SEN 3302
- Some altimeter experience with F1E
- Los Angeles Area Fires
Some altimeter experience with F1E
From:Ian Kaynes
Altimeters in F1E
Obviously Allard thinks it is too difficult to add a start signal to altimeters for F1E. I had understood that the altimeter starts recording from when switched on so it could collect data continuously and then the flight start and finished located manually but even that has proven impossible to retain the data. However, I have used previous altimeters in F1E and from those traces I have found that it might be difficult to locate the start but the landing can be detected by the same techniques that are used for flat field events. While a model may appear to be hovering into wind it is never as stationary as it is on the ground. On all my observations there were always small variations in the altitude trace and it could not be mistaken for being on the ground.
Allard suggests F1E does not have a flyoff timing is not a problem, which might be the case when making short flights at the bottom of the hill. However, there is a problem with regular flights, particularly in calm weather. Timing a model which is always flying directly away from you for 5 minutes (1.5km away) is not easy, particularly when the background is not uniform. I remember Slovakia Euro Champs 2018 with a background of many different buildings in a village or on shorter flights at Lost Hills into the pit on a dull day.
Editors Comment
Looks like we have some useful information for F1E but it would be useful to borrow some Neurons and All-Tee and experiment some more because there are cases where it would be useful.
Los Angeles Area Fires
The Los Angeles area is the home of the Southern California Aero Team, SCAT. These fires are the result of extraordinary weather conditions and while we have had fires in the past, as you will all have seen on the news they are much more serious than ever before. It will take quite a long time just to get things under control and figure the extent of the damage. This will have a major effect on many people.
California is a very large State and it hard to understand where the fires are ,where everything fits. Many of the readers of SEN have friends in California and are concerned about them and the parts of California they are familiar with. There is a web site that is maintained by CAFIRE, the state-level Fire authority at This site shows the location and extent of every significant fire in California and may help the remote reader understand where things are.
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Roger Morrell