National Free Flight Society

SEN 3105

  1. Launching Right
  2. F1E WCup in Denver

Launching Right

By Aram Schlosberg

Q models can take a while to reach their terminal climb speed and climb pitch, maybe as long as 10 seconds.
Some Q fliers run forward and fling their banked models into the wind. Others, launch their banked models at 30-60 degrees right of the wind. The incoming wind propels their models while they are turning downwind, along the right side of their circle. A free boost from the wind goddess.
But a launch to the right sometimes terminate in a few seconds if something goes wrong. Besides possible damage to the model and winning an attempt, others (fliers, timers bystanders) models or equipment could become collateral damage. (Trying to stop an electric motor increases it’s torque. I needed 5 stitches on my left palm after such an encounter.)
The number of Q fliers is moderate and and flight lines are short. I’m suggesting that the right most position of a flight line be designated as the PUBLIC launching post for those who toss their Q models to the tight of the wind; that the area beyond that pole be kept kept open without any bystanders or timers.
It is hoped that the rightmost public pole idea be tested this flying season. Q is an events with a signature flight pattern and punishing high torque in close encounters. ///


F1E WCup in Denver

Hi All,
Due to the timing of the F1E World Champs, The F1E WCup contest held in Denver has been rescheduled from 07 July to Friday 01 Sept. That is the day before the regularly scheduled Rocky Mountain FF Championships. Chasers will be available. Looking forward to seeing you!
Chuck Etherington

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Roger Morrell