National Free Flight Society

SEN 3303

  1. California Fire Information
  2. Watch Duty
  3. AMA Associate membership


California Fire Information.

One international visitor just told us that their travel agent told them they might not be able to get to Bakersfield because of the fires.  The official source for road information is Caltrans  and their web site is at  On this site you type in the highway number. To drive from LAX  to Lost Hills you leave on the 405, then the 5 and road out to the field is 46.  There are no closed highways at the moment.  The part you drive through on the I-5  has some countryside that has had wild fires in the past but is monitored very carefully, especially now.
Somebody did give us some information that a couple of club members were OK. We decided it was probably not appropriate to publish second hand information at the moment.  We did think it was a good idea to publish the CalTrans and CalFire   as the is   official .   We thought Marty’s personal experience in the past was of general interest.

Watch Duty
From:  Marty Schroedter

We experienced the Park Fire here in the summer. We almost lost our home. When we had to evacuate,  l remembered Al Ulm and remembered to take my model boxes. 🙂

We used watch duty to see where the fire was. It keeps you constantly updated. Just thought I’d share.

Very sad what is happening to our state.

Editor’s Comment
Marty lives in Northern California and Watch Duty is a volunteer run App that you can use to tell about natural and man made disasters and perils that might be near you or a friend at a California location.  Al Ulm was a F1B flyer back in the Bob White era who was a State Park Ranger and had some encounters with wild fires both on and off duty.

AMA Associate Membership.
As we mentioned in previous SEN the AMA grants free associate membership to international visitors taking part in World Champs and World Cup events.  We will be sending all the information from people who have area entered the Fab Feb World Cup events to the AMA to get that membership who need it this weekend to make sure they get it in plenty of time.  So try and enter before the weekend.  We will send information closer again to the contest date.

Note that if you are not flying in a Cup Event and ONLY flying in a FAI Mini event or one of the AMA event in the Ike then you need to pay for AMA associate membership. That costs $125. That also may not mean you have not entered yet. So what you should do is enter here or in the SEN Web site at  So give all your name and address information and send an email to confirming that you need the associate member ship and she will send it off to the AMA.

SEN Status

Our new web site is online with archives of SEN going back to 1997 plus many items about FAI Free Flight. It can be found at

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New users can sign up at  this link
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Roger Morrell