugs 70th Annual Inter-City Meet June 15th & 16th, 2019 AMA Field – Muncie, Indiana America’s Cup         Saturday, June 15 FAI (JSO Combined)        F1A, F1B, F1C/F1P, F1Q 7 – 1 ½  hour rounds, ½ hr. overlap starting at 8:00 a.m. 3 min. max., weather...

sen 2573

More From Russia DT Fly Off Local So Cal News Lost Hills Perris CHARLIE PRIMBS More from Russia From Ron Felix Hi Roger, Since Ismet Yurtseven left Nartkala before F1C took place, and thus would not have obtained this information, I thought I would send you the results from this event.   The spread sheet is from the organizers recent posting on their Russian website.  I...

sen 2572

A View from the Store The Search THE 2019 FREE FLIGHT FORUM REPORT- IT’S A BUMPER ISSUE Helping Out A View from the Store It's ALL depending on demand. I've been in the Hobby biz since 1971 and let me tell you that the F/F sales are    -0 (minus zero) Lately even the R/C stuff has been difficult to sell with all the cheap...

sen 2571

Where is Bezos when you need him USFFC Where is Bezos when you need him From: Ross Jahnke   Roger, Purchasing free flight equipment and supplies is very challenging, compared to the purchase of other items in todays marketplace. Read facebook free flight posts and you see all sorts of enquiries about where to get thus-and-such. I am putting together an F1Q and have had...

sen 2570

NALOEV CUP 2019 -  F1A Day, Unoffical Results F1B Results SEN Subscribers on Yahoo Mail NALOEV CUP 2019 -  F1A Day, Unoffical Results From: Ismet Yurtseven Good evening fom Kabardino-Balkaria region of Russia. Today (April 10, 2019) is the F1A contest day of Naloev Cup 2019. The contest started at 9:00 am. There were 5 standard rounds (240+180+180+180+240). There were 70 sportsmen where 15 of...

sen 2569

Helping out FFQ#71 has appeared ELBRUS CUP 2019 - UNOFFICIAL RESULTS Helping out Notice in the last SEN the message from Andew Barron talking about Wawayanda and the Nats.  Andrew was asking for helpers at the Nats.  For all of our events helpers are very important and we could not run the events without them.  I noticed at the recent Feb contests the “big name”...

sen 2568

CIAM Report Automated Timing Observations Thermiksense 2019 CIAM PLENARY MEETING By Ian Kaynes – From Free Flight News* The CIAM meetings held in Lausanne were Bureau meeting on April 4 followed by the Plenary meeting on April 5 and 6. The Free Flight Technical Meeting (FFTM) was held on the first morning of the Plenary meeting and the results of that presented to the Plenary...

sen 2567

China trip  report The Cutting Edge Some Barron Field Contest dates and a Nats Invitation My China trip. From: Brian Van Nest My China trip. It started when I landed in Beijing and was warmly greeted by Xinpu Sheng. We spent the next two days with some grueling sightseeing. Including the Great Wall , the Summer Palace ,temple of heaven ,Tiananmen Square and the forbidden...

sen 2566

CIAM Flash Gimme some of that Gummi SEN Tradition May '99 Clone? Semi-old style razor blades CIAM Flash According to a FB post 2012 Senior F1ABC World Champs and Junior Euro Champs to France. Not seen any other reports from the CIAM Meeting Gimme some of that Gummi I'd like to order one ton of 20th Anniversary Edition-May 1999 Rubber Delivery on april 1 2020...

sen 2565

May 1999 Rubber -  20th Anniversary Edition SCAT Annual Report and Results For America’s Cup CDs May 1999 Rubber -  20th Anniversary Edition May99 Ltd is proud to announce pre-ordering for cloned rubber from the world-renounced batch originally released in May 1999. Details of how to order and other information is given below. History In rubber-powered model aircraft flying the highest energy storage ever measured...

sen 2564

Caveat Emptor Techno-Turnip ? Lost in Cyber Space or just Space – SEN 2562 or 3 Who are the interested parties ? Caveat Emptor A message from the Magic Timer repairs shop – we have had a few Help! Emails recently from people who have bought second hand magic timer and experienced difficulties, so make sure that you see the timer run and be programmed...

sen 2563

Whoops – not as bad as I thought ATV for sale Whoops – not as bad as I/you thought From:Gliderbohm Hey Roger, I have flown at Perris MANY times over the last 3 months with no real problems. Just two weeks ago I was there on a Wed, some small puddles, some water in the canal, but nothing very bad. Road in had some muddy...

sen 2562

DT flyoffs - a practical solution California Weather USA Team Selection Program members DT flyoffs - a practical solution From: Aram Schlosberg . As a complete skeptic I watched a DT-flyoff in Sweden two years ago in a gale, on the last afternoon of the contest, where models were disappeared into the haze in less than 2 minutes. To my surprise I was won over...

sen 2561

March is the New February = SCAT Annual DT vs Altimeter vs ? Alan Edwards Looking for the Astro P-Star A poem March is the New February. Forecast for March 23 and 24: low 47 deg F, high 70 deg F, ZERO % rain!! and the grass will still be green! SCAT ANNUAL March 23 & 24, Reserve March 25, 2019 at Lost Hills Field,...

sen 2560

dt fly off DT FO Details ?! Engine Run Details Elephant in the Corner Rhino  in the Corner Cutting Edge F1P? dt fly off From: Frédéric ABERLENC The DT Fly off will be on the table for the next CIAM meeting. Please note that in 2018, DT fly off was used 8 times in WC contest. If it is legal, this number will increase. Most...

sen 2559

Looking for a Chase bike F1P - Kits Available? CIAM PROPOSALS 2019 World Cup Scoring Looking for a Chase bike From: Dean Clark Hello all,I am looking for a chase bike. Years ago when I took a hiatus from FF I let my awesome Yamaha mini enduro go to a better home. I have watched Leeper and others use the Yamaha TTR 125 with good...

sen 2558

Dutch Team for 2019 World Champs Scandinavian Update about FAI Free Flight World Cup Rules 2019 - Points Allocation – Part III (Conclusion) Dutch Team for 2019 World Champs From: Allard van Wallene Hi Roger, here the Dutch team for the 2019 World Champs: F1A: Allard van Wallene, Kees van de Ven, Mark Rossen F1B: Roel Lucassen, Gerard Willemsen, Luis Bautista regards, Allard Scandinavian Update...

sen 2557

Looking at World Cup points in 3 parts SidusG2 Altimeter Readout My personal opinion about new point allocation rules for Free Flight World Cup Contests-Part I From:Ismet Yurtseven When FAI Free Flight World Cup 2019 results updated by Mr. Ian Kaynes, I realized that the point allocation rules were completely changed. I want to share my opinion about the new rules. First of all, I...

sen 2556

Merry Smith’s Photos Photos in SEN Top Dudes ? Merry Smith’s Photos Here is a portfolio of Merry Smith’s 2019 Fab Feb Photos This portfolio is not arranged exactly the way Merry did it – apologies to Merry.  See the next article. Photos in SEN Quite a number of people have taken photos of the Fab Feb events and shared them using a number...

sen 2555

Fab Feb Top Dude SEN Spread Sheets North American Cup Francois’s Fotos MaxMen F1A results Fab Feb Top Dude The Top Dude award is for the best performance combined over the 3 events (2 in the case of Mini Events) using World Cup Scoring.  First place gets a special custom t-shirt F1A Findahl Balassiano Carter F1B Kulakovsky Kovalenko Hemsworth F1C Savukhina Menanno Briere F1Q Murphy...

sen 2554

MaxMen 2019 Results Excellent Photos Tribute to Bill Gieskieng MaxMen 2019 Results The full Maxmen Results can be found at Excellent Photos From:Sergey Makarov Thank you very much for excellent photos, Malcolm. GOOD JOB! I see it and really deep into Lost Hills 2019 atmosphere again! Tribute to Bill Gieskieng As many of you know, Mr Marion William (Bill) Gieskieng passed on January...

sen 2553

Fab Feb Photos CALIF CUP F1E RESULTS Fab Feb Photos From: Malcolm Campbell Hi Roger Home two days and my photos are ready, something of a record.  I hope your readers enjoy them. It was a rugged week.  The organisers should be commended for their ability to keep it all on the rails. Wind, rain, hail or shine, Fab Feb remains the premier world free...

sen 2552

Ike and Kiwi Electric Champion Ike AMA Events Mud Olympics Ike and Kiwi Electric Champion (prize money donated by Lee Hines) Family and Given     E36       NOS Electric    F1Q      F1S     Total    Place   Prize Name           Beaten      Beaten       Beaten   Beaten    Beaten Murphy    Jack         3           2            5        3        13       1      $75 Gannon    Bill         6                                 5        11       2      $50 Brooks    Clint        7           3                              10       3      $25 BuddenbohmStan         9                                          9        4...

sen 2551

Lost Hills Weather F1Q MM _ Flash AMA Govt Relations Blog Lost Hill other events New Records Broken at Lost Hills' 'Fab Feb' Lost Hills Weather This year while chatting with George Batiuk at Lost Hills he said he was getting great weather reports from the Wonderful Farms at link I had given him.  I went back and checked on older items that I had...

sen 2550

Max Men Mini Flash Fab Feb Quote Lost Hills Question Max Men Mini Flash From: William Booth F1G Dong, H Drapeau, JL Dong, Q F1G Junior Zhang, Y Liu, R Zhou, X F1H Madelin, G Jensen, B Dong, Z F1H Junior Dong, Z F1S Parker, J Campbell, M McGuckin, D F1J Parker, F Fab Feb Quote From FB From Daryl Perkins - It was great...

sen 2549a

MaxMen Flash F1A Danier, J Findahl, P Ballasiano, A F1A Junior Goldstein, N Dong, Z Ulm, A F1B Kovalenko, M Kulakovsky, O Batiuk, G F1B Junior Ruizhe, L Zhao, Y Cao, J F1C Savulkhina, L Erdenebayar, U Mennano, G F1C Junior Dong, Z F1P An, R Li, W Rounsaville, D F1P Junior An, R Li, W Jing, S Mini Events will be finished tomorrow Monday...

sen 2549

Full North American Cup Results   North American Cup 2019 F1A Place                Name    Nat  FAI ID  1  2  3  4  5 FO1 Total 1      Danier       Jama    CAN  26753  240180180180180533  1493 2    Balassiano     Aviv    ISR  78419  240180180180180529  1489 3     Parker        Jim     USA  89827  240180180180180515  1475 4     Persson      Anders   SWE  24717  240180180180180502  1462 5       Jes        Nyhegn   DEN         240180180180180487  1447 6     Findahl        Per    SWE  24737  240180180180180486  1446 7    ...

sen 2548

North American Cup News and MaxMen F1A flyoff info Looking for Rossi Conrod International Pot Luck @ Fab Feb   North American Cup News and MaxMen F1A flyoff info: Here is a schedule for the North American Cup and MaxMen F1A flyoff: We will attempt to get all of the flyoffs completed tomorrow morning (Saturday morning) 6:30 am sportsman meeting at the registration tent 7:00...

sen 2547

NA Cup - (almost) midnight Flash Record North American Cup News: From: tony mathews After consulting with the MaxMen organizers, and looking at the weather forecast, we have decided to delay the North American Cup flyoffs until no later than Monday morning (the MaxMen reserve day). We will watch the weather and follow closely with the MaxMen organizers and try to take the earliest good...

sen 2546

MaxMen Pole Assignments California Cup Wanted … 2019 Bob White Memorial Max Men International F1A  POLE  ASSIGNMENTS (MOVE 3 POLES EACH ROUND) POLE 1                POLE 2                POLE 3 Goldstein, G          McKeever, M        Van Nest, B Goldstein, N          Bauer, K               Farmer, J Ulm, G                  Parker, J  ...

sen 2545

North American Cup -interim reslts North American Cup 2019 F1A Plac ID                   Name    Nat  FAI ID   1   2    3   4   5 Total 1    1      Jensen      Steffen  DEN  17172   240 180  180 180 180 960 2    5       Valo        Jari    FIN  10072   240 180  180 180 180 960 3   13      Arigos       Lucas   ARG  104361  240 180  180 180 180 960 4   14      Arigós    Aníbal EnriARG  104363  240...

sen 2544

Fab Feb Update Thurs AM General Comment Fab Feb Update Thurs AM The Cal Cup F1E event will not be flown today. The International Pot Luck with Chinese Dumpling party planned for the field will not be held this evening.  The possible alternate site is too small to accommodate the potential number of attendees. We will re-schedule – information later. General Comment We apologize to...

sen 2543

North American Cup - Update Roll’in and Flipp’in Photo Whoops Sympo Call for Papers North American Cup - Update From: tony mathews Weather was very mixed. Cold, wet and rainy and Breezy for the 1st two rounds, Warmer, sunny with light winds for the last three rounds. The flyoffs were scheduled for 3:00 pm. The flightline was moved 500 meters upwind. F1C was flown 1st in...

sen 2542

Kiwi F1E Kiwi Mini Events Ike and Kiwi Photos Kiwi Award Photos Kiwi F1E results The Kiwi Results page has been updated to include F1E Kiwi Mini Events Ditto for the mini events same link Ike and Kiwi Cup Photos by Brian Furutani http:// Kiwi Cup Awards by Tom Faith Reporting stopped by hail

sen 2541

 North American Cup Flash North American Cup Flash The North American Cup will have a meeting on the field tomorrow morning at the tent near the motorcycles at 7:00 am to discuss the weather. Thursday’s forecast looks very windy so we will try and complete the competition on Wednesday if we can. There are still many score cards to pick up and people can sign...

sen 2540

Kiwi Cup Flash Link to Kiwi World Cup Results Initially raining in the morning , the weather radar said the rain would clear up in an hour, so we delayed the start by an hour and reduced the event to 5 rounds.  By this time the clouds had all cleared, rain stopped and sun come out. The first two rounds were like this.  The...

sen 2539

FAI Licenses for USA Fab Feb Flash More on C In response ..   FAI Licenses for USA With the change in FAI licenses that we have noted in earlier issues of SEN. They are now only issued for USA flyers by the NAA, no longer the AMA, and through the NAA web site at The AMA has helped some members go through this...

sen 2538

Fab Feb stuff Fab Feb update 1 The Kiwi Cup results will be available online at Kiwi Cup Jury Phil Mitchell AUS Igor Vivchar UKR Mike Roberts USA Fab Feb update 2 Reports from the field say they were able to drive their RVs on to the field in spite of recent rain.  Some clean up has been done on the roads.  The only...

sen 2537

Fab Feb World Cup Sign Ups All wheel drive chase bike Pseudo F1N and more Fab Feb World Cup Sign Ups and more Firstly the grapevine tells us that there are a number of US sportsmen who have not entered yet, one or two of them did not enter in advance last year.  They professed a lack of ability in embracing modern technology but do...

sen 2536

FAI ID Number F1C Vibes Pim’s TRACKERS Lost Hills storage FAI ID Number From:Mike Richardson Hi Roger I’m glad you brought up the FAI license number in the Sen 2535. In the last several years I have gone through NAA for my sporty license. By doing this I save a few bucks but I discovered that NAA do not mail you a license, instead a...

sen 2535

weighed, weighed, NUMBERED and divided Bill Giesking Simple F1C engine run solution Remembering Bill Numbers, numbers, and more numbers In processing the Fab Feb entries there has been some confusion around the various IDs, membership numbers, licenses etc that are on the online entry form. Most people have figured this out so bear with us on the explanation. So this is an explanation.  First some...

sen 2534

Bill Giesking SEN 2533 The 2019 FAI Southwest Regionals Model Airplane Championships FF stuff for sale Optar wanted Bill Giesking From Richard Blackam Sorry to hear about Bill Gieskieng's passing. He was an amazing innovator and a real source of inspiration to me. RIP SEN 2533 From: Bernard Crowe Bravo!  Sanity, clarity and realism! The 2019 FAI Southwest Regionals Model Airplane Championships The first America’s...

sen 2533

Fab Feb Field Food Update Marion William "Bill" Gieskieng Motor Run - No slight intended Fab Feb Food Update Gabby’s food truck will be on the field Sat 9th Sun 10th Wed 13th Fri 15th Sat 16th Sun 17th Gabby’s Social Evening Tue 12 Thursday 14,  International Pot luck dinner with Dumplings from the Chinese team on the field but don’t forget that we are all ...

sen 2532

Motor Run F1C Engine Timing Fab – Feb info – if you haven’t entered you should NOW Motor Run From:William East The Motor run issue Is it possible for one of our electronics people to develop an transmitter/reciever (in a simular package to a RDT unit) that will give an exact time for the engine run by pressing the transmitter button that automatically send the...

sen 2531

It’s about reaction time Humming Bird Model Products attends its first contest For Sale - WTR – 3   Thermal Detection System Fab Feb Entries so far It’s about reaction time From: Mike Roberts Roger For SEN please. I could be wrong (not possible you say), but I believe both Ed’s proposal and the previous proposal from Larisa and Artem, are trying to eliminate the “variable...

sen 2530

F1C engine timing Wired Ike and Kiwi Rubber Reminder Flash your flood F1C engine timing From:John Cuthbert I hope you will allow me to put my "four pennyworth" ( strange English saying meaning "adding to the debate".) on the current F1C engine issue. As a long time F1C competitor, now retired, I can still fly them but cannot retrieve them, therefore not Ex F1C flier,...

sen 2529

2019 World Champs Info Flash How to verify F1C Settings ? Redefine engine run F1C Engine Runs - The EoB Perspective FOR SALE: NEW Nelson Combat Special .41, 2019 World Champs Info Flash From: Charlie Jones Roger, Can you put the following announcement in the next SEN as soon as possible? "The following announcement pertains to a change in the deadlines for payment of entry...

sen 2528

F1C timing comments X 4 Cal Cup F1E Cox radial backplates USA F1C Engine Run Timing proposal From:gilbert morris Ed Carroll's engine timing proposal is, in my opinion, right-on with one important exception: engine run down time which is a huge variable -- amounting from zero to one sec. delay. Some  engines have a brake and some don't and flood off's can be strong or...

sen 2527

Looking for VE Piston and Liner European trackers for sale USA F1C Engine  run timing proposal Looking for VE Piston and Liner From:Jeff Ellington Hello Roger, I am looking for AAC piston and liners for VE. If anyone can help, please contact me by messenger or by email, Thank you Jeff Ellington European trackers for sale From:John Clapp Recently I came across a pair of...

sen 2526

FFQ#70 has appeared, appeal for "Wake-Up" plan AMA events at the Ike – updated Nelson Glow Plugs at Fab Feb   FFQ#70 has appeared, appeal for "Wake-Up" plan From:Sergio The new issue of Free Flight Quarterly has appeared, with a wide variety of articles, including biographies of Roy Marquardt and the great New Zealander  FF competitor and designer Paul Lagan, who died last year. You...

sen 2525

2018 Am Cup Final Report FAI Rubber pre-order announcement U.S. Team Selection Program Participants Fab Feb 5 by 5 America’s Cup results table 2018 Am Cup Final Report From: Jim Parker What a great year of FAI FF competition in North America this year. Ken Bauer had a wonderful year in making the USA F1A team by winning the first day of the Team Selection...

sen 2524

2019 Max Men Flyer Fab Feb Roomy needed 2019 I suppose we should have made some wise and thoughtful editorial for 2019 but we were off getting ready for a contest so did not do it. We have made some observations and other have written in NFFS publications and the like about how we can use social media to promote free flight.  People only take...

sen 2523

World Cup Kaptains, Komplaints and Kerfuffle Fab Feb Flashe$ Clas Hagelstam organiser World Cup Kaptains, Komplaints and Kerfuffle Firstly the good news …. If you got to the link below you can see the (revised)  results of the 2019 World Cup for Free Flight model aircraft. The above report link to an important document about the running of the World Cup events in 2018. The...

sen 2522

A word from the Fab Feb Score Keeper AMA events at the Ike USA Team Selection - Multiple Contests Hybrid Idea America’s Cup Organizers A Magic Word A word from the Fab Feb FAI Score Keeper We have noticed that a number of people have not included their FAI on their entries.  Any regular participant in World Cup or World Champ Events will have a...

sen 2521

For Sale - Thermal Detection System Australian 2019 FF World Championships team 2019 FAI Sporting Code Fab Feb info For Sale - Thermal Detection System From: Roy Summersby WTR – 3   Thermal Detection System   $500 Paper Chart Recorder for the determination of rising air streams. These machines I believe were built and used very successfully by F1C flyer Leonid Fuzeev in Russia. Comes complete with...

sen 2520

British team for 2019 World Champs Fab Feb Update SEN Update British team for 2019 World Champs From:John Cuthbert Morning Roger, Here is the Great Britain team for the 2019 Free Flight World Championships. F1A.           John Williams,   Richard Jack,   John Cooper. F1B.           Mike Woolner,   Pawel Pietrzak,   Phil Ball. F1C,           Alan Jack,    Mick...

sen 2519

On Time Accumulation,  for USA Team Selection SWR Entry On Time Accumulation,  for USA Team Selection From: Aram Schlosberg To qualify for the Finals one has to accumulate 75 minutes in contest flying (excluding flyoffs), beginning the year after the Finals till about a month before the next Finals. This amounts to maxing out four contests. The rational for time accumulations is to occupy the...

sen 2518

Kiwi F1E World Cup - 2019 North American World Cup - 2019 KIWI -     NEW ZEALAND -     F1E WORLD CUP FEBRUARY 11, 2019 THE EIGHTEENTH F1E ISAACSON WINTER CLASSIC PLACE: Holloway Hill, 1.5 miles SE of Bissonette Mirage Field parking, Lost Hills, California - coordinates 35.655°N, 119.787°W. Hill is accessible by car. SCHEDULE: Five (5) SO-minute rounds with 10 minute breaks 9:00 am Arrival on...

sen 2517

Looking for information on Joe H. Maxwell Kiwi Cup Flyer Looking for information on Joe H. Maxwell From:Rick Pangell To all,Does anyone have any information on Joe H. Maxwell in Stirling, Scotland. He called his firm " Aids for Advanced Aeromodelling". Most people thought that he had several computerized machines to make his wonders in balsa, obeche and hardwood. But in 2001 he wrote a book,...

sen 2516

Colo(u)red Thinking Latest CIAM Flyer and skills THE 2018 FAI ARIZONA CHAMPIONSHIPS AT ELOY, DEC. 1-2 Colo(u)red Thinking From:Chris Edge Santa SEN, In answer to your query in your recent organ I was told that Brown Material Road was named after a store called 'Brown's Materials' (or similar) that used to be sited on that road in the past. The store sold, er, materials for...

sen 2515

The World Champs Web site Lost Hills and Hwy 46 Team China List The World Champs Web site The official AMA World Champs web site is at : The AMA’s IT dept have just started on it so there is not much information there yet, but that will be the place to go for the official information. In the mean time we have some...

sen 2514

Active Adult Community Are are waiting ? Facebook and Blogs More on Q hardware Fab Feb Fuel Ballot link for NFFS West VP Active Adult Community From:Roger Willis THE RIGHT DEMOGRAPHICS I believe the "right demographics " for growing  new builders and flyers should be focused on the Active Adult Communities all over America.  We have put together a "How To" booklet on how to...

sen 2513

USA Free Flight Team Official Announcement The Right Demographic? Wings for F1Q Get that space airborne USA Free Flight Team Official Announcement Randy Secor has been approved as the 2019 U. S. Team Manager with Tiffaney O’Dell serving as Assistant Team Manager. Thanks to both of you for stepping up and taking on these vital roles. Under the direction of these two very capable leaders,...

sen 2512

Second life for old style Nordic wings Use the Interweb to get to the right demographic The right demographic ? Adelaide is right on target! Second life for old style Nordic wings From: Aram Schlosberg As (large) Q models have evolve into using geared motors with B props and Nordic sized wings, it turns out that the old styled Carbon D-boxed A wings weighing around...

sen 2511

Dinosaurs evolved into birds and can fly QUO  VADIS. Argentine team 2019 Inside STEM Dinosaurs evolved into  birds and can fly  From: Adelaide machado ulm I saw the correspondence going on in the SEN, and I had a quick contribution: Free Flight is a tradition passed down by families to the next generations. “Old geezers” simply need to push for younger interest. It cannot just...

sen 2510

Last of the Dinosaurs ? Simplify - how and why Online Entry for Fab Feb 2019 World Champs Prep Last of the Dinosaurs ? From:Michael Achterberg Hi.Our problem in multi fold. But if we want to attract the younger generation we have to appeal to people who may have similar interests. Joggers is a possible market. Also, dirt biker riders. Go to any hobby shop...

sen 2509

Shed #5 Motor Bike for Sale Innovation – Yes ,  Retro - ? Shed #5 From : Brian Van Nest Lost Hills Motorcycle storage in new Shed #5 available mid December of 2018. A one time fee of $600. Please contact Brian Van Nest @ Motor Bike for Sale Motorcycle for sale 1981 Honda XR-100 Asking price $700. For information by phone call Peter Allnutt...

sen 2508

Bulletins 0 and 1 Danish team for 2019 at Lost Hills On the Sympo Argentina Team for Lost Hills 2019 Bulletins 0 and 1 From:Ian Kaynes Roger Re Bulletin for World Champs As a clarification, bulletin 0 is an CIAM internal document and is not issued. When it is approved at the CIAM Bureau meeting (December 1)  it will then be issued as bulletin 1,...

sen 2507

NFFS 2019 CALL FOR PAPERS USA 2019 Indoor Nationals in Arizona 2019 WC Bulletin 0 NFFS 2019 CALL FOR PAPERS Model aircraft have evolved for centuries and it is not just a USA thing.  First there were basic gliders, then elastic bands, ignition motors, glow engines, new construction methods, new adhesive and finishing materials, you name it.  With each technological advance we Free-Flighters have embraced...

sen 2506

Patterson Results Patterson results From: Brian VanNest PATTERSON 2018 had great weather, Bar B Q, new flyers and returning flyers. PATTERSON              NOV 111-Nov              BRIAN VANNEST CD F1A                    Rnd1 Rnd2 Rnd3 Rnd4 Rnd5 Rnd6 Rnd7  F01  F02 total 1  Jim Parker          240  180  180  180  180  180  180  360  480  2160 2  Ken Bauer           240  180  180  180  180  180  180  360  423  2103 3  Guy Goldstein      ...

sen 2505

2019 FAI FF World Championships – Travel Info “C”mon SEN 2504 correction Lost Hills storage shed #2 2019 FAI FF World Championships - Travel Info Any one needing an invitation letter from the organizers of the USA World Championships for the purpose of getting a travel visa to the United States can send the following information to Your full name (as it appears on passport). Your country...

sen 2504

Remembering Paul Remembering Ismail Corrected SouthWest FAI Challenge S at Boulder How many Cs Gizmo Geezer Update Remembering Paul From:Richard Blackam Paul Lagan I was incredibly saddened to hear of the loss of Paul today. He was a great inspiration to me from my earliest years in the sport and he was one of the most encouraging free flight people i've known. I knew that...

sen 2503

Paul Lagan Ismail Sarioglu Whoops SW FAI at Boulder City, NV Paul Lagan It is with much sadness that we heard of the passing of Paul Lagan on 6 November 2018. Paul was a great all around aeromodeller from New Zealand.  He represented New Zealand in numerous World Championships in many disciplines and received wide  FAI and National recognition.  Paul had been battling with cancer...

sen 2502

2018 Am Cup Second to Last Report. AMA events for Ike weekend Tulsa Glue Dobbers Fall Rally/ Simpson Cup Team Finals Management.... America’s Cup Scores 2018 Am Cup Second to Last Report. From: Jim Parker Only 4 more AmCup Contests remain and two of those  are coming right up on Oct 6-7. Most of the events are still up for grabs. I have a shot...

sen 2501

SEN 2500 - 1 Larry was first SEN 2500 – 2 USA Team Selections Finals Thanks SEN Subscriber Information SEN 2500 Firstly we thought we should have some thing special for a a SEN with a double zero number … maybe we did , it depends on your point of view. We did however make a calendar mistake in talking about Fab Feb, this was...

sen 2500

The Big Picture L'Equipe de France Dino Observes How was the seven on day2  ? Looking for a F1C model Fab Feb Flash The Big Picture From: Ross Jahnke I didn't fly in the recent team selection contests but I participated as Don Chesson's helper and as a timer. Yes the team selection process has flaws, but no process, tested or hypothetical, won't. Everyone flying...

sen 2499

Ike wisdom Highest not always best Free Flight Quarterly #69 for October 2018 has appeared Finals with 5 thermal rounds "After the finals there are 9 happy guys and 90 who want to change the selection rules" Bob Isaccson many years ago – this is one thing that has not changed Highest not always best At the recent USA Team Selection event in what was...

sen 2498 2

Sierra Results The combined team flyer Sierra Cup Results  Mike McKeever CD F1A                   FAI Number  Rnd1 Rnd2 Rnd3 Rnd4 Rnd5 Rnd6 Rnd7 FO1  FO2    FO3 TOTAL 1  Rene Limberger    USA716363     240  180  180  180  180  180  180  300  420   452    2492 2  Jes Nyhegn        DEN2242       240  180  180  180  180  180  180  300  420   374    2414 3  Enes Pecenkovic   BIHF120       240  180  180  180  180 ...

sen 2497 2

4 second observations Thanks from Oz Who's on Your Team Fab Feb 2019 Update 4 second observations From:Daryl Perkins 4 second engine run at the finals. As a timer and observer at the finals this year I found that with a future installation requirement of electronic timers and RDT required now, most of the flyers are already using electronics, there is a consistency of engine...

sen 2498

Sierra Cup Results The combined team flyer Sierra Cup Results Sierra Cup                             Mike McKeever CD F1A                   FAI Number  Rnd1 Rnd2 Rnd3 Rnd4 Rnd5 Rnd6 Rnd7 FO1  FO2    FO3 TOTAL 1  Rene Limberger    USA716363     240  180  180  180  180  180  180  300  420   452    2492 2  Jes Nyhegn        DEN2242       240  180  180  180  180  180  180  300  420   374    2414 3  Enes Pecenkovic   BIHF120      ...

sen 2497

4 second observations Thanks from Oz Who’s on Your Team Fab Feb 2019 Update 4 second observations From:Daryl Perkins 4 second engine run at the finals. As a timer and observer at the finals this year I found that with a future installation requirement of electronic timers and RDT required now, most of the flyers are already using electronics, there is a consistency of engine...

sen 2496

4 seconds at the Finals  ? Sierra F1E Why 4 seconds at the Finals  ? from gilbert morris Can any one tell us how well flyers and timers were able to cope with the F1C 4 sec. engine run at the US Team Selection event? Thanks. Gil Morris Sierra F1E From Peter Brocks Sierra Cup F1E PLACE  NAME             R1  R2  R3  R4  R5      % R1% R2%...

sen 2495

USA Team Selection USA Team Selection Event This past 3 days was the USA Team Selection aka “The Finals” event for the World Champs to be held at Lost Hills in 2019.  The team consists of 3 team members in each of F1A, F1B and F1C. There is one alternate also selected for each class. The event has a special format. Two classes are flown...

sen 2494

DT FO ENCORE Sierra Flash Lost Hills Update DT FO ENCORE From:ron kreetz DT FO And the worst is that WC-points are given in a different way. For the Eifel Pokal it was done by dividing the total points from the fly-off contestants (which is i.m.o the right way), for other contest e.g. Norwegian Cup they give the regular points based on ranking after DT...

sen 2492

  Kotuku 2018 D/T FO increasing? Orv Olm   Kotuku 2018 F1E PLACE    NAME        CTRY Actual seconds                     Percentage score for each round R1  R2  R3  R4  R5 120 150 150 150 150      R1      R2      R3      R4      R5    SUMPT 1   Peter Brocks USA  120 150 150 150 150    100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 500.00% 2   Bob Sifleet  USA  120 150 150 150 149    100.00% 100.00% 100.00%...

sen 2491

Lost Hills Flash Ismail Sarioglu F1H Victor Stamov Single Servo Models For Sale Rocky Mountain Free Flight Championships Texas Flash Lost Hills Flash From: Brian VanNest Kotuku Cup and Sierra Cup Contest this weekend Temperatures are forecasted to be much cooler. ( than the USFFC two weeks ago when it hit 97/37) Potluck dinner on the field Saturday night. Bring something to share. Chairs if...

sen 2490

F1E SIERRA CUP – F1E WORLD CUP Harvest Classic Results Flying at Perris AMA and FAA More F1E From: Peter Brocks F1E SIERRA CUP – F1E WORLD CUP OCTOBER 9, 2018 PLACE: Holloway Hill, 1.5 miles SE of Bissonette Mirage Field parking, Lost Hills, California – coordinates 35.655°N, 119.787°W. Hill is accessible by car. SCHEDULE: Five (5) 50-minute rounds 9:00 am Arrival on Holloway Hill...

sen 2489

Rubber ? Metaphorically coals to Newcastle… Mexi Boy Plans Cancellation of the World Cup Contest at ARZAY-BOSSIEU (FRANCE Rubber for sale   Annulation du concours coupe du monde à ARZAY-BOSSIEU (FRANCE) From: jean pierre Challine Le PARIS AIR MODELE et le VOL LIBRE DE LA BIEVRE ont le regret d' annoncer l'annulation du concours Coupe du Monde des 27 et 28 octobre, suite à des...

sen 2488

Help wanted at the USA Team Selection event 42nd Annual Sierra Cup KOTUKU CUP Rubber wanted Wanted: C/D size Mexi-boy plan Help wanted at the USA Team Selection event From: Mike McKeever I have accepted the job of recruiting timers for The United States Team Selection Contest to be held at Lost Hills from October 10 through October 14.  Normally entrants are required to time...

sen 2487

How to - Drilling back-pin holes For Sale - Honda Generator Wanted - G24 Super Tigre 60 How to - Drilling back-pin holes From: Aram Schlosberg . Some setups like Vivchar have back-pins projecting from the wing wiggler. The rest have the back-pins placed in the wing, projecting into a wing wiggler or into the model’s pylon. . The thickness of B wings where the...

sen 2486

SEN online archive FAI October at Lost Hills SEN online archive There is a SEN online archive on our Web Sites at This has copies on SEN going back to 1997. Relatively recently we introduced a search capability to search the entire archive. The archive was offline recently because our service provider alerted us of significantly increased usage possibly caused by a security problem....

sen 2485

Czech World Cup CANCELLED HARVEST CLASSIC Saturday 9/15/18-Sunday 9/16 E-36-F1S Motor Czech World Cup CANCELLED From: aero-modelling club Sezimovo Ústí IMPORTANT INFORMATION To everyone it may concern, I have to inform you, that the airport Všechov u Tábora, where aeromodelling events took place in the past, is now in the possession of the Prison service of the Czech Republic. The Prison service of the Czech...

sen 2484

More Jnr WC Photos Latest E36-F1S stuff 48th Annual Free Flight Champs 2019 World Champs – USA Team Selection More Jnr WC Photos Latest E36-F1S stuff Jack Murphy says on FB (edited) Just FYI fellow E Free Flighters- Randy at rcdude says he is expecting a new shipment of the Cobra E36/F1S motors later this week... The 2203/28 2800kv motor was specifically designed for...

sen 2483

Remembering Reinhard Detroit Balsa Bugs Intercity Meet. Tangent Tales Remembering Reinhard From:Steve Jones I was fortunate enough to attend the 2001 FAI World Championships at Lost Hills just one month after 9/11. It was truly a memorable weekend for me. I stayed with Doug Galbreath, who had driven his son’s motorhome down for the event. The time spent with one of my best friends in...

sen 2482

R.I.P. Reinhard Truppe Recall notice- Hummingbird Model Products Pitch Gauge R.I.P. Reinhard Truppe Verena Truppe reports on FB the passing of her father Reinhard Truppe. Reinhard was a top level F1C sportsman for a very long time. He represented Austria in World and Continental Championships many times. He flew in contests all around the world and was a regular at our Fab Feb events. Reinhard...

sen 2481

USA Junior Team Follow Up John at the Nats F1E E/C blog at Thermiksense has started USA Junior Team Follow Up From: Jim Parker As the manager of the USA 2018 Jr World Championship team, I was greatly thankful for Bob Stalick's great day by day reporting. The SEN reports had all the written detail and he did Facebook posts with numerous photos.  His reports...

sen 2480

53rd Rocky Mountain FF Champs Thanks for the JWC Coverage Freeflight blog F1Q About SEN 53rd Rocky Mountain FF Champs From:Don DeLoach In exactly 14 days the Rocky Mountain FF Champs will commence in Denver, Colorado, September 1-2-3. Come fly with us on 35 (yes, thirty-five) square miles of high plains beauty, with no crops or water hazards and virtually unlimited motorcycle chasing in all...

sen 2479

Now here JWC Official Results Doug Rowsell R.I.P. USA Team Selection - Finals with performance rounds – an implementation Looking for Blue Kavan 10x4 Props Now here JWC Official Results The Junior World Champs organizer has now posted the results online At Doug Rowsell R.I.P. From:Leslie Farkas With great sadness we have to inform all the friends of Doug Rowsell that he unexpectedly passed...

sen 2478

Final report from Bob on the JWC Buying a second hand Texas Timers electronic timer Final report from Bob on the JWC From: Bob Stalick Some observations, thoughts and suggestions from the 2018 Junior World Champs - final report. Jim Parker was the Team Manager; however, the title doesn’t describe the job he did with this group of young free flighters. Jim was the definition...

sen 2477

Junior World Champs Results Online Buying a second hand model with an electronic timer Junior World Champs Results Online The results of the 2018 Junior World have been scanned are on line at the Web Site of FF Wolrd champs results, maintained by Ian Kaynes.  The link gives all the World and Continental Champs held so far in 2018. Buying a second hand model...

sen 2476

Junior World Champs Report #6 Junior World Champs Report #6 From: Bob Stalick The usual protocol for the Junior World Champs is to set aside the last day for making up rounds in case of poor weather and/or to provide time for early morning flyoffs. This year none of that was needed as the flying conditions on all three competition days was excellent. Every day...

sen 2475

Correction Junior World Championships Report #4 Jr. World  Champs Report #5 Jnr World Results  Managing flyoffs Correction In the last SEN we reported the Junior F1B results incorrectly it should have been Unofficial F1B results after 2 fly off rounds – all podium places made the 6 minutes. 1. Karl Mannik EST 2. Kyle Gerspatcher USA 3. Yuval Sarig ISR Junior World Championships Report #4...

sen 2474

Junior World Champs Flash Junior World Championships from Pazardzhik, Bulgaria -Report #3 USA Team F1A comment Junior World Champs flash Unofficial F1B results after 2 fly off rounds – all podium places made the 6 minutes. 1. Karl Mannik EST 2. Kyle Gerspatcher USA 3. Tomer Barkai ISR Our on-site reporter is finding it a tough job in keeping up with everything so is a...

sen 2473

Why altimeters – Here’s why Junior World Champs Report #2 Max Men Lost and Found   Why altimeters – Here’s why From:Allard van Wallene On altimeteres, a final answer to Pierre’s questions: The apparently contradictory rule as to ‘disappearing from time keeper’s sight’ is exactly the reason why the altimeter’s rule was introduced. This was discussed at great lengths within the CIAM technical subcommittee and...

sen 2472

Well why don’t we Editor and factory response About the use of altimeters: answer to Allard: USA Junior Team Report #1 Well why don’t we From:Michael Achterberg Altimeter. Had a thought that may simplify the use for timing. There is a possibility that one of the producers of these devises might want to create a business and rent them for contests to organizer. Thinking rent...

sen 2471

Now what was the Average Drops in 6 and  7? On Windspeed and Altimeters Altimeter determination of landing Altimeters and Innovation Euro Champs Observations Blog for the Junior W/C F1ABP Now what was the Average Drops in 6 and  7? From: Michael Achterberg Hello.I believe a couple years ago someone went thru contests results for multiple years and found that the average drops in round...

sen 2470

I’m with the Dino On rounds and altimeters. About Altmeters – from the Jury Room European Champs - Thanks for the Memories Dropping in the 6th and 7th round. I’m with the Dino From: ron kreetz Euro Champs I do agree with Michal Achterberg on the 7 rounds issue. But: the weather in the 6th and 7th round plays an important role (the chance of...

sen 2469

The cat walks around the elephant in the corner 2019 FAI Free Flight World Championships Schedule. Euro Champs Observation Electronic Approvals The cat walks around the elephant in the corner From:Martin Dilly ** Leslie and Ron both make good points regarding the organization of contests and the problem of fly-offs, but together with most of the others who have expressed opinions, all seem to be...

sen 2468

Sporting code and our volunteer organization Perris Update F1C Semi Automatic Timekeeper Not the last word DT Fly Offs - A history and thoughts Sporting code and our volunteer organization From: Leslie Farkas Following my last comments I waited for more opinions from other sportsmen regarding the issues our sport is facing. Here below I would like to continue with my thoughts.. Are we really...

sen 2467

Not the best way to end the competition, but accepted F1ABC E/C blog at Thermiksense has started Sunday morning flights to the ground Not the best way to end the competition, but accepted From: Walt Ghio The information posted on the SCAT web site regarding fly offs has been interesting reading the last few months.  I have flown in three DT fly offs and have...

sen 2466

October at Lost Hills Report of Black Cup Contest at Lost Hills About the Launch Height Reduction Suggestions How about this? Weak Links Again Free Flight Quarterly #68 has appeared Your signature October at Lost Hills We have got some questions about the October FAI schedule at Lost Hills. It appears that a number of potential 2019 World Champs participants have realized that the weather...

sen 2465

Wind breaks the weak link Bror’s Words In response to Martin More Martin Before you throw stone Wind breaks the weak link. From: john carter Reply to Martin The weak link idea does not work in practice if flying in high winds it’s easy to jerk the model and add a temporary high load when not in launch mode all subject to gusts etc. Jc...

sen 2464

Just the Weather Nobody Complained Foul weather flyoffs. [D/t] Flyoff from a pile … Jr. World Champs Reporting Just the Weather From:Stuart Darmon Wind, rain, and poor visibility are not exceptional circumstances. They are weather. Nobody Complained From:Martin Dilly REDUCED F1 LAUNCH ENERGY I note with interest that so far nobody has raised any objections to my suggestions in a recent SEN regarding limits on...

sen 2463

D/T Fly Off Thoughts Model performance reduction and model performance measurement Pieter de Boer R.I.P. The German Freeflight Magazine has relaunched it's webpage Swedish Suggestions MMM 14 rounder report D/T Fly Off Thoughts From:Colin Sharman Hi Roger, As a currently ‘retired’ UK F1A flyer, including being an ex British team member and supporter at various Euro and World Champs, I have followed the current and...

sen 2462

DT clarification No points for a slide Talk to the Elephant in the corner For those who have never seen an elephant on a free flight field. DT clarification From: Andrew Barron There are some DT misconceptions in the most recent posting from our friend Aram.  First, many fliers in F1A, F1B, and F1C use mechanical.  For myself I usually have a mechanical available as...

sen 2461

Pieter de Boer USA F1E Team for next year Step and do something DT flyoffs one more time Pieter de Boer Dutch sportsmen report the death of popular and well known Dutch F1C Sportsman, Pieter de Boer. Contact Address for de Boer family Brefelds Goren 56 48599 Gronau-Epe Germany USA F1E Team for next year Peter Brocks, Bob Sifleet and Tom Ioerger. Step and do...

sen 2460

DT fly offs Take a Fresh Look Looking for a particular F1B E-Timer RIP Bob Norton Next SCAT Black Cup reminder DT fly offs From:Allard van Wallene Another 3 World Cup competitions (Swedish, Danish and Norwegian Cups) have been added to the ‘DT fly off’ routine with 2 times 3 minutes and 1 time 60 seconds glide. I have watched two of these fly offs...

sen 2459

Observation from the sideline F1C Timing The ‘18 Nats are also a World Cup event! Observation from the sideline From:Terry Thorkildsen Seems like if they are going to now check engine runs on the ground they need to cut them down by 0.5 seconds to account for the allowable time they are now doing by the acoustical method to account for the altitude. Otherwise they...

sen 2458

Class F1C. Maximum duration of motor run in 21st century. Timer battery Testing On stopping the watch Class F1C. Maximum duration of motor run in 21st century.        Nowadays without exaggerations F1C model aircraft should be considered as a work-of-art among highly technological objects. With ultimate aerodynamic parameters and advanced design of high-power piston engines F1C models are built from composite materials and could utilize...

sen 2457

NFFS Sympo Needs You, the Guru Wawayanda Results Protests NFFS Sympo Needs You, the Guru From: Ed Carroll Hi Roger, I am short on total pages for the new SYMPO, Please post this message on SEN: I am still short of where I want to be on articles for the 2018 SYMPO.  This is your journal, if anyone has ready to go articles, especially theoretical...

sen 2456

What’s Your Watt Fab Feb and Lost Hills etc What’s Your Watt From:Texas Timers Hank Roger, might be helpful to tell members how to calculate the Watt Hours of their batteries. For example a 500 mah 3s battery is 0.5 times 11.7 or 5.85 watthours. 160 watt hours is a heck of a lot! Hank Editor’s Note – for what it worth the 48 volt...

sen 2455

Tangent Classic IATA Says 2018 TANGENT CLASSIC FAI MEET    August 17th, 2018 F1 ABC& P August 18th, 2018 F1 GHJQ&S THE SAME WEEKEND AS THE WMC  NW Champs FOLLOW THE SIGNS TO THIS YEAR’S FIELD SOUTH OF ALBANY, OR. AMERICA’S CUP POINTS Wayne Drake Perpetual Trophy for high time F1 A F1 ABC&P     FRIDAY Aug 17th,  7 ONE HOUR ROUNDS ON THE HOUR BEGINNING...

sen 2454

Batteries and air travel Batteries again Skyscrapers Annual The Fly-off Problem Batteries and air travel From: Tapio Linkosalo For several years now I have packed my flight batteries (mostly for timer, but recently also E-36) in a plastic sorter, individual compartment for each battery, and take it as carry-on luggage. The airlines rules about carrying batteries are ambiguous, as they say that consumer electronics should...

sen 2453

*C, Q and traveling-by-air* So Cal Reminder C, Q and traveling-by-air From:Ross Jahnke *C, Q and traveling-by-air* I think the F1C and F1P guys have the fuel supply issue worked out, but Aram makes a good point about the electric events. At the very first E-20 event at the US Nats in 2014, the CD had a charger set up if we needed it, but...

sen 2452

About Fly offs or bust C, Q and traveling-by-air Flying About Fly offs or bust From: Rick Pangell Fly offs or bust Jeff Ellington's reply was insightful... "we both decided to quick DT our airplanes, no one was upset and the contest was decided." This appears to a contestant choice on how to fly, not the CD's.  So, if all of the flyers agreed to DT...

sen 2451

Sporting Code violations - How bad is BAD? How much Jail Time ? who is the Judge?  which Jury ? Misdemeanor or Felony Fly offs or bust Sporting Code violations From: Leslie Farkas Many of the comments are trying  to emphasize and confirm that we do have a sporting code. We are all aware of this. What we are trying  to discuss is that when serious...

sen 2450

Antoon van Eldik Salonta Q Story Plan to increase the number of young in F1C , maybe other classes to? Vasily speaks to and for an old friend Editor’s comment Antoon van Eldik From FB Dutch sportsmen report the passing of the popular F1A sportsman, Antoon van Eldik.  Antoon was friends with people from many countries and many have expressed their grief and condolences to...

sen 2449

At the Equinox DT Flyoffs and Altimeters Flyoff ideas DT-flyoffs expounded Qbserved At the Equinox From: Stuart Darmon Hi Roger, sorry if the DT flyoff theme is dragging on a bit, but it's an important subject, especially now that discussion is beginning to include potential revision of the sporting code.        I was present at the Equinox Cup although thankfully I had to leave before the...

sen 2448

DT flyoffs and Sporting Code - Reality Summing it up 2nd round 4-minute max? DT flyoffs Canada Cup Huron Cu DT flyoffs and Sporting Code - Reality From: Per Findahl DT flyoffs and Sporting Code Some comments about our rules and how we follow them. We must all understand that we have an organization based on volunteers. All of us involved in flying, organizing collecting...

sen 2447

Looking for Tiny Electronic  Timer Once more Fly-off More DT Sporting code Looking for Tiny Electronic  Timer From:Ross Jahnke May I interrupt the debate over fly-off rules with an inquiry about timers? I would like (*love*) to have an electronic two-function timer for use in my P-30 and F1G models. It would need to be very light, less than 6 grams with battery and servo/actuator....

sen 2446

Follow the Sporting Code Constructive Ideas Welcome We compete measuring pure flying time of our models Follow the Sporting Code From: Sergey Makarov Dear SCAT, I absolutely agree with Pierre. This discussion touch not only DT flyoff, but also others changes organizers do. There is just one thing that do aeromodelling as a sport – the sporting code. Sometimes organizers have his own special motivation,...

sen 2445

Further clarifications - Chaussebourg Still need a tie breaker - Cuthbert Rule makers … ? - Carter Reviewing the current options – van Wallene DT flyoffs one more time - Schlosberg And mundanely Barron Field Update from Vic Nippert regarding the FAC meet Further clarifications From: Pierre CHAUSSEBOURG Thank you gentlemen for your comments! Just a few more things: the world cup points are awarded...

sen 2444

Bravo Pierre The Elephant in the Corner Fly Offs and competitions in general Bravo Pierre From: Dave Edmonson I love Pierre Chausseberg's perfect solution to "STUPID D/T FLYOFFS"....NOT ALLOWED PER THE RULES! Changing the free flight event to a DT event is certainly stupid! It is like having a chess competition and settling a draw by changing to checkers! The Elephant in the Corner** Editor’s...

sen 2443

Sporting Code Wisdom Another perspective ? 2442 - Who gnu ? More about DT fly-offs Sporting Code Wisdom From: Pierre CHAUSSEBOURG Answer to John Cuthbert and Leslie Farkas about DT fly-off etc... John says that the Sporting code does not have the rules... This is not true! The Sporting code has very accurate rules for organising Fly-off and CDs MUST stick to these rules and...

sen 2442

DTing rate in a DT-flyoff Dino disses retro More about Fly-off More Baofeng (and a glimpse into …) D/T flyoffs at World Cup events – Give the CD the tools Palindromic SEN DTing rate in a DT-flyoff    From: Aram Schlosberg To prevent flyers investing time and effort to slow down their model’s DT rates, the rules could require that the stab’s DT angle be...

sen 2441

DT fyoffs – get highest DT fly-off – we have the regs and we should use them. Clipping the wings is the answer Cheap Tracking DT fyoffs – get highest From:Tapio Linkosalo In my opinion, there is one very major problem in "DT flyoffs": the sinking speed of the model DT'ing. Judging different models, the DT speed varies a great deal, and at least for...

sen 2440

DT flyoffs DT Flyoff – is there a better solution ? I’m with Frederic Two Issues DT flyoffs From: Aram Schlosberg Last year I was present at a DT flyoff on a very windy day on the last day of the Swedish Cup cycle. Models were out of sight in a minute and a half and contestants were getting ready to drive or fly back...

sen 2439

EQUINOX CUP Fly off in England More on Salonta 2018 SCAT BLACK CUP Fun Fly FAI combo Contests EQUINOX CUP Fly off in England From: Frédéric ABERLENC Here is what we can find on the Jury report of Equinox cup: “The strength and direction of the wind at flyoff time would have resulted in models flying into trees given an extended maximum time. For that...

sen 2438

Romanian Results Spence site change LiPo for John’s F1A Romanian Results From:Bogdan Lemut Salonta Cup results (photos) on Borut's aeromodelling forum: Szabo Miklos Memorial - official org.results: Regards, Bogdan Editor’s Comment – Thanks Bogdan Spence Memorial  site change From: Steve Spence Due to the unfortunate loss of our Denton, TX flying site the Spence memorial will be held on June 2 & 3...

sen 2437

Saltonta Results ? Looking for a battery pack-old school Looking for older AA Pylon Saltonta Results ? From:berbou Could we get the results of WC contest in Salona ? TIA Bernard Editor …. Yes we could if it was published somewhere Looking for a battery pack-old school From:John Lorbiecki I need a replacement for the older 6 volt 150 ma battery pack for an older...

sen 2436

Hatcheck International Challenge and FAC Update Hatcheck International Challenge and FAC UpdateFrom:Andrew Barron Free Flight Friends, I consulted with Skyscraper club president Dave Acton (for decisions for the Hatcheck International Challenge, with CD Alan Abriss) and with Vic Nippert (who is the FAC meet Contest Director), concerning caution on field use in possible wet conditions, especially Saturday.  The following decisions were reached. AMA and FAI...

sen 2435

Check on Events at Barron Field F1E - ITALIA Check on Events at Barron Field We made an effort to get SEN out in time for this weekend’s events ar Barron Field Wawayanda only to see just after it went out the following on FB Another weather cancellation. Please spread the word. From Vic Nippert: the contest scheduled for this weekend at Barron Field in...

sen 2434

Reminder of the Barron Field Meets, May 19-20 and June 23-24 What’s hot, Druids or not Put the Casino in your Western USA FF schedule for 2019 Reminder of the Barron Field Meets, May 19-20 and June 23-24 From:Andrew Barron Dear Free Flight Friends, This is a reminder of the Skyscraper International Challenge this weekend, for FAI and AMA events as shown on the attached,...

sen 2433

First AM Cup scores of 2018 Dual-Clubs FF Bonanza contest - Reminder This past weekend First 2018 AmCup Scores From: James Parker First 2018 AmCup Scores, Before I know it, we're 1/5 thru the AmCup Season. The  SW Arizona contest and west coast contests (Lost Hills and Sacramento)  are complete and so the  FF activity moves to the east and central parts of N. America...

sen 2432

In the Press – GPS finder survey Lost Hills Bike Barn help Flying photos from the 70th Nationals at West Wyalong and the AFFS Champs at Narrandera In the Press – GPS finder survey From time to people have asked for a comparison of the various GPS find-your-model gear.  There is survey in this year’s BMFA Free Flight Forum report 2018. This article gives very...

sen 2431

MMM 14 reminder Turn Key F1J , Nelson 36/40 5th Annual Brodersen FAI Challenge –Revised Info 69th Annual Inter-City Meet – Revised Info MMM 14 reminder From: Pete Mc Quade Fellow FAI, AMA, NFFS, and SAM Fliers, We hope to see you at this year's MMM 14 Round Contest in Denver.  The field is in fine shape!  If you haven't already done so, please consider...

sen 2430

Frannie Masterman Orbiteers add FAI events to the Duel Big Al’s FAI Contest at Lost Hills Frannie Masterman From:John Lorbiecki Hello to all my Free Flight friends. It is with a heavy heart that I must announce that after a long period of time, we have lost Frannie Masterman to cancer. She was tremendously strong the last year and will leave a big hole in...

sen 2429

From FB –1  Standard-models used in standard-methods can win a world-cup event From FB -2  I have a gym in the pylon of my F1B Participation in Russia World Cup winners @ CIAM From FB –1  Standard-models used in standard-methods can win a world-cup Post by: Gerhard Aringer This 1st place from Tomas Strobel was a nice demonstration that still standard-models used in standard-methods can...

sen 2428

FOR SALE:  Honda Fat Cat Corrected Tui Cup Results Photos, Nartkala Russian Results Southwest FAI Challenge FOR SALE:  Honda Fat Cat From Ted Hidinger FOR SALE:  Honda Fat Cat chase bike: runs great, bike is in a shop getting a complete check-out, therefore photos are not able to be sent at this time, located in Mission Viejo, CA.  If purchased and the $$ transaction is...

sen 2427

Russian Results Audio tachometer Borut's aeromodeling forum Queued Up Russian Results From:Sergey Makarov Dear Roger. Here are complete Russian contests results from Nalchik. You are right, organizers needed some time to transfer it from Cyrillic. It was a great contests, many competitors, nice weather and fly offs, very good organization and excellent time keepers. Everybody welcome next time! Best wishes, Sergey Makarov. WORLD CUP  event ...

sen 2426

Nelson head that fits a Rossi 15 About the Russia Report THE NEW 2018 FREE FLIGHT FORUM REPORT F1C Audio tachometer wanted NFFS MOdel of the Year 69th Annual Inter-City Meet 5th Annual Broderson FAI Challenge Nelson head that fits a Rossi 15 From:Dick  Myers Hi all, Does any power flyer have an old Nelson head that fits a Rossi 15 or have the specifications...

sen 2425

Russia Report OZ Results Tui Cup WIDGIEWA CUP AFFS Champs Found at Lost Hills Russia Report My personal opinion about 2018 Elbrus Cup and Naloev Cup From:Ismet Yurtseven Free Flight World Cup Contests on the Kabardino-Balkaria Land Starting from April-9 2018 to April-17 2018, there were two FAI Free Flight World Cup Contest on the Nartkala field near the Nalchik city which is the capital...

sen 2424

More on Charging More on Charging A few SEN issues back we talked about our experience in charging and controlled discharging od LiPO batteries intended for timer applications. There is a little more to that story. Firstly the charger that we used that gave a bad result and only partially charged the battery was a sophisticated charger with many options.   Some of the electronics that...

sen 2423

I saw … a Leepin’ Lizard FOR SALE:  Fourmost electronic eTimers, I saw … a Leepin’ Lizard Hello, I saw in Fab Feb pictures a photo of a very nice  F1S model with an elliptical leading edge . Who can give more infos and mainly the maker's e-mail address ? TIA. Bernard ( Editor Comment; I think you are referring to Jack Murphy’s Leepin’ Lizard....

sen 2422

Watts in charge ? Still More Fab Feb Pictures Spring at Wawayanda Skyscraper’s Annual Hatcheck International Challenge May 19-20, 2018 Old Rhinebeck Squadron Flying Aces  at Barron Field Watts in charge ? From: Roger Morrell Recently one of my flying buddies found a new battery that looked good for his F1B. This battery was the size of some 150mah batteries but professed to be a...

sen 2421

Ray Monks NATS Volunteers One small detail …… Ray Monks From:Stuart Darmon Roger, Sadly I must inform those who have not yet heard that Ray Monks, one of Britain's greatest ever aeromodellers, died on March 25 after a brief illness at the age of 90. Ray made many friends around the world during his international career which spanned more than half a century and during...

sen 2419

Is Social Media Hurting Free Flight? MMM 14R Free Flight Contest, June 22-24 in Denver IS SOCIAL MEDIA HURTING FREE FLIGHT?     Do your homework before you speak. With the best of intentions some folk propose a rule change for FF – on social internet media. What seems to happen then is a lot of people get excited, either for or against, and a lot...

sen 2418

F1D Champs Update Still looking for a Ken Bauer Multi-function timer FabFeb 2018 E36/F1S Contest Report Musings #3 (Last One!) F1D Champs Update Another blog with good color and tech comments from Mike Kirda Weather inside the site not so good yesterday maybe better today Still looking for a Ken Bauer Multi-function timer Peter Allnutt is anxious to obtain a Ken Bauer “Multi Function”...

sen 2417

Icare2 Gps tracker PYXIS GPS tracker F1D World Champs Thermiksense Blog about the F1D Championship SCAT Annual 2018 No GPS user input but contact info from suppliers Icare2 Gps tracker From: F.Aberlenc Hello Roger Some information on gps tracker You can find information about the Icare2 Gps tracker on If you need feedback in Usa you can contact Walt Ghio for example or myself My...

sen 2416

FabFeb 2018 E36/F1S Contest Report Musings #2 Remember to look up GPS Trackers FabFeb 2018 E36/F1S Contest Report Musings #2 (seeing #1 was popular and the link to the SCAMPS web site for Clint’s report  got 120+ clicks we have included the follow on) Derek McGuckin on FB The 2018 E36 World Challenge After the Kiwi Cup F1S contest I met Don DeLoach, Chuck Etherington...

sen 2415

SCAT Annual  this weekend SEN new feature Queuing E-36 E36/F1S FabFeb Contest Report Musings #1 SCAT Annual  this weekend From: Jim Parker Flyer is in SEN 2403 ________________________________________________________ SCAT Annual Summary see SEN 2403 for full  Contest Flyer And here is the link for those who don’t keep every SEN issue on their desk top SCAT ANNUAL March 17 & 18, Reserve March 19, 2018 at...

sen 2414

Follow the Moose and Bear Cups Zizhe Yin Article Great Story Zizhe story F1S Dept Doubly Blessed Rule changers Ross it’s - Humour not Humor from this guy Ivelo_m1 @ Hobby Club You can follow Moose Cup And Bear Cup results here. Zizhe Yin Article From:John Lorbiecki Zizhe Yin is what Free Flight is all about. I enjoyed his commentary and you could tell...

sen 2413

 Zizhe Yin’s Story In this issue of SEN we have put some of the wired items on hold and are focusing in Zizhe Yin’s story Zizhe Yin’s Story This year 19 Chinese flyers took part in the Fab Feb contests at Lost Hills. This group included 8 junior flyers ad were accompanied by some parents and coaches.  During the meeting one of the parents spoke...

sen 2412

When and where it’s (flown)  at ? GIZMO GEEZER STATUS Fly F1S or E36 - please stop discussing rule changes Re: SEN 2411 – The Serious problem E-36 performance Fly F1S or E36 - please stop discussing rule changes Volte-fa(r)ce Question When and where it’s (flown)  at ? A SCAT club member asked me when the contest are – They are listed in a number...

sen 2411

The Enemy E36/S’s Wattage issue Re: SEN 2410 E-36 is indeed a serious problem TH-F6A  for sale Wanted - Morrill Sidewinder Complete Geezer Wanted “we have met the enemy, and they are us” Pogo .. more from Pogo in a following issue… E36/S’s Wattage Issue From: Aram Schlosberg . On the face of it, E36/S is a simple mini event – 36” span, 120 gram min...

sen 2410

MaxMen FlyOff Plot F1S Observations TH-6a gone – Baofeng in ? MaxMen FlyOff Plot (graphical, not conspiracy theory) From:gilbert morris Hi Roger, Attached is a plot of Place vs Flight Time of the larger MaxMen flyoffs. I hope you can link to it on SEN. If you study it you can see where close placing flights were likely flying in the same air, likely inversion...

sen 2409

Full results for MaxMen with all rounds Sympo Papers , Second call Missing vintage F1C Fuselage Found at Lost Hills   Full results for MaxMen with all rounds Can be found at this link Sympo Papers , Second call February 28, 2018 I am the editor for the 2018 NFFS SYMPO.   This is the second call for papers to be submitted to me at...

sen 2408

RDT to get an attempt  observations Ike and Fab Feb 2019 When is a flight a flight NFFS Model of the Year ?   RDT to get an attempt - observations From: Aram Schlosberg Roger, In general, if an A model is DTed from 50+ meters it will land in 21+ seconds making the flight official. So an A flyers will try and RDT his...

sen 2407

Acceleration sensor for control of F1A towhook:  (Sensor controlled models) Don Leath   Acceleration sensor for control of F1A towhook:  (Sensor controlled models) From: Dave Edmonson The acceleration sensor is an automatic control that is not a one time activated control!  It can latch and unlatch the hook multiple times during the flight!  The flyer can choose to launch on acceleration or decelerate to relatch...

sen 2406

Use of accelerometer in F1A Re: SEN 2405 - Accelerometers San Valeers Corrected More SEN stuff   Use of accelerometer in F1A From: Ian Kaynes The Free Flight definition includes the prohibition of closed loop control systems: "Closed loop control systems with active sensors and operating aerodynamic flight controls or moving mass are not allowed, unless allowed in the class rules." In the case in...

sen 2405

Malcolm’s Fab Feb photos Looking for photo Use of accelerometer in F1A SAN VALEERS 69th ANNUAL & 36th ANNUAL 7 ROUNDER Malcolm’s Fab Feb photos From: Malcolm Campbell Hi Roger My photos are now available for viewing at Regards Malcolm Campbell AUSTRALIA Looking for photo Of Abraham Baruch, winner of  F1G Top Dude for SEN Web site Use of accelerometer in F1A From Frederic Aberlenc...

sen 2404

Top Dudes 2018 Fab Feb 2018 Hybrid team selection Mini Events What is SEN? Top Dudes 2018 Every year at the Fab Feb Contests SEN awards the Top Dude Awards to those who were first place in their class across all events.  In the past this has been done for only F1ABCQ this year we have added F1EHGJS in spite of the latter group being...

sen 2403

Nice Words Don’t mess up the minis Fab Feb FAI Google Docs Link SCAT Annual Nice Words From : Mike Roberts Bill Booth, Tony Mathews and Roger Morrell got this nice note from Mike Roberts which repeats many of the comments that we organizers got at the contest. We would like to share it with SEN readers.  We would also like to thank all of...

sen 2402

Cal Cup F1E MaxMen Final F1A, F1Q, Mini Events Ike AMA Events Results Cal Cup F1E  PLACE  NAME            CTRY LICENCE  R1   R2   R3   R4   R5   R6   R7   SUMPT F1E                                  180  180  178  180  180  180  180   Total % 1    Bob Sifleet     USA     18326  180  180  178  180  110  180  180 661.11% 2    Mike Richardson USA     29768  115  169  177  180  180  135  150 615.55% 3   ...

sen 2401

Tour de Force at the 2018 Isaacson MaxMen First Results TOUR DE FORCE AT THE 2018 ISAACSON Or How Ralph Ray was a Show Off From: Stan Buddenbohm There were 4 electric events in which an E36 could be flown at the Isaacson: AMA E36 on Saturday, Mass launch to the ground on Sunday Morning using 5 second motor run, F1S on Sunday ( 5...

sen 2400

North American Cup 2018 Results F1A  (corrected) Place                Name     Nat  1   2   3   4   5  FO1 FO2  Total 1      Lesko       Robert    CRO 240 180 180 180 240 360 404  1784 2     Findahl        Per     SWE 240 180 180 180 240 360 400  1780 3    Halbmeier      Dirk     GER 240 180 180 180 240 360 398  1778 4      Koglot      Roland    SLO 240 180 180 180 240 360 383 ...

sen 2399

Dawn Tues AM Flyoff Schedule Fab Feb on Flickr by Furutani I am not your mother Dawn Tues AM Flyoff Schedule From Tony Mathews North American Cup flyoff info: The flyoff schedule for Thursday morning is as follows: F1C 7:00 am F1B 7:20 am F1A 7:40 am The max will be 10 minutes. The flyoff window is 7 minutes. The location will be the same...

sen 2398

North American Cup Score Cards and Teams Gabby’s Update Timing Flyoffs Fab Feb Section North American Cup Score Cards and Teams From Tony Mathews Could you mention on SEN that the North American Cup will be at the white tent on the field Tuesday signing up teams for the team event and people can pick up their score cards at the same time. We will...

sen 2397

Kiwi World Cup Ike FAI Mini Events Kiwi World Cup F1A Family NamGiven Name  3     RoundRoundRoundRoundRoundFlyofTotal   Place BalassianoAviv        ISR     240  180  180  180  120  473    1373  1 KosonozhkiMikhail     RUS     240  180  180  180  120  429    1329  2 Halbmeier Dirk        GER     240  180  180  180  120  422    1322  3 Mitchell  Phil        AUS     240  180  180  180  120  404    1304  4 Reuß      Steffen     GER     240  180  180 ...

sen 2396a

Kiwi Cup Flyoff notes Kiwi World Cup Fly off update The weather forecast for tomorrow gives us a wind of only 2 mph at 7AM.  This wind is from the West. This is typical Lost Hills and we noticed that this morning. The wind was from the West and swung to a  Northerly direction as the sun rose.  We cannot fly from the Northern most...

sen 2396

First Day Kiwi Cup AMA FF Announcements for Ike day 2 First Day Kiwi Cup Day started off well but by round 4 the wind arose.  This caused a hold of one hour at Noon. The wind appear to drop but this was misleading. Flying resumed at 1:30 with a 2 minute max.  Wind speed varied significantly Because of the unpredictable weather and anger of...

sen 2395

Pre-Kiwi Cup Flash Pre-Kiwi Cup Flash Reminders Event will be flown from Red Flight line approx 500m north of Camp ground FAI event to the west (of the Port Potties) and AMA to th East Parking in center in line with Port Potties and to West of FAI line FAI line from Center going West is B Q A C FAI Score Desk is white...

sen 2394

Fab Feb Sign up location Fab Feb sign up location We have had some question on the exact location of the Friday sign up for the Fab Feb at Lost Hills - Ike Winter Classic/Kiwi Cup, North American Cup and Bob White Memorial MaxMen International - Biggest FF happening in the USA after the Nats, Location of the Fab Feb sign up: Date: Friday Feb...

sen 2393

Fab Feb  read my Lips E-36/F1S Kits Extra Events. Invitation to Fabulous F1H Team Challenge 2018 Invitation to fly VSM session at the Fabulous February week 2018 Fab Feb  read my Lips Or rather read SEN.  With Fab Feb we strongly request that entrants to the FAI Events enter online.  This is because if about 150 people showed about an hour before the first round...

sen 2392

Fab Feb reminder Lost Hills Weather - Encore Bee Navigation Hi Tech F1B for sale The Nut King and the Pomegranate Queen Fab Feb Reminder The Fab Feb  sign up is at the original Lost Hills Community Center on Friday 9 Feb. This is a different building from the one we used last year.  This is on Highway 46 at the traffic lights in Lost...

sen 2391

Congratulations Bill Vanderbeek the 2018 Mentorship Award Winner Lost Hills Field Rules Lost Hills Welcome Lost Hills Weather Bees at Lost Hills Congratulations Bill Vanderbeek the 2018 Mentorship Award Winner From: Jim Parker Bill Vanderbeek is  the 2018 Mentorship Award Winner.  The  Mentorship award   was created in 2006 by  Jon Davis. He wrote: "To honor and recognize the aero modeler who has best embodied the...

sen 2390

2017 America's Cup Celebration Kick the tires and lite the fires! FF Vendors at Fab Feb F1C engine for sale Max Men Pole Assignments 2017 America's Cup Celebration From: Jim Parker The full 2017 America's Cup Results were published several SENs ago. Here is a summary of the top five and top juniors. Congratulation for another competitive year of FAI FF flying.  The top 5 ...

sen 2389

Inversion Air 2001 Russian Team Uniform SEN Opportunity ADDITIONAL BTV WEST ALERT for THE IKE! FAA Requirement to Register Model Aircraft While on the subject of R/C model aircraft Inversion air From: gilbert morris Hi Roger, I think too little attention is paid to surface inversions and there are misconceptions that they provide lift like a thermal. There is a good short article at about...

sen 2388

Back to the Future For sale 2  F1A Back to the Future A drawing by Al Hotard, from back in 1998 ….. Al was the creater of the America's Cup and besides being a great F1B is also an artist. F1As for sale From : Antony  Koerbin I have two gliders for sale 1) M&K made short model, standard wing profile, single servo. Has series...

sen 2387

Where is the Maxmen Flyer, Announcement,… SCAT Annual May and June contest in Wawaywanda NY F1C VE Cowls for sale Where is the world Maxmen Flyer, Announcement,… Or that for any of the Fab Feb Events for that matter … no it is not with Waldo, or anyone else for that matter.  Some people have been looking for more information on each event. We sent...

sen 2386

Fab Feb Update Looking for  David Lacey’s article on B’s delayed prop release Wanted  original Ken Bauer Multi Function F1A timer Looking for F1C Wings America’s Cup POV The 2018 FAI Southwest Regionals Model Airplane Championships Fab Feb Update Am Cup Banquet America’s Cup Banquet is being moved from Sat Feb 17 to FRIDAY, Feb 16, 2016 because of venue scheduling conflicts. Entries We will be...

sen 2385

Awesome August Lost Hills Report World Cup Calendar Ava’s First flight Awesome August From: Frédéric ABERLENC Please come to the “Awesome August” 2018 in FRANCE: Poitou WC F1ABCQ 10-11 August Moncontour 2 mn contest 12 August Hispano-Francia Contest WC F1ABC 13-14 August All these contest around Moncontour, the place of the 2013 World championship. Enjoy a great moment of Free flight during 5 days. Frederic...

sen 2384

Food Ordering at The Fab. Feb. Last Call for fuel at Fab Feb Food Ordering at The Fab. Feb. From: chris.edge I note from SEN 2382 that the editor of this fine organ is ensuring that food ordering is being rightly advertised as an integral part of the Fab Feb competitions. Sadly I will not be in attendance this year as is suggested, but worry...

sen 2383

Vintage Wake and Coupe ? Fab Feb background Information Vintage Wake and Coupe ? From: Bernard Guest Hi All, Some of you have probably seen my little poll on Facebook re. flying wakes and coupes of the golden age (1957 to the early 80s) ….I have always loved the look of these older ships: Bob White's famous Twin Fin wake and Beau Coupe, or Baker...

sen 2382

2017 America Cup Final Report Fab Feb Update Rubber and more at Fab Feb 2017 America Cup Final Report The 2017 Am Cup FAI FF season had 35 contests flown with 10 events and over 800 entries.  There were four first place ties. Let’s start with the newest event, F1S. No flyer won 4 contests at 3 different sites. Several had 3 wins so the decider...

sen 2381

Nelson Glow Plugs at Fab Feb 2018 Sympo Call Nelson Glow Plugs at Fab Feb From: Walt Ghio Again, I will have Nelson glow plugs for sale at the Fab Feb week of events.  The cost is $5 each.  Please send me an e-mail request if you require 100 glow plugs so I can make sure they have been ordered from Henry Nelson.  If some...

sen 2380

Power Flyers at Fab Feb Fab Feb Update NFFS needs you! Power Flyers at Fab Feb Don Chesson will again be bringing a fuel order to us for the Fab Feb events and practice. Please e mail me your needs at no later than January 20th. Remember, we do quarts and also let me know how much nitro you want for F1 J fuel....

sen 2379

Wired Words of Wisdom 2018 FAI Sporting Code Need a set of Vasi Mini-Bone F1H-compatible wings Wired Words of Wisdom There was an article in the AMA Park flyer magazine talking about possible issues with electric flight. Of course they are talking about R/C flight but much of that talk about applies to Electric free flight too. They cover the idiosyncrasies of ESCs and good...

sen 2378

World Cup Update How our sport is (always) changing Rules World Cup Update The latest and presumably final scores can be found at The top places in each class are shown below. Go to the link above for all the details. The page includes results from all contests that counted. A few observations: The Russian ladies cleaned up the power classes winning both F1C...

sen 2377

Why are our rules (always) changing? Comment on WC Jury report referenced in  SEN 2375 Ike Scramble Info Why are our rules (always) changing? From : aram schlosberg Instead of imagining free flight that has been around a long time as a set fossils one finds in natural museums embedded in rocks, the discipline is actually very alive and constantly evolving. . The obvious changes in free flight were the introduction of composites and...

sen 2376

January Eloy Southwest Regionals Chill How to mount your on board GPS on a C ? Jim Hits 100 Error in link on  SEN 2375 January Eloy Southwest Regionals From: Peter Brocks January Eloy Southwest Regionals The 2018 Southwest Regional Model Airplane Championships will be held January 13-16 in Eloy, Arizona. About every Freeflight  FAI/AMA/NFFS/FAC event is flown. For details and entry forms please see

sen 2375

Looking for ST 15 parts A few rules thoughts 2017 WChamps Jury Report Looking for ST 15 parts Wanted: I’m in need of a header for a Super Tigre 15 to run a tuned pipe in vintage FAI.  I have a kit for the Night Train and I plan on building it in honor of my dad who passed away in ’08.  It was the...

sen 2374

Not about Bern but Sporting Code AZ Champs results Not about Bern but Sporting Code From: Leslie Farkas Since the published letter of Frederic in SEN 2362, we received a number of comments from other competitors. I will not comment on the Bern contest because I was not there, therefore I do not qualify to agree or disagree with the organizer’s decisions. Many of the...

sen 2373

Frederic Explains How do you finish a contest ? Waiting time limit and starting poles FAI Web Site Frederic Explains From: Frederic Aberlenc Dear Wolfgang Gerlach I will answer to your comments in last SEN: 1-Because the rules are not observed in some other competitons (F1E WCH in Turda, Junior ECH in Prilep, ...), it is not necessary to respect them in BERN. Sorry Wolfgang,...

sen 2372

EuroFly Bern : ”Not according to the rules” Subdividing rounds Observation on the time slot limit Apples and Oranges EuroFly Bern : ”Not according to the rules” From: Wolfgang Gerlach : F1Q flyer , assistant of an F1A-Junior and Jury member for 2 days. The discussions about supposed discrepancies in jury decisions take more space in SEN  than the reports of WCh 2017 in Hungary,...

sen 2371

Working Windows Missing lines from SEN 2370 interview Missing local rule Working Windows** From: Aram Schlosberg An interesting concept of a working time window was discussed in SEN 2370. Evidently a restricted working time of 15 minutes for regular rounds as a draft rule proposal which appears to be nearly unanimously accepted by the FFTSC. The rule will read 'may' so the organizer is free...

sen 2370

Extended Rules Extended Flight Times at euro-fly Extended Rules There has been quite some discussion about the pseudo fly off added to the last round. We just got a piece from Bernhard Schwendemann who presents one point of view. I had previously been involved in a discussion with some others but had not written up my notes. What is interesting is that different people place...

sen 2369

Borislav Bardarov. Hummingbird Model Products Borislav Bardarov. Today, through FaceBook  we learn of the death of well known Bulgarian F1A sportsman Borislav Bardarov. Tragically it appears that he may have been murdered.  Bobi as he is known to his friends was a popular sportsman competing at  the top  level of F1A for many years. Hummingbird Model Products From:Bernard Guest Hi Roger, I am officially diving...

sen 2368

North American Cup Ike Winter Classic/Kiwi Cup Comment on the Bern Contest Appreciation of Ian’s work. The Toronto Free Flight Group Presents the 2018 North American Cup An FAI World & America's Cup & Team Championship Dates: Wednesday, February 14th 2018 with Thursday February 15th as reserve day Place:  Bissonette Mirage Field, Lost Hills, CA USA Events: Individual F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q & 3 Person Team F1A, B &...

sen 2367

Kiwi World Cup F1E I’m just a regular sportsman too THE 2018 ISAACSON WINTER CLASSIC   The Isaacson winter classic KIWI - NEW ZEALAND -F1E World CUP FEBRUARY  12, 2018 FIFTEENTH  F1E ISAACSON  WINTER CLASSIC PLACE: Holloway Hill, 1.5 miles SE of Bissonette Mirage Field parking, Lost Hills, California - coordinates 35.655°N, 119.787°W. Hill is accessible by car. SCHEDULE:  Five (5) 50-minute rounds 9:00 am...

sen 2366

Patterson 2017 2017 AmCup Update 2018 Am Cup Rule Discussion and Change Lost Hills Website updates Patterson 2017 This past weekend kept up with tradition with great weather. For F1A guys it was challenging with very little wind.  Mike McKeever was the only one maxing out for the win. In F1B we had 3 in fly off with low winds. Fly off 1 for 6...

sen 2365

A basic Q model. I’m with Frederick And I’m with Ismail A basic Q model. From: Aram Schlosberg . A response to queries about assembling a basic Q model. I happen to be flying just the right one, based on a B-model. It’s a direct drive with a 9 x 6” folding prop using a Cobra 2204/56 that is mounted onto the fire wall. 4...

sen 2364

B flyoff config comment Heads up from Oz F1J at Fab Feb October 1993 World Cup Events at Lost Hills B flyoff config comment From:Michael Achterberg ZZAG Better.Zig zag line better than a 100 to 200yd. line. Long flyoff lines create uneven conditions. Better to have group closer together and in my opinion much fairer results. When so many in flyoffs  very hard for organizers and...

sen 2363

Where its still at F1-B FlyOff Lining Proposal Fab Feb Online Entry Update Where its still at Re: SEN 2362 From:Nikolay Nikolov Dear friends, does any one have the records from World Championship 4-09 October  1993 and the World Cup before the big event which was 01-03 October 1993  ? I have completed both competitions but I do not have the results ! I am...

sen 2362

Patterson Contest this weekend at Lost Hills Dudette? Protest against Bern contest Patterson Contest this weekend at Lost Hills Please come and join us for a fun flying weekend. Long range weather forecast is for cooler temperature and low winds. We will be providing lunch on Saturday. See you on the field. Brian PATTERSON MEMORIAL Nov 11 & 12 Reserve Nov 13 , 2017 at...

sen 2361

Eurofly 2017 21st Southwest FAI Challenge results Fab Feb Entries Eurofly 2017 From:  Ismet Yurtseven A dream contest: Eurofly 2017 Eurofly free flight world cup contest is organized at every two-year period. It is generally at the end of October at Muhlethurnen town of Bern/Swiss. The web site is: This year, October (Friday) was the training day, October 28 was the F1B, F1C, F1Q and...

sen 2360

Fab Feb Sign up available 2018 Bob White Memorial Max Men International Fab Feb Sign Up available Sign up for the FAI and Social events at the Fab Feb Contests: Ike Winter Classic/Kiwi Cup North American Cup Max Men International The Max Men announcement is below and other detailed contest announcements will appear shortly in SEN and there is a special section on the SEN...

sen 2359

Flash from Euro fly 2017-– World Cup in Switzerland World Cup Dates in Australia for 2018 Flash from Euro fly 2017-– World CUP in Switzerland From: Ansgar Day 1 Saturday   in F1B/ C/ Q 1st round 240 sec, 2-4 rd 180 sec, 5thrd 240 sec + 120sec for all, who maxed rd 1-4 as pre fly off , 1st flyoff 8min  at 17”10 – 17”30,...

sen 2358

Arizona Champs in Eloy For SALE model items Arizona Champs in Eloy From: Peter Brocks On December 2 and 3 the Arizona Free Flight Championships will be held in Eloy, Arizona. This is the last America’s Cup and National Cup contest West of the Mississippi for the year 2018. There are FAI, AMA, NFFS and SAM events. On the desert flying field in Eloy it...

sen 2357

Calling all F1J Sportsmen Southwest FAI Challenge Australian Nats Info Calling all F1J Sportsmen Car 54 …. From : Mike Roberts Calling all J's, calling all J's.  Officer Toody would like all J flyers to start preparing for the up coming Fab Feb Ike and Max Men contests.  I plan to have an aviation themed something extra for the J winners in each event.  Let's...

sen 2356

NFFS Sympo Editor Where it's at NFFS Symposium Editor From:John Lorbiecki Yes folks, it is that time of the year and NFFS is looking for an editor(s) for the 51st version. If anyone is interested (it is a lot of work but if you ask past editors, they will tell you it is well worth it) please contact me at John Lorbiecki  NFFS President Where...

sen 2355

2017 Sierra Cup F1E Full Results and Update Joe Wurts on Thermals on You Tube 2017 Sierra Cup F1E Full Results and Update From:Fred Terzian Roger, Here are the actual scores as recorded by Peter Brocks, who along with Brigitte were running this event. This is copied from an iPhone photo. PLACE   NAME           CTRY     R1     R2     R3   ...

sen 2354

F1E Cal Cup Kotuku Sierra Derek’s Words F1E Section 3 Events run on Holloway Hill at Lost Hills…. At least this hill is not lost. California Cup F1E This event was postponed from February California Cup PLACE   NAME            CTRY R1  R2  R3  R4  R5  R6  R7  SUMPT F1E                          150 180 180 177 180 180 180 1     Mike Richardson USA  150 130 105 150 180 134...

sen 2353

Kotuku and Sierra Cup Results Kotuku and Sierra Cups Not Just Water FFQ #85 Dehydration ½ A props Start the day before Kotuku and Sierra Cup Results Kotuku Cup         Oct 7,8,&9 2017               Brian Van Nest, CD F1A F1A               FAI Number  Rnd1  Rnd2  Rnd3  Rnd4  Rnd5  Rnd6  Rnd7  F01   FO2   FO3   TOTAL 1  Mike McKeever     USA 89734      240   180   180   180   180  ...

sen 2352

On Flying “Density” Tough Day It’s not just Physical Derek on the Kotuku On Flying “Density” From : Aram Schlosberg On Flying “Density” I used to think that a good CD’s job description was to keep everyone out of trouble. And in Wawaywanda the wind/drift direction could be notoriously fickle in certain portions of the day. As the wind/drift picks up and changes, models beach...

sen 2351

Lost Hills lessons 1/2A and 1 cc engines and props in stock Lost Hills lessons This past extended weekend we had 2 F1ABCQ and 3 F1E World Cup events at Lost Hills plus mini-events.  The last time we had a World Champs in October was in 2001 and some international sportsmen showed up to see how October conditions compared with what they have been experiencing...

sen 2350

Macedonia and Niksic World Cup Events at Prilep Airfield on Sep-30 and Oct-1 of 2017 Walston For sale Harvest Contest Report America’s Cup Update 1/2A Green Fiberglass Prop Order Found at Lost Hills Macedonia and Niksic World Cup Events at Prilep Airfield on Sep-30 and Oct-1 of 2017 From: Ismet Yurtseven A wonderful weekend: Macedonia and Niksic World Cup Events at Prilep Airfield on Sep-30...

sen 2349

Sierra Cup Potluck Age and Numbers BOM….  Etc… 12 Summer Winds = 1 Babenko Chuck’s Memories Sierra Cup Potluck From: Brian Van Nest After the flying on Saturday, on the field We will be having a potluck dinner Please bring something to share a main dish or salad for 5-7 people BBQ's are available for those wanting to cook Bring your chairs, drinks, table settings and...

sen 2348

Altimeter Update - Important Corners and Paint BOM, not really Perris Update Altimeter Update From: Ian Kaynes Roger Re your item about altimeters, I will update you on the CIAM situation. When the new rule for altimeters as a back-up source of flight time information. It was mandated by the CIAM President that devices must be approved by the CIAM EBDIC group. I had previously...

sen 2347

JIS Screws Altimeter Data Processing URL Corrected Dukie’s Comment JIS Screws … and more From FB – Jim, Mike and Norm Jim Parker Learned about screw heads from you tube video about Honda 90 carb rebuild. Japanese use JIS head, looks like a Phillips. Identified by a single dot recess on the head. Explains why it's difficult to get torque on a JIS screw with...

sen 2346

Bike for Sale Altimeters I C second Place Bike for Sale From:Merry Smith Norm Smith is selling his 1981 Honda 125XL.  Its original owner was Roger Simpson, one of our late flyers.  The license is current and we can deliver it to Lost Hills if desired.  The sale price is $500. Contact us at 209-274-2841 or an email will also work. Altimeters Next year...

sen 2345

Contest report - Wilbur & Orville, September 9-10th, Wawayanda NY 2017 Tangent Classic FAI Contest report - Wilbur & Orville, September 9-10th, Wawayanda NY From: Oliver Cai We had a little late start on Saturday with winds coming from NNW which put us close to the entrance of the field. Winds were averaging around 6mph with gusts up to 10-15mph so first round maxes were...

sen 2344

Those Magnificent men and their flying machines Nelson Engine Parts for Tone Epilogue on the Integration Found at Perris Those Magnificent men and their flying machines From:Stuart Darmon Hi Roger, your spirited defense of the originality and multi-ethnicity of the modern FAI model put me in mind of a scene from the 1960's British movie 'Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines', a charming if...

sen 2343

  The Book of Integration Challenges Hungarian Photos Fab Feb 2018   The Book of Integration Challenges Chapter 1 – it’s the way today Keeping up with stuff.  One thing about FAI FF is everything keeps on changing and it is hard enough to keep up with what’s going for those who are involved on a regular basis let alone others who have a more...

sen 2342

USA FAI FF Jr Team Selection Standings F1G Eurochallenge Icarex for Sale On Spot Checking America's Cup September USA FAI FF Jr Team Selection Standings This the first 2018 Jr Team Selection Standing report. The Jr team selection program can be found on the NFFS web site,  The core of the selection process is counting the best 3 Am Cup contests from Jan 1, 2017...

sen 2341

Magical Devices SEN 2240 Well, Dino still likes SEN From the Wood House In the Press Magical Devices SEN 2240 From: Gavin Manion Hi Roger, Perhaps it's just too silly to comment that ALL systems using servos are Closed Loop Systems. A moment's thought suggests a number of possible uses for an altimeter in a glider, e.g. Don't allow hook unlatch if the last circle...

sen 2340

  Automated DTs and the logical consequences An un published article   Automated DTs and the logical consequences From: Chris Edge Lord Darmon of that Ilk mentions 'altimeter auto-abort' in his recent excellent text. Of course their use in a contest is illegal as they use closed-loop control (altimeter) to DT without flyer intervention. I asked via another public forum which timer systems had this...

sen 2339

F1E WChamps Editorial Champs Observation What no C Stuff .. Is Dino for real ? ** Re: SEN 2335 – meeting of the minds? F1C Engine Run Time Approach F1C dual time recording The 20 second Mulligan Euro J is there too Upcoming HARVEST CLASSIC Missing Magician F1E WChamps Not much in term of results.  Sounds like some issues similar to the F1ABC Champs The...

sen 2338

SEN Experiment Starter Discussions on FB *Wilbur & Orville (America's Cup)* I Liked this one … From: SEN 2337 Two comments to SEN 2337 ClariF1Cation from Dino SEN Experiment We are looking at adding optional  .ICS calendar downloads to SEN contest announcements so you would be able to download them and use them to update your personal calendar with contest dates.  We have one here...

sen 2337

Hatschek's poem Timing Engine Runs - Part 94 Livno WCh flyoff refly F1C engine run time keeping Dino on F1C Motor Runs E Timer Help Hatschek's poem From: Alan Abriss Thanks for posting my ole buddy Bob’s poem “Free Flight”. This needs to be read once in a while. Thanks again, I miss the old coot! Alan Abriss Editor’s Comment … we publish what our...

sen 2336

  2017 USA FAI Free Flight Team Manager Report. Aug 18, 2017 electronic engine timing - *** technically interesting *** attention geeks C cut off Comment Last man Solving the flight time keeper problem. Last man standing 2 AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH   2017 USA FAI Free Flight Team Manager Report. Aug 18, 2017 Jim Parker,   Manager Randy Secor, Assistant Manager Jace Pivonka, Jr Assistant Manager...

sen 2335

  USA F1C Team Factoid When is USFFC? Oregon Reminder 2017 F1E World Cups in Martin, Slovakia F1C timing LAST MAN STANDING?   USA 2017 F1C Team Factoid Was this the first USA F1C team to be comprised of PhDs ? And they did not even have to recruit Nobel Laureate David Wineland who is an AMA Gas flyer.  How about it Leeper,  the keeper...

sen 2334

Eddie Carroll's World Championship Report Love your battery but replace when it fails to perform! As a F1B participant, my personal opinion about 2017 Budapest FF World Cup and 2017 FF WCh - Part II Comments on : SEN 2332 World Championship Report Eddie Carroll, USA F1C Team Member August 21, 2017 This was my first World Championships as a contestant in F1C and it...

sen 2333

Tripod questions and others C Timing F1E W/C in Romania GPS Trackers American Cup – flying Q without ELs Tripod questions and others From: Sergey Makarov Dear Ian.  (this email was addressed to both SEN and Ian Kaynes) In Hungary we talked about rules 2016 and 2017. You told me, that it was not any changes in the tripod rules from 2016 to 2017. Please comment...

sen 2332

Sound the Bunt When is Fab Feb 2018 F1C at Szentes As a F1B participant, my personal opinion about 2017 Budapest FF World Cup and 2017 FF WCh Back Home Sen Policy Sound the Bunt From: Michael Achterberg Bunt or sound! The bunt is easier because you can't always hear the motor stop. But if no bunt, which sometime happens then what?   Simply fix, but...

sen 2331

Szentes Spider 'The Szentes Spider' From : Chris Edge on FB group Free Flight This image will likely become known as 'The Szentes Spider'. It shows tracks of all models using the iCare GPS system on F1A day, and some from the F1B/C flyoffs. Maximum heights are ~400m and distances ~2.5kms. Maybe one of the winner's flights are on here. CHE It was not as...

sen 2330

  Who or what is a Mulligan? Observations on FAI F1 World Champ 2017 WChamps comments on comments Timing for the bunt Re: SEN 2328 – Champs Summary   Who or what is a Mulligan From:David Ackery Roger, I see the term mulligan is use in reports by yourself and other people from the USA. I am an English speaker and don’t understand its meaning...

sen 2329

Timing to the Bunt Misc Comments  on SEN 2328 World Champs Refly Re: SEN 2328 Re: SEN 2328 – the Audit World Championship Escrow Account? 50Th Rocky Mountain Champs Timing to the Bunt From: aram schlosberg Timing C engine runs is not easy. When there is a solo flier, novice timers tend to time to the bunt, which is typically an overrun. What I found...

sen 2328

The World Champs is over The Crazy Grand Parents have nice friends The Woodhouses SEN at the World Champs What’s happening? What no chairs? Cancelled once before The World Champs is over We don’t need to publish the results they are on the organizer’s web site at If we look just at the flying one the big surprises was that a number of the...

sen 2327

SEN from the field Boy with Crazy Grand Parents 2 sets of Eagle Eyes spotted … SEN from the field With our SEN provider we have the capability of sending SEN from the field.  This is called a flash. You will have seen some of these during this World Champs.  These are done from a smart phone and must include an image, the last one...

sen 2326

Budapest Cup W Champs Field closed 7 August Budapest Cup Probably the toughest World Cup contest in a long time. If not the toughest ever. The event preceded the 2017 World Champs in Szentes, Hungary and was held on the Champs site. All 3 classes F1AB and C were flown together on the World Champs flight line with 6 people to a pole 90 minutes...

sen 2325

Free mapping app for Szentes WC field World Champs pre-report- 2 Thermiksense Blog W/C F1ABC Free mapping app for Szentes WC field Dear friends. We invite anyone, even those not using fx12 yet, to download our latest free fx12 app. It’s map now shows additional features of the Szentes World Championship field, including bridges, and other useful details. Special thanks to Chris Edge for providing...

sen 2324

Junior Euro Champs German Blog from Junior E/C F1ABP W Champs Blog Correction. Junior Euro Champs F1A Martin Bencik SLO  960 +396 Alexey Khoroshev RUS 960 + 392 Sagi Brudni ISR 960 + 367 F1B Bojan Gostojic SRB 1020 + 360 + 472 Sebastian Jäckel GER 1020 + 360 + 367 Omri Sela  ISR + 1020 + 360 + 355 F1P Maksim Poliakov RUS 1260...

sen 2323

Blog from Hungary Hungary Mapped F1E California Cup GBR Blog from Junior EuroChamps Blog from Hungary From: Simon Dixon Just to let everyone know I will be running a blog for the Champs in Hungary next month, like I did last year for the European Champs in Serbia. It can be found here plus lots of F1j related stuff. >

sen 2322

F1E World Cups in October - summary Answer to George Voss on GPS tracking F1C Observations Additional comments re. demise of F1C Re: SEN 2321 Comment on F1C participation At last a word from the Dino We have met the enemy and he is us   F1E World Cups in October - summary From:Peter Brocks There are 3 F1E World Cup contests in Lost Hills...

sen 2321

SEN 2320 F1C Comment Comment on F1C Participation Kudos to Dukie Someone who is recruiting “new” free flighters SEN 2320 Apologies to our readers for the somewhat inconstant formatting and fonts..  Something happened during the prep of SEN 2320 and short of redoing everything, we had no way of fixing before SEN had to go to press, so we ended up with some funny formatting...

sen 2320

Szentes HEC Cup 2017 - F1H competition before the World Championships It sure is sad … Invitation for VSM flying during the World Championships and for Szentes HEC CUP in F1H on August, 6th in Szentes/ HUN USA Nats – Social Start Planning for October Sierra Cup Kotuku Cup Szentes HEC Cup 2017 - F1H competition before the World Championships Dear Freeflight Friends, the day...

sen 2319

Huron Cup 2017 Results From: tony mathews Hello Roger, Can you post the results from the Huron Cup in SEN? We had an interesting mixed bag of weather. Calm but tricky conditions for the 1st 3 rounds. Then rain hit causing a 1.5 hour delay. Then we had sunshine and some breeze and massive thermals. I had a flyaway in round 5 that was found...

sen 2318

WC Social media etc suggestions It’s the Bulletins that count WC Social media etc suggestions From: Ross Jahnke The Hungarian hosts seem to think that support people and spectators are potential vandals, stumblebums, and health hazards.  The post in Facebook, with its dire tone and heavy use of capital letters, is a public relations blunder, that sets a bad tone just prior to this great...

sen 2317

Registration cards at Hungary We need spectators – from a World Champ’s POV Hungarian FB Clarification Observation from the sidelines Registration cards at Hungary From:Malcolm Campbell Roger Our AUS team manager Mike Pettigrew got this clarifying reply from Anita (the official contact point for the World Champs and Budapest Cup) regarding Registration cards: Dear Mike, The registration cards will be given at the time of...

sen 2316

  Comment and concern  on WC 2017 Putting our Dollars in perspective   Comment and concern on WC 2017 From: Frédéric ABERLENC Dear friends and dear Mr Kaynes I think that you have seen the following information from the WC organiser: [Editor’s Note – the information that Frederic is referring below to has appeared on the World Champs web site There has been much...

sen 2315

Windy AMA News Motorized Retrieval – comment For sale at NATS:  Three F1As W-I-N-D-Y an event report From: Aram Schlosberg The Swedish, Norwegian and Danish Cups are traditionally held in late June and early July in Rinkaby, south of Kristianstad. This year they were relocated to a long skinny north-south island called Oland meaning Island, off the southern coast of Sweden. The island is linked...

sen 2314

Al Lidberg and Southwest Regionals F1B Timer for Sale Recommended Tracker? Share Ideas and Issues UK ?  SEN Item EASA Notification of Proposed Amendment NPA 2017-05(A) FOR SALE GLIDERS Al Lidberg/ Southwest Regionals from Peter Brocks and Elmer Nelson Al Lidberg passed away   Friday, June 23, 2017.   As many of you know, Al had been fighting cancer which ultimately took his life.  More information will be...

sen 2312

For sale F1A For sale F1C Colorado Reminder Skyscrapers Reminder F1A models for sale From damjan Zulic at -F1A model Stamov long, smart magic, 4 servos, RDT, VS airfoil -F1A model Stamov short, smart magic,3 servos, RDT, B6356 airfoil -additional RDT receiver -RDT tansmitter - F1A box for 4 models, very light and strong(carbon,balsa,glass cloth) -2 palms -3 towlines - battery charger (For sale only...

sen 2311

Jim Walston Update Muncie Indoor site AMA Alpha Tropik F1A for sale Looking for C wings JIM WALSTON UPDATE (from latest Free Flight Digest of NFFS) Wanda Walston wishes to announce that her husband and our friend Jim Walston is now in an assisted living facility suffering from the later stages of Alzheimers. Wanda advises that all the products and services provided by him can...

sen 2309

Lost Hills  Shed stall and bike for sale Perris Update and Thanks Quiet Lost Hills  Shed stall and bike for sale from GILBERT MORRIS FOR SALE:  Lost Hills bike shed #1 (next to last C-tainer from Holloway Rd), space #1 including Honda SK90 trail bike and loading ramp and misc. items on shelf above. $800. All proceeds will be contributed to Jr. and Sr. US FAI...

sen 2308

2017 Photos from OZ Big Al’s report and results For sale In the press 2017 Photos from OZ From : Malcolm Campbell Hope you enjoy these photos.  Thanks to Percy Wright who took the earlier shots at West Wyalong.  I usually never get in any of the photos I take! WEST WYALONG  1 – 2 May 2017: NARRANDERA  4 – 12 May 2017:

sen 2307

  Skyscrapers Annual and World Cup Oz Results F1A for sale at British Nationals   Skyscraper’s Annual June 24-25, 2017 World Cup, America’s cup, National cup Saturday F1B, F1C, F1S 10 AM start, five rounds. B and C first and fifth round with a 4 min. max* 7 PM B and a provisional Q flyoff with a 6 min max*. (A backup plan is to hold...

sen 2306

  US Team Fund Raising Lost F1A glider on North Luffenham Hatcheck International Challenge On the net – How much ? …. And used too   US Team Fund Raising Putting out our need to sell the remaining USA team shirts!  See the nifty NFFs Digest advertisement 2 months ago. We’re making the process easier for those that don’t like doing forms, envelops and stamps. Email...

sen 2305

Upcoming on Oz In the Press - The Update - Federal Appeals Court: The FAA's Registration Rule Violates Section 336 Upcoming on Oz While not until 2018 the AFFS have announced date for next year. It is our understanding that these events will be just before the Australian Nationals that will be held at the West Wyalong site that is in the same of...

sen 2304

Bob Hatschek International Challenge F1B Stuff for sale Revised Brooklyn Skyscrapers Bob Hatschek International Challenge May 20-21 America’s cup, National cup Awards to third. Saturday  F1B, F1C, F1S      10 AM start, 5 Rounds First and fifth round 4 min. max* 7 PM Provisional  F1Q Flyoff 6 Min. max* Sunday F1A, F1G, F1H, F1J, F1Q     8 AM start, 5 rounds AMA , NFFS, SAM Events P-30, HLG, Catapult...

sen 2303

  Conductive Glue –II Stamov Long model for sale Caveat Emptor and help from the mountain   Conductive glue From: GILBERT MORRIS Thanks Roger for your response to my conductive glue question. My real concern is making good contact with nichrome wire that resists solder. Maybe clamping is the only sure way but for surface mount that's not always an option. I'm working on a...

sen 2302

Re: SEN 2301 How about this for a clarification ? CIAM Observation After CIAM meeting… America’s Cup PYXIS GPS tracker  Re: SEN 2301 From: Jim Lueken As a past F1B flier I read each SEN with great interest. The rules makers are not helping the sport in any way shape or form. As with so many sporting events, with each rules change comes higher costs...

sen 2301

The flyoff dance SEN 2300 Winding  the motors Not clear to me either I’m starting to wind now conductive glue Q rewound stream of consciousness from FB The fly off dance From: Klaus Salzer I would like to see a movie of the first flyoff according to the altimeter rule: A group of people with "toy airplanes" in their hands bending, stetching, lifting them up,...

sen 2300

Motors and more motors Which one first ? Who's Altimeter is that ? Motors and more motors Regarding the rule change to allow F1B flyers to wind one motor before the flyoff starts. I have no problem with this but in my opinion the rule needs extra clarification. 1, It says that we can wind ONE motor before the flyoff starts. What if I do...

sen 2299

CIAM PLENARY MEETING Corrected link for Naloev Cup Photos Big Als – rewired schedule CIAM PLENARY MEETING Ian’s report appear in FFn – Free Flight News, we include it here becase it will be some time before the official minutes appear) Report by Ian Kaynes The annual meeting of CIAM (the Aeromodelling Commission of the FAI) was held in Lausanne on April 27 to 29....

sen 2298

Russian Report Looking for a MAX Looking for models Info for SEN Russian Report From : Sergey Makarov. Dear friends. We had very nice contest in Nalchik in Russia, world cup event ‘Naloev Cup’. As usual, it was one of the biggest in Europe: 68 in F1A, 59 in F1B, 59 (46+13 F1C+F1P). Nice weather, very good field, beautiful view for Kavkaz mountings... and very...

sen 2297

Double Standards Results of USA Pre- CIAM Survey Double Standards From:Damjan Zulic Hi Roger With my comment about possible abuse of electronics in FF I just wanted to point out double standards with some suggestions. I know that the use of a closed loop feed back systems is forbidden. But I also know, that the existing technology allows it and that nobody controls that. The...

sen 2296

End of Rumor - new GPS tracker GPS - SEN 2295 Pre- CIAM Meeting comments End of Rumor - new GPS tracker From: ffelectronics Hi Roger, This is to quit the 'rumors' of the last few days and confirm that I am going to release a new product named Pyxis, the new GPS model tracker from ffelectronics. I plan to publish information and pictures by...

sen 2295

John O’Donnell Memorial page Rumors Babenko F1C Proposal John O’Donnell Memorial page John's Son has started a page:- Rumors The reason why we printed Mike the Dino’s  GPS piece under the title rumor because it ia a comment by Mike about an as yet un-released product. The link to the Sidus/Aeris web site is . No mention as yet a new GPS product...

sen 2294

JOD passes THE NEW 2017 FREE FLIGHT FORUM REPORT Dino Discussion Big Al’s Contest Replacement Rumor Dept JOD passes From Mike Fantham Roger, I read on the Hip Pocket Forum that John O'Donnell has passed on after a fall   May he rest in peace. He was inducted into the NFFS Hall of Fame in 2011. Mike Fantham THE NEW 2017 FREE FLIGHT FORUM REPORT...

sen 2293

Big Al’s first event at Lost Hills Big Als 2017 More Mulligans ? Searching for the tracker Big Al’s first event at Lost Hills From: Walt Ghio The Bissonnette Memorial is scheduled for May 27th and May 28th at the Lost Hills flying field.  This contest has been held from 1989 to the present.  As attendance has been dropping Doug Galbreath and myself have decided...

sen 2292

  ADT for all ! Keep 20 Scrap 20 Reminder   ADT for all ! From:chris.edge Captain SCAT, I think Tmat is conflating a number of different arguments in SEN 2291; let's split them up. Safety: Yes, there is a very good argument for making RCDT mandatory for all FAI classes for exactly the reasons he describes. I suspect that an F1C stuck in bunt...

sen 2291

  20 second attempt rule - safety issue? 20 second serve   20 second attempt rule - safety issue? From: Tony Mathews Some years ago I had a conversation with Victor Stamov about the 20 second attempt rule. As readers will recall, for a few years it was abolished for F1A only (seems some people were upset about some flyers using RDT to savea crashing...

sen 2290

Selling F1A & set of wings 20 second rule-please keep it! The carbon Wing and one more Selling F1A & set of wings Mike Thompson For Sale: Stamov long model single servo, covered with clear micafilm. Has about 40 flights, excellent shape. Asking $1,000. Also, have a set of Stamov short wings for sale covered with white icarex. Asking $400. Email is 20 second rule-please...

sen 2289

  Joachim Löffler 20 or Not ? 20 sec rule Stepan’s Wings     Joachim Löffler From FB Sad news for all free flight pilots, on Friday has died Joachim Löffler (GER). We mourn for a big model pilot who became 76 years old. His funeral taks plase on the 12th of April in Kröbeln, Germany. Michael Jäckel Joachim Löffler  was a regular F1B  participant...

sen 2288

The 20-second rule 20 seconds = Risk vs Reward Stefanchuk's new wings Stepan on   Stefanchuk's new wings ATTENTION F1E FLYERS The 20-second rule From: aram schlosberg There are a number of CIAM proposals from European countries (whom attend the CIAM meeting in late April) to abolish the 20-second attempt rule across the board. The impetus stems the concern about its “misuse” – a quick RDT...

sen 2287

CIAM Meeting Agenda Message to USA FAI flyers CIAM Meeting Agenda The Agenda contain the rules changes proposals . They are on the FAI Web site. On this page go to the Meeting – click Then 2017 – click Then PlenaryMeeting - Lausanne (SUI), 28-29 April 2017 – click Then CIAM 2017 Plenary Meeting - Agenda Or just enter the document will be...

sen 2286

George Schroedter Two tier F1C The German EL proposal (in: SEN 2283) The Polish World Cup Hosting Limitation proposal  Want to buy –teen torque George Schroedter From: Marty Schroedter On Tuesday March 21 my father passed away from complications of a compression fracture in his back at the age of 89. Some of you may remember him as the owner of Champion Model Products. This was...

sen 2285

The Fab Feb French Flick on utube Walston Tracker for sale SEN 2283 – German Q proposal Mandating an EL in Q German Proposal Energy Limiter San Valeers Annual The Fab Feb French Flick on utube From: Fra Duc Hello This is a movie of February Regards François Envoyé de mon iF1C Walston Tracker for sale From: George Voss Very nice Walston Tracker RX,...

sen 2284

Scandinavian Free Flight Week Regards discussion of the German F1Q proposal ? CIAM Meeting Info Scandinavian Free Flight Week From: Per Findahl We are happy to announce that the Scandinavian Free Flight week in June - July will take place. The dates are as previously announced, but we will use another flying field. The new field is located on Öland, the long, narrow island just...

sen 2283

OOPS 2017 SCAT Annual Report The German EL proposal FFQ - 63 OOPS! From: Mike Roberts My apologies to Jean Luc.  I was outside with a glass of fine Cabernet for a while and did not see any ripples but perhaps the “big splash “ was past my geezer bed time.  i now have seen the video evidence so am embarrassed that I cast doubt...

sen 2282

I was in the pool Great Fab Feb Video on FB Hexpert Help ? SCAT Annual Flash I was in the pool… where were you, Mike ? From: JL Bodin I'm Just reading your last SEN Sorry Mike but I have jumped in the pool with my  French friends (F Ducassou and F Aberlenc) Not many spectator only one photographer Stepan Stefanstuck. I have pictuure...

sen 2281

J Thanks Spaced out and Surreal Animals J Thanks From: Mike Roberts I would like to thank all the flyers that brought their F1 J models to the Fab Feb.  I hope you and even more will consider trying again next year.  I can "promise" better conditions knowing you might be throwing mud at me.  We had a wonderful international group from the States, GBR, AUS...

sen 2280

The Bear and the Moose Whoops – what year MM Lost and Found Looking for F1C Toilet seat The Bear and the Moose From: Per Findahl Hi Roger ! Here is a link to some photos from Bear Cup and Moose Cup, perhaps something for SEN ? share/ AF1QipNDzysENRUXekXjlGR9iDQzRl kl_t0IVw0s2W2fP0Z- spJ9GAk6lHGRHsVWptBv1Q?key= VmZiRTJPOS1OQUE4SUpfZy05a21aY0 tyWWdSRzln All the best Pelle Whoops – what year The date shows...

sen 2279

USA Bid for the 2019 World Champs Thermiksense Reports from the F1D E/C Stats from the German Nats NFFS Plans Service USA Bid for the 2019 World Champs The AMA has put in a bid for the 2019 World Free Flight Champs to be held at Lost Hills, California, USA in October 2019.  The sponsoring Club is SCAT (Southern California Aero Team) along with the...

sen 2278

I kicked the bee's nest! SCAT Annual this coming weekend Crazy, man!! I kicked the bee's nest! From:John Lorbiecki Well, I sure can create some "interest" at times, can't I? There have been a few comments in regard to who the heck is this dude... For those of you that don't know me, I am the president of the National Free Flight Society. I (with...

sen 2277

F1B Trimmimg Wanted Audio Tach: The state of our sport and Freeflight revival in Germany F1X(L) F1B(L) It’s not the cost   F1B Trimmimg FB Free Flight Group Discussion Started by Jørgen Korsgaard Where can you read about trimming a new F1B model with wing wiggler and 3-position auto rudder? Ismail Sarioglu Jørgen , can you tell us, which kind of F1B you trimmed for the...

sen 2276

Data Analysis ? George drives in Germany The Rest of the Story … FAI Rules and Fun Stuff Looking for a Moose   Data Analysis ? From: Ross Jahnke Roger et al. The Kiwi data is probably not enough to draw conclusions from, but oddly, F1A shows the least variation over five years and an average of 50.91% in the fly off. F1B shows marked...

sen 2275

Woa Increased Round times Small filed flying So how long is long   Woa! From: Gene Ulm Herr Schwendemann's post settled the performance as a cause of decreased participation debate: a whopping 62 f1a participants in the '16 German Nats proves there isn't one.  Even deducting the 14 simple models puts the number of "full spec" competitors at 48... from a country with a population...

sen 2274

F1A and F1H Standard classes 180 was a Max – 360 is a Max Leeping and Bounding -Idea re keeping FF in bounds & still fun (over) Performance All Simple for the Dino Where on FB More on the FB saga Where are the 120s?     F1A and F1H Standard classes From: Bernhard Schwendemann Concerning the remark of Roger Morell in SEN 2272 about...

sen 2273

Take a breath - take a wider view SCAT Annual F1A restrictions and Full-size glider classes Dino’s Solution. Frédéric ABERLENC at the Maxmen On going FB   Take a breath - a wider view From: Ross Jahnke Gentle Readers: the F1A discussion on SEN and Facebook reminded me of a quote by Mark Twain; “History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme.” As long as I have...

sen 2272

Re: SEN 2271 F1a restrictions Continued FB Discussion Just Curious Tone reminder     Re: SEN 2271 F1a restrictions from ron kreetz Don't spoil the game and let devellopment go. Like other (soaring) sports introduce an F1a (F1b and/or F1c) Standard class with e.g. fixed wing without flappers, wigglers, restricted wingspan, non geared etc. Ron Kreetz Editor’s Comment : Ron’s post is interesting because it indirectly...

sen 2271

Fab Feb Fotos - Forgotten Francois Fab Feb Flicker Fotos – Fixed Collectively the best F1A Restrictions Life of LiPo batteries   Fab Feb Fotos - Forgotten From: Malcolm Campbell We got these Photos a day or so ago – but they did not make it to the last SEN Hi Roger Back from Fab Feb 2017, jet lag gone and photos ready for you to...

sen 2270

Fab Feb Finale The Ike and Kiwi Scrambling for Ike Francois Fab Feb Ficker Fotos Looking for a Photo Looking for a Wood Meter Limiting F1A Models   Fab Feb Finale This Feb we had some bad weather days that upset things but we got the contests in with fine weather for everything except the MaxMen Mini Events as Bill reported and the Cal Cup...

sen 2269

Fab Feb Top Dude award Revised North American Results Merry Smith’s Photos Great Trip to Lost Hills   Fab Feb Top Dude Award Every year SEN Awards the “Top Dude” award to the sportsman who does best over each of F1 A B C and Q.  We use a slightly modified World Cup scoring scheme. The World Cup   only allocate points to the first 20...

sen 2268

Ike AMA Results Fab Feb Photolinks Ike AMA Results 2017   Isaacson   Winter     Classic AMA/NFFS Results.   Number in (x) E-20                      (2) 1    Chuck      Powell          90     90      56   236 E36          (10) 1    Stan       Buddenbohm      15 maxes, $1,000 prize New    AMA Record   1800 2    Clint      Brooks         120    120     120   120    120 120   120    120 115   1075 3    Jack       Murphy         120    120     120   120    120 108   708 4    Lee       ...

sen 2267

MaxMen International Results 2017 MAX MEN INTERNATIONAL Freeflight week June in Sweden Thanks Dept   MaxMen International Results 2017 MAX MEN INTERNATIONAL FEBRUARY 19, 2017,   LOST HILLS, CALIFORNIA, USA F1A Persson, A    SWE       240  180  180  180  180  480  410    1850   1 Balassiano, A ISR       240  180  180  180  180  480  403    1843   2 Bezchasny, V  UKR       240  180  180  180  180  480  379    1819  ...

sen 2266

  MaxMen Flash North American Cup 2017 Contest report: Aussies Bee Everywhere   MaxMen Flash Major Achievement in getting the contest in before dark. F1A Anders Persson - Sweden Aviv Balassiano - Israel Vasily Bezchasnyy - Ukraine F1B Alex Andriukov – USA Oleg Kulakovsky – Ukraine Stepan Stefanchuk - Ukraine F1C Larissa Savukhina - Russia Artem Babenko – Ukraine Pu Sheng - China F1Q Ian...

sen 2265

MAX MEN POSTPONED Wanted F1H Boom SEN Snap Messages MAX MEN POSTPONED F1A, F1B, F1C & F1P will be held on Sunday February 19 F1G, F1H, F1J & F1S will be held on Monday February 20 As of noon today (Thursday) the light rain has already made the access roads slippery. We are going to get a lot of rain from tonight through Saturday morning. ...

sen 2264

North America Cup North American Cup Excellent  weather Very light drift Sun Tricky thermals in rounds 4 and 5 F1A did 8 min FO then 10min FO F1C and F1B went straight to 10 min No FO needed in F1Q Link to Full  Results SEN Status Our new web site is online with archives of SEN going back to 1997 plus many items about...

sen 2263

Kiwi Cup F1E Results The results are on-line at 1. Andrist 2. Brocks 3. Sifleet Kiwi and Ike Pics Brian Furutani Flickr Picture of Ike and Kiwi Cup  at F1S rules From: Tapio Linkosalo During a recent discussion at HipPocket BB, I noticed a shortcoming in F1S rules - they do not allow the use of RadioDT! The paragraph 3.S.2 refers to Q rules...

sen 2262

Link to Ike and Kiwi Results Altimeter use in SEN 2260 SEN Snap mailing Link to Ike and Kiwi Results Kiwi F1ABC final fly off at Dawn – excellent conditions. No wind or rain Ike F1HGJS event flown in perfect conditions.  Altimeter use in SEN 2260 From: Allard van Wallene Altimeter use, The accuracy of a time keeping system is not the accuracy of...

sen 2261

  Fab Feb day 1 F1Q Results Fab Feb Day 1 Go to this google sheet for details of today's action perfect conditions light wind Sun NO rain ! F1Q finished  ABC FO at dawn F1Q - Only event finished FamilyName Given Name 3       1    2    3    4    5    6    7   fo1    Total   Place Murphy    Jack       USA     180  180  180  180  180  180  240  276   ...


Experts talk Verbitsky and Koster. What else to say  

sen 2260

Kiwi Cup Update Altimeter and Timing  Re: SEN 2259   Kiwi Cup Update World Cup Events {F1ABCPQ} postponed until Sunday 12 Feb (next day) at 8 AM because of field conditions.  Access to the actual FAI  flight line was difficult.  The field is drying out. The FAI mini  events {F1HGJS} are being moved to Monday 13.  The F1E event will probably be flown Tuesday 14....

sen 2259

Kiwi Cup First Round Start Stop watches from NFFS at Fab Feb  Use of altimeters in fly-offs Time keeping and fairness   Kiwi Cup First Round Start The Starting time for the first round of the Kiwi Cup is moved from 8 AM to 10AM to allow for extra time people who missed sign ups and to allow for adjustment of the flight line. Notification...

sen 2258

Fab Feb Registration  - UPDATE The registration for the Fab Feb Events is moved from the field to the Lost Hills Recreation Center on Lost Hills Road just next to the fire station. This is the place the Banquet and Building session for the Lost Hills families was held last year. It will start at 1 PM In spite of the rain etc people were...

sen 2257

Lost Hills weather flash Use of altimeters in fly-offs ***! BEE  PREPARED  FOR  BEES Invitation to Fabulous F1H Team Challenge 2017 Lost Hills weather flash I visited Lost Hills yesterday to put my trailer on the field.  I was not the first ! that honor goes to Brian and Janna VanNest (+ Chloe of course) followed by the Mitchells from Oz.  I did leave Igor...

sen 2256

Welcome  from Lost Hills Assoc Lost Hill Rules Max Men Additional Notes Lost Hills Free Flight Model Airfield Association Message from The LHFFMAA Board of Directors We would like to welcome all flyers attending the week long Fabulous February competition and remind you that we need to respect the orchards that are south and west of our flying field.  The Owners have given us permission...

sen 2255

SEN 2255 - Table of Contents CIAM Next Few Months America's Cup Banquet Organizer's links Fooled by Fancy Format Another weather station CIAM Next Few Months The CIAM Technical Committee and Plenary meetings will take place April 28 & 29. As Ian Kaynes' mentioned in his FF News report (see SEN 2241), the official agenda of Free Flight proposals will not likely be available until...

sen 2254

SEN 2254 - Table of Contents Most all Fab Feb Stuff Lost Hills update B stuff for sale Scorekeeping help Entrants So far Lost Hills Update Weather – the Weather station closest to the field in Paramount Farming on Wunderground The Orchard and Bees The trees  have now grown to maturity so are too tall to retrieve a model at tree top without getting the...

sen 2253

SEN 2253 - Table of Contents Apologies Why Pre-Enter Fab Feb SEN Editorial Policy FOR SALE F1A’S Invitation to fly VSM session at the Fabulous February week  2017 More Fab Feb Stuff Apologies We must apologize to our readers with the large numbers of SEN issues that have been appearing recently, mainly with information about the February events at Lost Hills.  These events take a...

sen 2252

SEN 2252 - Table of Contents Rubber for Fab Feb – Order immediately - Jones Lost Hills Update SWR Contest Report and results - Brocks Henry Cole's "The Fascination of Flight" - Terzian Rubber for Fab Feb – Order immediately "FAI Model Supply has received a number of orders for delivery at the Fab February Contests in Lost Hills.  We would just like to remind...

sen 2251

SEN 2251 - Table of Contents Scramble Update – Rules and Contest The Brits are no so bad Erratum SEN Policy on Advertisements. FREE FLIGHT SCRAMBLE Model and Flying Rules for the Ike 1. Definition: A scramble is a simultaneous contest between any number of contestants, the aim being for each contestant to keep his model airborne as much as possible during 30 minutes  but...

sen 2250

SEN 2250 - Table of Contents Fab Feb Sign up Hitting on the Scramble For Sale New NFFS Pub Rent a bike ? Fab Feb Sign Up Firstly the good news is that about 165 people have signed up. But the bad news is that a number of people who have said they are coming have not yet signed up. This is partly because we...

sen 2249

SEN 2249 - Table of Contents Free Flight Free Publicity Fab Feb Update USA Team Selection Committee (TSC) In-Person Meeting Free Flight Free Publicity From: John Clapp Dear fellow free flighters: every month I see many pictures of RC models and contestants in the District Section of Model Aviation. We should also be appearing in the above publication. Lets tell the world that is more...

sen 2246

SEN 2246 - Table of Contents Mainly Ike (and Kiwi) NEW STUFF! Update - The Altimeter Proposal Poll Update – Fab Feb Optimal Fab Feb   Mainly Ike (and Kiwi) NEW STUFF! The Aussies are sponsoring an Aggregate/Scramble event, complete with Flying Carpets! Join the fun, tentatively pre-event on Friday and then after awards on Sunday . You just need a simple FF model with...

sen 2248

SEN 2248 - Table of Contents Scrambled Link on Scrambled Vision Some thoughts about Championships… F1C Fuel at the Fab Feb California Weather Scrambled Link on Scrambled Vision We messed up the  link on Malcolm’s – some of you figured – but there it is again We asked Malcom Campbell for some Scramble pictures from his collection and put together this portfolio for us.

sen 2247

SEN 2247 - Table of Contents Help in Making a list... Mathews on Motors How the Scramble Started Scrambled Vision Help in Making a list... From: Ross Jahnke I'm finishing a list of NFFS Model of the Year award winners and need the help of my fellow modelers to do so. If you have any of the NFFS Symposium Reports listed below, please forward the following...

sen 2245

SEN 2245 - Table of Contents The Last Scene Looking for 5/99 rubber Magic NOS-36 timer for E-36 and F1S Hybrid and Overweight Motors The Last Scene From: GILBERT MORRIS The most telling story in the 2016 America's Cup release is Roger Simpson's last place standing in F1C. Typical of Roger, in Team Selection Meetings he would wait until everyone had his say and then...

sen 2244

SEN 2244 - Table of Contents Registration for Swedish Moose Cup and Bear Cup Model of the year Nominations For Sale – F1C power unit More on performance How long ? A Poem Registration for Swedish Moose Cup and Bear Cup From: Per Findahl Registration for Swedish Moose Cup and Bear Cup is now open. Come and join us on one of the biggest freeflight...

sen 2243

SEN 2243 - Table of Contents What is the real issue What about adding weight ? Use of altimetry poll Comments on the CIAM proposals Follow Up Thoughts Q and the CIAM on FB Jama and Gil – Wow What is the real issue ? (Important Question!!!) From: Alan Jack Are you willing to take this risk? With respect to Malcolm "we all have problems with...

sen 2242

SEN 2242 - Table of Contents Rest of the Story 2016 Am Cup Final Report 2017 NFFS Symposium Bulletin Dinosaur performance Rest of the Story We received a quite a number of input from readers that we could not fit into this issue and will appear soon in the next issues Also for subscribers who wish to forward SEN to a friend  use the special...

sen 2241

SEN 2241 - Table of Contents We like flying the big boy’s toys Fishing on the side why isn't home economics taught to gold fish anymore  Off or On the Subject Ski Jumping and other sports honestly assess CIAM Info We like flying the big boy’s toys Hi Roger F1A seems to be being singled out as the class to have its wings clipped. All...

sen 2240

SEN 2240 - Table of Contents SEN Reminder Nelson direct drive F1C parts How topics change Dino will now watch gliders More on FAI performance Nelson Glow Plugs at Fab Feb Eddie the Eagle goes to Jamaica or maybe Hollywood Wise words from OZ F3B Event at Lost Hills Fab Feb Summary - Corrected SEN Reminder Firstly SEN is about FAI Free Flight. We welcome...

sen 2238

SEN 2238 - Table of Contents Map Database for iCare GPS Tracking System F1A, weak link in towline to limit launch tension Weak Link for F1A Link too Weak Thermiksense Map Database for iCare GPS Tracking System From: Chris Edge Cardinal SEN, Many readers of your fine organ who use the excellent Optimal Tracking iCare GPS system will be aware that you can create custom...

sen 2237

SEN 2237 - Table of Contents Fab Feb Update Fishing for a new approach Martin is linked to Gene Clarification World Cup Link Un-official World Cup top 6   Fab Feb Update Reports from the field at Lost Hills say the rain in December has caused the grass to grow. The total number of entries by 4 Jan is 123 UK Sportsman Phil Ball would...

sen 2236

SEN 2236 - Table of Contents Happy New Year Scramble at LH With the right option Gmail likes SEN Limiting F1A performance Control the impulses around holding the line Controlled release Maybe Holding on is better ? Happy New Year First SEN of 2017.  Have a great 2017. Scramble at LH From: Mike Roberts Fab Feb Flyers I have had the pleasure of observing the...

sen 2235

  SEN 2235 - Table of Contents SEN – You changed how you send it Limiting F1A performance Nailed it Last 2 World Cup events SEN – You changed how you send it From: long-time-reader Because I don’t get my SEN any more on my PC in my GMAIL inbox but I still get it on my phone. And when I send it from my...

sen 2234

SEN 2234 - Table of Contents January Eloy Southwest Regionals About  Mark Gibbs Comments Dino still prefers J January Eloy Southwest Regionals The 69th Southwest Regional Model Airplane Championships will be January 14-16 in Eloy, Arizona. About every Freeflight  FAI/AMA/NFFS/FAC event is flown. For details see . The FAI events F1A, B, C/P and Q are flown on Saturday. The mini events F1G, H, J and...

sen 2233

SEN 2233 - Table of Contents Fab Feb Update In the press SEN Archive /SCAT Online web site Missing SEN articles Fitting Free Flight into today's World. Bob Hanfords F1P Fab Feb Update Firstly we welcome some new SEN subscribers who signed up to get updates to the Fab Feb Events. One very important item is that if you are expecting to pick up something...

sen 2232

SEN 2232 - Table of Contents Looking for a K&B 3.25 Fab Feb So far Looking for a K&B 3.25 From: Richard Myers Hello all, looking for a K&B 3.25 new or slightly used. This is for a friend to fly AMA gas. Dick Myers dickbarb at Fab Feb So far We got a request for list of those entered so far in the...

sen 2231

SEN 2231 - Table of Contents Looking for “C” stuff South Pole or Greenland World Cup next ? SEN en Francais ? or ? NFFS News Looking for “C” stuff From: John Lorbiecki To my fellow F1C fliers... I am looking for a couple of bunt mechanisms, such as the ones used by Verbitsky...PM me with availability and price tnx and Merry Christmas! South Pole...

sen 2230

SEN 2230 - Table of Contents Ike Winter Classic / Kiwi Cup Latest FFQ Sporting License for Americans Bob Morris   The Isaacson winter classic February 11- 13 at Lost Hills, California - 13, 2017 at Lost Hills, CA Join us for one of the premier West Coast Free Flight Contests! We are again hosting the Kiwi New Zealand FAI World Cup. All FAI classes...

sen 2229

SEN 2229 - Table of Contents Fab Feb Information Fab Feb Information Entry Count At this point about 100 people have entered the FAI events - have you yet ?!  See the reminder at the bottom of this email for the online entry link. Lost Hills Web Site The Web Site for the Lost Hills Free Flight Model Aircraft Association is at Accommodation There are...

sen 2228

SEN 2228 - Table of Contents Fab Feb Flyers 2017 Bob White Memorial Max Men International What is SEN? Arizona Champs Results Fab Feb Flyers One of the issues that caused some trouble some email providers was the size of the flyers for the Fab Feb events and not all users got all flyers .  We have got guidance on how to make the flyers...

sen 2227

SEN 2227 - Table of Contents AMA Publishes Rule Book Update NFFS Sympo Roger Simpson North American Cup AMA Publishes Rule Book Update The AMA publishes the competition rules books every two years, the latest for 2017-2018 have just come out the Free Flight section can be downloaded.  For the FAI classes the rule book refers to the FAI Sporting Code. But those in the...

sen 2226

SEN 2226 - Table of Contents Seen in the press – on FB 2017 World Champs Website 2017 World Cup Schedule .003 Carbon Suggestion F1A for sale SEN Status etc Seen in the press – on FB Cool carbon F1A parts made by Allard van Wallene . Made with titanium coated spread tow carbon. Questions on why and the advantages. Answer – who cares it...

sen 2225

SEN 2225 - Table of Contents SEN Roger Simpson Handicapping from John Barker Carbon for rib capping Strukov F1C folder For Sale Roger Simpson SEN There has been an interruption in the sending of SEN.  This is because some recent editions of SEN attracted the attention of the anti-SPAM police in some of the major email providers.  We have always tried to follow the rules...

sen 2224

Table of Contents - SEN 2224 North American Cup Fixing the finals The Toronto Free Flight Group Presents the 2017 North American Cup An FAI World & America's Cup & Team Championship   Dates: Wednesday, February 15th 2017 with Thursday February 16th as reserve day Place:  Bissonette Mirage Field, Lost Hills, CA USA Events: Individual F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q & 3 Person Team F1A, B & C (Teams can be...

sen 2223

Table of Contents - SEN 2223 SEN 2222 Dave Saks F1B wings for sale Timing fly off flights Handicapping? Is this F1P legal? SEN 2222 There was a technical issue in service provider's configuration that caused almost 300 messages to be bounced. The service provider spent significant time working on a solution to the problem, this delayed us sending out this issue. SEN 2222 has some...

sen 2222

Table of Contents SEN 2222 Fitting Free Flight into today's World. Loggers and altimeters What's the spec? Bob Hanford's F1P Altimeters, Altitude, Working time and Publicity Isaacson Winter Classic and Kiwi World Cup Fitting Free Flight into today's World. From: MARK GIBBS I think John Carter's recent correspondence on the altimeter debate makes some excellent points. - High performance models travel a long distance in...

sen 2221

Table of Contents - SEN 2221 Clocks or altimeters ? Handicapping, Bad precedent  ? German F1C Proposals. What's the spec ? Can our specs see beyond the edge Bob White Memorial MaxMen International Clocks or altimeters ? From :John Carter More on this subject I agree that the altimeter can aid determining a flight time but the question is is it desirable ? For the...

sen 2220

Table of Contents - SEN 2220 F1P design problem German F1C Proposal Reply to Ross altimeters and all that ! Altimeters. J again F1j then F1p. Looking for a J Reminder F1P design problem From: gil morris Hi Roger. I think the major problem with F1P lies with the broad wing so dicted by the rules. The wing has a light wing loading and glides...

sen 2219

Table of Contents - SEN 2219 To all American members of LHFFMAA (Lost Hills Association) The Rest of the J story Fab Feb Online Entry Form Altitude or Attitude limited ? Juggling ideas - Altimeters, LEDs, youth and visibility Patterson Results Correction To all American members of LHFFMAA (Lost Hills Association) From: Brian Van Nest Please renew before Jan 15 to get a reduced rate...

sen 2218

Table of Contents - SEN 2218 Patterson 2016 Great altimeter experiment! Altimeters and LEDs Not P's Fault The Chief Dino like them But what's the real problem ? Patterson 2016 The weather forecast was for great weather and that is exactly what we got! After the 4th round the F!B models were getting close to the trees so it was decided to cut the max...

sen 2217

Table of Contents - SEN 2217 Arizona Champs in Dec. More F1J ? One Way Road ? FF is Up - Golf is Down Golf is not spelt with an E - F1E that is Percentage is Chaos in F1E Altimeter Caution Arizona Champs in Dec. From: Peter Brocks On December 3 and 4 the Arizona Free Flight Championships will be held in Eloy, Arizona....

sen 2216

Table of Contents - SEN 2216 Use of electronic altimeters in the Rhône-Alpes World Cup fly off F1E and Golf Scoring A reserve day? What's the issue? Arizona Champs in December Another Rule Use of electronic altimeters in the Rhône-Alpes World Cup fly off (from FB posted by Allard van Wallene - graphs shown on FB not shown) The Dutch Free Flight Subcommittee filed a...

sen 2215

Table of Contents - SEN 2215 Percentage Chaos in F1E No Percentage Chaos in F1E Need more Percentage Rules of Free Flight Mike Roberts F1J rules Percentage Chaos in F1E From: Wolfgang Gerlach Dear F1E friends, see below for my personal thoughts to the     "Percentage Chaos in F1E". Thanks for reading and publishing in SEN. Many regards Wolfgang Gerlach Percentage Chaos in F1E The principle...

sen 2214

Table of Contents - SEN 2214 Dino's F1J CD's View on the Boulder City Contest More on Reserve day What are the other 2? Bob Parker's 3 Rules of Free Flight Dino's F1J From: Michael Achterberg Hello. Vasily emailed me from Ukraine and said he has a few sets of my F1j 6 panel wings and stabs for sale. Anyone interested you can contact him. ...

sen 2213

Table of Contents - SEN 2213 Merry Smith's Photographs of Boulder City fab Feb Flash Power Flyers Merry Smith's Photographs of Boulder City. We often see excellent photographs of model aeroplanes and that is fine but this group was somewhat different.  There was an intimacy about the pictures; the people were real to me although I have never met them; it was a real competition,...

sen 2212

Table of Contents -SEN 2212 Merry Smith's Photo of Boulder City Contest Oct 2016 A Reserve Day? F1C For sale Reserve Days and other Absurdities Merry Smith's Photo of Boulder City Contest Oct 2016 (By the way, if the album link doesn't work, try copying and pasting it from this email into your browser's addressbar ------------------------------------------------- Roger, here are my latest free flight pictures...

sen 2211

SEN 2211 - Table of Contents Satellite 788 For sale Reserve Days and the Americas Cup Contest Reserve Day More on the Patterson ... Satellite 788 For sale Hi Roger, Looking to sell my Satellite 788. New never flown. Trans orange monokote wings and stab. Painted fuse. Comes with ST G40 rear intake and timer. Contact me for more details and photos. Beautifully finished. Not...

sen 2210

Table of Contents - SEN 2210 Patterson Flyer The rest of the story F1E World Cup SW FAI Challenge Gap day in flying at the Finals? PATTERSON MEMORIAL Nov 12&13 Reserve Nov 14 , 2016 at Lost Hills Field, CA AMERICAS CUP Contest                  Sanction No.16/2048 Saturday, Nov 12 : F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q, F1P Seven a7a8af6076240877782e46ef76efa85b one hour rounds start @ 7:30 AM with extended max times...

sen 2209

Table of Contents - SEN 2209 Team Selection process More crazy thoughts adding  to John's SEN Rules and Geo Politics Europe - A Scottish Perspective European Defintion What could go wrong ... What's the big deal .. Finals with Capped Flyoffs Team Selection process From: John Clapp I seldom weigh in on these "contests", but as I see it we have a very good, high...

sen 2208

Table of Contents - SEN 2208 The Euro Champs - A Scottish Perspective For Sale :new AA 30 mm VP front ends Is 5 out of 38 good or bad ? Has this horse been flogged to death ... yet New geography Wow GB agreed with me The Euro Champs - A Scottish Perspective From: chris edge Reverend SCAT, Again we read that America should...

sen 2207

SEN 2207 -  Table of Contents GB's View Walt's View Contest Format GB's view from across the pond From: George Batiuk Hi all! Just a couple of comments from far away Germany. World and Continental Championships are rarely won with a 'dead air' flight. I think it has happened, and most people prepare for it, but it's just not that  common. More likely is a...

sen 2206

Table of Contents SEN 2206 Quote of the Day " the more I practice, the luckier I get" - Arnold Palmer It is Skill It is Luck Daft Ideas ? Lost SENs Subscribing and Changing SEN Details Final Finals Factoids It is Skill  All, I completely agree with Roger's comment about the, F1B flyoff at the finals.  It was a great, sporting outcome. Thermals, Ed...

sen 2205

Table of Contents - SEN 2205 Finals process Comment on Team Selection – Tom’s suggestion Fab - Feb/ Maxmen correction Finals process. From: Michael Achterberg Finals process. Personally I prefer multi contests that everyone attends anyway. Saves money. The cost of running finals is about $3500.00. It's not the Finals setup up per say. It's the 2 year wait that kills interest and we lose...

sen 2204

Table of Contents SEN 2204 Sierra Cup USA Finals Rules Change Proposal 25.HEREND CUP and 3.BALATON CUP and HEC Invitation Sierra Cup Results Sierra Cup Oct 2-4 2106 Mike McKeever-CD F1AF1A FAI NumberRnd1Rnd2Rnd3Rnd4Rnd5RndRnd7F01FO2FO3TOTAL 1 Jim Parker USA N89015 240 180 180 180 180180 180300418 2038 2 Andrew Barron USA 14095 240 180 180 180 180180 180300336 1956 3 Brian Van Nest USA 23122 240 180...

sen 2203


sen 2202

Table of Contents - SEN 2202 As seen from outside OWN A PIECE OF HISTORY Application for Team Manager of 2017 USA FAI Team 2016 Finals IP rated Fab feb - schedule and your input As seen from outside From: Wolf-Dietrich Dolzinski Roger, by the way, I am jealous about the flying fields you have available in the States. Take it as a privilege. Regards...

sen 2201

Table of Contents - SEN 2201 Merry Smith's Finals Flickr Fotos Squatter's words Team Support Shirts Americas Cup World Cup Reminder Merry Smith's Finals Flickr Fotos From: Merry Smith Team Selection Oct 2017 Lost Hills, CA Here are some of the pictures of the team selection. (By the way, if the album link doesn't work, try copying and pasting it from this email into your...

sen 2200

Table of Contents - SEN 2200 Squatter's View of the Finals Timing C engine runs Thanks A & B guys Cooney F1B e-timer Query F1E Arizona Champs + Sierra Cup Free Flight Quarterly #61 has appeared Squatter's View of the Finals From: Thomas Coussens After either competing or helping in almost every Team Selection Final since 1986, (okay, to a lot of you, that's still...

sen 2199

Table of Contents - SEN 2199 USA team Selection Day 3 - last day Whew ........  Day 3 event USA Team Selection F1A - Contest 2 Name R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 TOTAL Place Van Nest, Brian 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 1320 1 Team member McKeever, Mike 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 1320 2 Third Team member Barron,...

sen 2198

Table of Contents - SEN 2198 Russian Rod Available Tied and Tangled More on Russian Rod USA Team Selection Days 1 and 2 Russian Rod Available From: Vasily Beschasny I do still have stock of Russian Rod line. Vasyl Bezchasnyy Ukraine Tied and Tangled From: Stuart Darmon Hi again Roger, Can I please thank everyone who got in touch offering me towline material- the...

sen 2197

Table of Contents - SEN 2197 Russian Rod Kotuku Cup Results Russian Rod From: ron kreetz Stuart. The so called 'Russian rod' you are looking for is an overstretched monofilament polyester and is/was a.o. used for producing paper sieves for the paper making industries. Producer of this sieves was e.g. Albany Nordiska but the monofilament itself was produced by versatile fiber and plastic producers all...

sen 2195

Table of Contents - SEN 2195 Looking for Russian Rod towline Re: SEN 2193........Rules Changes Date of 2017 FAI F1ABC World Championships Kotuku Flash Sierra Flash Looking for Russian Rod towline From: Stuart Darmon Hi Roger,               I wonder if any of the good folk in Scatland can help me? I'm trying to get hold of some Russian rod towline material, which doesn't seem to be...

sen 2194

Table of Contents - SEN 2194 Reminder to SoCal FAI FF - Endless October 2016 is starting Krka cup 2016 Info Scottish Proposal About - Hi Roger Timing and performance -2 two separate questions but related* Reminder to SoCal FAI FF - Endless October 2016 is starting This weekend Fri - F1E Sat  Kotuku World Cup Sunday - Sierra Cup Mini events, Cal FAI Mini...

sen 2193

Table of Contents - SEN 2193 Timing and performance -2 two separate questions but related On altimetry time keeping. FAI Classes participation The Logical Conclusion ? The SCAT family at Stonehenge Editorial Comment on auto-timing Timing and performance -2 two separate questions but related From: Alan Jack On timing In my view there can be no objection to automated timing provided it is accurate and...

sen 2192

Table of Contents - SEN 2192 Timing Oh Please Bring In Altimeter Timing Ape-Based Timing - An EoB Viewpoint Altimeter granularity Riddle Answers compared Pim Ruyter new email address Riddle Responses Young, not grumpy and on time ? Timing From: David Ackery Regarding the proposal to allow the use of altimiters to determine the length of the flight, as opposed to the normal line of...

sen 2191

Table of Contents - SEN 2191 Response to Ken Bauer Ken's Riddle Parallel Universe some of Ladi's F1Bs for sale grumpy old men bickering about some rule obscurity Dino wants to save it not bury it HARVEST CLASSIC   WAWAYANDA Dino Ignored Response to Ken Bauer. I have never bunt launched a glider in my life but I have read your Dad's articles many times and...

sen 2190

Table of Contents - SEN 2190 F1A Riddle Award to Ken and Chuck How about PARRALLEL UNIVERSE ? More plus more on progress - Re: SEN 2189 Altimeter timing - Canadian twist on a Bulgarian style flyoff. F1A Riddle From: Ken Bauer The dynamics of a towline glider at high speed with high line tension seem to be somewhat different than normal free flying models....

sen 2189

Table of Contents - SEN 2189 Help at the USA TEam Selection Event Dawn and Dusk Flyoff Shootouts? A response to John Carter Gorilla Glider Altimeter timing. NFFS Used Books - Update F1 Performance Have we learned nothing from J Help at the USA TEam Selection Event If you are interested in helping out for the upcoming USA Outdoor FAI Team Selection contest (Oct 6...

sen 2188

Table of Contents -SEN 2188 Gorilla What's the problem more and more Revised Am Cup Scores Expanding Foam or call the Gorilla From: Ken Bauer I recently discovered that an F1A wing panel was twisting too much under load due to a broken rib inside the carbon D-box apparently from a nasty landing.  As I starting thinking and discussing with friends how to attempt the...

sen 2187

Table of Contents - SEN 2187 light Carbon information Another Carbon Cloth source What's the problem ... ? Is this the problem .... Light Carbon information Carbon fiber biaxial  you can find in R & G composites in Germany  20 , 29 , 30 , 39  grams sq/dm ,  and T Extreme in different weights  ,  in England Carboline (ukranian carbon from Vladimir models)...

sen 2185

Table of Contents - SEN 2185 P vs J Altimeter test time part 2 Hatschek International Challenge and Skyscraper Annual results F1P vs. F1J From: GIL MORRIS Hello Roger, I feel compelled to defend F1P against major change. I agree F1P is harder to fly than F1J because F1J rules permits the bunt whereas F1P do not. My experience with the two is that a...

sen 2184

Table of Contents - SEN 2184 J v P B 4 sale Fab Feb 2017 More Dino on J vs P From: Michael Achterberg Very true. Austin was a very excellent flyer. If the powers to be want juniors to participate just like they did at the intro to P, have it open to both J and P at next Champs. No one will fly...

sen 2183

Table of Contents SEN 2183 P and J Comments on Editors F1P/J comments Tech Update - 1 Drone search Tech Update - 2 Electronic Timing P and J From:Michael Achterberg F1J I agree with all Rogers comments. F1p is harder to fly and to trim to highest level. F1j was very easy to fly. Point straight and let go, so never really understood the mind...

sen 2182

Table of Contents - SEN 2182 F1B Stuff for sale Canadian Team Finals flash results Q and the Knight Templars about Dino on P and J F1B Stuff for sale Mike Mulligan in Southern California stopped flying F1B a couple of years back and tidying up he workshop and has the following F1B stuff for sale. Mike was a Vivchar representative.   Mike's not sure...

sen 2181

Table of Contents - SEN 2181 Walston Update Let it move? but chop off it's wing tips F1P for Sale Q it's the flexability Walston Retriever Update Hi Roger, There's a lot of Walston Retriever systems out in FF land and they may want this info. Jim Walston, due to health reasons, is no longer providing support for his retriever system. His wife is trying...

sen 2180

Table of Contents SEN 2180 Sierra Cup California FAI and Kotuku Dino to a T Stop the wing moving Electronic Timer for AMA Gas 40th Annual Sierra Cup FAI International Free Flight Contest October 2-4, 2016 A World and America’s Cup Event Sponsored by: Southern California Aero Team Lost Hills, California, USA Schedule of Events: Sunday, October 2 Mini Events F1G, F1H, F1J/P Combined, F1S...

sen 2179

Table of Contents - SEN 2179 Q2T Electronic Engine Timer Question Q from the PoV of a Dino CHE's Brexit ? from Q? Q to T? From: Murphy, Jack Hello Roger, In the aftermath of the discussions of the last few days regarding Q I have come up with and will be moving forth with a simple proposal- FAI F1T1/F1T2. This will be a combined...

sen 2178


sen 2177

Table of Contents - SEN 2177 Looking for F1B to Q USA Junior Team Advice Euro Champs Review SW FAI Challenge Update Redux, Rubber to Electric conversion (looking for another old F1B) From:Dick Ivers My project to convert a well-used, second hand F1B model to electric power was a surprising success. The plane maxed all the F1Q rounds at both the Kiwi Cup and the Nats,...

sen 2176

Table of Contents - SEN 2176 2016 Huron Cup report: Looking for Q World Cup slots Looking for stuff for a USA Junior Stuff we did not print … 2016 Huron Cup report: Saturday August 13th, 2016 Location: Zander and Brayford sod farms, New Tecumseth Ontario, Canada The weather forecast for August 13th was not promising. Thunderstorms and strong winds forecast in the afternoon had us...

sen 2175

Table of Contents - SEN 2175 FB rules discussion F1B update Because this is a long dialog we have put it in a SEN  almost by itself.  We have highlighted key issues. there was another similar discussion that expressd the same sentiments but in stonger language !@  I was not able to find it for inclusion in this SEN There are 2 points - one...

sen 2174

Table of Contents - SEN 2174 Canada Results Thinking of Hardy Under water in Louisiana Euro Champs Canada Results  from: Tony Mathews Flash: Huron Cup: F1A: Vidas Nikolajevas, Jama Danier, Peter Allnutt F1B: Tony Mathews, Ladi Horak, Ron Felix F1C: Yury Shvedenkov Canada Cup: F1A: Jama Danier, Peter Allnutt, Leslie Farkas F1B: Tony Mathews, Ladi Horak, Aram Schlosberg F1C: Yury Shvedenkov Tony Mathews:  My new...

sen 2173

SEN 2173 - Table of Contents USFFC flash Hardy has gone flying 51 Rocky Mountain Champs EC about to start Missing articles USFFC news flash From : Terry Kerger F1S added to USFFC event schedule with mini events Hardy has gone flying. Re: Hardy has gone flying. I can still hear the voice nearly 40 years later "Donde, what about my 500 bucks?" this is...

sen 2172

SEN 2172 - table of contents Euro Champs Link USFFC SW FAI Challenege Eurochamps results online lineThe link for the results is at - Currently the preceeding World Cup event is underway and if thisis any indications the organizers are doing a excellent job in posting the results USFFC flyer Information of the USFFC below.  Note that the format of the flyer does not...

sen 2171

Table of Contents - SEN 2171 Hardy - Stalick Hardy  - Dona Hardy - Jahnke Euro Champs Blog Brodersen FAI Challenge Hardy From:Bob Stalick Hardy Brodersen Hardy was the force behind the early years of the NFFS. Both his personality and his financial support gave the Society the jump start it needed. The "Bird" design came from his studio "Design Origins." He was a friend and...

sen 2170

Table of Contents - SEN 2170 Hardy Brodersen  Arizona F1E at Lost Hills This weekend in USA Hardy Brodersen From: Shailor, William Sad news. Hardy Brodersen passed away. He was 93. He was an innovator, craftsman and gentleman. He was singularly responsible for getting Free Flight the field it needed at Muncie. He was a giant in our sport. I am proud to have called...

sen 2169

Table of Contents - SEN 2169 JWC Final Report from Bob Stalick View of the JWC Brit Blog at the Euro Champs The Junior FAI World Champs in Prilep, Macedonia -- Final (Report No.6) by Bob Stalick           The day after the final event at the World Champs was billed as a makeup day (for fly offs, if needed). It wasn’t needed, so we had...

sen 2168

Table of Contents -SEN 2168 The Junior FAI World Champs in Prilep, Macedonia -- Report  No. 5 by Bob Stalick Flash: US F1P team places second in the Jr. World Champs. Alex Stalick secures third place individual  Recap from Wakefield Day: At the time of my last report, the F1B Wakefield scores were not official. Since then, the scores have been posted on the website. Although...

sen 2167

Table of Contents - SEN 2167  World Junior Championships - Incorrect official results Kudos to the USA Team and Reporters Alan Jack's Blog World Junior Championships - Incorrect official results From: Michel Picol The official results of F1B contest were published today August 5 on the organizer's website : It seems there are some problems : - The first ranked competitor also appears eighth...

sen 2166

Table of Contents- SEN 2166 World Champs - F1B day F1B Result F1P from the flight line F1P flash Jr. WChamps report #4 - Wakefield Day From: Bob Stalick The Junior FAI World Champs in Prilep, Macedonia -- Report  No. 4 by Bob Stalick Flash: US Team places second in F1B Wakefield. Updates from yesterday’s F1A event. In addition to Joel Yori’s third place finish,...

sen 2165

Table of Contents - SEN 2165 JWC B Flash Report from the flight line Some comments for FAI Free Flight European and World Championships (Ismet Yurtseven) "A" Team correction JWC "B" Flash F1B 4 made the 2 evening flyoffs 10 mins in the AM Dvorak - Czech Republic Lipski - Poland Gostic - Serbia Merzuakov - Ukraine Report from the flight line  by Jim Parker...

sen 2164

Table of Contents - SEN 2164 JWC - 2 JWC - F1A Congrats Reporting? The Junior FAI World Champs in Prilep, Macedonia -- Report  No. 2 by Bob Stalick Tuesday, August 2 is set aside for test flying and model processing. The processing center was located in downtown Prilep and organized so that each country has a specific time slot. We were on deck from...

sen 2163

Table of Contents - SEN 2163 The Junior FAI World Champs in Prilep, Macedonia -- Report  No. 1 by Bob Stalick USA Team Selection Reminder Early DT The Junior FAI World Champs in Prilep, Macedonia -- Report  No. 1 by Bob Stalick The USA Junior Team has finally arrived in Macedonia and is ready for World Championship competition. I have been appointed as the NFFS...

sen 2162

Table of Contents - SEN 2162 USA Junior Team Updates Nats Weather etc from FB Some Nat’s ’16 observation DQ Surprise Kudos to AMA USA Junior Team Updates From: Bob Stalick Hi, Roger Please inform your readers that I will be doing daily updates from the Jr. World Champs in Macedonia. These will be posted by the National Free Flight Society using the Facebook account...

sen 2161

Table of Contents - SEN 2161 UK Junior WChamps Blog FAI rules change proposals UK Junior WChamps Blog From: Alan Jack Roger can you alert your readership to the blog the GB team are writing on their experience of the Junior FF Champs at Prilep. It is at the same address as last year's blog at Best regards Alan Jack FAI rules change proposals From:...

sen 2160

Table of Contents SEN 2160 USA Nats Info For sale Looking for Polyester Cloth FFQ Junior World Champs Blog Link Where to find USA Nats Results The results are here: note it sometimes take a little while for the results to appear and stories and photos at For Sale - F1B / F1G: F1B model - 1900 mm wing span BE6949FVNC2 profile , Tony Mathews...

sen 2159

Table of Contents - SEN 2159 Q on FB  2 Tangent America's Cup events Q talk on FB ... Starting with Aram Schlosberg? How high did Q models get in Sweden? Does anyone have actual altimeter information of the altitudes reached by Q models at the Swedish Cup contests, particularly in the flyoffs? I've read guesstimated of 130 - 150 meters. (At 150 m I...

sen 2158

Table of Contents - SEN 2158 UK World Cup Events - Stonehenge and Equinox Canned - No Canned - Yes The Stonehenge Cup & Equinox Cup 2016 UK World Cup Free Flight Events 24/25 September 2016 Salisbury Plain United Kingdom World Cup Events  Saturday    24th September 2016  Stonehenge Cup                  F1A, B, C/P and Q Sunday      25th September 2016  Equinox Cup               F1A, B, C/P and Q   Flying...

sen 2157

Table of Contents - SEN 2157 F1E Blog Cancelled What people are saying - Was Scandabavian Cups now Q performance Blog about the F1E E/C From: Bernhard Schwendemann F1E European Championship On 18. July the F1E European Championship will start in Turda/Rumania. 19. July and 24. July world-cup events will be held. Thursday, there will be the junior championship, Friday the senior championship. The Thermiksense...

sen 2156

Table of Contents - SEN 2156 Sierra Cup (and endless October Update) Jim Mayes On stick-to-it-iviness Rules to can Contest Cancellation Sierra Cup Update From: Mike McKeever Sierra Cup update from CD - Couple of changes this year for Sierra Cup as a result of my move from CA to NV.  I will be living comfortably in my trailer until after Sierra Cup.  As a...

sen 2154

Table of Contents SEN 2154 Lost Auction Nats Timing Buddy Postponing Lost at Rinkaby Hi Roger Is it possible to publish the following notice? Lost at Rinkaby, Sweden: fallen from my pocket a GPS receiver Icare 2 ( If found please contact Many thanks. Take care. Didier Chevenard Very special auction From:Don DeLoach At the MMM 14-Rounder this weekend there will be a very...

sen 2153

Table of Contents - SEN 2153 Scandanavian FF Week Skscrapers Corrected Walston Type Radios Almost Perfect Rubber for sale Swedish Free-Flight Week From: Bernhard Schwendemann Hello Roger, here some pictures from the Swedish free-flight week, mainly from the small classes and the second fly-off of the Swedish cup + prizegiving: Here the results of all four competitions: Best regards Bernhard Skyscraper - Corrected...

sen 2152

Table of Contents - SEN 2152 Canadian Events further postponement Skyscraper Annual Huron Cup and Canada Cup further postponement From: Leslie Farkas Dear Friends, Because the forecasted poor weather for next weekend, we decided to postpone the Huron and Canada Cups to August 13th. and 14th. 2016.  This decision was made with consideration of competitors who traveling long distances. Thank you for your understanding and...

sen 2151

Table of Contents - SEN 2151 Trackers for sale In search of tracker transmitters for Walston From: Kathleen Radziunas Sarah and I are in search of trackers for our Walston receiver.  Could anyone recommend a supplier of these trackers? We would need them ASAP.  Thanks.Kathy Radziunas For Sale from Dave Lacey's Estate I am helping to sell Dave Lacey's model parts for his family....

sen 2150

Table of Contents - SEN 2150 W & O Results Help still needed for the Nats Huron Cup and Canada Cup Postponed Winder 4 sale  Wilbur & Orville Results From: Oliver Cai This year's W&O Summer Meet was held June 11-12, 2016. AMA Sanction 1508. Unfortunately, incredibly windy weather on both days cut the contest short and limited the number of participants. Average speeds were...

sen 2149

Table of Contents - SEN 2149 Winding the elephant USA Junior Team Support USA Indoor Nats More on winding and what is the elephant doing in the corner .. From: Stuart Darmon Dear Roger, As I don't fly rubber and know nothing about computers, my opinions on the winding discussion are practically worthless, so without further ado, here they are.            Rather than instruct a machine to...

sen 2147 2

Table of Contents - SEN 2147 Reminder Section USA Nats Sympo Patrons Denver World Cups SCAT Black Cup Rubber Winding FB rubber windinghelper USA F1E Finals Reminder section USA Nats reminder From: John Lorbiecki To all my free flight have sent in your entry forms for both the indoor and outdoor nats, right? Well I haven't and am doing it today! Symposium Patrons Deadline...

sen 2147

Table of Contents - SEN 2147 In the press - Retro FF video Tangent part 1 More on winding Nevada Scuttlebutt In the Press In the latest Model Aviation an article on the Fab Feb Contests by Don Deloach.  Great article, cover photo of Kathy Burford, quotes from international sportmen and photos. Retro FF video Recently appear on the (you)  tube but filmed in...

sen 2146

Table of Contents - SEN 2146 Fab Feb dates 2017 all wound up part 2,3,4...... Fab Feb dates for 2017  Yes people are booking already .. Kiwi   11-12 Feb, Ladies Tea party 14 Feb  NA 15 Feb & MM 17-19 Feb - 20 Feb is Presidents day public holiday and reserve day. details later Subject to FAI calendar approval Winding - 1 From: John...

sen 2145

Table of Contents - SEN 2145 Aram's suggestion Szablo Miklos Wired Rubber RE: SEN 2144, Aram's suggestion  From: Michael Achterberg Hello. I would approve the modification of team selection for our Finals written by Aram. By doing so everyone has to fly the second day and usually everyone's flying skills have improved.. Mikey likes it! Thermals to all Dinosaurs... [Note - we hear that Aram...

sen 2143

Table of Contents - SEN 2143 67th Inter city Trac Foils Big Als - Report Big Al's - results Lost Hills Notice 67th Annual Inter-City FAI Meet From: Shailor, William Just a reminder that the Detroit Balsa Bugs are hosting the 67th Annual Inter-City FAI Meet on June 11-12, 2016 in Muncie, IN. If you'd like a flyer, please email This is an America's...

sen 2142

Table of Contents - SEN 2142 Big Al Srem Cup Results Wilbur and Orville Canada Cup - reminder Huron Cup - reminder Big Al's shootout FAI at Lost Hills.  Walt Ghio contest director F1A 1- Ken Bauer 2- Mike Valerie McKeever 3- Rene Limberger F1B 1 - Sevak Malkhasyan 2- Bill Booth 3 - Alex Andriukov F1C 1 - Taron Malkhasyan 2 Guy Mennano 3...

sen 2141

Table of Contents - SEN 2141 For sale @ Brit Nats In the Press - Mongolian National Sport Awards For sale - Hansen A2 vintage glider and F1G balsa/carbon wings, collect at UK Nationals Hi Lads, It’s the Nationals 2016 and as usual the weather forecast is not great but hopefully we will have some convivial tiles on Barkston and at Grantham Weatherspoons to remember...

sen 2140

Table of Contents - SEN 2140 David Lacey Further on  World cup SZABO Dave Lacey From: Aram Schlosberg Dave Lacey died this weekend from a heart attack at his home in Virginia. No funeral services will be held. Dave was an outstanding aeronautic engineer and a keen free flighter, flying F1B and later F1Q. He proved that delayed prop release in F1B is ineffective. Dave...

sen 2139

Table of Contents - SEN 2139 Alexey Bukin From Ludmila Stamova? on FB ·15 May 2016 Very sad news came today morning, Our dear friend, famous Ukrainian F1B flyer Alexey Bukin passed away. He was just 60 years old. We'll never forget you, and You are forever in our hearts. Our prayers are with his family. Rest in peace Alexey. Ismet Yurtseven This news is...

sen 2138

SEN 2138 - Table of Contents Whoops SCAT Black Cup Szabo Miklos F1A FO Whoops - Sorry Mr Hatschek We stand corrected ... From: Alan Abriss Hello all please be advised that this is the correct way to spell Hatschek. Thank you, The Management SCAT BLACK CUP Fun Fly FAI combo Contests June 18, 2016 -  SCAT Black Cup, FAI Combined, Perris CA,  record trial,...

sen 2137

Table of Contents - SEN 2137 Bob Hatchek International Challenege MMM World Cups Update Hatchek International Challenge May 21-22, event update From:  Andrew Barron [Updated notice to include F1S on Sunday morning; meanwhile E-36 is Saturday] Dear Free Flight Friends, CD Dave Acton has asked me to pass along specifics for the Hatchek International Challenge held Saturday and Sunday May 21-22 for FAI, AMA, and...

sen 2136

Table of Contents - SEN 2135 Bissonette Memorial CIAM Report Looking for Pim Bissonnette Memorial Lost Hills-Bissonnette Mirage Field May 28 / 29, 2016 America’s Cup Contest Lost Hills Association membership required. Timers  This is a fly one flight, time one flight contest.  Please buddy up with another flyer for each event.  If you are new to Lost Hills and do not know any other...

sen 2134

Table of Contents - SEN 2134 Aussie free flight photos USA F1E Team Selection Aussie free flight photos From: Malcolm Campbell Hi Roger Here’s the link to my photos from the 3 world cup events held in Australia – the David Anderson Memorial, the AFFS Champs and the Southern Cross Cup. The first two events were held in Narrandera, and the last one in West...

sen 2133

Table of Contents - SEN 2133 Southern Cross Cup Results Australia Part 2 Warm Lift System Southern Cross Cup Contest Southern Cross Cup Date 16-Apr-2016 Class F1B Family Name GivenName Country Number Round Round Round Round Round Flyoff TOTAL Pos Andriukov Alex USA USA548719 240 180 180 180 180 348 1308 1 Morgan Vin Australia AUS19046 240 180 180 180 180 304 1264 2 Morrell...

sen 2132

Table of Contents - SEN 2132 MMM Dual WCUP Weekend Thermiksense F1D W/C Blog Dave Anderson Results AFFS Results MMM Club dual World Cup Weekend The Magnificent Mountain Men are hosting the 37th annual 14 round FAI contest in Denver the weekend of July 9 and 10.  The contest will be flown as two 7even round FAI meets each as a separate world cup event. ...

sen 2131

Table of Contents SEN 2131 F1D World Champs Bike 4 sale Looking for AA wing CIAM Meeting Report Ads in SEN FAI Notice F1D port: Aeromodelling - F1D - (Indoor Model Aircraft) Title: FAI F1D World Championships for Free Flight Indoor Model Aircraft Type : World Date: 11.04 - 16.04.2016 Location: Slanic Prahova (Romania) Final Results : Senior 1st: Yuan Kang Lee USA 2013 W/C...

sen 2130

Table of Contents - SEN 2130 What Binos? BFMA FFF Report New NFFS Website FFQ for April What Binos do I buy? From: Mike Roberts Given my 10x50 Steiner's were not found; I need recommendations for a new set of Binoculars that have a tripod mount (or one that can be made). Please give me the reasons for your recommendations and where I might purchase....

sen 2129

Table of Contents - SEN 2129 Honda Bike 4 sale in CA AMA and NOS gas models for sale Barron Field Update Thermiksense F1D Blog NFFS F1D Blog Bike for Sale (California) FOR SALE 2005 Honda CFR 100F in good condition and was expertly tuned by Tymchek. The only reason I am selling it is that I wanted a bike with electric start and automatic...

sen 2128

Table of Contents - SEN 2128 Big Numbers Airtek Address Change Numbers thoughts Model Identification Port or Starboard Spam on FF groups on FB Big Numbers ? From: Stan Buddenbohm _AMA Rule change OFF 17-2 _I do not like this proposal. I was happy when the old AMA number requirements disappeared. Why force us to put tall numbers on our models? Can anyone think of...

sen 2127

Table of Contents - SEN 2127 AMA Rule Change Bear Moose SCAT Annual corrections Model Asset Database AMA Rule change OFF 17-2 From: Ross Jahnke The AMA rule proposal, OFF 17-2, requiring AMA numbers seems both obvious but not well conceived. This was my response to my district representative on the subject. What is the rationale? Is there significant evidence of non-compliance? Isn't there already...

sen 2126

Table of Contents - SEN 2126 SCAT Annual For Sale 2016 SCAT Annual The SCAT annual falls in the shadow of Fab Feb. This year we had a schedule overlap with Sal Talbi contest at Perris and a ominous Friday afternoon weather forecast for Lost Hills. Assistant CD , Lee Hines took ill and returned home. Result was a very poorly attended contest. Only 14...

sen 2125

Table of Contents - SEN 2125 HoI Z ? Stooge thanks Holiday on Ice Holyday on Ice 2016 Klasse F1A 1 FINDAHL PER SWE 180 180 180 180 180 900 420 507 1827 2 KOSONOZHKIN MIKHAIL RUS 180 180 180 180 180 900 420 500 1820 3 POUZET BERTRAND FRA 180 180 180 180 180 900 420 488 1808 4 JENSEN ESBEN DEN 180 180...

sen 2124

Table of Contents - SEN 2124 Looking for a used stooge AM Cup for 2016 so far USA Junior Team 2016 Looking for used stooge From: John Pratt Hi Roger… Wondering if anyone out there has a John Morrill stooge they would like to part with. Contact me at Thanks, John Pratt 1st 2016 AmCup report Several Strong Starts, we'll see if they hold...

sen 2123

Table of Contents - SEN 2123 SCAT Annual Happy Birthday Peter EoB for Prez SCAT Annual this weekend,March 12, 13, 2016. AmCup and National Cup Summary: Lost Hills Saturday: F1ABCQP, HLG, E36, 1/2A Nos Gas, Classic Towline Sunday: F1GHJS, Catapult Glider, P30, ABC Nos Gas Either / Both days: Vintage FAI (may enter multiple eras on either day),Nostalgia Wake (either day) Wunderground has been showing...

sen 2122

Table of Contents - SEN 2122 14 Round Supporters - Murphy Rounds Revisited - EoB Found Tracker @ Perris - Ray Getting Organized - Damerell 14 Round Supporters Those flyers who prefer the 7 round format will enjoy two 7 round meets coupled with two World Cup sanctions at the Magnificent Mountain Men's 37th annual 14 round meet in Denver this July. Full details and...

sen 2121

Table of Contents - SEN 2121 7 or 5 Rounds dept From Javier Abad Bill Booth John Carter Pierre Chaussebourg add to the Lost List Add to the thanks List Flickr Link Fat Cat Mechanoic A double flight line? 7 or 5 rounds Department From: Javier Abad Allard, the new format is just for WCh and Continental Ch, for other international contests a different number...

sen 2120

Table of Contents - SEN 2120 More on & and % Looking for fat cat Mechanic Max Men Lost and Found More on 7 is better than 5 From: Allard van Wallene Hi, The only argument which was presented to support the change from 7 to 5 rounds was the "too high physical effort". And when this proposal was voted upon, the only competitions for...

sen 2119

Table of Contents - SEN 2119 New set of Ike and Kiwi Photos Large FO and Luck Note to the CIAM fromthe Edge of Beyond New set of Ike and Kiwi Photos Photos by Tom Faith, long time friend of CD Norm Furutani and invaluable helper to all. The Large Flyoff Problem? Terry Kerger attributed the very large B flyoff at the Maxmen to...

sen 2118

Table of Contents SEN 2118 Top Dude Award What's Current tracker tech ? Wood Meter available Top Dude Award Every year at the Fab Feb we have the Top Dude Awards for those who do best overall the 3 World Cup events. Previously we used a modified World Cup scoring system. This year we used the World Cup scoring straight, thanks to Ian Kaynes for...

sen 2117

SEN 2117 Table of Contents Fab Feb Foto MaxMen International Results - Part 2 View From afar Am Cup Scoring proposal Fab Feb Flikr Pictures From: Merry Smith Roger, here are my pictures from Fabulous February 2016. What a wonderful ten days that was both in weather and fine flying friends! Merry Maxmen International Results Part 2 World Cup Events F1C Sportsman R1 R2...

sen 2116

Table of Contents - SEN 2116 Sergey Speaks MaxMen Results Part1 Re SEN 2115 Sergey Speaks From Sergey Makarov Hi Roger. I did not write any notes to the SCAT, may be you help me how to do this. Please publish this one with attachment: I can confirm Leslie Farkas note about timing in Kiwi cup flyoff. I have MTK timer from Jama’s model, which...

sen 2115

Table of Contents SEN 2115 SEN 2018 ? 2016 Isaaacson Winter Classic Lost Dept Lost at Lost H Lost Chair Thanks deptFab Feb Thanks Thanks The way I (Leslie) see it anyway SEN 2018 and DicK Meyers 2016 Fab Feb Photo Link Re: SEN 2018 From: Sean O'Connor Roger I suppose others have noticed that recent SENs have been numbered out of sequence. 2018 onward,...

sen 2023 2

Table of Contents - SEN 2023 Cal Cup F1E California Cup NAME CTRY R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 SCORE Percentage score for each round 150 150 147 150 150 150 150 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 Ian Kaynes GBR 144 126 146 109 137 150 127 627.99 96.00 84.00 99.32 72.67 91.33100.00 84.67 Dominik Andrist SUI 138 144 139 150 130...

sen 2024 2

Table of Contents - SEN 2024 Fab Feb MM Flash Fab Feb Factoids? Number one - greatest weather ever at Lost Hills. Hardest luck story was Reinhard Truppe, F1C flyer from Austria who had an excessive baggage handling problem. His Box that was packed in foam what another outside box had it’s end broken off, clearly some model parts fell out and were just stuffed...

sen 2022 2

Table of Contents - SEN 2022 Brian's Photos North American Cup lent or Lost Brian Furutani Photo of Kiwi Cup and Ike North American Cup Link to online spread sheet North American Cup 2016 F1A Place Name Nat FAI Lic.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 FO1 FO2 FO3 Total 1 Ivan Bezak SVK SVK-1078 240180180180180180 0 493 0 1633 2 Roland...

sen 2021 2

Table of Contents - SEN 2021 Kiwi Cup F1E Some Kiwis can fly NA Flash Lost Kiwi Cup F1E Family Name Given Name Country Number Round 1Round 1Round 2Round 2Round 3Round 3Round 4Round 4Round Round 5Total %Place Sifleet Bob USA 150 100.00 180 100.00 141 78.33 180 100.00 169 93.89 472.22 1 Andrist Dominik SUI Sui39727 150 100.00 180 100.00 180 100.00 180 100.00 128...

sen 2020 2

Table of Contnets - SEN 2020 Kiwi Cup F1S Re SEN 2018 Kiwi Komments Kiwi Cup Horror or horrors according to Leeper we left out F1S out of the previous SEN so here it is .. F1S Family Name Given Name Country Number Rd 0 Ro 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Flyoff Total Place Ivers Dick USA 683557 182 120 120...

sen 2019 2

SEN 2019 Kiwi Cup and Ike Mini events results The spread sheets can be viewed on line at F1B was in the previous SEN Weather - absolutely perfect F1A Family Name Given Name Country Number RoundRoundRoundRoundRoundFlyofFlyofTotal Place Danier Jama CAN 84286 240 180 180 180 240 420 501 1941 1 Findahl Per SWE SWE 15125 240 180 180 180 240 420 465 1905 2...

sen 2107

Table of Contents - SEN 2107 F1C Fuel @ Lost Hills BBT Timer Lost Hills junior building session F1C Fuel at Lost Hills Bill Booth has some F1C fuel identical to that to be used for the Maxmen for sale at his cost. Contact Bill at Lost Hills BBT Timer When I purchased the Stalink Flitetech business from Larry Bagalini, it included band burner timers...

sen 2018 2

SEN 2018 Kiwi Cup 2016 - F1B Family Name Given Name Country Number Round Round Round Round Round FlyoffFlyoffTotal Place Andriukov Alexander USA 548719 240 180 180 180 240 420 441 1881 1 Mathews Tony CAN 7762 240 180 180 180 240 420 399 1839 2 Schroedter Marty USA 91163 240 180 180 180 240 420 385 1825 3 Ghio Walter USA 15325 240 180...

sen 2106

Table of Contents - SEN 2016 Dave Burley Help for North American Cup Model for sale F1C Fuel @ MaxMen Dave Burley In the last SEN John Clapp was asking for information on Dave Burley Dave, working with his friend Ralph Cooney were among the pioneers making on Electronic timers for F1B and Power events. Sadly Dave died last year and unfortunately all the information...

sen 2105

Table of Contents SEN 2105 Lost Hills Update Dave Burley Lost Hills Update We have received some questions about the weather for the upcoming Fab Feb events. There was a winter storm last weekend that had rain in California and snow to low levels ( about 4000 feet) . This storm has now passed and good weather is forecast for the next 2 weeks. This...

sen 2104

Table of Contents - SEN 2104 Top Dude in 16 ? Frank Heeb remembered F1B and Rubber for sale SCAT Annual More FF related CIAM proposals Who will be Top Dude in 16 ? 2015 FF Dude Awards -The best over the 3 Fab Feb Events top 10 shown For the Fab Feb events the Top Dude awards are for the best score over the...

sen 2103

Table of Contents - SEN 2103 Fab Feb Update RDT for Sale Frank Heeb Archive Offer Fab Feb is right around the corner. In the last SEN there were two important items under the Americas Cup Report that concerned the Fab Feb Contests. So for those who skipped over the Am Cup Report, here they are: First, We are moving the AmCup Banquet, held during...

sen 2102

Table of Contents - SEN 2102 Americas Cup 2015 - Final Results Last Call for Fab Feb Rubber Orders SWR FAI Report and results Rubber 4 Sell 2015 AmCup Final Report. The last report detailed the possible outcome depending on the last two contests of the season, Arizona Champs and King Orange. Blake Jensen moved into the F1B lead with his win at Eloy Arizona...

sen 2101

Table of Contents - SEN 2101 Golf cart Rental Awesome April Lost Hills and haggis in the Press Entry link Lost Hills Golf Car Rental From Bill Booth Hi Roger, I just called All Carts the golf cart folks, to make my reservation for the cart we need for Max Men. The proprietor mentioned that a lot of people have called, but I am the...

sen 2100

Table of Contents - SEN 2100 Marvelous March I like Ike or Frank Flying with the Kiwis More on the Lucky Rubber SEN Fab Feb Entrants so far Marvelous March follows Fab Feb The registration for our three ice contests is open now. This year we have a real winter again so the ice is great. Please join us in march ! It starts in...

sen 2099

Table of Contents - SEN 2099 Fab Feb Food and Frank remembered FAI License Clarification Lucky Rubber Fab Feb Food and Frank remembered Gabby's Grill and Cafe will be catering on the field for us during the competition On the dates Feb. 6,7,10,12,13 and 14th We have asked them to be there between 10-2:00pm So please support them In the Kiwi Cup we offer special...

sen 2098

Table of Contents - SEN 2098 USA FAI Fab Feb So Far .. USA FAI License From: Marty Schroedter Aram was kind enough to post in SEN 2080 a way to get our FAI license through NAA for only $45. I followed his directions and went through the step by step procedure without any issue. It seemed too good to be true that it was...

sen 2097

Table of Contents - SEN 2097 Leave it alone Lost Hills Info Lost Hills dates Bumped !! FFQ jan 2016 Vinyl Cutting Leave it alone ... From: Ross Jahnke I agree with Tom, leave F1Q alone for several rule cycles Lost Hills Information Frem: Walt Ghio Lost Hills Information The start of the contest season at Lost Hills is less that a month away....

sen 2096

TABLE OF Contents SEN 2096 Fab Feb Entries so far F1A wings for sale Q Mods again .... ! Feb Feb Entries recieved so far As of about 11 am PST on 7 Jan 2016 for those who are nervous because we might not have got it or those who need motivation Family Name Given Name Country Kiwi Cup &Ike North AmMaxMen Cal Cup F1E...

sen 2095

Table of Contents - SEN 2095 More of the FAI Rules Changes Proposals Sporting Code C Fuel One Size ? More of the FAI Rules Changes Proposals Germany F1Q 3.Q. Change weight limit for energy calculation: The motor run time will be determined by a maximum energy amount. In addition, motor runs over 40 seconds are regarded as overruns. The energy budget of each model...

sen 2094

Table of Contents - SEN 2094 USA Team Selection - Time accumulation H for sale S missing ? Some of the rules changes proposals USA Team Selection Program - Time Accumulation Clarification From: Charlie Jones Time accumulation for advancement to the finals, a clarification: Recently, the TSC has received questions from participants and contest directors regarding contests scheduled for five rounds instead of seven and...

sen 2093

Table of Contents - SEN 2093 FAA, AMA and NFFS 5 or 7 FAA Registration - from the NFFS Web Site Post by JLorbiecki Mon Jan 04, 2016 7:50 am After a long conversation with Dave Mathewson of AMA, I verified that Free Flight models DO NOT need to be registered. We, as FFers, are under the radar in this instance and it is best...

sen 2092

Table of Contents - SEN 2092 North American WCup corrected Flying LiPos Fab Feb Summary - update with MM F1S after additional proof reading by Squire Allnutt a few errors were found so here is the corrected version ... The Toronto Free Flight Group Presents the 2016 North American Cup An FAI World & America's Cup & Team Championship Dates: Wednesday, February 10th 2016 with...

sen 2091

Table of Contents - SEN 2091 Gulf Coast FF Rubber at Fab Feb USA Team Selection event 427 Reasons Fab Feb Summary and entry link Fab Feb FF Suppliers Gulf Coast Free Flight Club. Happy New Year! A group of free flighters in Louisiana are forming a new club called the Gulf Coast Free Flight Club. We are doing this in response to the recent...

sen 2090

Table of Contents - SEN 2090 Online Fab Feb Entry Form Fab Feb Update Chart Plotting Thermistor North American World Cup Event LiPos Online Fab Feb Entry Form Link to online form to all Fab Feb Events Fab Feb Update This issue has the Event Flyer for the North American Cup plus the entry form. It also has the way to enter the Fab...

sen 2089

Table of Contents - SEN 2089 Fab Feb Update FAA UAS Update Cal Cup Info Icare Tracker at Lost Hills Proposal for Am Cup Scoring Fab Feb Update The master plan was to have in this SEN the link to online registration but it has been held up by Toronto's close proximity to the North Pole , the caused early and extended Xmas celebrations which...

sen 2088

Table of Contents - 2088 Ike/Kiwi Winter Classic and World Cup Bob White Maxmen International North American Cup (information to follow) The Isaacson Winter Classic February 06 - 8, 2016 at Lost Hills, California ? ? Join us for one of the premier West Coast Free Flight Contests! We are again hosting the Kiwi New Zealand FAI World Cup. All FAI classes are America's Cup....

sen 2087

SEN 2087 - Table of Contents FAA Update Rubber Response FAA Update The AMA notified it's members today about some legal actions it is taking concerning the FAA Model Aircraft registration requirement and has given its members advice on what they should do. This can be found at . Note the status on this will no doubt change on a regular basis so people...

sen 2086

Table of Contents - SEN 2086 Sympo 2016 Rubber Drone on - FAA ruling and Fab Feb etc Call for Papers for the 2016 National Free Flight Society Symposium. Every year Free Flight modellers receive an invitation to participate in the writing of that year’s Sympo. Their response has been excellent, and this high degree of cooperation has continued through the nearly five decades of...

sen 2085

Table of Contents - SEN 2085 On Symmetrical Spliced Rubber Motors Eloy SWR Time Accumulation On Symmetrical Spliced Rubber Motors The main argument to use 1/16” rubber instead of wider rubber (1/8” and 3/16”) is to narrow the motor’s winding range, typically within about 20 turns. Some claim a smoother winding and more orderly buildup of coils starting above 300 turns. 1/16” rubber also has...

sen 2084

Table of Contents - SEN 2084 Remembering John Morrill America's Cup Report - almost there America's Cup Scores Arizona Champs FAI Results Remembering John Morrill Like Norm Furutani I also would like to send my sincerest sympathy to the relations of John and say that whenever I was over in LA I would make the time to go to Johns place and catch up on...

sen 2083

Table of Contents - SEN 2083 CIAM Bureau Meeting World Cup Schedule AZ Champs In the Press CIAM Bureau Meeting Summary from FFn Bureau meeting in Dubai to coincide with the WAG The core business of the Bureau meeting includes review of the contest calendar and 2016 Champs and plans for the Plenary meeting. Some proposals submitted by Netherlands and Canada on F1C changes had...

sen 2082

Table of Contents - SEN 2082 Qcomments John Morrill Wood is better ? Qomments in SEN 2081 From: Ross Jahnke In the events we are familiar with/grew up with, when there was an engine on the airplane we timed its run in seconds. If it had a rubber band inside we weighed the rubber band separately from the model, if there was no evidence of...

sen 2081

Table of Quontents - SEN 2081 Biggles was right on Q OK Q not that hard Change Q Agreeing with Biggles on F1Q and E-36 vs F1S From: Stan Buddenbohm Biggles was right on with his analysis about the reason for lack of popularity of F1Q as presented in SEN 2080. There is one misunderstanding that seems to be perpetuated around the world though: That...

sen 2080

Table of Contents - SEN 2080 USA FAI licenses Per Grunnet right on F1S, but wrong on F1Q CASA in OZ FAA and sUAS USA FAI licenses FAI licenses (a.k.a. a FAI ‘stamp’) are required for flying abroad as individuals and for team members. In World Cups only those with a FAI license are counted in term of placing and bonus points. Having a FAI...

sen 2079

Table of Contents - SEN 2079 F1E article Pending FAA Decision Lithium Battery F1Q has potential to attract new free flight enthusiasts F1E article in CIAM News The latest edition of the CIAM Flyer is now available: CIAM Flyer (05-2015) - F1E - Fly an FAI Championship Class FAA DECISION on Model Airplanes From: Roger Willis Within the next 60 days, the FAA's recommendations to...

sen 2078

Table of Contents - SEN 2078 AZ in Dec and Jan Bob Klipp AM Cup results Correction Eloy, Arizona - Dec. and Jan. contests From: Peter Brocks On December 5 and 6 the Arizona Free Flight Championships will be held in Eloy, Arizona. This is the last America's Cup and National Cup contest West of the Mississippi for the year 2015. There are FAI, AMA,...

sen 2077

Table of Contents SEN 2077 Eloy events Eurofly Correction Pylon Wanted F1C proposal Clarification Dukie - clarification or commentary Eloy, Arizona - Dec. and Jan. contests From: Peter Brocks On December 5 and 6 the Arizona Free Flight Championships will be held in Eloy, Arizona. This is the last America's Cup and National Cup contest West of the Mississippi for the year 2015. There are...

sen 2076

Table of Contents - SEN 2076 AM Cup Reports USA Jr Team Selection Report F1C - - Part 1 F1C - Part 2 - edited 2015 AmCup Results Report From: Jim Parker The last two contest of the 2015 AmCup season, Arizona Champs (Dec. 5-6) and the King Orange (Dec. 29-31),should have some flyers seeking to either protect their first place position or trying to...

sen 2075

Table of Contents - SEN 2075 Patterson SEN 2074 Eurofly 2105 Eurofly F1B FO 2015 Patterson From: Brian Van Nest First of all I want to thank my wife Janna Van Nest for the round announcement and the scoring. This allowed me to fly. Second a big thanks to Linda Piazza for putting on the BBQ hot dogs, chips, and cookies. This was a nice...

sen 2074

SEN 2074 Rule changes F1C From: Pieter de Boer Dear friends, Last month you received my E-Mail concerning my F1C objections. Lots of reactions where received, mostly supporting. I also got 1 or 2 funny ones. As promised last month, I attached, the content of 4 Dutch proposals. After all it is my inspiration to support F1C flying and keep it a sport for everybody...

sen 2073

Table of Contents - SEN 2073 SW FAI Report and Results Eurofly Remembering Bill Davis Stuff 4 sale F1C proposal 2015 Southwest FAI Challenge October 24 & 25, 2015 Boulder City, Nevada Most of the time when I sit down to write the recap of the Southwest FAI Challenge, I start with the weather, the venue or both. While the SAM Champs competitors who were...

sen 2072

Table of Contents - SEN 2072 F1C Rules Ideas F1As for Sale Bill Davis New Sidus F1B timer F1C Rules ideas From: Leo Reynders Hello Roger, I 'm considering to issue the following safety related rule changes. Comments? 1) Delete the 20 seconds rule for F1C (Sporting Code Section 4, 3.3.5. c). Argumentation: In combination with Radio DT, the 20 s rule provokes unsafe flying....

sen 2071

Table of Contents - SEN 2071 This weekend at Lost Hills- Patterson A Call for Volunteers Patterson Flyer Come and join us this weekend for the Patterson. Experience from the recent Sierra Cup and California FAI events has shown that at this time of the year the prevailing wind is from the North so our plan is to start the contest from the northern flight...

sen 2070

Table of Contents - SEN 2070 Fab Feb SuMMary sen 2068 2016 Fab Feb @ Lost Hills Summary Start and end dates correct some items in the middle marked with * may change day. SAT 6 Feb Kiwi World Cup F1 ABCPQ AMA Events SUN 7 Feb Ike FAI Mini Events F1HGSJ(if you enter before) Even More AMA Events Mon 8 Feb Kiwi World Cup...

sen 2069

Table of Contents - SEN 2069 SW FAI challenege update Missing content ? Found content ? Southwest FAI Challenge From: Bill Booth Hi Roger, Final update before departure. Mike Myers the CD of the SAM Champs that is underway on the lakebed this week reports the lake is dry and wind was around 9 mph about noon today. No rain is predicted and weather forecast...

sen 2068

SEN 2068 - Table of Contnets Sierra Cup California FAI Keep it up, chaps Sierra Cup 2015 EVENT SIERRA CUP SCORING SHEET 2015 F1A NAME COUNTRY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7FO1FO2 FO3 FO4 TotaPlace PecenkovicEnnis BIH F120 210 180 180180180180 180 300 420 2010 1 RosenzweigShlomi USA 1009245 210 180 180180180180 180 300 211 1801 2 Bauer Ken USA 30748 210 180 180180180180...

sen 2067

Table of Contents - SEN 2067 C performance number Dino comments What's Drone C performance comparison - actual numbers From: Ken Faux Roger, In response to Pieter's paper I can add some data from my recent flights with Sidus G2 equiped F1c's. At the trials two weeks ago my verbitski fixed wing model was making between 150 and 155 meters off a 4.1 run. A...

sen 2066

Table of Contents - SEN 2066 Pieter on C Lost Hills Update Sierra Cup Flash Gil and Bill Rocky Mountain Caps krka cup 2015_cancelation_odpoved SEN Sign Up Pieter de Boer on C Dear friends, Following the F1C- rule change discussions in all kind off media, on the field and with privet persons, I think it is time to formulate a collective point of view. Collected...

sen 2065

Table of Contents - SEN 2065 SEN 2063 and SEN 2064 NFFS Presidency SEN 2033/4 Al Boom correction Contrary opinion * AMA Should Turn Away From Multicopters Icare2 GPS tracker

sen 2063 2

Table of Contents - SEN 2063 California Reminder Cal FAI Sierra Cup Looking for tail boom AL FFQ 57 California Reminder The California FAI and Sierra Cup are coming up real soon now Brian and Mike have asked me to give a special reminder for the barbeque banquet on the filed after the fly offs on Saturday night . By request Brian had added F1J...

sen 2063


sen 2062

SEN 2062 - Table of Contents USA Team Selection Update LDA heads Up Harvest Classic Results USA Team Selection Time Accumulation From: Aram Schlosberg So far, the following have entered the team selection program (paying $90 to the AMA) and accumulated time: F1A: Andrew and Peter Barron Kyle Jones Oliver Cai Bob Sifleet Steve Spence F1B: Carrol Allen Paul Crowley Charlie and Ryan Jones Richard...

sen 2061

Table of Contents - SEN 2061 Stonehenge and Equinox Cup Update On the Web

sen 2060

Table of Contents - SEN 2060 AmCup scores and USA Jr Team scores From: Jim Parker All, The 2015-2016 Jr Team scores are shown below. Three of the flyers have the full 300 points possible including at least one of the select contests. The program continues thought the 2016 Max Men contest so there is time to enter the program. There are some Juniors competing...

sen 2059

Table of Contents - SEN 2059 Golf carts at Lost Hills E-36/F1S site update NFFS looking ... In the Press Golf Carts at Lost Hills (opportunity to share delivery costs) From: Roger Simpson Golf Cart rentals for the October 10th and October 11th FAI contests at Lost Hills. Contact Everett Pierce of ALL CARTS in Bakersfield to rent a cart.. 661 836-9800. I have rented...

sen 2058

Table of Contents - SEN 2058 For sale - Fuzeev Thermistor F1C 4 Sec rule Westfac V Derek's F1S site For sale - Fuzeev chart recording thermistor. Fuzeev chart recording thermistor. Full working order with instructions. Complete with carrying case. Offers over £200 Will send anywhere in the world. Peter Brown +44 (0)7871459291 Many thanks Pete F1C 4 sec rule From: Shayne McDonald Hello...

sen 2057

Table of Contents - SEN 2057 F1S Web Site F1C Petition Free Flight Meets at Barron Field Sept 12-13 and Oct 10-11 EUSFFC Buzz Averill E-36, F1S web site Derek McGuckin It's not quite ready. But here it is. The is up. Any constructive feedback is welcome. i'm not happy with the layout so that will change a bit. I listed all the E36...

sen 2056

Table of Contents - SEN 2056 SW FAI Challenge W&O + Skscraper Report Fernando Zito Model cases for sale Trailer for sale scales for sale Thermiksense Championship Blogs 19th SOUTHWEST FAI CHALLENGE OCTOBER 24 & 25, 2015 BOULDER CITY, NEVADA (Reserve Day October 26, 2015) SPONSORED BY THE SAN DIEGO ORBITEERS AND THE BOULDER CITY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AN AMERICAS CUP EVENT AMA SANCTION #15-1949...

sen 2055

Table of Contents SEN 2055 Upcoming FAI Meeting Dates ... For sale F1 glider - Hines Two weeks in Mongolia Australian World Cup 2016 info 2016 World Cup Info Upcoming FAI Meeting Dates have changed The new dates for next FAI Aeromodelling Commission (CIAM) Plenary : CIAM Plenary Meeting will take place on 8 and 9 April 2016 in Lausanne (SUI) at the Moevenpick Hotel....

sen 2054

Table of Contents - SEN 2054 F1E WC Tangent Update F1E world championship From: Bernhard Schwendemann Hello Roger, if you would like to follow the F1E word championship (slope soaring), currently running in Serbia, here is all the news: Best regards Bernhard News from the Willamette Valley Very light turn out for the Tangent Classic this past weekend, perhaps a travel hangover given the...

sen 2053

Table of Contents - SEN 2052 Wilbur and Orville Harvest Classic Feb dates Wilbur and Orville + Skyscrapers' Annual, August 29 and 30 at Barron Field. From: Andrew Barron Dear free flight friends, The Wilbur and Orville free flight meet, organized by Tom Vaccaro, Oliver Cai and Aram Schlosberg, is being held Saturday August 29, followed immediately by the rescheduled events of the Skyscraper Annual,...

sen 2052

Table of Contents - 2052 California FAI Tradition California FAI Flyer Sierra Cup Flyer Virtues of Fly Offs in Shifts Your/Our/My Direction ?? California FAI Tradition Earlier this year you will have read in SEN long time SCAT member, Juan Livotto’s announcement that he was retiring from running the California FAI Invitational contest, usually known to all of us as “The Livotto”, after 40 years....

sen 2051

Table of Contents - SEN 2051 How they see us Woodhouse on TV 5 Rounds How they see us ? From: Anga Enkh-Amgalan on Facebook I was given the chance to stay at the FAI world championships camp for a couple of days to meet different people who are engineers, teachers or just businessmen from all around the world but had gathered for the fascinating...

sen 2050

Table of Contents - SEN 2050 Mongolian Videos Euro Junior Blog Israel Tv Wilbur and Orville SkyScrapers Annual Mongolian Videos From: chris edge Roger, I don't know if it was you asking via SEN but there are three MNB videos with links below :- A to C days respectively :- I can confirm that Tiff and Mike are interviewed but I have...

sen 2049

Table of Contents - SEN 2049 5 or 7 CHEnggis Speaks This'll stir the pigeons Great Grape at Genesco is really Harvest Classic at Wawaynda Request for Site proposals for the USA Team Selection Finals in 2016. On TV World Cup Free Flight Holiday of Mongolia World Cup 2015 The Golden Autumn Cup of Moldovia World Cup The Cup of Moldovia 5 or 7 from...

sen 2048

Table of Contents - SEN 2048 5 Round Rule Change Euro Champs Blog Selling a Fat Cat 5 Round Rule change From: Marty Schroedter After all these months that we've had the announcement that we will be going to 5 rounds next year, I find it interesting that nobody seems to mind this change. Maybe everyone has been too focused on trying to eliminate the...

sen 2047

Table of Contents - SEN 2047 Malcolm's Mongolia Picture F1B model wanted Hidden from Mike ? Euro stuff again Winning trumps geography Thanks and Congratulations NFFS Sympos in UK and Europe 2015 World Champs photos from Mongolia From: Malcolm Campbell Hi Roger Here is the link to my Flickr photos that cover all the competitions held in Mongolia. the photos include the Opening and Closing...

sen 2046

Table of Contents - SEN 2046 NFFS Sympos Shipping Stonehenge and Equinox Mongolia report Geography and Politics not always the same Mongolian TV 2015 NFFS Symposium Now Ready to Ship The 2015 Sympo is now available, and can be purchased on the NFFS website or by check directly from NFFS Publications Service, PO Box 1775, Albany, OR 97321. Cost is still $35 per copy, and...

sen 2045

Table of Contents - SEN 2045 Mongolia by SEN WC Results Mongolia From FB Rocky Mountain Champs Kerger's Komments Mongolia by SEN Executive Summary This was the first time the World Championships for Free Flight Model Airplanes had been held in Asia. The event was hosted by Mongolia, where MASA, the Mongolian Air sport Association did an excellent job in organizing this event. The event...

sen 2044

SEN 2044 - table of Contnets Results Thermilsense WC Results An interesting combination in SEN 2043 - mention of the World Champs website and Bernard Schwendemann - because the organisers F1B results have mysteriously lost Bernard Schwendemann from the F1B results. They have so far failed to rectify it. Ian Kaynes has put the FULL results including the Challenge Cup on his championship results site:...

sen 2043

Table of Contents - SEN 2043 SEN en voyage The SEN editor has been traveling to the Word FF Champs in Mongolia and somewhat busy with limited time and internet access so no SEN has appeared. Normal issues will resume shortly. Information of the World Champs is available on the organizer's web site and in the Free Flight group on FB Pictures from the Scandanvian...

sen 2042

Table of contents - SEN 2041 Mixmen and 4 Huron Photos Mixmen Open International From: John Cuthbert Hi Roger, Some weeks ago I suggested that the MIXMEN Open International, that takes place in Mongolia after the World Champs, could be used to try out the new 2016 rule changes. Well to my surprise they appear to have taken the suggestion on board as according to...

sen 2041

Table of Contents - SEN 2041 Problem with HEC Mail Address Huron Cup Report and Results Lee Polansky all good things are 3 ...[Problem with the HEC link in SEN 2014] From: F1H EURO Challenge in last SEN 2040 is a strange combination of a link + mailadress The vision and goals of this HEC series can be found at when I entered I...

sen 2040

Table of Contents - SEN 2040 Gentlemen in Sweden Mongolian Updates VSM in Mongolia and elsewhere HEC Update Gentlemen in Sweden From: per grunnet At the E36 contest in Sweden June 27 I went to the fly-off with two German fliers, Karl-Heinz Haase and Mike Amthor. We were allowed to decide when we wanted to start the five minute fly-off round - and we made...

sen 2039

Table of Contents - SEN 2039 fantasy FF 1915 Yipee Scandinavian World Cup Report #FantasyFreeFlight: A 1915 Aeromodeling Conversation Here’s a snippet of what modeling was like for the model airplane pioneers 100 years ago, in poem form. Hopefully, this puts you in the mood for #FantasyFreeFlight, starting next week! “A Conversation Between A Model Boy and a Passing Old Lady” By Arthur Elton Nealy...

sen 2038

Table of Contents - SEN 2038 CIAM Plenary Report F!C Protest Update -2 corrected Quay Valley Utopia All Politics are Local Andy's Book CIAM Plenary meeting report From: Chuck Etherington Hi Roger, A report on the CIAM Plenary meeting is available on the NFFS website and contains the following: The Technical Subcommittee (S/C) members in attendance and the countries they represent The S/C voting prior...

sen 2037

Table of Contents - SEN 2037 F1C protest Update -2 D/F FO Futuristic City planned ? Andy Crisp's World How Local can you get ? In the Press - F1C stuff in FFn F1C Protest Update- 2 From : Chuck Etherington On behalf of the U.S. F1C flyers and other interested parties, a similar letter has been sent to the AMA for the purpose of...

sen 2036

Table of Contents - SEN 2036 F1C Protest Update for sale Aeris RDT RDT FO not PC or worse? California FAI Invitational FFQ#56 F1C Protest update From: Leslie Farkas I am pleased to inform you that thanks to the support of 132 modellers from fifteen countries, the Model Aeronautics Association of Canada has formally submitted its request to Mr. Ian Kaynes, CIAM and FAI to...

sen 2035

Table of Contents - SEN 2035 Looking for ... Another kit? J O'D on D/T FO (How's that for a string of letters) AM Cup and USA Jnr Team Update Victor Stamov Memorial and Free Flight Revival SCAT Black Cup #1 Looking for Valensa F1b plan From: Peter Brecker Hello Roger, I recently received a kit of the above mentioned model, marketed by W-Hobby and...

sen 2034

Table of Contents - SEN 2034 Scandinavian Free Flight Week Lost Hills Kids Summer camp Message from a sponsor Scandinavian Free Flight Week Results are online at Lost Hills Kids Summer Camp SCAT Members Jim Parker and Roger Morrell worked with Claudia, the community organizer to run a Free Flight model building and flying session for the Lost Hills community. This was held in...

sen 2033

Table of Contents SEN 2033 Colorado F1E correction F1S and the America's Cup Global Wind FB Photo question Whoops - Colorado Correction From: Jerry Murphy Hi Roger, Some how an error on the date for the F1E competition made its way into SEN 2029. The F1E competition will be flown on Friday July 10. Could there be a correction posted some time soon? Thanks for...

sen 2032

Table of Contents - SEN 2032 D/T FO Hit the Silk More on the D/T FO Canada Cup Huron Cup A Thought about D/T Flyoffs. From: John Barker Has anyone considered timing the model from the time when the D/T should be started until the time the model lands and then subtracting this from the flight time. This gets over the problem of the 'late...

sen 2031

Table of Contents - SEN 2031 Not all D/Ts are = Neither are the interpretations Dino says not all D/Ts are equal From: michael achterberg Better make sure everyone has same DT angle. 30 degrees DT is a lot slower than 45.. So if not all same angle not very equitable.. But sometimes it must be done to complete results.. It's free flight.. Thermals, Michael...

sen 2030

Table of Contents - SEN 2030 On the Database How to D/T a Haggis... ...With your Magic Timer Observations from last weekend And the Turks too On the Database From: Ian Kaynes Roger FAI Sporting Licence Database As a clarification to your good summary of the subject: The National Aero Club enters their licences direct on to the FAI database and there is no fee...

sen 2029

Table of Contents - SEN 2029 Hungarian or Bulgarian ? Are you in the database ? MMM reminder On the Net – 1, the Hungarians are one minute up on the Bulgarians? The World Cup events this year seem to be a little more cursed (the opposite of blessed?) at fly off time with too much wind. So this has prompted the organizers to use...

sen 2028

Table of Contents - SEN 2028 Leeper Looking for Mechanical timers Skyscraper Annual Tan 2 for sale Lee Hines Long time club member and glider guy Lee Hines fell recently and broke his hip. He has had surgery and is recovering well. He is still in the hospital but is expected to be out soon. I'm sure that Lee would like to hear from all...

sen 2027

Table of Contents - SEN 2027 Bob Hatcheck Memorial FAI Challenge May 30-31 '15 Wawayanda NY Free flight friends, Here attached are the results from the Bob Hatschek International Challenge, May 30-31, 2015, courtesy of contest director Alan Abriss. We had five competitors in each of F1A, F1B, and F1Q, four in F1G, plus ten in other AMA and FAI events, and many others flew...

sen 2026

Table of Contents SEN 2026 Bob Tymchek Progress 6 Reasons to Buy Free Flight Aircraft - or what Ebay says about us SCAT BLACK CUP dates Bob Tymchek Progress Sue Tymcheck wanted us to let Bob's friends know that Bob had the additional corrective surgery on his hip and is doing well. Bob is a former USA F1B team member and renowned F1B flight commentator...

sen 2025

Table of Contents - SEN 2025 Glider Highway Landing The Sequel F1B for sale Democracy in Action Kudos to Leslie from the Dinos F1C Rulings Glider Highway Landing The Sequel From: Ken Bauer Longtime SEN readers may remember the story I wrote around 12 years ago of a hand launch glider that landed in the middle of Interstate 5 Freeway in Southern California and miraculously...

sen 2024

Table of Content - SEN 2024 Not really about F1C but rather the Rules and the Process F1B (or any other) models for sale In the press - Observations and a constructive suggestion Not really about F1C but rather the Rules and the Process From: Leslie Farkas Based on the number of sportsmen who signed the petition opposing the 4 seconds engine run and the...

sen 2023

Table of Contents - SEN 2023 F1C Rules re-visited For sale - stuff More F1C observations F1C rules revisited From: Allard van Wallene -Flappers/folders (geared or non-geared) have lower drag and as such attain higher speed than fixed wing models and get higher. Hence the altitude penalty by cutting away the last second of a 5 second run is bigger than a fixed wing ship...

sen 2022

Table of Contents - 2022 B stuff for sale F1C F1C petition reminder Still some F1B items left in the Bernard sale From: Bernard Guest Hi All, So Still have some key items for sale (I have pictures if you want them): 1. Really nice new 190 cm LDA, 2 servo fly off and rounds F1B. This is the latest Tony Matthews/Brian Eggleston design and...

sen 2021

Table of Contents - SEN 2021 Kommunication is King on C RDT Remote Dethernalization of F1C Models - Kaynes Further RDT Clarification - Etherington Allards F1C reply Dino on SEN 2020 Should we really be talking about RECO - Schlosberg Marty Thompson F1C Aussie style Kommunication is King on C RDT In this issue we have 3 important posting on the RDT for F1C Firstly...

sen 2020

Table of Content - SEN 2020 It's the flappers and folders not the gears Argentinean freeflight National 2015 2015 Big Al’s Contest Report Marty Thompson F1C....RDT Possible interpretation. F1C question F1C Rulings 2020 It's the flappers and folders not the gears From: Allard van Wallene With all due respect, I am surprised to see respected F1C flyers throwing geared engines in the equation to suit...

sen 2019

Table of Contents - SEN 2019 Response to Allard's F1C comments More on the F1C petition F1C RDT Rule - what's in it? Few and far between Hotel for MMM events in Colorado Summer in Sweden Response to Allards F1C comments From: John Cuthbert I have known Allard for many, many years and have huge respect for him as a F1A flyer, model designer and...

sen 2018

Table of Contents - SEN 2018 F1C Petition The Glass is only 25% full for a Dino Still looking for a RDT explantion RDT in Practice F1C 4 Seconds Engine Run Petition Please sign our petition if you disagree with the new F1C rule change: The petition originated in Canada The Glass is only 25% full for a Dino (with ref to Allard's half...

sen 2016

Table of Contents - SEN 2016 Ron Pollard Correction C Test ? Stonehenge and Equinox Cups - Info and Entry Forms Rest of .. F1C RDT Conversation from FB Ron Pollard Correction Just a correction to latest SEN. Something wrong with the message attributed to Mike Woodhouse re Ron Pollard, a much lamented modeller and fully worthy of the tributes in today's SEN. However, Ron...

sen 2015

Table of Contents - SEN 2015 Ron Pollard SEN 2014 and C Testing the new CIAM rules Dino to C Boys Low Cost F1A Ron Pollard From Michael Woodhouse on FB For those of you who haven't heard Ron Pollard died suddendly of heart failure last Saturday. Ron made it onto the F1B time for the UK many times with his best place at the...

sen 2014

SEN 2014 - table of Contents F1C and the CIAM Chris and Damjan on FB RDT on FB Who attended the CIAM FF Tech meeting F1C and the CIAM We received Damjan uli?'s posting below. Seeing this posting addressed a previous posting on FB from Chris Edge we have included Chris's posting so that Damjan's would not be taken out of context. These posting address...

sen 2013

Table of Contents - SEN 2013 More from FB on F1C SEN and E-36/F1S USA source for some competition Engines F1C week at Lost Hills 36th MMM 14 Round FAI event Simple F1G models SCAT member Comments from FB F1C The Models I fly against at Lost Hills during World Cup Contests that are doing 10 min are your folders and direct drive fixed...

sen 2012

Table of Contents - SEN 2012 Plan books for sale The Doc on C and P East on C Where is the tipping point tipping us? Misc Planbooks for Sale From:     Martin Dilly Hi Roger, A very belated congratulations and thanks for the first two thousand. Looking at some of the recent contributions which you felt needed a bit of editing to calm things...

sen 2011

SEN 2011 - Table of Contents Photos from Oz F1C Rules - Zulic There is an opportunity there ... F1C Rules - Dixon Sick Rules Dude Photos from Narrandera and West Wyalong Some of Malcolm Campbell's excellent photos of this year's Australian World Cup and supporting events F1C rules..... From: Damjan Zulic I actually have a feeling that those changes that have been made...

sen 2010

Table of Contents - SEN 2010 Alarming Disconnect F1C guy at the meeting F1C? Idea for a transition Exiting FF sale 2017 USA Team Selection program approved Big Al's Flyer Alarming Disconnect From:     Gene Ulm The disconnect between flyers and rules-makers is alarming.  The F1c four second rule was JUST ONE of a raft of proposals put forward by GBR, many of which would...

sen 2009

Table of Contents - SEN 2009 CIAM Meeting Perspective and Vote Not just F1C, the number rounds too SEN Policies and missing articles FW: Thank you Missing articles issue CIAM Meeting Perspective And Vote From: Chuck Etherington I would like to offer some perspective on the CIAM Plenary meeting. As usual, the performance-limiting proposals represent the area of greatest interest to US flyers. Of the...

sen 2008

Table of Contents - SEN 2008 1000 Cuthbert on C - GBR Johannes - USA Pope - AUS Dino Arm Chair Ace Ross Jahnke posted in Free Flight There are a number of Free Flight groups on FaceBook but the one we work with the most is  just called Free Flight and it  was set up by Ross Jahnke - F1B and other stuff sportsman...

sen 2007

Table of Contents - SEN 2007 F1C issue Roberts - USA Pangell et al - USA Lovins - USA Lorbiecki - USA Boutillier - France Buskell - Canada Simpson - USA McDonald - Australia Achterberg - USA Arm Chair F1ABC 4 second rule From: Mike Roberts Roger I too am troubled by the new 4 second rule. Beyond what others have already stated, I don't...

sen 2006

Table of Contents - SEN 2006 4 sec More F1C from FB Nick' Suggestions 4 sec F1c.. After hearing from power flyers this rule change did more harm than good.. For all the talk about balancing the field and creating Interest back in power this does just the opposite.. And in a Big way.. Instead of controlling the technology and opening up the event for...

sen 2005

Table of Contents - SEN 2005 Am Cup to date BFMA FFFnow at NFFS Shop On Martin Dilly ideas. America Cup results so far - with individual placings Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen: SWR 11 Ike 14 NAC 12 MM 15 SCA 10 SAN 5 NCA 0 F1A 1 Parker, Jim 77 SWR-2 NAC-1 MM-2 SCA-5* SAN-4* 2 Rosenzweig, Shlomi 66 SWR-1...

sen 2004

Table of Contents - SEN 2004 CIAM Meeting Joe Wagner F1C Tail Booms for Sale CIAM Meeting editorial The Models The only changes to the F1ABC World Champs class models was the reduction of the F1C engine run from 5 seconds to 4 seconds and the requirement to have an operating RDT system for F1C models. In the Mini-events and F1E flappers and folder were...

sen 2003

Table of Contents - SEN 2003 CIAM Decisions Summary Reality Check Guys Best of both Worlds Dino thanks Chuck SEN 2k Summary of CIAM F1 Decisions Information in text from Chuck Etherington - some transcriptions issues pg 25 (a) 3.1.1 [Ban variable geometry in all classes - Germany] withdrawn. Pg 25 (b) 3.1.2 [F1A - 40 m towline - Poland] withdrawn. Pg 25 (c) [...

sen 2002

Table of Contents - SEN 2002 Best Wishes for Marty Thompson 2001 Tucson Pro Dino Now Best Wishes for Marty Thompson From: Ed Carroll To: SEN Roger. Can you post a note that Marty Thompson is quite ill and in an Oregon hospital ? Prayers and good wishes from the modeling community are appreciated at this time. Best, Ed Carroll Re: SEN 2001 or rather...

sen 2001

Table of Contents - SEN 2001 Ivor F Proposals Fashionistas SEN 2000 Ivor F Ivor F (VH 1) (AUS 1) has maxed out, last seen ascending in a thermal, DT'd. A celebration of his life will be held at the Pinegrove Cemetery, Minchinbury NSW at 10.00 am Tuesday 28th April 2015, followed by sandwiches and a few drinks at the Rooty Hill RSL. Regards Tahn...

sen 2000

Table of Contents - SEN 2000 2000 Miles stone Cost Management ? Fuss about timing F1S Motor runs French Frequency Thicker towline 2000 SEN! From: Jim Bradley Roger, Let me be the first,?likely not really the first, to congratulate you on the 2000 issue of SEN.? Your contributions have effected the entire Free Flight community through the world.? Thank you very much. Jim Bradley, USA...

sen 1999

Table of Contents - SEN 1999 Now that we've polled .. Link to the poll 66th Inter City Allowing hinged surfaces - flaps The Dino likes flaps too Optimal Question ... and answer Now that we've polled... From: Gene Ulm I don't think those supporting draconian rule changes, in particular banning existing models or technology, are thinking through the consequences. The cost associated with builder...

sen 1998

Table of Contents - SEN 1998 Flapper FAI Proposals F1S Optimal Tracking Re SEN 1996 Flapper From: Bernhard Schwendemann (response on Aram Schlosberg's notes in SEN1995) For most technical sports is a usual procedure to review and adapt the rules if necessary from time to time. Same is currently ongoing for the free flight classes, in focus are mainly the performance and the complexity in...

sen 1997

Table of Contents - SEN 1997 NFFS Survey Hear hear F1S E-36 as F1S Gob Smacked out of the field Dino Update NFFS Survey Link The NFFS did a survey of USA Free Flight flyers on the proposed FAI rule changes as an aide to how the USA would vote in the up coming CIAM meeting. The results are catorgrized based on if the respondent...

sen 1996

Table of Contents - SEN 1996 contENts, F1S, nitpick, etc... FFQ FAC @ Perris contENts, F1S, nitpick, etc... From: Lee Hines Sir SENer RM, I for one have had many a guffaw uPOn opening the latESt SEN misSIves, to observe if the header has an interesting spelling/misspelling to triGGer my variable pulse rate...or nOT. HeNCe, I for one apPREciate our somEWhat dislexic SEN RedaCTuers' siGNatory...

sen 1995

Table of contents - SEN 1995 Now is Now F1S Nit Pick - ? Barron Field Activities Flapper Manifesto Now is Now From: Ross Jahnke Dear Adrian, I could build two Gollywocks in the time it takes to assemble and adjust a modern "store bought" F1B. As far as I can tell the chase is at least as long and the trees just as magnetic...

sen 1994

Table of Contnets - SEN 1994 BFMA FFF at NFFS soon Frank Frank 2015 AMA Nats - Indoor events - Hotel deal Then and Now The 2015 BMFA Free Flight forum soon Report Available from NFFS. In about a week, the 2015 FF Forum will be available from NFFS Publications Services. The price will be $25 plus shipping of $5.75 in the US. Watch this...

sen 1993

Table of Contents - SEN 1993 Frank Schlachta 2015 BFMA FF Forum Report Unintended Consequences Truth of Aermodelling Why we have different classes of Free Flight Frank Schlachta From: Leslie Farkas With great sadness we have to inform you that our friend and outstanding Canadian F1C flier for decades, Mr. Frank Schlachta have passed away on April 3rd. 2015. He will be dearly missed by...

sen 1992

SEN 1992 - Table of Contents Lost Hills SEN Colorado Comments Lost Hills Update The grass that grew because of the small amount of rain this winter has already sprouted, if that's the right word, seeds so there are now stickers to get in your socks. Heads up for the up coming meetings. SEN Mailbox We got a great load of junk mail that filled...

sen 1991

Table of Contents - SEN 1991 Mentor Award USA 2016 Junior Team program I never heard of such a thing Mini-Tri Our F1 Enjoyment to C or not to C, SAM? Ethanol Fuel? Mentor Award I would like to publically thank SCAT and the NFFS for bestowing upon me the perpetual Mentor Award. My support of Jr. F1B flyer Jace Pivonka has been personally rewarding...

sen 1990

SEN 1990 - Table of Contents Fly - be happy Good news Dep F1P CIAM Proposals Bernard is right Shame on you Don't worry, fly happy From: Ken Bauer Sorry but I find most of the rules talk rather silly. We seem to forget that the world changes and people change. So tweak the contest formats if needed but leave the airplane specs alone for...

sen 1989

Table of Contents - SEN 1989 SAM FAI Power Section 4 SEN and tapping rubber re 1988 ditto Ed comment Play it again, SAM From: Gil Morris To Ross Jahnke: "Evidence of this phenomenon (referring to old roots) can be found in the SAM events which reverted to the rules of the early 20th century and are nearly extinct in the early 21st." These are...

sen 1988

Table of Contents - SEN 1988 American FAI Freeflighters Dukie ? Other F1 events ? American FAI free flighters If you have received your FAI Rules Change survey, please take the time to complete. Check your spam file. It may be there. If you inadvertently did not receive it, please email Thanks. Gene Ulm Dukie's folly: Doug Galbreath seems to feel that if only...

sen 1987

Table of Contents - SEN 1987 Links to FAI Rules changes Verbitsky and Snakes Gil is with the Duke But Ross sees it differently Links to FAI Rule change information Hi Roger, Could you please post this link? It’s the CIAM F1 proposals on the NFFS website: Someone also mentioned putting the link to for anyone who wants to read ALL the proposals...

sen 1986

Table of contents - SEN 1986 Seen Walston For sale Back to the Future Classic 3 Wheel Chase Machine Trivia Help Wanted Verbie Motor Wanted $150 Walston Rx on Ebay... From: Greg Stewart $100.00 for a limited time You watched at $250.00. It was just discounted to $150.00. WALSTON RETRIEVER RECIEVER MODEL DTR-3 & ANTENNA, USED $150.00 for a limited time 1 left at this...

sen 1985

Table of Contents - SEN 1985 SCAT Annual Report Timing proposal

sen 1984 2

Table of Contents - SEN 1984 CIAM meeting info AFFS Champs Banning Flaps CIAM Meeting The agenda for the CIAM Aprils meetings along with various reports is available on the FAI Web site goto the Meeting section and expand this to see 2015 and Plenary meeting. Under the plenary meeting there are many documents. The first document, the agenda has all the proposed rule...

sen 1984

Table of Contents - SEN 1984 CIAM meeting info AFFS Champs Banning Flaps CIAM Meeting The agenda for the CIAM Aprils meetings along with various reports is available on the FAI Web site goto the Meeting section and expand this to see 2015 and Plenary meeting. Under the plenary meeting there are many documents. The first document, the agenda has all the proposed rule...

sen 1983

Table of Contents - SEN 1983 Trails 90 for sale Favionics fxZero Taibi Event 2 Honda Trail 90 s for sale Call Peter Allnutt in Taft on 661 763 5039 Favionics fxZero From: GEF Favionics is pleased to introduce a new, low cost flight controller for the freeflight community. fxZero is targeted at beginners and value minded fliers and offers special pricing for juniors. More...

sen 1982

Table of Contents - SEN 1982 SCAT Annual Reminder Retro-Fitting round booms Where have all the hobby shops gone - gone to ladies ... SCAT Annual Reminder SCAT Annual Reminder- Revised March 14 and 15, 2015. Full flyer in SEN #1975 (Feb25,2015) and NFFs Contest Calendar New for 2015: P30, 1/2A Nos Gas, ABC Combo Gas Custom Laser Wood Plaque Trophies by the Malkhasyan's Shlomi,...

sen 1981

Table of Contents - SEN 1981 Moose Cup Wanted Got used to it The rules of golf golf ball The numbers are the wrong way New Sidus F1C Timer Square Booms for F1A Moose Cup Flash F1_ Pos FAI Licens Name Country TOT F1A 1 50520 John Carter GBR 1908 F1A 2 3214 Janne Savolainen FIN 1901 F1A 3 71391 Kosma Huber SWE 1693 F1B...

sen 1980

Table of Contents - SEN 1980 It's called progress ... SEN Mailbox It's called progress. get used to it From Peter Allnutt I’ve heard from various aero model sportsmen that in the computer (I don’t have one) there are some strange and somewhat bizarre ideas to change some rules for F1A, F1B and F1C. The reasons appear, for the most part that models have too...

sen 1979

Table of Contents - SEN 1979 Ike Results Altimeter Timer Dino 1 Kanga-Dino 2 Ike Winter Classic Non-FAI event scores 2015 Isaacson Winter Classic Saturday MacCready HLG Total Place Tim Batiuk 112 39 44 110 79 71 301 1 Don DeLoach 106 70 105 54 57 85 296 2 Jace Pivonka 59 82 56 67 77 53 226 3 Bill Koran 48 71 65 184...

sen 1978

Table of Contents - SEN 1978 MaxMen Q and Minis North American 2015 Report Ron Felix's 25g F1B Experiment Altimeter Comment Remaining Maxmen Results - Q plus the Minis Max Men 2015 F1Q Place Name Nat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total 1 Shmuel Sitton ISR 180 180 180 160 180 180 180 1240 2 Ian Kaynes GBR 180 137 180 180 180...

sen 1977

Table of Contents - SEN 1977 Thermals for sale Altimeters Nothing is new Missing Canuk C North American Cup F1C Results Dudes fixed Big Al - pre view Thermal detector machine- for sale From: Shauli Rejwan This is an enquiry e-mail via from: FOR SALE: Thermal detector machine by Leonid Fuzyev. Includes trimmers for wind and temperature sensitivity. Transmit by RC. Has 3 modes...

sen 1976

Table of Contents - SEN 1976 Stonehenge Date Change Looking for a Wider Torque meter Re SEN 1975 Little Dudes List Unsub Stonehenge Cup Change of Date From: Due to updated Military activity on Salisbury Plain, the date of the STONEHENGE CUP has been amended. The STONEHENGE CUP will now be combined with the EQUINOX cup. They will be 2 separate one day events...

sen 1975

Table of Contents - SEN 1975 Fab Feb Finished Photos and More Free Flight Dude Lost Hammer Comming up soon - SCAT Annual Fab Feb Finished One of the greatest Fab Feb ever. In the almost 2 week period from the Wednesday before the Ike/Kiwi Cup to the President’s Day holiday we only had 2 days without completely perfect weather. On the Kiwi Cup Saturday...

sen 1974

SEN 1974 - Table of Contents E-36 Wolrd Open Report North American World Cup 2nd E-36 World Open Report From: Don DeLoach The much anticipated second annual E-36 World Open was held Saturday, February 7 in Lost Hills. The day opened with very nice weather, 50 degrees F and overcast with light and variable winds until 11:00 a.m., at which point a light rain began....

sen 1973

SEN 1973 - Table of Contents MaxMen F1 B, C and P Cal Cup F1E Maxmen F1BC and P Weather - fANTASTIC Max Men 2015 F1B Place Name Nat FAI Lic.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 FO1 FO2 FO3 Total 1 Alex Andriukov USA USA-548719 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 420 428 2168 2 Igor Vivchar UKR UKR-106 240 180 180...

sen 1972

Table of Contents - SEN 1972 Max Men 2015 F1A Place Name Nat FAI Lic.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 FO1 FO2 FO3 Total 1 Ivan Bezak SVK SVK-1078 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 420 481 2191 2 Jama Danier CAN CAN-84286 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 420 436 2146 3 Eyal Galor ISR ISR-4-41486 210 180 180 180...

sen 1971

Table of Contents - SEN 1971 Kiwi Komments Kiwi F1E Brian's Photos Regrets from Ross Note from the USA TSC North American Cup Kiwi Komments Almost perfect flying conditions on the World Cup day, only spoilt by on and off rain that started about round 3. Even with the rain the air was solid resulting the big fly off participation. The regular part of the...

sen 1970

Table of Contents - SEN 1970 Kiwi World Cup and Ike Winter Classic FAI Results Kiwi Cup 2015 F1A Place Name Nat FAI Lic.No. 1 2 3 4 5 FO1 Total 1 Ivan Bezak SVK SVK-1078 210 180 180 180 180 452 1382 2 Roland Koglot SLO SLO-174007 210 180 180 180 180 426 1356 3 Per Findahl SWE SWE-15125 210 180 180 180 180...

sen 1969

Table of Contents - SEN 1969 VSM at Lost Hills regaining focus . Kiwi Cup Results Online Link.. Invitation to VSM at Fabulous February in Lost Hills/ California Dear participants of Fabulous February, You are welcome to fly at on any free contest day at sunrise with us your VSM session J Trim your model for best gliding mode, it will help to win the...

sen 1968

Table of Contents - SEN 1968 In the Press Real Prob? North American Cup Update Congrats Steps on a Pathway Dilly's POV Perf Reduction 20 Year Old Dino A Bat speaks Buddy's POV In the press Interesting article about doing something .. A couple of years back I had the opportunity to talk with AMA president. He said that the AMA and the FAI were...

sen 1967

Table of Contents SEN 1967 Fab Feb Clarifications FF Dude Award AM Cup banquet and More F1A wings for Sale Ping Pong Ball experiment Only Change the fly off Dukie's POV Leslie's input Fab Feb Clarifications The Kiwi World Cup with deviate from standard FAI rules in that it will be flown from a flight line with no pole positions. No time keepers will be...

sen 1966

Table of Contents - SEN 1966 Rules - update, mission and moratorium Wisdom from the professor Gob Smacked 2 re SEN 1965 - Tasmania re SEN 1965 - Stuart Mike the Dino on 1965 Rules meeting update , mission and moratorium The organizers of the fab Feb events with some help are working on getting a site. We have identified one and are waiting for...

sen 1965

Table of Contents - SEN 1965 F1B for sale Meeting Suggestion Looking for an Audio tach F1C in it's final stages Meeting Caution F1B For sale: F1B model ready to fly, build by Stepan Stefanchuk . • wing span 1710 m"m covered by Icarex. • variable pitch front end. • mechanical timer * The model is in good condition and fly very good. * I...

sen 1964

Table of Contents - SEN 1964 USA Team Fund Raiser SWR Results and Report Roy's Request Dino dept Team Finals U.S.A. team fundraiser at Fab Feb Jim Lueken and Bill Booth are sponsoring a U.S. team fundraiser that begins at Fab Feb. It will be in the form of a raffle. The prizes? Three plaques, each one will have a one-of-a-kind original metal litho plate...

sen 1963

Table of Contents - SEN 1963 Roy's Request F1 or F Frank? 2015 Rules reminder Crows Dinos Roy's Request for Fab Feb Hi Roger. Re all the rules talk. Over the next few weeks there will be many FAI flyers, from many different countries in Lost Hills. It seems to me it would be a good idea to have a meeting of those flyers that...

sen 1962

Table of Contents - SEN 1962 Ice Contests Joy Lost Hills Info Golf carts for FabFeb talking about SEN on FB More on the THE proposals Ice Contests Entry Open ! From Per Findahl Hi Roger ! Do you think you can post this on Scat ? " The registration for our three ice contests are now open. This year we have a real winter...

sen 1961

Table of Contents - SEN 1961 Mentor of the year - Nomination. Rubber etc at the fab Feb Rules - Buskell -c Rules - Achterberg- b Rules - Lenartowicz - a Nomination Request for 2015 Mentor of the Year Award At the AmCup Banquet, we award the Mentor of the Year Award. SCAT is requesting nominations for 2015. A simple email with a short description...

sen 1960

Table of Contents - SEN 1960 Memorial Services for Kenny Happersett Ross on Ron Correction to CIAM Proposal Further Timing thoughts Unexpected Consequences of Technology Memorial Services for Kenny Happersett will be held at. Heritage Memorial 27712 East Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach, Ca. 92647 January 30, 2015 At. 2:00 P.M. Ron Young Ross on Ron Ron's comments were very interesting, I would love to attend...

sen 1959

Table of Contents - SEN 1959 Remembering Dino Toys Ron's Challenge Remembering Ken Happersett R.I.P. I've known him since middle '70's, very good friend and competitor Alberto Dona Hello; My good friend Kenny has passed away. He will be missed by all that knew him. Truly a great person that would help anyone with any model project they inquired about. I will miss our bi...

sen 1957

Table of Contents - SEN 1957 From Bernard - who Launched the FB discussion Cost Haggis F1B Motors Truth of ? Alan Jack's POC KEY ISSUE Nick's Tech Sport Article - Joyner Electronic Timing Conversation from FB Changes to FAI Rules - Edmonson John Cuthbert's Perspective Dave Edmonson's piece is of interest because he illustrates the people have lots of different reasons for non longer...

sen 1956

Table of Contents - SEN 1956 Non-Debate on FB A Marketer's POV F1B Rules Change SCAT Annual Flyer Non-Debate on FB Editors comment There has been a long one sided discussion on FB about the BFMA proposal for significant and staged changes to the FAI FF rules. The discussion is one sided because virtually all postings were against the proposals. There one statement by a...

sen 1955

Table of Contents - SEN 1955 Comment of F1B Proposal - Andriukov Dear mr sen 2014 America's Cup Report and Final Results *Comment on the Proposal - F1B* Instant start gives about 80% of DPR advantage. Delay gives 20%. I began using DPR with 0.8 or 0.9 sec. Now I use 0.2 sec - no difference, more reliable launch. Some fliers use 0.01 sec delay...

sen 1954

Table of Contents - SEN 1954 Clarification Comment F1B - Joyner Comment F1A - Aberlenc Use Technology, don't kill it Comment Philosophy - Jahnke F1C Proposal Clarification In the previous issue Ian Kaynes pointed us to documents on the FAI web site. One was document written by Ian from an over perspective of the FFTSC and summarized the the FFTSC's things and various submission that...

sen 1953

Table of Contents - SEN 1953 help from Ian FFTSC document UK proposal Help From Ian Roger For info my article and list of free flight proposals which was in FFn is on FAI web site under free flight documents The full agenda of proposals is not yet published , when it is it will appear on the CIAM website under the tabs About...

sen 1952

Table of Contents - SEN 1952 Verbitsky Models and Motors In the Press Thermal Detector for Sale F1Hs for Sale Happersett Update Verbitsky models and motors from Verbitsky Dear friends, I have possiblity to sell now following: 1.Some engines "VE" with 3-blades propellers (about 10-15pieces) ready to fly. This engines are produced in 2014 - 2015 years. 2.Two flapper models with gear engines. This models...

sen 1951

Table of Contents - SEN 1951 Kiwi, North American and MaxMen Update Transport help wanted Thermal machine for sale F1C Stuff for sale Fab- Feb - Kiwi, North America and Maxmen World Cups !!!!! Update Firstly that Tony Mathews tells us that at popular request they have added F1Q to the North American Cup and the revised flyer in included in the updated information bundle...

sen 1950

Table of Contents - SEN 1950 Kenny Happersett For sale Ken Happersett We recently got notification from Linda Hodge, Ken Happersett's daughter to say Ken is seriously ill in hospital with cancer. I'm not sure at the moment what the best way would be to get in touch with Ken but his email is Ken is well known USA F1C flyer, USA Team Member...

sen 1949

Table of Contents - SEN 1949 Dave Anderson - A little more Dave remembered For Sale King Orange Dave Anderson - A little more From: Adrian Bryant Sorry Rodger. Dave was 84. My memory not what it should be. All the best for 2015 Adrian Bryant Dave - Remembered From: Pierre CHAUSSEBOURG I met David Anderson in the seventies when he was coming to the...

sen 1948

Table of Contents - SEN 1948 Dave Anderson Southwest FAI Challenge Free Ride? Fab Feb More Stuff World Cup Results Link Dave Anderson From: Adrian Bryant Good morning Roger. Dave Anderson passed away on the morning of the 27th. He was 74. Dave was a well known Australian a/2 flyer { didn't like the new name of F1A]. Dave was well known on flying fields...

2014 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog. Here's an excerpt: A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 6,200 times in 2014. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 5 trips to carry that many people. Click here to see the complete report.

sen 1947

Table of Contents - SEN 1947 MaxMen NFFS @ AMA Expo F1A World Cup Resolved Response to Mike USA Team selection ? USA Team Selection Proposal Response to Aram F1ABC - lateral think FFQ 54 2015 Bob White Memorial Max Men International An FAI World Cup and Americas Cup Event February 12–16, 2015 Bissonette Mirage Field, Lost Hills California, USA F1E: Thursday February 12 Organized...

sen 1946

Table of Contents - SEN 1946 Further Fab Feb Am Cup and belated Merry Xmas Chris like the Swedish Tiered Approach Like Dukie Further Fab Feb A couple of people have reported some difficulty in downloading the Fab Feb Bundle. On a Windows computer you download it and save it - it is a Zip file or compressed archive. You then just click on the...

sen 1945

Table of Contents - SEN 1945 World Cup Scoring - Kaynes Re Dukie on C Re: 1943 Proposals are Us Happy News Dept RE: World Cup Scoring From: Ian Kaynes Roger World Cup bonus point counting. Welcome to Aram's suggestion of World Cup counting. I still prefer the proposal which the CIAM FFSC made in 2013 that the numbers counted for bonus points were the...

sen 1944

Table of Contents - SEN 1944 F1A Saga Update For Sale Kounting Kerfuffle F1A Saga Update The FB saga conspiracy theory around the F1A World Cup appears to get more ridiculous with an unknown Hungarian flyer appearing on FB and making comments against the original proposition and the other sportsman.. The name used by this person does appear to match any known FIA FF sportsman!...

sen 1943

Table of Contents - SEN 1943 Fab Feb Packet Version 2 Dukie on F1C For sale Mike's Rant North American Flyer Fab Feb Packet version 2 The following link has version 2 of the Fab Feb packet with latest updated Ike/Kiwi, North American and Maxmen World Cup Flyers and Entry Information.Info. Get them and send in your entries. Plus details of all the other events...

sen 1942

Table of Contents - SEN 1942 Good News AZ Champs Results Looking for a ST 15 header Kerfuffle Kontinues Good news - Napa students enjoy gliders field trip From: Gene Ulm Dear oh master of sen Please see link below. Can this be reprinted in the sen? Editor's comment I did not reprint the article because it's copyright but as an added benefit if...

sen 1941

Table of Contents - SEN 1941 Big Nelson Binos FAI Proposals Top Level Misnomers Dear Promotor Hanukkah Open 2014 Looking for a big Nelson From: trevor payne has anyone out there got a nelson combat 36 or 41 to sell I use them for open power. thanks “(Please) use my binoculars” In flyoffs, binoculars can be critical, particularly when there is a single timer per...

sen 1940

Table of Contents - SEN 1940 A view from the outside A view from the inside Alternative F1C idea Bernard's Winter sale A view from outside. While it's been awhile since I've flown in an FAI free flight meet I have tried to keep up with what's happening. The latest trends in rules proposals have been interesting. More participation, lower performance, less cost to name...

sen 1939

Table of Contents - SEN 1939 Sporting Code proposals for Lausanne Plenary 2015 Lost Hills dues Dave's planet Discussion ? Sporting Code proposals for Lausanne Plenary 2015 (Don't shoot the messenger From Allard van Wallene on FB Country: GB F1A: Minimum line diameter 1.75 mm, pilot may not release the line at launch (year 2016), no flappers and/or bunters (year 2018), maximum 2 meter wing...

sen 1938

SEN 1938 - Table of Contents 1. Comment on CIAM Proposals 2. F1C proposals 3. Why do we need F1S 4. Comments on US Team Selection Comment on CIAM Proposals Dear Sen, It seems to me that the discussion about the CIAM ‘Wiki Leaks’ has taken off to levels I don’t understand. It so appears things are taken fully out of context as to ideas...

sen 1937

Table of Contents - SEN 1937 Fab Feb Launch Point E-36 vs F1S Fab Feb Packet version 1 The following link has version 1 of the Fab Feb pavke with Ike/Kiwi and Maxmen Info. The North American info not here yet. There is also some background info and info from some of the sponsors. We will be updating the packet in due and will let...

sen 1936

Table of Contents - SEN 1936 Captions for Tom's Photos The Rest of the Story Profound Disappointment E-36 and F1S at the Ike SEN and Politics - Teddy Bear on a Bike Tom Hutchison Free Flight Picture Gallery - Captions, please Walt Ghio The notice that I had posted on this web site has generated a lot of interest in viewing the pictures. The...

sen 1935

Table of Contents - SEN 1935 It's the flying sites that are important Tom's Pics Tom's Pic and F1ABC performance P-30 Site Performance measuring from another POV E-36/F1S AR Survey It's the flying sites that are important. F1ABC Performance From: Didier Chevenard Hi Roger Just a comment on point 1 which could be misunderstood by our American friends. FAI rules are worldwide and must comply...

sen 1934

Table of Contents - SEN 1934 What's Hot 2 The Swedish Idea P-30 web site Tom Hutchison Photos What’s Hot -2 Bamboo and Banana oil ? A few issues back we reported on a FB discussion around a proposed set of changes to the F1ABC to reduce the performance. The inside scoop is that the FFTSC of the CIAM has taken these off the table....

sen 1933

Table of Contents - SEN 1933 Airtek 1993 AMA Nats What's Hot 1 Elephant in the corner F1ABC-2 Sweden Del Adam New Airtek Web Site By coincidence my old Airtek web page died at the same time I was moving to a new house in northern California and a few people were worried that my electronics were no longer available. I've finally put together a...

sen 1932

Table of Contents - SEN 1932 Fab Feb Update Mongolia Link 2015 Sympos Articles needed Looking for Cyclon Crankshaft Australia Part1 Australia Part2 Another way to manage performance. Fab Feb Update The official Information packet for the Fab Feb Contests at Lost Hills is planned for release on 1 Decmeber. This will have entry forms and all details. Schedule Sat 7 Feb Kiwi World Cup...

sen 1931

Table of Contents - SEN 1931 Patterson 2014 Another thumbs down on the weak link F1ABC Limited For consideration Classic FF or RCFF F1A Solution 🙂 Plans and Things Patterson 2014 Another great event in Lost Hills, quieter than usual as no F1C flyers this year. Low Attendance due to the finals this past month. The weather Saturday was calm and partly cloudy. F1B fly...

sen 1930

Table of Contents - SEN 1930 John Oldenkamp looking for 1/4 inch rubber Simple FAI Rules For Sale Weak Link Another POV F1A Towlines John Oldenkamp A phone call early Sunday from Larry Bagalini delivered the sad news that another legend of Free Flight had sailed over the horizon. John Oldenkamp passed away on Saturday. In true John fashion, none of us knew the details...

sen 1929

SEN 1829 - Table of Contents Phedon Weak Link Phedon Tsiknopoulos Rumors have been circulating about Phedon dieing in a house fire. I tried emailing and phoning Phedon but no response. Today, I drove over to his home (not too far away), spoke to his neighbor and confirmed that he had past away. The fire had gutted Phedon's house and part of the neighbor's. The...

sen 1928

Table of Contents - SEN 1928 Comments On F1A Changes Damjan's Opinion F1A thoughts Looking for ? Watch for ? Fab Feb Preview Comments On We have go some comment of the rules changes ideas that have been floating around. We also added Shlomi's from FB because he presented an interesting practical perspective. There have been many more comment on FB and other place thna...

sen 1927

Table of Contents - SEN 1927 Patterson date reminder Leepers garage sale Rule Changes ? Arizona welcome and dates. Patterson date reminder Patterson CD, Brian Van Nest asked me to remind all that the event is not this coming weekend, but the next - Nov 15 and 16 . As Leeper says below. The latest NFFS Digest had it wrong in the printed calendar but...

sen 1926

Table of Contents - SEN 1926 In the Press Team Selection Finals Thanks USA Team manager F1H for Sale Rule Change proposals ? Americas Cup Status In the Press In the most recent Free Flight News there is a letter to the editor from John O'Donnell. JOD has retired from competition free flight but still has much wisdom. In the letter he gives some of...

sen 1925

Table of Contents - SEN 1925 FAI Scholarships Q Mongolian Update F1A WCUP Battle FAI Scholarships reminder If you are between 16 to 21 years old and you study, or plan to study, something connected with aeroplanes. Please remember to apply for the CIAM Aeromodelling scholarship. Talk to your national aeroclub. Applicationform can be found under this link. - from Per Findahl on FB...

sen 1924

SEN 1924 - Table of Contents Q on FB Missing SEN Issues Q on FB - editorial There is a F1Q group on Facebook where there has been a very active discussion around F1Q going over a number of key issues. These issues are summarized here and them followed by a slightly edited transcript of the FB discussion. It is important to thinks about these...

sen 1923

Table of Contents SEN 1923 Online plans Bulletin 0 This weekend at Wawayanda Online Plan Resource See also at this site for F1A/A2 models Mongolian World Champs Bulletin 0 Bulletin 0 for the 2015 has been posted on a number of Free Flight groups on Facebook and other places. Below is a link to the Facebook Group Called Free Flight. This is the group...

sen 1922

SEN 1922 - Table of Contents USA F1B stuff Personal Thanks USA F1B Team Roger, I've got a few calls inquiring what happens yesterday at the F1B evening flyoff and who are on the team. A short notice on SEN would illuminate the uninformed. I also would like to thank you, Chris and the support staff did an excellent job in running the finals. As...

sen 1921

Table of Contents - SEN 1921 USA Team Selection Reserve day F1A - Day 2 Contestant Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Flyoff 1Total Barron, Peter 210 180 150 150 180 189 1059 1 Spence, Steve 210 180 150 150 180 136 1006 2 Parker, Jim 210 180 150 150 106 0 796 3 Barron, Andrew 91 180 150 150 180...

sen 1920

Table of Contents - SEN 1920 USA Team Selection stuff.... Day 3 Report Day 3 started off well with a F1B and F1C flyoff in near perfect conditions. As can be seen from the results there were patches or bad air or sometime too good air that caused some of the favorites to drop. Very close scores in F1B at the top of the list....

sen 1919

Table of Contents - SEN 1919 For Sale USA Team Selection day 2. Looking for Nelson 15 Pan *For sale:- all original M&K flapper in great condition:* 7xx MTK timer, impulse towhook, carbon wing joiner, new LDA stabilizer+spare stabilizer trimmed in ready to fly - model flies great! price: 1800 EURO or 2300$ please contact me for more details: Ittai Shichman tel: +972-54-5805566 USA...

sen 1918

SEN 1918 - Table of Contents USA Team Trials - Day 1 Sierra Cup 2014 Wider tow reel for sale Eastern US FF Champs USA Team Trials - day 1 F1A - Day 1 Contestant Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Round 7 Flyoff 1Flyoff 2Flyoff 3Total F1A Team Member - 1Rosenzweig, Shlomi Rosenzweig, Shlomi 210 180 180 180...

sen 1917

SEN 1917 - Table of Contents F1C For Sale SE FAI Flash Confessions .. Mike and Mongolia FOR SALE: F1C models »set« in excellent condition : -model Verbitsky classic , direct drive VE engine with RDT -model Verbitsky-Babenko, gearbox VE engine with RDT -folder Babenko-gearbox VE engine with RDT -folder Babenko-gearbox VE engine -3 sets - four blades gearbox -one folder wings (older, repaired-for reserve…...

sen 1916

Table of Contents - SEN 1916 Link to Results from Croatia Patterson Flyer Looking for M&K Hook Cal FAI Invitational Correction Link to Results from Croatia Good weekend for Roland Koglot in F1A In Both F1A and B the first 7 or 8 were all from different countries ! PATTERSON MEMORIAL Nov 15&16 Reserve Nov 17, 2014 at Lost Hills Field, CA AMERICAS...

sen 1915

Table of Contents - SEN 1915 Up coming non-FF at Perris Up coming elsewhere 40 years of California FAI Invitational Croatia Cup Links Up coming R/C Soaring events at Perris Hi Roger, Just wanted to let everyone know that there's two RC glider meets scheduled at the Perris Calif. Flying site. F3B team finals will be held October 24-26. There's a F3J contest November 8-9....

sen 1914

Table Of Contents - SEN 1914 California FAI Invitational and Canada Cup Results Dear Roger Attached are the results of my contest, I was lucky again to be blessed with good weather and wonderful people, hope everyone had as much fun as we did. Best regards Juan Livotto .... yes we did and can report that the cakes etc are just as good as ever...

sen 1913

SEN 1913 - Table of Contents SW FAI LH Lost and Items for sale FFQ Sierra Flash 18th SOUTHWEST FAI CHALLENGE Sunday, October 19 & Monday, October 20, 2014 BOULDER CITY, NEVADA (Reserve Day Tuesday, October 21, 2014) SPONSORED BY THE SAN DIEGO ORBITEERS AND THE BOULDER CITY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AN AMERICAS CUP EVENT AMA SANCTION #14-1082 this event was made possible by the...

sen 1912

SEN 1912 This Loooong Weekend at Lost Hills Executive Summary Saturday Livotto + Canada Cup - World Cup Sunday - Livotto + Sierra Cup Mini Events + Free (to Sierra Cup Entrants) BBQ - others welcome too. Monday - Sierra Cup World Cup Weather Forecast - Classic Lost Hills October - Light wind in the AM , gentle breeze late PM, max temp about 90F,...

sen 1911

Table of Contents - SEN 1911 Champs dates Jerry McGlashan Stepanchuk Shipment World Champs dates? Does anyone know the expected dates of the world champs? Carrol Allen Carroll, assuming you mean 2015 according to the FAI Web and MASA.MN sites it is 27 Jul to 03 Aug 2015 Jerry McGlashan We are sad to report the passing of long time Canadian F1B modeler Jerry McGlashan,...

sen 1910

Table of Contents - SEN 1909 Looking for Stamov Short Models Stamov Parts in the USA Seen at the USFFC Looking for Stamov Short Models Roland Koglot is asking for model Stamov electronic-short (with Stamov airfoil) in good condition. He needs them for some young flyers. Informationor offers send to mail Stamov Parts in the USA Just wanted everyone to know that Liudmyla Stamova...

sen 1908

Table of Contents - SEN 1908 Lime Juice USFFC Flash Towline Source Livotto and Canada Cup In the Press Limeys All Juiced up An interesting negative slant on Mongolia. Come on guys get your (a....) or brains in gear. There is a lot more to the World than the USA. We in the UK are more than up for it. We have sorted our team...

sen 1907

Table of Contents - SEN 1907 Looking for Towline SW FAI Challenge Mongolia and the USA Team Selection High Strength Spectra Towline source I am looking for a supply of high strength 200lb towline for F1A LDA models, the current stuff I use is clearly not up to the job. I have been advised that PowerPro High Viz Yellow 200lb Spectra is the recommended line...

sen 1906

Table of Contents SEN 1906 Robert Lesko Process Looking for F1C W&O Results Robert Leško Raketa Nera building process Everyone had admired both the looks and performance of Robert Lesko's "Raketa Nera" World and Euro Champs winning F1A. Over recent months Robert has been generous in sharing information and drawings about his airplanes. He just wrote up his personal process of how be builds the...

sen 1905

Table of Contents - SEN 1905 USA Team Selection F1A for Sale 2015 USA FAI Outdoor Free Flight Team Selection finals The 2015 USA FAI Outdoor Free Flight Team Selection finals will be held October 23 - 27, 2014 in Boulder City, NV. All program and entry fees are to paid to AMA 25 days prior to the first contest day, September 29, 2014. To...

sen 1904

SEN 1904 - Table of Contents SEN 1903 Mongolia Question USFFC Team election table SEN 1903 A number of people complained that they did not get all the text of SEN 1903 - some included their copy of SEN 1903 in the reply to show me this. I was able to read the missing text with no problems. The reason for this that SEN is...

sen 1903

SEN 1903 - Table of Contents NW FAI Challenge Looking for ... Americas Cup Finals status Geneseo NW FAI Challenge a word from Pierre The NORTH WEST FAI CHALLENGE is passé but we do have good memories of the camaraderie and the good weather that we ad during the 3 days of competition .Monster thermos with about a 3 to 5 meter drift and mid...

sen 1902

Table of Contents - SEN 1902 Wacky News Wanted 7XX timer Where are they now - Randy Archer News from the Wacky Willamette: Sunny but a little breezy in the afternoon kept the Tangent Classic flyers eyes on the sky as their models were often caught in monster thermals. The air was tricky however, as only the class winners were able to max out for...

sen 1901

Table of Contents - SEN 1901 NFFS Pubs WCUP timekeepers Remembering Victor NFFS Pubs Reminder NFFS Publications has a 2001 Sympo for sale along with many others. These are used books and sell for $10 per copy plus shipping of $5.60 in the USA. A complete and (nearly ) up to date listing of these books and others csn be found on the NFFS website...

sen 1900

SEN 1900 - Table of Contents Retrieval at Boulder City Competition before the first round Looking for a 2001 Sympo Wilbur and Orville Info Celia Goldberg Trophy Retrieval at Boulder City For those who are planning to fly at the Boulder City finals in October, there is a possibility of renting an ATV from an outfit at Henderson (702) 659 8214. Kim, the owner, has...

sen 1899

Table of Contents SEN 1899 Apology Lesko Show and tell More on Mongolia For Sale Rest of the Euro Champs Apology Firstly an apology, we sent a message , intended for just to local Southern California people to out entire list. We have a series of club contests over the summer called the Black Cup. These are kind of combination club get together and non-serious...

sen 1898

Table of Contents SEN1898 SEN 1897 40th California Invitational + Canada Cup WORLD CUP EVENT 38th Sierra Cup WORLD CUP EVENT More on Mongolia SEN 1897 This issue was accidentally truncated at the end of the F1A Euro Champs results. We were going to add them to this issue but decided not to because a possible cause of the truncation was the length of the...

sen 1897

Table of Contents SEN 1897 Mongolia Pre-View Scale Staffel at Perris Euro Champs Mongolia Pre-View As every true blue FAI sportsman knows the next FAI Free Flight World Champs will be held in Mongolia. Compared with every other recent World Champs in recent years the country and flying field is not very well known to the FAI Free flight community. In recent years only a...

sen 1896

Table of Contents - SEN 1896 Rocky Mountain Bakersfield Ice Cream Count backward to find the winner delay in publication because of travel *49th Rocky Mountain Free Flight Championships** **FAC "Mountain States Scramble" Mk. VIII** **and FAI Dynasty Cup** ** **August 30 - September 1, 2014* * **Category II, Class AAA, National Cup *Exempt* ** ** **At the incomparable 35-square mile Lowry Range, Watkins, Colorado....

sen 1895

Table of Contents - SEN 1895 World Champs Team calculation In the press Fab Feb Forecast World Champs Team Placing Clarification Roger It might be worth clarifying team scores in response to Terry's question in SEN 1893 and your response: The formal process is that team positions are determined by the total score of the team in the 7 rounds. If there is a tie...

sen 1894

Table of Contents - SEN 1894 Junior World Champs - F1P Individual 1 KUZNETSOV ALEKSANDR RUSSIA 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 1260 2 VYAZOV ANDREY RUSSIA 180 180 180 180 180 178 180 1258 3 MEISSNEST OLOVER GERMANY 180 180 180 180 156 180 180 1236 4 JAREMENKO DENIS UKRAINE 180 180 180 180 180 145 180 1225 5 BOGOMAZ DANIEL POLAND 180...

sen 1893

Table of Contents - SEN 1893 Junior World Champs - F1B Tougher day than F1A. Weather not nice with rain delayed start and it was necessary to move the line 3 times . Some retrival issues with crops. Top sportsmen went to the 3rd flyoff round ! Individual Classification Place Name Country 1 DAVID CLEMENT FRANCE 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 420...

sen 1892

Table of Contents - SEN 1892 Junior F1A World Champs Individual Classification Place Name Country Total 1 BABENKO MAKSYM UKRAINE 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 372 1290 2 BITEZNIK LUKA SLOVENIA 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 345 1290 3 LOMOV MIKHAIL RUSSIA 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 337 1290 4 ROSSER DANIEL CZECH REPUBLIC 210 180...

sen 1891

Table of Contents - SEN 1891 Junior World - 1 Junior World - 2 Tangent VF Junior World Champs on FB Interested in up-to-the-minute Junior WCh news? Check the Free Flight Digest Facebook feed, linked at Don DeLoach NFFS Editor and in Thermiksense by Wibke Seifert Tangent Contest dates Could you publish the date for the contest in Tangent The Tangent Classic date...

sen 1890

Table of Contents - SEN 1890 FAI ASIAN · OCEANIC CHAMPIONSHIPS FOR FREE FLIGHT MODEL AEROCRAFT Mixman Juniors in Romania 2014 FAI ASIAN · OCEANIC CHAMPIONSHIPS FOR FREE FLIGHT MODEL AEROCRAFT F1B INDIVIDUAL RESULT F1B 1 M.GONGOR MGL 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 1320 300 1620 2 S. SOLONGO MGL 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 1320 279 1599 3 VIN MORGAN...

sen 1889

SEN 1889 - Table of Contents 2014 Sympo Simple Summer Sale @ Andriukov USA 2015 F1E Team Mongolia Results ? 2014 Sympo The 2014 NFFS Symposium Report is available now! If you are a patron, expect it to be in you mailbox by the weekend if if hasn't arrived already. If you want to buy one at the US Nats it will be available for...

sen 1888

Table of Contents - SEN 1888 2014 Asian and Oceanic Champs F1A A Word from Mike and Ron Tangent Magnificent Mountain Man 2014 Asian and Oceanic Champs F1A 1 CH. GANZORIG ACh 2012 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 300 1890 2 PHIL MITCHELL AUS 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 300 287 1877 3 KIM WON CHOL DPRK 210...

sen 1887

Table of Contents - SEN 1887 Southwest FAI Challenge Huron Results FFQ #52 18th SOUTHWEST FAI CHALLENGE Sunday, October 19 & Monday, October 20, 2014 BOULDER CITY, NEVADA (Reserve Day Tuesday, October 21, 2014) SPONSORED BY THE SAN DIEGO ORBITEERS AND THE BOULDER CITY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AN AMERICAS CUP EVENT AMA SANCTION #14-1082 this event was made possible by the GENEROUS efforts of jill...

sen 1886

Table of Contents - SEN 1886 ABC Under the Radar NW FAI Challenge Ukraine F1B Colorado Flash ABC under the radar The Nationals will be preceded by a contest on Sunday, July 27, called 'ABC under the radar', CDed by Faust Parker. The contest is open to A, B and C flies and will begin at 8 AM with 3-minute maxes. There are no entry...

sen 1885

Table of Contents - SEN 1885 Sympo Soon Argentina Video AMA and FAA UAVs at state level Huron Cup Mike is still looking National Free Flight Society Symposium Report 2014 The National Free Flight Society Symposium Report 2014 will be released at the end of the month. Lots of great papers from modelers around the globe (Allard van Wallene, Tapio Linkosalo, Louis Joyner, Paul Lagan,...

sen 1884

Table of Contents - SEN 1884 Victor Stamov Memorial AMA, FAA and drones Nordic events results SEN Subs Victor Stamov Memorial, Sunrise Challenge Roger. Can you post a note in SEN please re: the VSM Sunrise challenge running from today till June 30 2015. Basic message can be summarized thus: VSM as short overview: * Between July 1st 2014 and June 30th 2015 you go...

sen 1883

Table of Contents - SEN 1883 Swedish Cup flash Looking for F1C motor mounts SEN 1882 Skyscraper Results Swedish Cup Flash F1A Jama Danier CAN Dirk Halbmeir GER Mikhail Kosonoshkin RUS F1B Bror Eimar SWE Russell Peers GBR Tor Brtne F1C Juri Roots EST Tommy Erickson SWE Claus-Peter Wachtler GER F1Q Tom Oxager DEN Andreas Lindner GER Michael Wrekter GER Looking for EV F1C mounts...

sen 1881

Table of Contents - SEN 1881

sen 1880

Table of Contents - SEN 1880 Hatschek Report and Results Black Cup #2 Audio Tach Source(s) F1C in Central Europe North islan FF Champs 2015 Hatschek International Challenge Results from May 31 and June 1 Dear Free Flight Friends, Here are the results of the Hatschek International Challenge May 31 and June 1, 2014 at Barron Field (AMA sanction number 1080) for FAI, AMA, and...

sen 1879

Table of Contents - SEN 1879 Audio Tach US team selection update looking for F1C Motor F1B 4 sale Looking for an Audio Tach Roger, A friend of mine is wondering if there are any audio tachs being sold anywhere in the world. Says he really needs one badly. Bob Gutai (reply to SEN) Accumulate timed/’ABC under the radar’ The following lists the fliers who...

sen 1878

Table of Contents - SEN 1878 Towline Stress SCAT Summer Fun Contests Towline Stress from FB started by Ken Bauer Glider friends- I'm breaking my towlines with 150lb spectra and need to switch to something stronger. I'm thinking about 250lb power pro spectra. Any suggestions? Hermann Andresen Carbon Nanotubes Lee Hines Changing brands might help...or don't pull so hard?:-) Rene broke 150# spectra when he...

sen 1877

TABLE OF CONTENTS - SEN 1877 2014 Big Al’s Contest Report Walt Ghio Friday’s “180 is max” contest had three entries. A 10 to 12 mph wind started the day and I set the max at two minutes. Most flyers just wanted to test fly as the breeze died down during the middle of the day and then picked up later in the day...

sen 1876

Table of Contents - SEN 1876 Big Al's Flash Info Needed on Sergey Samkish's 1977 F1B NFFS Sympo Patrons Walston Tx for sale HATSCHEK MEMORIAL Big Al's Flash A Mike Mc Keever Ted Stalick Shomi RosenzweigB Marty Schroedter Troy Davis (j) Blake Jensen C Randy or Cody Secor Cody or Randy Secor Bucky Servaites P Taron Malkhasyan G Tiffaney O'Dell Mike Pykelney Mike Richardson H...

sen 1875

Table of Contents - SEN 1875 MMM Update SREM Carmen MMM Colorado World Cups Update Hello flyers, We have a new hotel you might consider using for this contest. It is: Fairfield Inn & Suites Aurora/Southlands 24192 East Prospect Ave Aurora, CO 80016 For Reservations Call: 1.800.583.2137 Phone: 303.928.7500 Fax: 303.928.7579 This hotel is a located on the southern side of the shopping center near...

sen 1874

Table of Contents - SEN 1874 Ron Pollard Aringer F1A Hook Rumpp F1A Hook Ron Pollard For those of you who haven't heard Ron Pollard died suddendly of heart failure last Saturday. Ron made it onto the F1B time for the UK many times with his best place at the 1979 Champs in the USA. Ron stopped F1B a few years back but continued flying...

sen 1873

Table of Contents - SEN 1873 Southern Cross World Cup Big Als Addition Narrandera Photos Southern Cross World Cup F1B Vin Morgan 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 255 1515 Craig Hemsworth (AUS 8828) 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 241 1501 Matt Hannaford ( AUS 30384) 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 231 1491 Richard Blackam ( AUS 8740 ) 180...

sen 1872

Table of Contents - SEN 1872 AFFS Champs Looking for a Fat cat 2014 Australian Free Flight Society Championships F1A 1 Brian van Nest 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 1260 2 Jama Danier 180 145 180 180 180 180 180 1225 3 Craig King 104 180 180 180 180 180 180 1184 4 Tahn Stowe 180 73 180 180 180 169 180 1142...

sen 1871

Table of Contents - SEN 1871 Tapio's clock Big Al's SEN Traveling AFFS World Cup Flash It's not the clock but how you wind it - Editorial Tapio's Clock Apr 29 at 12:54 PM Tapio, I believe everyone understands your point in SEN 1867 and reiterating it in SEN 1870 may not be very useful. Unless there is a CIAM/FFTC mechanism that I am not...

sen 1870

Table of Contents - SEN 1870 Apoplogy Editorial Southern Cross is the clock ticking ? Apology Dept In the Kotuku Results we spelt a few names wrong Jama danier Ted Burfien Richard Blackam Where are we going – To a Benedek-Eggleston Hybrid ? Recently on Facebook Allard van Wallene was talking about his latest “soft” LDA. This F1A has an hybrid airfoil that is traditional...

sen 1869

Table of Contents - SEN 1869 Kotuku Cup CIAM Clock Question Kotuku NZ World Cup and Supporting events Held Narrandera, NSW, Australia @3, 24 April 2014 Good weather conditions F1A 1 Damier Jama CAN14008 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290 2 Morgan Vin AUS19046 210 167 180 149 180 180 180 1246 3 Mitchell Phil AUS12594 210 180 180 118 180 180 180...

sen 1868

Table of Contents SEN 1868 For sale F1 B, G and Q CIAM Reply E-36 UK perspective For sale - Glider stuff For sale I am selling 4 Wakefields and 3 Coupes and a new F1Q electric which have very little use or are new. I would rather not ship them if possible and am planing to bring all to the Black Cup contest at...

sen 1867

Table of Contents - SEN 1867 SCAT Black Cup CIAM Meeting Q CIAM Meeting - Clock Plans and things SCAT Black Cup This summer SCAT is continuing with five Saturday FAI fun flys. The first four will be at the Perris Model field (GPS: 33.786995, -117.21668) and the last in Lost Hills. We have done this the last two years and the casual atmosphere has...

sen 1866

Table of Contents SEN 1866 CIAM Summary FF Forum @ NFFS Pubs CIAM Plenary Meeting Summary (lifted from Ian Kaynes’ report) 15.2 Volume ABR, Section 4B · i) B.9.1 (F1 Sub-committee) – People on the flight line – Passed. The rule will now read: Spectators are not allowed within 25m from the starting line. The only people allowed at the starting position are contest officials,...

sen 1865 2

Table of Contents SEN 1865 AM Cup status For sale - Bike etc Waywanda Update Looking for Wings First 2014 AmCup scores, Several races have the thoroughbreds fast out of the gates. Look who's in first in F1A-- also seventh and eighth-- go Juniors! It will be a long season to go. Send corrections to . The AmCup santion fee ($30) was due April 1st...

sen 1864

Table of Contents - SEN 1864 Henry Spence Memorial Wanted f1C Stuff Free Flight Forum Decluttering Henry Spence Memorial The second annual Henry Spence Memorial Free flight contest will be help at the Robson Ranch ( Denton Texas) 31 May-1 June 2014. It is both a America's Cup and National Cup contest, Class AAA, AMA sanction number 988. Below is the contest information and entry...

sen 1863

Table of Contents - sen 1863 F1D World Champs Flash From Slanic salt mine in Roumania 1. Kang Lee - USA 2. Brett Sandborn - USA 3. Ivan Treger - Slovakia Team USA Roumania France Junior 1. Evan Guyett - USA 2. Calin Bulai - Roumania 3. Antonin Ricou - France Junior Team Roumania France USA The NFFS Indoor report is at Of interest...

sen 1862

Table of Contents - SEN 1862 FF Forum Report Thermal speed Did jens do what he wanted F1D WC Blog Contest Balsa for Sale 2014 Free Flight Forum Report The new 2014 BMFA Free Flight Forum report is just out. For thirty years these Reports have provided information on new developments in a wide range of free-flight activities. This year is no exception, as the...

sen 1861

Table of Contnets - SEN 1861 Where in Mongolia? In The Press 2014 SCAT Annual Report Where in Mongolia Re the request for location of flying field in Mongolia, the Asian Champs 2014 bulletin gives the field location as 47 43'59.90" N, 107 23'34.17" E. This shows a point just east of a military airfield. The area used for flying is the 5x7km grass area...

sen 1860

Table of Contents - SEN 1860 Valley Fever Update Where in Mongolia Thermal Speed Looking for M&K Charlie Bruce More on CIAM Valley Fever Update A number of SEN readers will be aware that in February at Lost Hills one of the local public TV stations, KVIE did some filming during the Ike/Kiwi Cup about Valley Fever. This program aired this week and the link...

sen 1859

Table of Contents SEN 1859 This weekend @ Lost Hills A2Z for sale otherwise curtains SCAT Annual - This weekend at Lost Hills Looking good Are you ready for it ! 75 F highs, 4-5 mph breeze for most of the flying time. Full set of trophies. Thermals, JIM in case you forgot when you have to get there SCAT Annual March 22 & 23,...

sen 1858

Table of Contents - SEN 1858 Survey for USA sportsmen M&K Parts wanted Summer in Colorado Request to USA Flyers Hi All, By now you should have had time to read the FAI FF rule proposals. With the CIAM Plenary meeting upcoming in April, I need to advise Bob Brown on how we wish him to vote on the proposals. Additionally, I will need to...

sen 1857

Table of Contents - SEN 1857 SEN 1565 FAI Meeting Douments F1C 1,2 and 3 Next Sunday at Perris SEN 1565 should have been SEN 1556, clearly I need a reliability engineer. We lost a couple of emails about the proposed timing rules changes ... FAI Meeting documents The infomration about the upcoming FAI/CIAM meeting is available on line. This includes all rule changes plus...

sen 1865

Table of Contents - SEN 1865 No Frozen Flying Nano alt for sale More on Boulder biking Note that we do have some items that have been submitted but they are nor ready for publishing and because of the time critical nature of item one we are holding them over to a future issue. Global Warming ? at least Ice Cracking stops frozen flying Hi...

sen 1855

SEN 1855 - Table of Contents Proposed F1C Rule Change Narrandera 2014 Bicycle at Boulder City About timekeeping On time on FB Proposed F1C Rule Change - editorial Included in the proposed rule changes for F1C is one that would disqualify the sportsman if his model landed (i.e. Crashed) with the motor running. This rule has the stated objective of improving safety by encouraging improved...

sen 1854

Table of Contents - SEN 1854 USA Junior Team USA Senior Team Update Looking for F1C Timer gears F1As for Sale Question of timekeeping 2013-2014 USA Jr Team Selection Results The Jr Team Section Results are complete. The Jr Team Selection Program has 2 elements, the first using points from the 2013-2014 seasons (April 1, 2013 through Feb.18, 2014) and the second is a ranking...

sen 1853

Table of Contents - SEN 1853 SEN and NFFS Stonehenge Cup Wanted M&K RDT Nordic News SEN and NFFS We are very pleased to announce that a link to SEN will be published as a news feed on the NFFS Web site, The NFFS serves the interests of all kinds of Free Flight. NFFS has been an active supporter of the USA Free Flight...

sen 1852

SEN 1852 - Table of Contents Ike/Kiwi Report and Results Flickr ideas Maxmen F1H Corrected 2014 Isaacson Winter Classic/Kiwi Cup Contest Report and Results for non-FAI events February 8-10, Lost Hills, California Roger counted 30 countries and USA flyers from coast to coast, top and bottom. Lots of new faces and many old friends. Of the three Fab Feb contests, the Ike (Isaacson Winter Classic)...

sen 1851

Table of Contents - SEN 1851 Looking for F1B Box Happy Birthday Dukie 3 F1Cs for sale Flickr !!!Free Flight Dude Awards !!! Looking for F1B Box I am looking for a small metal or wood box that is less than 45 linear inches (l+w+h) so that it can be carried onto an airplane and can hold three or four F1Bs. If you have something...

sen 1850

Table of Contents - SEN 1850 SCAT Annual 2014 Cal Cup F1E Link to Fab Feb Photos SCAT Annual March 22 & 23, Reserve March 24, 2014 at Lost Hills Field, CA AMERICAS CUP & NATIONAL CUP Contest Saturday, March 22: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q F1P Seven a7a8af6076240877782e46ef76efa85b one hour rounds start @ 8AM with extended max times F1A and P: 210 sec, F1B and...