SEN 3300
- Altimeter start condition
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- Get your Entry in
- This is what is in
Altimeter start condition
From: Klaus Salzer
Hello all,
with much interest I read about the timing issues / proposals and read the manuals of the all-tee and the mini-neuron.
Both devices start recording on a sudden increase in height (5m resp. 10 m). for most free flight classes this sounds reasonable. For slope soaring (F1E), however, it does not apply even with the popular javelin launches whitch MAY achieve 5 m, but certainly not always. Even horizontal movement might be a dubious start condition if you manage to have the model speed perfectly adjusted to the wind speed (it DOES happen, you know!).
What I propose to add a start condition by wire, like we start our timers in the moment of launch.
Have the makers of these devices considered this situation? I am just afraid that somebody will add a rule making the “flight recorder” mandatory even for F1E where the current start conditions will often not work correctly.
Klaus Salzer (formerly F1A/B/Q, now only F1E)
Editor’s Comment
The onboard flight recorder would need to verifying that the model is indeed flying otherwise you could start the clock before the flight starts . But the mechanisn that detects the end of flight would do that . No doubt the likes of Allard and Frederic can do that.
Get your order in
From: FAI Model Supply
We are now only one month away from the Lost Hills Events and would like to confirm all orders for pickup.
FAI Model Supply will be providing rubber and supplies to all those who pre-order for delivery at the FAB February Contests in Lost Hills, CA.
If you are interested in ordering items, we ask that you please send us an email to Please do not order off our website to have it delivered to the field. Please only order if you are positive you will attend. If you order and do not pick up, we will charge you the cost of shipping the item back to our office.
We will confirm back to you with an invoice indicating your total cost from the group shipment to be collected at Lost Hills or prepaid arrangements available prior to the contest via PayPal. Our plans are to distribute at the contest registration on Friday February 7.
We will need to receive your order by January 27 to guarantee delivery in Lost Hills. Any order/request received after that date can not be guaranteed to be delivered at the contest.
We currently have a batch of 1/8 and 1/16 from our October batch and will be expecting a new batch at the end of January in time for shipping to the February competitions..
Thank you,
Charlie & Geralyn Jones
FAI Model Supply Inc.
Get your entry IN
For the Fab Feb FAI contents.
Pre-Entry for the FAI world contests in going strong and we have 80 entries already.
It is very important for international contestants to enter before 18 Jan because FAI rules require that the hosting NAC (the AMA in this case) issue visiting sportsmen from other other countries to have the equivalent of AMA associate membership wich give insurance when they fly in World Champs or World Cups. This requires that the AMA get accurate information about the contestant and time to issue the Associate membership. The online entry process captures this information and is checked and sent to the AMA ahead of contest time.
Because of the large number of of entrants everyone should enter online. We catch a number of errors in FAI ID etc that cannot be fixed on the day of the contest.
The link is
The SEN web site at has links to all Fab Feb information.
This is what is IN
Fab Feb Summary
Feb Friday 7 10AM to 4 PM Pay for FAI entries at Lost Hills Community Center
Feb Saturday 8 Kiwi World Cup for F1ABCPQ -Shlomi Rosenzweig <> Gabby’s Food Truck on the field 11 AM to 1 PM
Feb Sunday 9 Kiwi Cup Mini events F1HJGS- Shlomi Rosenzweig <>
Feb Monday 10 Kiwi World Cup for F1E-Peter Brocks <>,
Feb Saturday 8 to Feb Monday 10 The Ike Winter Classic for selected AMA events over 3 days of Kiwi Cup -Glenn Schneider <>
Feb Tuesday 11 AM Ladies Tea Party-Janna Van Nest <>
Feb Tuesday 11 PM International Pot Luck dinner on field., Everyone contribute a dish!!
Feb Wednesday 12 a North American World Cup F1ABCPQ Canada-tony mathews <> Gabby’s Food Truck on the field 11 AM to 1 PM
Feb Wednesday 12 6PM North American World Cup Awards? Canada
Feb Thursday 13 California F1E World Cup – Mike Richardson <>
Feb Thursday 13 Gabby’s for Dinner
Feb Friday 14 MaxMen International F1AQ World Cup-William Booth <> Gabby’s Food Truck on the field 11 AM to 1 PM
Feb Friday 14 Valentines Day
Feb Saturday 15 MaxMen International F1 BCP World Cup-William Booth <> Gabby’s Food Truck on the field 11 AM to 1 PM
Feb Saturday 15 TBD ? America’s Cup Awards Lost Hills Community-Jim Parker <>
Feb Saturday 15 TBD ? MaxMen Prize Giving Lost Hills Community Center
Feb Sunday 16 MaxMen Mini Events F1HJGS-William Booth <>
SEN Status
Our new web site is online with archives of SEN going back to 1997 plus many items about FAI Free Flight. It can be found at
Existing SEN subscribers can update their preferences by following the update your preferences link at the bottom of this page.
New users can sign up at this link
or at the SEN website
Roger Morrell