National Free Flight Society

SEN 3150

  1. World Champs Flickr Album by FAI
  2. Why buy a SR71 and make it into a Piper Cub
  3. Thermal Sniffer pricing change
  4. Choose this or that

Champs Flickr Album by FAI

Find it here .. lots of good pictures

Why buy a SR71 and make it into a Piper Cub

From: Gil Hagay

Dear roger,
The annual debate on restricting models’ performance never fails to amuse me. It’s hard to comprehend why someone would invest a significant amount of money into purchasing a high-quality model only to limit its capabilities.

If there is a genuine desire to limit models performance, then the focus should be on returning to the model builder rule. This approach would promptly reduce models performance and revive the importance of skill and craftsmanship in this sport which have become commercially focused.
I know. I’m naive.

BR and happy (Jewish) new year.
Gil Hagay

Editor’s comment Why … because slinky black airplanes are cool.


Thermal Sniffer pricing change

From: Marty Schroedter
Thermal Sniffer pricing change
John (Can) wanted me to let people know that he made a mistake with the original price of the unit and asked me to correct his error. If you have contacted either myself or John prior to this notice, he will honor the original price.  Going forward, the cost of his Thermal Sniffer without the pressure reading, is 500 Euros and with, is 600 Euros, NOT dollars as previously announced.

We’ve had a few people ask if they purchase a unit without the pressure added, can it be purchased later as an add on. Yes it can for an additional 100 Euros.

Choose this or that

From: Michael Achterberg
Just to clarify I like the current performance of all F1 classes. Not trying to change events persay.. The problem is a World or Euro champs with a 500m(548yd) flight line for a 5 or 6 min flight in early evening in summertime conditions is a Lotto.. It does weed out the field, but by luck of the draw.  Nobody knows where good air may pass thru in 7 min window until end of round.. Thats why either cut performance or add time during rounds.
Prefer to add time weather permitting.

The big contests are held at fairly big fields and allowing altimeter backup or main timing
Will make sure model timed accurately.
Even suggest maybe 5 min 1st round, but know thats not popular way to start contest.
But 400 to 500m flyoff line isnt the way IMO.

We have reached a tipping point to reduce luck of the draw and have a chance offered by altimeter technology to fix a life long problem of last model out of sight the winner.

Now, we must choose a way to fix the flyoff line length to make this the sporting event we all dreamed it could be.. Only 2 options..

Reduce performance or lengthen round times as I see it.. You choose..