National Free Flight Society

SEN 3301

  1. In Search of Classic Airfoil or Hybrid F1As at Fab Feb.
  2. On F1E and altimetry.


In Search of Classic Airfoil or Hybrid F1As at Fab Feb. 

With manufacturers not being able to supply models due to the war I would like to purchase good condition Classic Airfoil F1As for juniors. If you can deliver to Fab Feb please reach out with pictures and prices.
Thank You!
Sevak Malkhasyan
323-394-3424 (whats-app)

On F1E and altimetry.

From: Allard van Wallene

At first, altimeters were developed for the now well known altimeter fly offs. Such fly offs being organised in adverse conditions where models would fly beyond field perimeters. Such conditions are not commonplace in the F1E class as no altimeter fly offs take place and models typically tend not to fly out of field perimeters in fly offs. Therefore, F1E was out of scope for any altimeter applications (no single altimeter has been sold to an F1E pilot as no altimeter fly offs are flown in this class).
As we are now moving ahead into the future with potentially automated time keeping functionality, the question arises if such a next step is suitable for the F1E class. I would say no, at least not yet. Indeed, in some cases the moment of launch cannot be detected if the model is not thrown where some extra meters are gained. Automatic landing detection will also not work reliably, as the model can hover at constant height for prolonged times which potentially triggers an automatic landing detection. In this class some sort of electronic acceleration detection would be required to detect start and landing.

Allard Editor’s comment /Question

I know that some of the USA F1E exponents have altimeters , perhaps in other aircraft so would be interested to hear if they had tried them in an F1E and had observed to hovering or even flying backwards !!

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Roger Morrell