SEN 3298
- AM Cup finals
AmCup Final Report, Dec. 30, 2024,
The last 2024 contest, Az Champs, is complete. The question from the Nov. AmCup report was how F1B was going to shake out, would Alex Andriukov travel to the Arizona Champs for his 3rd site and 4th score in F1B? Would Blake Jensen would go to try to protect the lead he held for half the year? Alex made the trip, and was the only F1B flyer maxing out for the contest win and the AmCup win. The bad joke for this report: Blake is thinking about taking up horseshoes and grenades for new hobbies (Roger will have to explain this to our foreign readers). Turns out and Blake likely figured this out, if he had gone to Az Champs and beat Alex, Alex would still have won the Am Cup with a second-place finish.
We have two, two event winners. Guy Menanno won both F1C and F1J. Jack Murphy won both F1Q and F1S. Generally, 3 of the 2023 top 5 names are in the 2024 top 5 except in F1E where all the 2023 top 5 are the same names in 2024– just shuffled the deck a bit.
No changes to the 2025 AmCup rules other than Terry Kerger will take the Am Cup sanction fee, still $30. Terry Kerger 709 Domingo Dr, San Gabriel, CA 91775
A repeat of my last SEN message, the King Orange Invitational will start off the 2025 AmCup season, Jan 7-8, 2025. See the back of the NFFs Digest, Sep-Oct 2024. Then the Southwest regionals in Eloy AZ on Jan 18-20, 2024.
I have not gotten any other input with regards to any AmCup contests inclusions or exclusions for 2025 so assume the same with the addition of the KOI. Thanks to the clubs and CDs that run our contests and provide me the scores.
2023 winners, please engrave the perpetual trophies and shine them up for the 2024 winners and have the trophies at the award ceremony. We have 4 repeat winners: Bob Hanford F1P, Jim Parker F1H, Jack Murphy F1S and Mike McKeever F1E who are not required to bring their perpetual trophies (save wear and tear on the trophies). We’ll borrow a trophy for the photo shoots.
The award ceremony will be like the last one, at the Lost Hills north recreations building on Feb. 15, 2025, about 7 pm (weather and flyoff conclusion dependent). SCAT and Max Men will provide light snacks, soda and water.
Below is the list of the top 5 and the top FAI Junior flyers in each event. Congratulations!
Comments to
Jim Parker
2024 America Cup Placing
F1A 1 Jama Danier
F1A 2 Jim Parker
F1A 3 Enes Pecenkovic
F1A 4 Shlomi Rosenzweig
F1A 5 Andrew Barron
F1B 1 Alex Andriukov
F1B 2 Blake Jensen
F1B 3 Jerry Fitch
F1B 4 Ron Felix
F1B 5 Norvall, Larry
F1C 1 Guy Menanno
F1C 2 Faust Parker
F1C 2 Todd Reynolds
F1C 2 Taron Malkhasyan
F1C 5 Yury Shvedenkov
F1P 1 Bob Hanford
F1P 2 Mike Fedor
F1P 3 Randy Secor
F1P 4 Paul Finn
F1P 4 Caleb Finn
F1G 1 Tiffaney O’Dell
F1G 2 Darold Jones
F1G 3 Mike Richardson
F1G 4 Jerry Fitch
F1G 5 Geralyn Jones
F1H 1 Jim Parker
F1H 2 Jensen Blake
F1H 3 Ken Bauer
F1H 4 Larry Pelatowski
F1H 5 Steve Spence
F1J 1 Guy Menanno
F1J 2 Faust Parker
F1J 3 Steve Spence
F1J 3 Daryl Perkins
F1J 5 Mennano, Frank
F1Q 1 Jack Murphy
F1Q 2 Yuda Avia
F1Q 2 Ben Tarcher
F1Q 4 Julie Parker
F1Q 5 Aram Schlosberg
F1S 1 Jack Murphy
F1S 2 Frank Mennano
F1S 3 Julie Parker
F1S 4 Larry Norvall
F1S 5 Lynn Edmondson
F1S 5 Janna VanNest
F1E 1 Mike McKeever
F1E 2 Geralyn Jones
F1E 3 Brocks, Peter
F1E 4 Mike Richardson
F1E 5 Fred Terzian
America Cup Top Junior
F1A John Mah-Gerstin
F1B Itti Kovhavi
F1P Paul Finn
F1H Wes Reuter
Full dEtails, right down to the nitty gritty next SEN.
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Roger Morrell