National Free Flight Society

One-Design Rubber Event

In 1998 Bill Vanderbeek instituted the popular One-Design Gas event, for ubiquitous small gas designs such as the Starduster, Mini Pearl and Ramrod. Borrowing from Bill’s great idea, the 2016 NATS featured a One-Design rubber model, My Coupe, in honor of Bill Vanderbeek. This super-simple Coupe design was the 1972 Model of the Year, is easily built of balsa, and equally easy to fly.

The rules for NATS One-Design Rubber are short and simple, and are designed to encourage maximum participation by modelers young and old, novice and expert.

2024 NATs Rubber One-Design

The 2024 AMA Nats one-design rubber model is Ed Lidgard’s ubiquitous Sparky/My Sparky!
At least five Sparky plans exist, and all are eligible for this unofficial Nats event:
1. The 1940 “Original Sparky” Comet kit plan # L10A
2. The Comet kit “Sparky” plan # 3408
3. The Comet kit “Sparky” plan # L10
4. The 1981 “My Sparky” from Model Builder magazine
5. The 2001 CAD redraw by Jim O’Reilly, still available from
All the usual SAM OT rubber rules apply (plan wood sizes must be used, original airfoils and plan-specified construction must be used) and we will allow 12” maximum diameter props, either freewheeling or 2-bladed folding. Plans are available through the NFFS plans library.

NATS One-Design Rubber Rules

1. Models must be built to the published plan and all wood sizes retained.
Spars may be moved. Carbon and kevlar are not allowed.
2. Propeller not to exceed diameter on plan. Wire and metal hubs may be
used in place of wood hubs. For P-30 AMA rules apply on plastic props.
3. No variable geometry (auto stab/wing/fin) and no instant or delayed
propeller start.
4. No restrictions on covering material.
5. No builder-of-model restrictions.
6. Minimum empty weight: 70g for Coupe, 40g for P-30.
7. Maximum rubber motor weight: 10g lubed.
8. No ROG required; takeoff gear may be omitted.
9. Flight rules: Six attempts allowed to achieve 3 flights, 120 seconds
maximum apiece. Attempt is 20 seconds. Flyoff 1 is180 sec. Flyoff 2 and
ensuing are 240 sec., until a maximum is not achieved.